Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WEPVA075 | Labview-Based Software for Electron Gun Controller | controls, software, electron, gun | 3439 |
Funding: Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No: 21327901) Instrument control can improve measurement level of automation. In the actual control of the accelerator electron gun, we need to obtain a voltage with different amplitudes for the filament. Boost and voltage regulator modules should be used in the 220V AC input conditions. In order to adjust the filament voltage and stabilize the filament current more convenient, we developed a control software based on LabVIEW. |
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WEPVA150 | New Controller for High Voltage Converter Modulator at Spallation Neutron Source | controls, interface, timing, high-voltage | 3621 |
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. We have developed a new control system for the high voltage converter modulator at the Spallation Neutron Source to replace the original control system designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory which is approaching obsolescence. The new controller, based on national instruments PXI/FlexRIO FPGA hardware, offers enhancements over the original system such as modular construction, flexibility and non-proprietary software. The new controller also provides new capabilities like modulator pulse flattening, waveform capture & first fault detection. This paper will discuss the design of the system, including the human machine interface, based on lessons learned at the Spallation Neutron Source and other projects. It will also discuss performance and other issues related to operation in an accelerator facility which requires high availability. To date half of the high voltage converter modulators have been upgraded with the new controller with the remainder scheduled for completion by mid-2017. |
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