The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
%\cite{Faus-Golfe:IPAC2017-THPVA079} \bibitem{Faus-Golfe:IPAC2017-THPVA079} A. Faus-Golfe, P. Ausset, S. Barsuk, M. Ben Abdillah, S. Blivet, B. Borgo, \emph{et al.}, % A. Faus-Golfe, P. Ausset, S. Barsuk, M. Ben Abdillah, S. Blivet, B. Borgo, D. Douillet, P. Duchesne, M. El Khaldi, L. Garolfi, B. Genolini, A. Gonnin, M. Hoballah, A. Hrybok, G. Hull, R. Kunne, M. Langlet, C. Le Galliard, P. Lepercq, J. Lesrel, D. Marchand, M. Omeich, A. Pastushenko, V. Puill, C. Vallerand, A. Vnuchenko, and E. J-M. Voutier, % A. Faus-Golfe \emph{et al.}, \textquotedblleft{First Optics Design and Beam Performance Simulation of PRAE: Platform for Research and Applications With Electrons at Orsay}\textquotedblright, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, pp. 4637--4640, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper THPVA079, pp. 4637--4640, in \emph{Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17)}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper THPVA079, pp. 4637--4640, % ISBN: 978-3-95450-182-3, \url{}, \url{}, 2017.