Keyword: emittance
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WEPSB31 Project of Demonstration Center of the Proton Therapy at DLNP JINR proton, synchro-cyclotron, extraction, cyclotron 228
  • E. Syresin, G.A. Karamysheva, M.Y. Kazarinov, N.A. Morozov, G.V. Mytzin, N.G. Shakun
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • J. Bokor
    STU, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  JINR is one of the leading proton therapy research centers of the in Russia. The modern technique of 3D conformal proton radiotherapy was first effectuated in Russia in this center, and now it is effectively used in regular treatment sessions. A special Medico-Technical Complex was created at JINR on the basis of the phasotron used for proton treatment. About 100 patients undergo a course of fractionated treatment here every year. During last 14 years were treated by proton beams about more than 1000 patients . A project of the demonstration center of the proton therapy is discussed on base of a superconducting 250 MeV synchrocyclotron. The superconducting synchrocyclotron is planned to install instead of phasotron in Medical Technical Complex of DLNP. The new transport channel is designed for beam delivery to the JINR medical cabin.  
WEPSB33 Development of the Equipment for the Prototype of a Complex of Radiotherapy at the Nuclotron-M target, beam-transport, quadrupole, experiment 234
  • I.P. Yudin
    JINR/VBLHEP, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
  • S.I. Tyutyunnikov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The report deals with the construction of the carbon beam transport line for biomedical research at the Nuclotron accelerator complex, JINR, Dubna. We have studied the scheme and modes of magneto-optical elements of the channel. Used electronics described. We are discussed the compilation and realization of the plan of treating a tumor located at a depth up to 30 cm. Choice of beam scanning schemes and their optimization are shown.  
THPSC07 Single Frequency High Intensity High Energy Normal Conducting Hadron Linac DTL, linac, rfq, focusing 330
  • V.V. Paramonov, V.N. Leontiev
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  • A.P. Dourkine
    MNIRTI, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Kolomiets
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  Funding: Work is supported by IHEP with contract № 0348100096313000178
Taking the care for beam quality and the possibility of practical realization, the scheme and parameters for 400 MeV H linac are considered. The concepts for beam emittance preservation, both transverse and longitudinal, starting from RFQ, following with PMQ focusing DTL and finishing with high energy CCL part are summarized. Different focusing schemes are analyzed for DTL and CCL parts. The pulse beam current is limited to the safe value 40 mA and the average current up to 2 mA is supposed by duty factor of 5%. The single operating frequency 352 MHz is for all linac parts, providing the strong unification both for RF system and elements of accelerating structures. Referring and comparing with existing solutions for another intense linacs, the feasibility and reality of the proposal is confirmed. Expected performances both in beam, parameters and hardware are summarized.
THPSC10 Magnets of Injection and Extraction Systems of Cyclotron DC280 ion, cyclotron, sextupole, injection 339
  • N.Yu. Kazarinov, I.A. Ivanenko
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The design of two magnets of the cyclotron DC280 is presented. The magnets are the parts of injection and extraction systems the cyclotron. The design is based on three-dimensional calculation of the magnet field carried out by using OPERA 3D program code. The influence of the magnetic fields nonlinearities on ion beam dynamics is analyzed.  
THPSC13 Horizontal Emittance Regulation at SIBERIA-2 injection, betatron, sextupole, quadrupole 347
  • A.G. Valentinov, V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, Y.L. Yupinov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  Synchrotron radiation (SR) brightness is the most valuable parameter of every SR light source. It depends greatly on horizontal emittance of an electron beam. That's why all modern SR light sources have designed emittance of several nanometers. A horizontal emittance of Siberia-2 now equals to 98 nm. It can be decreased by two ways. First way is to find another working point (betatron tunes) with lower emittance. Maximal possible current values of existing power supplies must be taken into account. Injection efficiency may become worse because of smaller dynamic aperture due to stronger sextupoles. Second way is to rebuild magnetic structure keeping the same betatron tunes. Advantages of this method are good injection efficiency and proved energy ramping process. Modification of the magnetic structure may be done at high energy with more stable electron beam. But the second way is not allowed to reach as lower emittance level as in the first way. Theoretical and practical aspects of these two ways are described in the report. Magnetic structures with dispersion-free straight sections and smooth horizontal dispersion function are presented. Also structure with higher emittance is described in order to reach higher injection efficiency.  
THPSC46 Simulation and Optimization of Ion Optical Extraction, Acceleration and H-minus Ion Beam Matching Systems ion, extraction, simulation, acceleration 429
  • B.A. Frolov
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  • V.S. Klenov, V.N. Mikhailov, O. Volodkevich
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  Source of negative hydrogen ions for the implementation of multiturn charge-exchange injection to increase the intensity of IHEP buster is developed. Surface-plasma ion source with Penning discharge is selected as a source of H-minus ions. A high-current extraction system with downstream electron dumping has been designed. A three-dimensional ion optical code IBSimu has been utilized for modelling and optimization the extraction system and ion beam acceleration to energy of 100 keV. A magnetic low energy beam transport line consisting of two solenoids has been designed to match the beam with RFQ. TRACE 2D code was used to optimize LEBT. A deflecting magnet with small angular deflection (10) has been installed between solenoids to eliminate forward tracing of neutral atoms from ions source to RFQ.