Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOZB1 | First Results with the Novel Peta-Watt Laser Acceleration Facility in Dresden | laser, target, electron, acceleration | 48 |
Applications of laser plasma accelerated particle beams ranging from driving of light sources to radiation therapy require the scaling of beam energy and charge as well as reproducible operating conditions. Both issues have motivated the development of novel table-top class Petawatt laser systems (e.g., 30J pulse energy in 30fs) with unprecedented pulse control, here represented by the Draco-PW system recently commissioned at HZDR Dresden. First results will be presented on laser wakefield electron acceleration where in the beam loading regime high bunch charges in the nC range could be efficiently accelerated with good beam quality, and on proton acceleration where pulsed magnet beam transport ensured depth dose distributions allowing for tumor irradiation in animal models. | |||
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MOPAB039 | Development of a Control System Based on Experimental Data for Space Charge Lenses | electron, operation, ion, space-charge | 166 |
Space charge lenses use a confined electron cloud for the focusing of ion beams. The electron density gives the focusing strength whereas the density distribution influences the mapping quality of the space charge lens and is related to the confinement. The major role of the electron density with respect to the focusing quality has been pointed out many times in the past *,**. With an automated measurement system the radial light density profile, plasma stability and mean value of the electron density have been measured in respect to the confining fields and the pressure. The results are summarized in 3D-maps. The theoretical model approximations for space charge lenses predicts high electron densities then measured. With the automated system the realistic 3D-maps can be considered instead of an approximation of a theoretical density including knowledge of the most stable electron cloud achievable within the parameter range of the lens. The experimental results of the automated measurement system will be presented here and a concept of a control system for this type of space charge lenses will be explained.
* O. Meusel, 'Focussing and transport of ion beams using space charge lenses', PhD thesis, 2006 |
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MOPAB049 | Development of a Focusing System for the AXSIS Project | linac, solenoid, quadrupole, focusing | 203 |
In this paper, we investigate with ASTRA simulations the achievable performances for several focusing systems considered in the AXSIS project. We focus our attention on the requirements in terms of position of the focal point and bunch transverse size at this point. We show that they cannot be fulfilled with a solenoid resistive electro-magnet, but that it is possible when using a solenoid permanent magnet. The use of a quadrupole doublet proves to be adequate to fulfil the requirement on the position of the focal point and be very close to the one on the bunch transverse size, which could possibly be achieved by a further optimization of the parameters of the doublet. Finally, we also investigate the possibility to use an active plasma lens, showing that it could easily fulfil the requirements but that several points must be carefully studied before considering its implementation. | |||
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MOPAB119 | Beam Instrumentation Developments for the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment at CERN | proton, electron, laser, electronics | 404 |
The Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN aims to develop a proof-of-principle electron accelerator based on proton driven plasma wake-field acceleration. The core of AWAKE is a 10 metre long plasma cell filled with Rubidium vapour in which single, 400 GeV, proton bunches extracted from the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) generate a strong plasma wakefield. The plasma is seeded using a femtosecond pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser. The aim of the experiment is to inject low energy electrons onto the plasma wake and accelerate them over this short distance to an energy of several GeV. To achieve its commissioning goals, AWAKE requires the precise measurement of the position and transverse profile of the laser, proton and electron beams as well as their temporal synchronisation. This contribution will present the beam instrumentation systems designed for AWAKE and their performance during the 2016 proton beam commissioning period. | |||
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MOPAB153 | R&D of a Gas-Filled RF Beam Profile Monitor for Intense Neutrino Beam Experiments | cavity, electron, ion, experiment | 491 |
Funding: Work supported by Fermilab Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 and DOE STTR Grant, No. DE-SC0013764. A MW-power beam facility is desired to produce an intense neutrino beam for study of fundamental particle physics. It is a critical challenge to measure beam profile in extreme radiation environments. To this end, a novel beam profile monitor based on a gas-filled multi-RF cavity is proposed. Charged particles through the gas-filled RF generate plasma that changes the gas permittivity. The modulated RF signal in the cavity due to the permittivity shift will be measured to reconstruct the flux of charged particles in the cavity. The demonstration is proposed to validate the concept of the monitor. We report the progress of the demonstration test. |
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MOPIK016 | Sub-Picosecond Beam Production for External Injection Into Plasma Experiments | gun, electron, linac, simulation | 531 |
Funding: This work has been funded by STFC. Applications of plasmas in accelerators benefit from short probe bunches comparable to plasma wavelength due to currently achievable plasma wake profiles. In plasma acceleration case, high capture efficiency within a narrow energy spectrum can be achieved when a sub-picosecond to femtosecond witness bunch injected behind the driver pulse at the high electric field region. A start-to-end simulation study was performed for parametric optimisation of an rf photoinjector to provide a short witness bunch for plasma applications in accelerators. An rf photoinjector is a laser-driven, high brightness and robust electron source that can provide stability and flexibility provided by today's advanced laser and rf technologies. |
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MOPIK032 | Commissioning of the AISHa Ion Source at INFN-LNS | ion, ion-source, injection, operation | 570 |
