Keyword: injection
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TUY01 Status and Perspectives of the VEPP-2000 Complex luminosity, positron, collider, electron 6
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky, D.E. Berkaev, A.S. Kasaev, I. Koop, A.N. Kyrpotin, A.P. Lysenko, E. Perevedentsev, V.P. Prosvetov, A.L. Romanov, A.I. Senchenko, P.Yu. Shatunov, Y.M. Shatunov, D.B. Shwartz, A.N. Skrinsky, I.M. Zemlyansky, Yu.M. Zharinov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The VEPP-2000 is a modern electron-positron collider at BINP. Last season in 2012–2013 was dedicated to the energy range of 160520 MeV per beam. The application of round colliding beams concept along with the accurate orbit and lattice correction yielded the high peak luminosity of 1.21031 cm-2s−1 at 500 MeV with average luminosity of 0.91031 cm-2s−1 per run. The peak luminosity limited only by beam-beam effects, while average luminosity – by present lack of positrons in whole energy range of 1601000 MeV. To perform high luminosity at high energies with small dead time the top-up injection is needed. At present new electron and positron injection complex at BINP is commissioned and ready to feed VEPP-2000 collider with intensive beams with energy of 450 MeV. Last calendar 2014 year was dedicated to the full/partial upgrade of complex's main parts.  
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TUY02 Status of Injection Complex VEPP-5 electron, damping, positron, closed-orbit 11
  • A.A. Starostenko
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • A.A. Starostenko
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The status of Injection complex VEPP-5 commissioning are presented.  
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TUPSA17 Axial Injection to a Compact Cyclotron with High Magnetic Field cyclotron, ion, ion-source, simulation 75
  • V.L. Smirnov, S.B. Vorozhtsov
    JINR/DLNP, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
  One of advantages of a compact cyclotron over other type accelerators is a small size mainly defined by the facility’s bending magnetic field. In such cyclotrons an application of an external injection is required in some cases. But for high magnetic field of the cyclotrons (over 4-5 T) there appears a severe problem to make the 1st turns in the machine with external injection of accelerated particles. This paper describes a proposal of a new central region structure of a compact cyclotron that permits one to successfully solve the problem of the axial injection into such a facility using a spiral inflector.  
TUPSA23 LEPTA - the Facility for Fundamental and Applied Research positron, electron, vacuum, focusing 83
  • E.V. Ahmanova, V.M. Drobin, P. Horodek, A.G. Kobets, I.N. Meshkov, O. Orlov, A.Yu. Rudakov, V.V. Seleznev, A.A. Sidorin, S. Yakovenko
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • M.K. Eseev
    NAFU, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  Storage ring of LEPTA facility was commissioned in September 2004 and was under development up to now. The positron injector has been constructed in 2005-2010, and beam transfer channel – in 2011. By the end of August 2011 experiments on electron and positron injection into the ring have been started. The last results are presented in this report: studies of e+/e dynamics in trap, e+ beam in the ring, LEPTA upgrade (vacuum, e+ source with cryocooler), Channel for PAS.  
TUPSA32 Magnetic Field Design and Calculation for the FLNR DC-280 Cyclotron cyclotron, extraction, ion, ECR 105
  • I.A. Ivanenko, B. Gikal, G.G. Gulbekyan
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • T.F. Belyakova, V.P. Kukhtin, E.A. Lamzin, S.E. Sytchevsky
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  The isochronous cyclotron DC-280 is intended to accelerate the ion beams with A/Z from 4 to 7 up to the energy 8 – 4 MeV/nucleon. The wide range of the magnetic field levels from 0.64T till 1.32T allows to make a smooth variation of the beam energy over the range ±50% from nominal. For operational optimization of the magnetic field the 11 radial and 4 pairs of harmonic correcting coils are used. The numerical formation of the magnetic field is carried out. The problems and solutions of DC-280 magnetic field design are described.  
TUPSA34 The Power Supply System of Electrostatic Deflecting Plates for Accelerating Complex NICA power-supply, booster, ion, collider 108
  • A.A. Fateev, E.V. Gorbachev, N.I. Lebedev
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  Three pairs of electrostatic deflecting plates will be placed in the booster ring. They will provide injection of heavy ion beam into the Booster. The power supply system for one plate providing all necessary parameters including suppression of the afterpulses is described in the report. The calculated and experimental results are also presented.  
WEPSB06 The Optimization of the Buncher at 145.2 MHz to Reduce Multipactor Effect cavity, simulation, electron, beam-transport 166
  • M. Gusarova, T. Kulevoy, I.I. Petrushina, A.S. Plastun, S.M. Polozov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • T. Kulevoy, A.S. Plastun
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  The results of the optimization of the cavity of the single gap buncher at 145.2 MHz to reduce multipacting effect are presented. Resonant voltages, impact energies and corresponding particle trajectories are obtained. The variants of design to reduce multipacting effect are considered.  
