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WEX03 |
Production of Accelerating Equipment for Nuclear Medicine in NIIEFA. Potentialities and Prospects |
cyclotron, target, proton, radiation |
125 |
- M.F. Vorogushin, Yu.N. Gavrish, A.P. Strokach
NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
The D.V.Efremov Institute (NIIEFA) is the leader in Russia in designing and manufacturing of the accelerating equipment for medicine. About one hundred of linear accelerators for the beam therapy and more than forty cyclotrons for production of radiopharmaceuticals have been designed, manufactured and delivered to clinics of Russia and some foreign countries. The equipment designed and manufactured in NIIEFA in its technical characteristics is on a par with foreign analogs and sufficiently cheaper in expenditures for personnel training, hardware and software compatibility, warranty and post-warranty service, delivery of spare parts and updating. In accordance with Federal Targeted Programs on the development of medical and pharmaceutical industries up to 2020, the production facilities, material and technical resources have been prepared for the organization of serial production of cyclotrons and gamma tomographs.
Slides WEX03 [0.901 MB]
Interdisciplinary Glossary – Particle Accelerators and Medicine |
radiation, interface, electron, proton |
243 |
- V.S. Dyubkov, V.V. Dmitriyeva, V.G. Nikitaev
MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
- S.E. Ulin
MEPHI, Moscow, Russia
A general concept of a new interdisciplinary glossary, which includes particle accelerator terminology used in medicine, as well as relevant medical concepts, is presented. Its structure and usage rules are described. An example, illustrating the quickly searching technique of relevant information in this Glossary, is considered. A website address, where one can get an access to the Glossary, is specified. Glossary can be refined and supplemented.
Status of Experiments on Surface Modification of Materials on the Accelerator HIP-1 |
ion, experiment, target, vacuum |
269 |
- S.L. Andrianov, A.A. Aleev, A. A. Andreev, D. Aparin, A.A. Bogachev, B.B. Chalykh, P.A. Fedin, A. Golubev, N.A. Iskandarov, G. Kropachev, R.P. Kuibeda, T. Kulevoy, A.A. Nikitin, N.N. Orlov, S.V. Rogozhkin, A. Sitnikov
ITEP, Moscow, Russia
Ion-implant doping is efficient method of modification for near-surface layers material which used in different technological applications. The most common example of its is increase wear, corrosion, heat resistance of various industrial steels, special alloys implantation for applications in biology and medicine, surface layers of polymers strengthening and changes in the morphology. Works in this direction is executing on TIPR-1 accelerator in ITEP. Bunches of titanium and vanadium which are generated in MEVVA and nitrogen beams are generated in duoplasmatron was mastered acceleration to provide of experimental work. Several series of experiments on the modification of the surface of samples for further study by atomic probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy executed. Nanostructure of the surface layers of oxide dispersion strengthened steels exposed to ion beams showed makeover.
The Project of Beam Transportation Lines for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR |
ion, cyclotron, vacuum, heavy-ion |
336 |
- G.G. Gulbekyan, B. Gikal, G.N. Ivanov, I.V. Kalagin, V.I. Kazacha, N.Yu. Kazarinov, M.V. Khabarov, V.N. Melnikov, N.F. Osipov, Yu.G. Teterev, A. Tikhomirov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
The project of beam lines for carrying out physical experiments at the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The commutating magnet with variable magnetic field induction up to 1.5 T gives us possibility to bend ion beams in five directions providing ion transportation through beam lines to five experimental setups. The beam focusing in the beam lines is provided by set of quadrupole lenses having the gradients up to 7.7 T/m. The beam lines are intended for the efficient ion transportation of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 at energies from 4 up to 8 MeV/amu. The ion beam power will reach the value about 3 kW. The water cooled current aperture diaphragms will be installed into all beam lines to prevent the tube damage. The beam diagnostics consists of the Faraday caps (FC), slit collimators, sector aperture diaphragms and ionization beam profile monitors.