At INFN-LNS the commissioning of the AISHa superconducting ECRIS started in November 2016. Highly charged ion beams with low ripple, high stability and high reproducibility are the most important features for the ongoing commissioning. In this work, we will show the preliminary results of a parametric study on the extracted current/beam in order to minimize the emittance and increase the brightness taking advantage by its hybrid magnetic system and by a fine frequency tuning system. | |||
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MOPIK052 | Generation of Highly-Charged Carbon Ions from Thin Foil Target | target, ion, laser, heavy-ion | 635 |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Generation of highly-charged heavy ions such as fully stripped C6+ of more than hundreds mA of beam current can be possible only with a laser ablation ion source (LIS). Heavy ions are produced from a solid target irradiated by a pulsed high power laser. Recent study showed that only sub-micron range of surface layer contributes for the generation of highly-charged heavy ions. In this paper, we experimentally investigated the difference of the performance of highly-charged carbon ion production from graphite targets of different thickness (25, 70, 254, and 3000 'm) to seek the possibility of a rolled target to overcome the limitation of a target lifetime. |
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MOPIK053 | Design Study of High Repetition Rate Laser Ion Source for High Power Beam Production | target, laser, ion, heavy-ion | 638 |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We are studying a laser ion source (LIS) for a high average beam power heavy ion beam production. A LIS is the most intense source of pulsed highly-charged ions using a laser ablation scheme. By increasing the repetition rate, a LIS based heavy ion beam would approach the average beam power based on a low beam current and continuous beam regime. In addition, a high-repetition-rate LIS can be used as a heavy ion source for a medical accelerator with spot scanning technique. This paper will describe the requirements to realize the high repetition rate operation. |
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MOPVA082 | PLASMA PROCESSING R&D OF THE 1.3 GHZ SINGLE-CELL SRF CAVITY AT IMP | cavity, SRF, accelerating-gradient, electromagnetic-fields | 1055 |
The China-Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (C-ADS) injector II has already commissioned with a CW 1 mA and a pulsed 10 mA proton beam. The beam energy achieved 10 MeV. The superconducting linac (SCL) is routinely operating at 4.7 MV/m average accelerating gradient in the low-beta cryomodules. Field emission and surface contaminants of the SCL limit the gradient in-crease in the beam commissioning. Hence, in order to increase the SCL accelerating gradient, reduce field emis-sion and remove surface pollutants, in-situ plasma pro-cessing R&D in a 1.3 GHz single-cell SRF cavity has being studied. In this paper, the current effort of plasma processing R&D in a 1.3 GHz single-cell SRF cavity will be presented in details and the future plan will be also reported. | |||
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MOPVA100 | Atomic Layer Deposition of Niobium Nitride from Different Precursors | niobium, experiment, controls, simulation | 1094 |
Advancements in technology have taken bulk niobium cavities close to their theoretical operational limits of 45 MV/m, pushing the research to explore novel materials, such as niobium based alloys . Theoretical studies suggest that a composite material composed of alternative superconductor / insulator multilayers would surpass the bulk niobium limits. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) can deposit mi-crons thick Nb films in less than an hour, at the expense of precise thickness control. Atomic layer deposition (ALD), instead, even if considerably slower than CVD can be used in applications where the thickness of the deposited layers needs to be controlled with a resolution down to the nanometer. This article presents the preliminary results obtained by using plasma assisted ALD techniques to deposit NbN based compounds starting from chlorinated precursors and organic ones, and the design for a new deposition system currently being built at the Daresbury Laboratories. | |||
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TUYB1 | First Measurements of Trojan Horse Injection in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator | laser, electron, wakefield, injection | 1252 |
Funding: Work supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-76SF00515. Plasma accelerators support accelerating fields of 100's of GV/m over meter-scale distances and routinely produce femtosecond-scale, multi-kA electron bunches. The so called Trojan Horse underdense photocathode plasma wakefield acceleration scheme combines state-of-the-art accelerator technology with laser and plasma methods and paves the way to improve beam quality as regards emittance and energy spread by many orders of magnitude. Electron beam brightness levels exceeding 1020 Am-2 rad-2 may be reached, and the tunability allows for multi-GeV energies, designer bunches and energy spreads <0.05% in a single plasma accelerator stage. The talk will present results of the international E210 multi-year experimental program at SLAC FACET, which culminated in successful first demonstration of the Trojan Horse method during FACET's final experimental run in 2016. Enabling implications for applications, including high performance plasma-based 5th generation light sources such as hard x-ray FEL's, for which start-to-end simulations are presented, and for high energy physics are discussed. |
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TUOBB1 | Experimental Demonstration of Energy-Chirp Reduction by a Plasma Dechirper | electron, laser, experiment, linac | 1258 |
The first experimental study is presented using a low density plasma dechirper to reduce a correlated energy chirp from the 41.5-MeV, 500-fs (RMS) beam at the linac in Tsinghua University. The plasma dechirper operates through the interaction of the electron bunch with its near linear self-wake to dechirp itself, leading to a reduction in energy spread. The experimental results demonstrate that the projected FWHM energy spread of the beam can be reduced from 1.2% to 0.9% with a 12 mm long plasma dechirper, which are in good agreement with full 3D PIC simulations. Theoretical analyses and simulations indicate that by optimizing the plasma density and length, the plasma dechirper can also be used to completely remove the characteristic energy chirp of the ultra-short high-current bunch generated from plasma based accelerator, such that its energy spread can be reduced from one percent level to 0.1 percent level[*]. Application of such a simple and effective method can significantly improve the beam quality and provide the path to realize the future compact free electron lasers and colliders driven by plasma based accelerators.