WEPSB43 Magnetic Buncher Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 for Studying Fluorescence and Radiation-Physical Researches electron, radiation, bunching, background 259
  • Y.S. Pavlov, V.A. Danilichev, V.V. Dobrohotov, O.N. Nepomnyaschy, V.A. Pavlov
    IPCE RAS, Moscow, Russia
  Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 is equipped with special system of injection and magnetic buncher with the purpose of generation picoseconds the beam duration 50 ps with the current 150 A at energy 10 MeV for studying fluorescence and radiation-physical researches. For maintenance of the magnetic bunching the accelerator works in the mode of the reserved energy when duration of the pulse of injection (2,5 nanoseconds) is much less than time of filling of a wave guide energy (100 nanoseconds). At a pulse microwave of capacity 10 MW the energy which has been saved up in the wave guide, makes about 2 J. It provides an opportunity of a cutting collimator separately chosen bunch after scan of "package" by a rotary magnet. After an output from the accelerator the package electrons from 3-5 bunches acts in magnetic buncher consisting of two electromagnets. In buncher the beam is scanning as "fan", and then focused. At a current of the beam 30 A in the pulse duration 2,5 nanoseconds distinction on energy between the adjacent bunches makes of 300 keV, that provides an opportunity of the cutting collimator the separate chosen bunch after space scanning with a rotary magnet. At a magnetic bunching electrons in "head" of a bunch have the big energy and are transported on trajectories with the big radius than "tail" electrons. Thus "compression" of the bunch on time is attain and accordingly the charge of a bunch increases.  
THY02 The Status of the Facilities of Kurchatov's Synchrotron Radiation Source electron, kicker, controls, synchrotron 290
  • V. Korchuganov
    RRC, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Belkov, Y.A. Fomin, E.V. Kaportsev, M.V. Kovalchuk, Y.V. Krylov, V.I. Moiseev, N.I. Moseiko, D.G. Odintsov, S.G. Pesterev, A.S. Smygacheva, S.I. Tomin, V. Ushakov, V.L. Ushkov, A.G. Valentinov, A. Vernov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  The first electron beam had been received 20 years ago in a storage ring SIBERIA-2 - dedicated synchrotron radiation source in the Kurchatov's Institute and, also, the official opening of the Kurchatov's SR source for the experiments marks 15th anniversary in 2014 . The report focuses on the accelerator complex of the SR source, the development of actual SR source systems, SR beam lines and experimental stations by 2014.  
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THCB01 The NSLS-II Booster Development and Commisioning booster, dipole, extraction, synchrotron 293
  • V.A. Kiselev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  National Synchrotron Light Source II is a third generation light source constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The project includes highly optimized 3 GeV electron storage ring, linac pre-injector and full-energy injector-synchrotron. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics built turnkey booster for NSLS-II. The main parameters of the booster, its characteristics and the results of commissioning are described in this paper.  
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THPSC08 The Project of the HV Axial Injection for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR ion, ECR, cyclotron, ion-source 333
  • G.G. Gulbekyan, V. Bekhterev, S.L. Bogomolov, A.A. Efremov, B. Gikal, I.A. Ivanenko, I.V. Kalagin, N.Yu. Kazarinov, M.V. Khabarov, V.N. Melnikov, N.F. Osipov, S.V. Prokhorov, A. Tikhomirov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The project of the high-voltage (HV) axial injection for the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The injection system will consists of a Permanent Magnet ECR ion source and a Superconducting ECR ion source, beam analyzing magnets, focusing solenoids, beam choppers, a polyharmonic buncher, 75 kV DC accelerating tubes, a commutating electrostatic deflector and a spiral inflector. One part of the injection system is situated on the HV platform, another part is on the grounded yoke of the DC-280 magnet. The injection system will allow one to inject efficiently ions of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 providing acceleration of ion currents with intensity more than 10 pmkA.  
THPSC10 Magnets of Injection and Extraction Systems of Cyclotron DC280 ion, emittance, cyclotron, sextupole 339
  • N.Yu. Kazarinov, I.A. Ivanenko
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The design of two magnets of the cyclotron DC280 is presented. The magnets are the parts of injection and extraction systems the cyclotron. The design is based on three-dimensional calculation of the magnet field carried out by using OPERA 3D program code. The influence of the magnetic fields nonlinearities on ion beam dynamics is analyzed.  
