Keyword: framework
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TUPSA15 Second Order Method for Beam Dynamics Optimization controls, rfq, acceleration, longitudinal-dynamics 69
  • O.I. Drivotin
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • D.A. Starikov
    Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: This work is supported by St.-Petersburg State University grant #9.38.673.2013.
Methods of beam dynamics optimization of the first order are known and used for beam dynamics optimization*. These method are based on numerical calculation of gradient of functional estimating beam quality. In this report, method of optimization is proposed that includes numerical calculation of the second derivations (Hessian) of the quality functional. Proposed method is applied for a beam in RFQ channel. Control problem is formulated. The propblem consists in minimizing of functional depending on the beam density and on control functions. The control functions are the acceleration efficiency, the synchronous phase, and the channel apperture. For numerical solution the control functions are taken in parameterized form. The process of optimization represents a sequence of steps with use of the first and the second derivatives on parameters, during which the value of the functional decreases.
* D.A. Ovsyannikov, O.I. Drivotin. Modeling of Intensive Charge Particle Beams. St.-Petersburg: Publ. Comp. of St.-Petersburg State Univ., 2003.
FRCB03 Accelerators Application for Radiation Processing of Foodstuffs radiation, electron, controls, monitoring 470
  • M.A. Zavialov
    RRICT, Vidnoye, Russia
  During last couple decades in Russia an interest in the electron-beam sterilization technology has been significantly renewed. The electron beam irradiation occurs at electron energies in the range from 3 up to 10 MeV with dose of 30 kGy. A special research interest is an exploring the possibility to reduce electron energy and dose characteristics upon foods irradiation.