[*] Y. P. Wu. A plasma dechirper for electron and positron beams in plasma-based accelerators, to be submitted to Scientific Reports |
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TUOBB2 | Starting Up the AWAKE Experiment at CERN | proton, laser, electron, experiment | 1261 |
AWAKE, the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wake-field Acceleration Experiment at CERN was approved in 2013. The facility was commissioned in 2016 to perform first experiments to demonstrate the self-modulation in-stability (SMI) of a 400 GeV/c SPS proton bunch in a 10 m long Rubidium plasma cell. The plasma is created in Rb vapor via field ionization by a TW laser pulse. In the second phase starting late 2017, the proton driven plasma wakefield will be probed with an externally injected 10 ' 20 MeV/c electron beam. This paper gives an overview of the AWAKE facility, describes the successful commissioning of the laser and proton beam line, the plasma cell and diagnostics and shows the successful synchronization of the proton beam with the laser at the few ps level so that the facility is ready for the SMI physics runs. In addition the status of the electron acceleration exper-iment for late 2017 will be presented. | |||
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TUOBB3 | HORIZON 2020 EuPRAXIA Design Study | laser, electron, acceleration, radiation | 1265 |
The Horizon 2020 Project EuPRAXIA ('European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications') aims at producing a design report of a highly compact and cost-effective European facility with multi-GeV electron beams using plasma as the acceleration medium. The accelerator facility will be based on a laser and/or a beam driven plasma acceleration approach and will be used for photon science, high-energy physics (HEP) detector tests, and other applications such as compact X-ray sources for medical imaging or material processing. EuPRAXIA started in November 2015 and will deliver the design report in October 2019. EuPRAXIA aims to be included on the ESFRI roadmap in 2020. | |||
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TUPAB015 | Pulsed Beam Tests at the SANAEM RFQ Beamline | rfq, proton, cavity, emittance | 1341 |
Funding: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority A proton beamline consisting of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source, two solenoid magnets, two steerer magnets and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is developed at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority's (TAEA) Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center (SNRTC-SANAEM) in Ankara. In Q4 of the 2016 the RFQ was installed in the beamline. The high power tests of the RF power supply and the RF transmission line were done successfully. The high power RF conditioning of the RFQ was performed recently. The 13.56 MHz ICP source was tested in two different conditions, CW and pulsed. The characterization of the proton beam was done with ACCTs, Faraday cups and a pepper-pot emittance meter. Beam transverse emittance was measured in between the two solenoids of the LEBT. The measured beam is then reconstructed at the entrance of the RFQ by using computer simulations to determine the optimum solenoid currents for acceptance matching of the beam. This paper will introduce the pulsed beam test results at the SANAEM RFQ beamline. In addition, the high power RF conditioning of the RFQ will be discussed. |
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TUPAB110 | Possible Limits of Plasma Linear Colliders | electron, scattering, emittance, collider | 1576 |
Plasma linear colliders have been proposed as next or next-next generation energy-frontier machines for high-energy physics. I investigate possible fundamental limits on energy and luminosity of such type of colliders, considering acceleration, multiple scattering off plasma ions, intrabeam scattering, bremsstrahlung, and betatron radiation. The question of energy efficiency will also be addressed. | |||
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TUPAB111 | Energy Distribution and Work Function Measurements for Metal Photocathodes with Measured Levels of Surface Roughness | emittance, electron, FEL, detector | 1580 |
Funding: The work is part of EuCARD-2, partly funded by the European Commission, GA 312453. The minimum achievable emittance in an electron accelerator depends strongly on the intrinsic emittance of the photocathode electron source which is measureable as the mean longitudinal and transverse energy spreads in the photoemitted electrons. Reducing emittance in an accelerator driving a Free Electron Laser (FEL) delivers significant reduction in the saturation length for an x-ray FEL, reducing machine cost and increasing x-ray beam brightness. There are many parameters which affect the intrinsic emittance of a photocathode. Surface roughness is a significant factor*, and consequently the development of techniques to manufacture low roughness photocathodes with optimum emission properties is a priority for the electron source community. In this work, we present transverse energy distribution and work function measurements made using our TESS facility** for electrons emitted from copper and molybdenum photocathodes with differing levels of measured surface roughness. * Proc. FEL '06, THPPH013, 583-586 ** Proc. FEL '13, TUPPS033, 290-293 |
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TUPAB114 | Design Study for a Plasma Undulator Experiment Using Capillary Based Discharge Plasma Source | laser, electron, undulator, experiment | 1584 |
A plasma undulator is formed when a short laser pulse is injected into plasma off-axis or at an angle that causes the centroid of this laser pulse to oscillate. Ponderomotively driven plasma wake will follow this centroid given that the product of the plasma wave number and the characteristic Rayleigh length of the laser is much larger than one. This oscillating transverse wakefield may work as an undulator forcing particles to follow sinusoidal trajectories and emit synchrotron radiation. In this paper, plans for an experiment are introduced and resulting radiation and injected beam characteristics are discussed. The aforementioned laser centroid oscillations are demonstrated using, EPOCH, a PIC code for laser-plasma interactions. | |||
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TUPIK001 | Upgrade of the Two-Screen Measurement Setup in the AWAKE Experiment | proton, wakefield, electron, experiment | 1682 |
The AWAKE project at CERN uses a self-modulated §I{400}{GeV/c} proton bunch to drive GV/m wakefields in a §I10{m} long plasma with an electron density of npe = 7 × 1014 \rm{electrons/cm}3. We present the upgrade of a proton beam diagnostic to indirectly prove that the bunch self-modulated by imaging defocused protons with two screens downstream the end of the plasma. The two-screen diagnostic has been installed, commissioned and tested in autumn 2016 and limitations were identified. We plan to install an upgraded diagnostics to overcome these limitations. | |||
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TUPIK002 | H-, D-, C2-: A Comparison of RF andFilament Powered Volume-Cusp Ion Sources | ion, ion-source, electron, extraction | 1685 |
