Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUZ02 | Accelerator Technologies Development at ITEP | ion, proton, synchrotron, rfq | 34 |
Restart of scientific activity at ITEP associated with join it to the pilot project of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" is the occasion for summing up of intermediate results and existing capability of accelerator physics and technologies development in the institute. School of accelerators construction at ITEP has old traditions and refers on studying, invention, mastering and implementation to operation of technological features of proton and ion beams generation, transportation, acceleration, accumulation, extraction and space-time formation for usage of accelerated beams in physical experiments and applied research works. Historical survey and current state of accelerator science activity at ITEP are presented. | |||
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TUPSA25 | Acceleration of the Oppositely Charged Particles in the Single Stream | ion, electron, acceleration, plasma | 88 |
One of the problems arising at extraction of heavy ions from plasma is removal of electrons from a stream of particles. Therefore possibility of simultaneous acceleration in one direction as ions (electric field), and electrons (pressure gradient) is represented rather interesting. In work when using the hydrodynamic description in the accelerating interval conditions of cold ions and hot electrons are studied. Possibility of excess by ions of speed of an ionic sound is shown, and the ratio of sizes of streams of be any. | |||
TUPSA26 | Electrodes Form Optimization of RF Deflecting System Wobbler for FAIR Project | cavity, ion, target, experiment | 91 |
Funding: SAEC "Rosatom" and Helmholtz Association The new method for high energy density states in matter investigation, which based on irradiation of combined target by hollow high energy heavy ion beam was proposed in the Institute for theoretical and experimental physics (ITEP). The target consists of a sample of matter at the center and a hollow shell around it. The experiment of high energy density states generation will be carry on at FAIR project. The RF deflecting system (Wobbler) for hollow high energy heavy ion U28+ beam with kinetic energy Wk=1 GeV/n formation is developing at ITEP. The current results of electrodes form optimization for RF deflecting system (Wobbler) which is developing at ITEP for FAIR project are shown in this paper. |
WEX01 | Development of Accelerator Facilities at FSUE SSC RF – IPPE | ion, tandem-accelerator, high-voltage, ion-source | 120 |
There is a short overview and performed work of FSUE "SSC RF – IPPE" accelerator facilities presented in this paper. This work is reviewed in terms of application in nuclear science and technology. There are some of received results and prospect of accelerator facilities development described. | |||
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WECA02 | Radiobiological Research with Charged Particles Beams in ITEP | ion, experiment, target, proton | 128 |
Radiobiological researches with heavy ions have been started at ITEP in 2006 on unique heavy ion accelerating facility ITEP-TWAC. The main purpose of these researches is study of the biological efficiency of carbon ions for different types of biological objects, such as tumor and normal cells, in the framework of the development of heavy ion therapy for cancer treatment in Russia. Another possible area of application of this research is the space radiobiology, studying stochastic and deterministic effects of ionizing radiation in the space environment on human. In this work the experimental setup for radiobiological research with heavy ions in ITEP, the dosimetry system for dose measurements and the results of the radiobiological researches with carbon ions are presented. | |||
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WECA09 | Dedicated DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for Industrial Production of Track Membranes | ion, cyclotron, acceleration, ion-source | 146 |
In the Laboratory of nuclear reactions JINR dedicated accelerator complex on the basis of the heavy ion cyclotron DC110 for the industrial track membrane production has been developed and created. The isochronous cyclotron DC110 accelerates the ions Ar, Kr and Xe with a fixed energy of 2.5 MeV/nucleon and intensity of 10-15 mkA. The cyclotron is equipped with ECR ion source - DECRIS-5 (18 GHz) and axial injection system. The pole diameter of the magnet is 2 m. Isochronous magnetic field formed by shimming sectors on the level of 1.67 T. Accelerated ions 40Ar6+, 86Kr13+, 132Xe20+ have close mass-to-charge ratio, which allows changing particles without changing the operation mode of the cyclotron. Accelerator complex DC-10 is capable of producing up to 2 million square meters of track membranes per the year. | |||
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WECA12 | SEE Testing Facilities at FLNR Accelerators Complex: State of the Art and Future Plans | ion, cyclotron, target, detector | 152 |
Funding: This work was sponsored by the Russian Federal Space Agency by special agreement between Institute of Space Device Engineering and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) utilizes U400 and U400M cyclotrons at accelerator complex of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna for heavy ion SEE testing. The ions up to the Xe and Bi with the energy up to 40 AMeV are available for the users. The detailed overview of the facility and the features of diagnostic set-up used for ion beam parameters evaluation and control during SEE testing are discussed. The road map for the strategic development of this field in FLNR is presented. * Proceedings of RADECS 2011 PJ-8, pp.756-759, 2012. ** Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada FR5REP099, pp. 5011-5013, 2009. |
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WEPSB24 | Comparison of Biological Impact of Proton and Ion Beams in Radiation Treatment | target, ion, proton, scattering | 211 |
The work contains the comparison of biological doses' distribution calculated for treatment of the same targets by proton and ion beams. Advantages of the ion beam are shown for targets with different sizes and with different depths. | |||
THCA01 | Accelerator Complex Based on DC-60 Cyclotron | ion, cyclotron, ECR, operation | 287 |
DC-60 heavy ion accelerator, put into operation in 2006, according to its specifications - spectrum, charge and energy of accelerated ions, has the high scientific, technological and educational potential. The highest possible universality both by spectrum of accelerated ions and acceleration energy and regimes was built in DC-60 heavy ion accelerator designing. The new interdisciplinary research complex based on cyclotron DC-60 makes it possible to create a highly-developed scientific-technological and educational environment in the new capital of Kazakhstan. DC-60 accelerator is a dual cyclotron, which is capable of charged particles acceleration up to kinetic energies in MeV/nucleon, expressed in the following relation: E = 60(zi/A)2, where zi - accelerated ion charge, A - atomic weight of ion. Relation (zi/A) in formula must be within the following limits: (zi/A)2 = (1/6 – 1/12), that impose constraints on charge of accelerated ions. Thus, range of ions accelerated on DC-60 cyclotron is 6Li to 132Xe, variation of ion energy is over the range 0.33 to 1.75 MeV/nucleon. Some results of our work carrying out on the base of DC-60 cyclotron in the field of production, acceleration and transportation of charged particles, physics of solid state, nuclear and atomic physics, production of track membranes etc are given in the article. Also it will be reported about modern trends of accelerators development in Kazakhstan. | |||
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THPSC09 | The Project of Beam Transportation Lines for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | ion, cyclotron, diagnostics, vacuum | 336 |
The project of beam lines for carrying out physical experiments at the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The commutating magnet with variable magnetic field induction up to 1.5 T gives us possibility to bend ion beams in five directions providing ion transportation through beam lines to five experimental setups. The beam focusing in the beam lines is provided by set of quadrupole lenses having the gradients up to 7.7 T/m. The beam lines are intended for the efficient ion transportation of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 at energies from 4 up to 8 MeV/amu. The ion beam power will reach the value about 3 kW. The water cooled current aperture diaphragms will be installed into all beam lines to prevent the tube damage. The beam diagnostics consists of the Faraday caps (FC), slit collimators, sector aperture diaphragms and ionization beam profile monitors. | |||