THPSC13 Horizontal Emittance Regulation at SIBERIA-2 emittance, betatron, sextupole, quadrupole 347
  • A.G. Valentinov, V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, Y.L. Yupinov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  Synchrotron radiation (SR) brightness is the most valuable parameter of every SR light source. It depends greatly on horizontal emittance of an electron beam. That's why all modern SR light sources have designed emittance of several nanometers. A horizontal emittance of Siberia-2 now equals to 98 nm. It can be decreased by two ways. First way is to find another working point (betatron tunes) with lower emittance. Maximal possible current values of existing power supplies must be taken into account. Injection efficiency may become worse because of smaller dynamic aperture due to stronger sextupoles. Second way is to rebuild magnetic structure keeping the same betatron tunes. Advantages of this method are good injection efficiency and proved energy ramping process. Modification of the magnetic structure may be done at high energy with more stable electron beam. But the second way is not allowed to reach as lower emittance level as in the first way. Theoretical and practical aspects of these two ways are described in the report. Magnetic structures with dispersion-free straight sections and smooth horizontal dispersion function are presented. Also structure with higher emittance is described in order to reach higher injection efficiency.  
THPSC25 Extending VEPP-5 Control System by Middleware for Injection/extraction Automation controls, extraction, software, hardware 371
  • F.E. Emanov, D. Bolkhovityanov, A.R. Frolov, Ye.A. Gusev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • F.E. Emanov
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  CX and EPICS are used at VEPP-5 Injection complex. Each system is in charge of some part of accelerator devices. Middleware layer was added in order to make data processing and facility-level control actions more straightforward. Middleware is separated from clients layer by means of additional CX-server. Architectural approach is discussed by the example of complex injection/extraction automation.  
THPSC36 Experimental Study of the Scattering of 7.4 Mev Electrons Intersecting a Foil at an angle of 5–60 degree to its Surface target, electron, experiment, microtron 401
  • A.V. Serov, A.V. Koltsov
    LPI, Moscow, Russia
  • I.A. Mamonov
    NRNU, Moscow, Russia
  Angular distributions of electrons incident of a planar target at a small angle to its surface have been measured. Electrons have been injected from a microtron with a particle energy of 7.4 MeV. The dependence of the characteristics of beams on the initial energy and direction of injection of particles, as well as on the material and thickness of the target, has been considered. The intersection and reflection of electrons in the target have been investigated. The angle between the trajectory of the particles and the surface of the target was varied in the range of 5-60 degree. Aluminum, lead, and copper foils have been tested. The thickness of the foils was varied from 50 mkm to 600 mkm.  
THPSC55 Improvement of the Beam Transmission in the Central Region Of Warsaw U200P Cyclotron cyclotron, ion, ion-source, ECR 453
  • O. Steczkiewicz, J. Choinski, P. Gmaj
    HIL, Warsaw, Poland
  • V. Bekhterev, I.A. Ivanenko
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  To date, Warsaw U200P cyclotron exploited a mirror inflector to feed heavy ions extracted from ECR ion source (10 GHz, 11 kV) to the central region of the cyclotron. However, in such configuration very low transmission was reachable after many optimizations. Additionally, the new ECR ion source (14,5 GHz, 14-24 kV) was installed, which offers energies far exceeding capabilities of the currently operated inflector and central region. To avoid these obstacles, we have developed a spiral inflector and redesigned central region of the cyclotron. It was a very challenging task, bearing in mind limited volume of central region in our compact machine, to carve these elements suitably for decent versatility of ion beams offered by Warsaw cyclotron. This project was executed in the collaboration with FLNR in Dubna, Russia. The cyclotron equipped with the new central region works in the "constant orbit" regime. Here we present the results of both computational simulations and measurements of the beam transmission in upgraded central region.  
FRCA01 Cooling Storage Ring CR of the FAIR Facility - Status and Perspectives quadrupole, kicker, lattice, antiproton 456
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky, D.E. Berkaev, A.S. Kasaev, E.S. Kazantseva, I. Koop, A.A. Krasnov, A.V. Semenov, P.Yu. Shatunov, D.B. Shwartz, A.A. Starostenko
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • U. Blell, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskyy, O.E. Gorda, U. Laier, H. Leibrock, S.A. Litvinov, I. Schurig, U. Weinrich
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The Collector Ring (CR) is a wide aperture storage ring of the FAIR international facility (Darmstadt, Germany) dedicated to perform the stochastic precooling of secondary particles, rare isotopes or antiprotons. BINP (Novosibirsk) takes responsibility on the design and construction of almost all systems of the CR. The project status, preliminary design of main systems and results of the modelling of beam dynamics are presented.  
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FRCA03 Electron and Positron Beams Transportation Channels to BINP Colliders positron, collider, booster, factory 462
  • I.M. Zemlyansky, D.E. Berkaev, V.A. Kiselev, I. Koop, A.V. Otboev, A.M. Semenov, A.A. Starostenko
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, NSh-4860.2014.2
The overview of electron and positron beams transportation channels from injection complex VEPP-5 to VEPP-4M and VEPP-2000 colliders is presented. The last one is discussed in details. The lattice functions, magnetic elements, beam diagnostic system ans vacuum system are presented. The beam commissioning is scheduled to the end of the year.
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