Today's industrial ion source applications often require high beam currents with long source lifetime and low maintenance. Filament powered ion sources produce high beam currents but are limited by the short lifetime (~5000 mA*h) of the filament, while RF ion sources with external antennas do not require such maintenance. By changing the filament back plate of our TRIUMF licensed ion source to the ceramic window, planar coil antenna and 13.56 MHz RF amplifier of our University of Jyväskylä licensed ion source, we are able to directly compare the effect of the two technologies for powering sources on negative ion production in volume-cusp ion sources for the case of H-, D- and C2- using our ion source test facility. | |||
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TUPIK006 | FLASHForward - A Future-Oriented Wakefield-Accelerator Research and Development Facility at FLASH | electron, laser, diagnostics, injection | 1692 |
Funding: Helmholtz ARD program and the VH-VI-503 FLASHForward is a beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration facility, currently under construction at DESY (Hamburg, Germany), aiming at the stable generation of electron beams of several GeV with small energy spread and emittance. High-quality 1 GeV-class electron beams from the free-electron laser FLASH will act as the wake driver. The setup will allow studies of external injection as well as density-downramp injection. With a triangular-shaped driver beam electron energies of up to 5 GeV from a few centimeters of plasma can be anticipated. Particle-In-Cell simulations are used to assess the feasibility of each technique and to predict properties of the accelerated electron bunches. In this contribution the current status of FLASHForward, along with recent experimental developments and upcoming scientific plans, will be reviewed. |
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TUPIK007 | VisualPIC: A New Data Visualizer and Post-Processor for Particle-in-Cell Codes | simulation, software, interface, GUI | 1696 |
Numerical simulations are heavily relied on for evaluating optimal working points with plasma accelerators and for predicting their performance. These simulations produce high volumes of complex data, which is often analyzed by scientists with individually prepared software and analysis tools. As a consequence, there is a lack of a commonly available, quick, complete and easy-to-use data visualizer for Particle-In-Cell simulation codes. VisualPIC is a new application created with the aim of filling that void, providing a graphical user interface with advanced tools for 2D and 3D data visualization, post-processing and particle tracking. The program is developed under the principles of open source and with a modular design, an approach and architecture which allow interested scientists to contribute by adding new features or compatibility for additional simulation codes. | |||
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TUPIK009 | External Injection Into a Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerator With Sub-Femtosecond Timing Jitter | laser, electron, injection, acceleration | 1699 |
The use of external injection in plasma acceleration is attractive due to the high control over the electron beam parameters, which can be tailored to meet the plasma requirements and therefore preserve its quality during acceleration. However, using this technique requires an extremely fine synchronization between the driver and witness beams. In this paper, we present a new scheme for external injection in a laser-driven plasma accelerator that would allow, for the first time, sub-femtosecond timing jitter between laser pulse and electron beam. | |||
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TUPIK010 | Investigating the Key Parameters of a Staged Laser- and Particle Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Experiment | laser, electron, wakefield, acceleration | 1703 |
Plasma wakefield accelerators can be driven by either a powerful laser pulse (LWFA) or a high-current charged particle beam (PWFA). A plasma accelerator combining both schemes consists of a LWFA providing an electron beam which subsequently drives a PWFA in the highly nonlinear regime. This scenario explicitly makes use of the advantages unique to each method, particularly exploiting the capabilities of PWFA schemes to provide high-brightness beams, while the LWFA stage inherently fulfils the demand for compact high-current electron bunches required as PWFA drivers. Effectively, the sub-sequent PWFA stage operates as beam brightness and energy booster of the initial LWFA output, aiming to match the demanding beam quality requirements of accelerator based light sources. We report on numerical studies towards the implementation of a proof-of-principle experiment at the DRACO laser facility at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). | |||
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TUPIK013 | Improved Electron Beam Quality from External Injection in Laser-Driven Plasma Acceleration at SINBAD | laser, electron, emittance, acceleration | 1707 |
External injection into laser wakefield accelerators is one of the possible routes towards high energy, high quality electron beams through plasma acceleration. Among other reasons this is due to the increased control over the electron beam parameters and overall experimental setup when compared to other plasma schemes, such as controlled self-injection. At the future SINBAD (Short INnovative Bunches and Accelerators at DESY) facility at DESY this technique is planned to be tested experimentally through injection and acceleration of a sub-femtosecond electron beam, produced from a conventional RF-injector, with a charge of around 0.7 pC and initial mean energy of 100 MeV at the plasma entrance. A summary of optimisation steps for the potential experimental setup is presented in this paper, including considerations regarding effects of electron beam self-fields and matching of the beam into the plasma stage. The discussion is complemented by first start-to-end simulations of the plasma accelerator setup based on these findings. | |||
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TUPIK017 | Next Generation Plasma Cell for PWFA Experiments at PITZ | laser, experiment, electron, Windows | 1715 |
A proof-of-principle experiment for the AWAKE experiment is ongoing at the Photo-Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site (PITZ). The goal of the experiment is to observe and measure the energy and density self-modulation of a long electron beam passing through a laser-generated Lithium plasma*. Key devices of the experiment are a heat pipe based plasma cell, a photocathode laser system which enables production of long electron beams with sharp rising edges and well-developed diagnostics at PITZ, including a transverse deflecting cavity and a high-resolution electron spectrometer. In this report we present the current status of the experiment, including the latest updates of the experimental setup. The plasma cell is a lithium heat pipe oven with inert gas buffers at all input/output ports. An ArF ionization laser is coupled through side ports. Main improvements of the second generation plasma cell are an altered geometry of side arms and a new heat pipe design. Among other updates are an improved ArF laser beamline and new electron windows. We present here measurements of plasma density and homogeneity as well as results of beam transport studies for the experiment.
