Keyword: bunching
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TUPSA14 Mathematical Optimization Model of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Klystron-Type Buncher controls, klystron, electron, experiment 66
  • I.D. Rubtsova
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  The paper presents recurrent integral-differential beam evolution model. This model is convenient for mathematical description of specific dynamic processes with due account of particle interaction and electric fields excitation by moving beam. On the basis of this model the problem of beam dynamics optimization is formalized as trajectory ensemble control problem. Analytical expression for quality functional gradient is obtained. Theoretical results are applied for solving problem of beam dynamics optimization in klystron-type buncher.  
WEPSB43 Magnetic Buncher Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 for Studying Fluorescence and Radiation-Physical Researches electron, radiation, injection, background 259
  • Y.S. Pavlov, V.A. Danilichev, V.V. Dobrohotov, O.N. Nepomnyaschy, V.A. Pavlov
    IPCE RAS, Moscow, Russia
  Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 is equipped with special system of injection and magnetic buncher with the purpose of generation picoseconds the beam duration 50 ps with the current 150 A at energy 10 MeV for studying fluorescence and radiation-physical researches. For maintenance of the magnetic bunching the accelerator works in the mode of the reserved energy when duration of the pulse of injection (2,5 nanoseconds) is much less than time of filling of a wave guide energy (100 nanoseconds). At a pulse microwave of capacity 10 MW the energy which has been saved up in the wave guide, makes about 2 J. It provides an opportunity of a cutting collimator separately chosen bunch after scan of "package" by a rotary magnet. After an output from the accelerator the package electrons from 3-5 bunches acts in magnetic buncher consisting of two electromagnets. In buncher the beam is scanning as "fan", and then focused. At a current of the beam 30 A in the pulse duration 2,5 nanoseconds distinction on energy between the adjacent bunches makes of 300 keV, that provides an opportunity of the cutting collimator the separate chosen bunch after space scanning with a rotary magnet. At a magnetic bunching electrons in "head" of a bunch have the big energy and are transported on trajectories with the big radius than "tail" electrons. Thus "compression" of the bunch on time is attain and accordingly the charge of a bunch increases.