*O. Lishilin, M. Gross, et al., «First results of the plasma wakefield acceleration experiment at PITZ», NIM A, Volume 829, 1 September 2016, Pages 37-42, |
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TUPIK018 | Experimental Investigation of High Transformer Ratio Plasma Wakefield Acceleration at PITZ | wakefield, acceleration, experiment, simulation | 1718 |
Plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA), the acceleration of particles in a plasma wakefield driven by high current-density particle bunches, is one of the most promising candidates for a future compact accelerator technology. A key aspect of this type of acceleration is the ratio between the accelerating fields experienced by a witness beam and the decelerating fields experienced by the drive beam, called the transformer ratio. As for longitudinally symmetrical bunches this ratio is limited by the fundamental theorem of beamloading to 2 in the linear regime*, a transformer ratio above this limit is considered high. This can be reached by using a modulated drive bunch or a shaped train of drive bunches. So far, only the latter case has been shown for wakefields in a RF-structure**. We show the experimental setup, simulations and first, preliminary results of high transformer ratio acceleration experiments at the Photoinjector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ).
* K. L. F. Bane, P. B. Wilson and T. Weiland, AIP Conference Proceedings 127, p. 875, 1984 ** C. Jing et al., Physical Review Letters 98, 144801, 2007 |
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TUPIK020 | Application of Optical Emission Spectroscopy to High Current Proton Sources | proton, electron, ion, diagnostics | 1721 |
Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) represents a very reliable technique to carry out non-invasive measurements of plasma density and plasma temperature in the range of tens of eV. Instead of other diagnostics, it also allows to characterize the different populations of neutrals and ionized particles constituting the plasma. At INFN-LNS, OES techniques have been developed and applied to characterize the plasma generated by the Flexible Plasma Trap, an ion source used as testbench of the proton source built for European Spallation Source. This work presents the characterization of the parameters of a hydrogen plasma in different conditions of neutral pressure, microwave power and magnetic field profile along with the perspectives for further upgrades of the OES diagnostics system. | |||
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TUPIK021 | Microwave Injection and Coupling Optimization in ECR and MDIS Ion Sources | ion, ion-source, coupling, ECRIS | 1724 |
The fundamental aspect of coupling between microwave and plasma of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) and Microwave Discharge Ion Source (MDIS) is hereinafter treated together with ad hoc microwave-based plasma diagnostics, as a key element for the next progress and variations with respect to the classical ECR heating mechanism. The future challenges for the production of higher-charge states, higher beam intensity, and high absolute ionization efficiency also demand for the exploration of new heating schemes and synergy between experiments and modeling. An overview concerning microwave transport and coupling issues in plasma-based ion sources for particle accelerator will be given in the paper, along with perspectives for the design of next generation sources. | |||
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TUPIK023 | Gas-filled Capillaries for Plasma-Based Accelerators | acceleration, electron, laser, background | 1731 |
Plasma Wakefield Accelerators are based on the excitation of large amplitude plasma waves excited by either a laser or a particle driver beam. The amplitude of the waves, as well as their spatial dimensions and the consequent accelerating gradient depend strongly on the background electron density along the path of the accelerated particles. The process needs stable and reliable plasma sources, whose density profile must be controlled and properly engineered to ensure the appropriate accelerating mechanism. Plasma confinement inside gas filled capillaries have been studied in the past since this technique allows to control the evolution of the plasma, ensuring a stable and repeatable plasma density distribution during the interaction with the drivers. Moreover, in a gas filled capillary plasma can be pre-ionized by a current discharge to avoid ionization losses. Different capillary geometries have been studied to allow the proper temporal and spatial evolution of the plasma along the acceleration length. Results of this analysis obtained by varying the length and the number of gas inlets will be presented. | |||
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TUPIK024 | Study of High Transformer Ratio Plasma Wakefield Acceleration for Accelerator Parameters of SXFEL Using 3D PIC Simulations | simulation, injection, acceleration, wakefield | 1734 |
High transformer ratio (HTR) Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (PWFA) based on shaped electron bunches is an important topic of plasma wakefield acceleration for future light sources and colliders [1]. To explore the possibility of implementing PWFA at SXFEL, we performed 3D PIC simulations using shaped electron beam parameters obtained by start-to-end beam line simulations [2]. The PIC simulations show that an average transformer ratio around 4 can be maintained for about 10 cm long low density plasma, and the energy gain of the trailing bunch eventually reaches 5.9 GeV. Simulations and analysis are also performed to check the effects of transverse beam size on HTR acceleration. In addition, plasma density downramp injection has also been tested as a possible high brightness injection method for HTR acceleration, and preliminary results will be presented.
[*] Lu W, An W, Huang C, et al. High Transformer ratio PWFA for Applications on XFELs. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2009, 54. [**] Z. Wang, Z. T. Zhao, et al. private communication |
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TUPIK026 | Simulations of Positron Capture and Acceleration in the Linear Wakefield of Plasma | wakefield, positron, laser, emittance | 1737 |
We present the study of positrons capturing dynamics in the wakefield of plasma generated either by a laser or electron beam. Only simplified linear wakefield models were used as first order approximation. By analysing the phase space and beam dynamics, we show that phase space for capturing is rather small, only high brightness beam with very short pulse length can be captured with reasonable rate for wakefields of 1 - 10 GeV/m and wave-length of 100 micron. | |||
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TUPIK031 | Driver-Witness-Bunches for Plasma-Wakefield Acceleration at the MAX IV Linear Accelerator | electron, linac, wakefield, simulation | 1743 |
Beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration is an acceleration scheme promising accelerating fields of at least two to three orders of magnitude higher than in conventional radiofrequency accelerating structures. The scheme relies on using a charged particle bunch (driver) to drive a non-linear plasma wake, into which a second bunch (witness) can be injected at an appropriate distance behind the first, yielding a substantial energy gain of the witness bunch particles. This puts very special demands on the machine providing the particle beam. In this article, we use simulations to show that, if driver-witness-bunches can be generated in the photo-cathode electron gun, the MAX IV Linear Accelerator could be used for plasma-wakefield acceleration. | |||
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TUPIK032 | AWAKE Proton Beam Commissioning | proton, laser, alignment, experiment | 1747 |
AWAKE will be the first proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment worldwide. The facility is located in the former CNGS area at CERN and will include a proton, laser and electron beam line merging in a 10 m long plasma cell, which is followed by the experimental diagnostics. In the first phase of the AWAKE physics program, which started at the end of 2016, the effect of the plasma on a high energy proton beam will be studied. A proton bunch is expected to experience the so called self-modulation instability, which leads to the creation of micro-bunches within the long proton bunch. The plasma channel is created in a rubidium vapor via field ionization by a TW laser pulse. This laser beam has to overlap with the proton beam over the full length of the plasma cell, resulting in tight requirements for the stability of the proton beam at the plasma cell in the order of ~ 0.1 mm. In this paper the beam commissioning results of the ~810 m long transfer line for proton bunches with 3·1011 protons/bunch and a momentum of 400 GeV/c will be presented with a focus on the challenges of the parallel operation of the laser and proton beam. | |||
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TUPVA087 | ADIGE: The Radioactive Ion Beam Injector of the SPES Project | ion, ECR, rfq, extraction | 2281 |
The Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) project is presently under development at INFN-LNL: aim of this project is the production, ionization and post-acceleration of radioactive ions to perform forefront research in nuclear physics. An ECR-based charge breeder (SPES-CB) will allow post-acceleration of radioactive ions: in particular, the SPES-CB has been designed and developed by LPSC of Grenoble, based on the Phoenix booster. It will be equipped with a complete test bench totally integrated with the SPES beam line: this part of the post-accelerator, together with the newly designed RFQ, composes the so-called ADIGE injector for the superconducting linac ALPI. The injector will employ a unique Medium Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MRMS, R=1/1000), mounted downstream the SPES-CB, in order to avoid the typical drawback of the ECR-based charge breeding technique, that is the beam contamination. This contribution describes the ADIGE injector, with particular attention to the analysis of possible contaminations and the performances expected for the MRMS, showing the beam dynamics calculations for a reference radioactive beam. | |||
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WEOBB2 | Beam Commissioning of the High Intensity Proton Source Developed at INFN-LNS for the European Spallation Source | proton, emittance, ion, ion-source | 2530 |
At the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS) the beam commissioning of the high intensity Proton Source for the European Spallation Source (PS-ESS) started in November 2016. Beam stability at high current intensity is one of the most important parameter for the first steps of the ongoing commissioning. Promising results were obtained since the first source start with a 6 mm diameter extraction hole. The increase of the extraction hole to 8 mm allowed improving PS-ESS performances and obtaining the values required by the ESS accelerator. In this work, extracted beam current characteristics together with Doppler shift and emittance measurements are presented, as well as the description of the next phases before the installation at ESS in Lund. | |||
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WEPAB123 | A Phase Matching, Adiabatic Accelerator | electron, acceleration, laser, wakefield | 2861 |
Tabletop accelerators are a thing of the future. Reducing their size will require scaling down electromagnetic wavelengths; however, without correspondingly high field gradients, particles will be more susceptible to phase-slippage – especially at low energy. We investigate how an adiabatically-tapered dielectric-lined waveguide could maintain phase-matching between the accelerating mode and electron bunch. We benchmark our simple model with CST and implement it into ASTRA; finally we provide a first glimpse into the beam dynamics in a phase-matching accelerator. | |||
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WEPAB134 | Progress on Beam-Plasma Effect Simulations in Muon Ionization Cooling Lattices | simulation, emittance, scattering, electron | 2891 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. New computational tools are essential for accurate modeling and simulation of the next generation of muon-based accelerators. One of the crucial physics processes specific to muon accelerators that has not yet been simulated in detail is beam-induced plasma effect in liquid, solid, and gaseous absorbers. We report here on the progress of developing the required simulation tools and applying them to study the properties of plasma and its effects on the beam in muon ionization cooling channels. |
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WEPAB137 | Cold Muonium Negative Ion Production | ion, electron, target, collider | 2898 |
Charged muons as Muonium negative ions (consisting of positive Mu-meson and 2 electrons) have affinity S=0.75 eV. Muonium have ionization energy I=13.6 eV. Muonium negative ions were observed in 1987 [10, 11] by interaction of muons with a foil. In these work an efficiency of transformation of mu mesons to negative musonium ions were very low 10-4. However, with using Tungsten or palladium single crystal with deposition cesium it can be improved up to 40-50%. | |||
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WEPIK025 | Spectral Diagnostics of Argon Plasma in a 10mm Aperture Plasma Window | electron, cathode, vacuum, ion | 2978 |
A 10 mm diameter 60 mm long plasma window has been designed and managed to generate arc discharge with argon gas experimentally in Peking University. Based on the previous experiments and simulations, we have measured the electron temperature and density of the plasma via argon spectral diagnostics, and analyzed the conditions to satisfy the criterion of local thermal equilibrium (L.T.E). The electron temperature is in the range of 12000 K to 16000 K. The electron density is in the range of 2.2×1016 cm-3 to 3.2×1016 cm-3, increasing with discharge current and gas flow rate. The results indicate that our argon plasma is in the L.T.E status. The sealing pressure characteristics of the plasma window is mentioned as well. | |||
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WEPVA001 | Electron Injector for Multi-Stage Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerators | electron, laser, simulation, acceleration | 3244 |
Funding: LAbex PALM, Labex P2IO, Triangle de la Physique, ANR grant Equipex CILEX APOLLON, EU H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 653782 EUPRAXIA. An electron injector in the 50-200 MeV range, based on laser wakefield acceleration, is studied in the context of multi-stage laser plasma acceleration. Test experiments carried out at the UHI100 laser facility show that electron bunches in the 100 MeV range, generated by ionization-induced injection mechanism, and accelerated by laser driven wakefield in a mm-scale length plasma can be transported using a magnetic line and precisely analysed. A comparison with simulation results provides insights on electron dynamics and indicates ways to optimize the injector. |
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WEPVA012 | Laser Proton Accelerator with Improved Repeatability at Peking University | laser, target, proton, acceleration | 3275 |
Funding: National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CBA01502), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11575011) and National Grand Instrument Project (2012YQ030142). The repeatability of laser proton accelerator is mainly limited by laser plasma interaction, laser target coupling and laser parameter variation. In our recent experiments performed on the Compact Laser Plasma Accelerator at Peking University, gain of proton beams with improved repeatability is demonstrated. In order to control the laser plasma interaction in pre-plasma, cross polarized-wave (XPW) generation technique is employed to provide a laser pulse with a good contrast of 10-10. A semi-automatic laser and target alignment system with a sensitivity of few micrometers is employed. The repetition rate of the laser proton accelerator is improved to the level of 0.1 Hz which is beneficial to decrease laser parameter variation. The shot-to-shot variation of proton energies is about 9% for a level of confidence of 0.95. |
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WEPVA013 | Small Size Neutron Generators with Laser Induced Plasma and Electron Conductivity Suppressed by Magnetic Field | laser, neutron, target, electron | 3278 |
Coaxial neutron tubes generators with transverse dimension less than 0.1 m are discussed. Laser plasma containing deuterons is created at the anode by a focused laser beam. Deuterons from plasma are accelerated by pulse voltage and produces neutrons on cylindrical cathode symmetrically surrounding the anode. Magnetic field was used to suppress knock on parasitic electron current in the accelerating gap. Computer simulation with code SUMA* was fulfilled to investigate output neutron flow dependence on laser produced plasma density, magnetic fields and pulse voltage shapes and amplitudes, cathode and anode materials. The results obtained are in a good agreement with conducted experiments on diode with electron conductivity suppressed by magnetic field produced by permanent magnets**.
*V.I.Rashchikov, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations, 10(18), 50 (1990). **A.E.Shikanov et al., Atomic energy, 119, No.4, 258 (2016). |
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WEPVA017 | Efficiency Enhancement Induced by a Precursor Electron Bunch in Quasi-Phase Matched Direct Laser Acceleration | electron, ion, focusing, laser | 3289 |
Funding: This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan by Grant MOST 104-2112-M-008-013-MY3 and the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency through contract HDTRA1-11-1-0009 Direct laser acceleration (DLA) of an electron bunch can be achieved by utilizing the axial field of a well-guided, radially polarized laser pulse in a density-modulated plasma waveguide*. However, the ponderomotive force of a TW-class laser pulse excites a plasma wave that can generate a defocusing electrostatic field, which significantly deteriorates the transverse properties of the injected electron witness bunch**. To improve the quality of the accelerated witness bunch, an additional leading electron bunch, termed as a precursor, is introduced to generate ion-focusing force to effectively confine the trailing witness bunch. We conducted three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations to investigate the effect of bunch charge, transverse size of the precursor, and the axial separation between the precursor and the witness bunch on the efficacy of DLA. Results indicate that the transverse properties of the witness bunch can be maintained and the overall DLA efficiency can be improved, when a favorable ion-focusing force is provided by the precursor. * A. G. York, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 195001 (2008). ** M. -W. Lin et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 093109 (2014). |
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WEPVA058 | Development of HOM Absorber for SuperKEKB | electron, HOM, vacuum, photon | 3394 |
Higher-order modes (HOM) absorbers are necessary components for recent high-power accelerators in order to prevent beam instabilities (e.g. HOM- Beam Break Up instabilities) or the overheating of vacuum components. Several kinds of absorber materials, such as SiC, ferrite and Kanthal, have been investigated and applied in accelerators. Among these materials, ferrite has been found to be superior to others because of its higher HOM absorbing efficiency. However, because of its low tensile strength and small thermal expansion rate, it cannot be easily bonded to other metals thus limiting its use as a HOM absorber. We reported the success of the fabrication of ferrite-copper-blocks using the spark plasma sintering (SPS)-technique last year. This year we report testing with a high-power RF source and measuring gas desorption rate after baking and secondary electron yield. | |||
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WEPVA141 | Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Transmitter Opening Switch Upgrade | operation, high-voltage, impedance, resonance | 3600 |
Diversified Technologies Inc. (DTI) has installed a high-power solid-state opening switch upgrade package to replace the mercury ignitron crowbars in the Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) Transmitters at MIT Plasma Fusion Science Center's (PFSC) Alcator C Mod, a Tokamak-type fusion experimental device. The speed of the series opening switch avoids the large fault currents on the transformer and power feed inherent with a crowbar. This improvement enables re-optimization of the Transformer/Rectifier (T/R) set, ultimately allowing increased power output and increased tetrode reliability. The ratings of the prior high voltage power supply are a compromise between high output power (lower impedance required from the T/R set) and crowbar reliability (higher impedance required from the power supply to limit fault current). DTI's opening switch upgrade safely allows the use of significantly reduced transformer impedance and lower droop, giving increased power as well as improved tube protection. DTI's opening switch kit can readily be adapted to any similar transmitters as an upgrade from a crowbar. | |||
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THPAB013 | A Fast Particle Tracking Tool for the Simulation of Dielectric Laser Accelerators | simulation, laser, GPU, space-charge | 3716 |
Funding: GBMF - Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation In order to simulate the beam dynamics in grating based Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLA) fully self-consistent PIC codes are usually employed. These codes model the evolution of both the electromagnetic fields inside a laser-driven DLA and the beam phase space very accurately. The main drawback of these codes is that they are computationally very expensive. While the simulation of a single DLA period is feasible with these codes, long multi-period structures cannot be studied without access to HPC clusters. We present a fast particle tracking tool for the simulation of long DLA structures. DLATracker is a parallelized code based on the analytical reconstruction of the in-channel electromagnetic fields and a Boris/Vay-type particle pusher. It computational kernel is written in OpenCL and can run on both CPUs and GPUs. The main code is following a modular approach and is written in Python 2.7. This way the code can be easiliy extended for different use cases. In order to benchmark the code, simulation results are compared to results obtained with the PIC code VSim 7.2. |
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THPAB050 | Simulations of Beam-Beam Interactions With RF-Track for the AWAKE Primary Beam Lines | electron, proton, simulation, space-charge | 3823 |
The AWAKE project at CERN will use a high-energy proton beam at 400 GeV/c to drive wake'elds in a plasma. The amplitude of these wake'elds will be probed by injecting into the plasma a low-energy electron beam (10-20 MeV/c), which will be accelerated to several GeV. Upstream of the plasma cell the two beams will either be transported coaxially or with an o'set of few millimetres for about 6 m. The interaction between the two beams in this beam line has been investigated in the past, with a dedicated simulation code tracking particles under the in'uence of direct space-charge e'ects. These simulations have recently been crosschecked with a new simulation code called RF-Track, developed at CERN to simulate low energy accelerators. RF-Track can track multiple-specie beams at arbitrary energies, taking into account the full electromagnetic particle-to-particle inter-action. For its characteristics RF-Track seems an ideal tool to study the AWAKE two-beam interaction. The results of these studies are presented in this paper and compared to the previous results. The implications for the facility performance are discussed. | |||
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THPAB093 | Synchronization of a Photo-Injector and a High Power Laser With Independent Clocks | laser, electron, gun, feedback | 3935 |
Funding: LAL/IN2P3/CNRS and Université Paris-Sud The plasma acceleration project ESCULAP (ElectronS CoUrts pour L'Acc\'el\'eration Plasma) aims at studying electrons injection into a laser plasma accelerator. This requires the injection of short electron bunches generated by the photo injector PHIL (Photo injector at LAL) into a plasma wave by the high power femtosecond Laser LASERIX. As a first step we have studied how to synchronize PHIL and LASERIX. As these two machines had not been initially designed to work together, simple synchronization solutions were not available. We detail here the synchronisation scheme that we have tested and the experimental results obtained. |
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THPIK022 | Measurements of High-Order Magnetic Field Components of Permanent Quadrupole Magnets for a Laser-Plasma-Driven Undulator X-Ray Source | quadrupole, electron, laser, permanent-magnet | 4145 |
Laser wakefield acceleration as a novel source of high-energy electron beam is a prominent candidate to drive a next generation of compact light sources. For applications, the electron beam needs to be captured using quadrupole magnets with extremely high field gradient. It allows to preserve properties of the laser-plasma driven electron beam. We designed and manufactured compact permanent quadrupole magnets providing magnetic field gradient up to 510 T/m at an aperture radius of only of a few mm. The Halbach-type quadrupole magents use 12 NdFeB wedges with a remanent magnetic field of 1.2 Tesla. We measured the magnetic field of the permanent magnet quadrupoles using the pulsed-wire and rotating-coil methods. Here, we present an analysis of the magnetic field quality and, in particular, the integrated field gradient and high-order field components. We further discuss the influence of the field imperfections on the electron beam quality and its consequences for application in the transport line of a laser-plasma-driven undulator X-ray source. | |||
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THPVA005 | Investigation of Electron Beam Assisted Density Boosting in Plasma Traps Using the Example of a Gabor Plasma Lens | electron, simulation, experiment, space-charge | 4421 |
Gabor lenses are plasma traps that can be used for focusing an ion beam linearly without aberrations* by the electric field of a confined electron cloud. They combine strong electrostatic focusing with the possibility of space charge compensation and provide an attractive alternative to conventional ion beam optics in a LEBT section. The focusing performance strongly depends on the density and distribution of the enclosed electron plasma*. As the Gabor lens is usually operated close to the ion source, residual gas ionization is supposed to be the central electron generation mechanism. An electron source is introduced in order to investigate the possibility of boosting the electron density in plasma traps using the example of a Gabor lens. This way, a Gabor lens could be operated under XUHV conditions, where residual gas ionization is suppressed. The particle in cell code bender** was used to simulate the injection into the confining fields of the space charge lens in different geometrical configurations and a prototype experiment was constructed consisting of a Gabor lens and an electron source system. In this contribution, simulations and measurements will be presented.
* Schulte, K., et al. Electron cloud dynamics in a Gabor space charge lens. 2012 ** Noll, D., et al. The particle-in-cell code bender and its application to non-relativistic beam transport. 2015 |
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THPVA007 | Matching Space-charge Dominated Electron Bunches into the Plasma Accelerator at SINBAD | emittance, electron, simulation, focusing | 4429 |
The SINBAD facility (Short and INnovative Bunches and Accelerators at DESY) is foreseen to provide sub-fs to tens of fs electron bunches for Laser Wake-Field Acceleration (LWFA) experiments. In order to avoid emittance growth in plasma cells with ultra-high accelerating gradients the injection and transport of electron bunches with beta functions of mm-size or even smaller are required. This kind of bunch is usually space-charged dominated since the energy is low (< 200 MeV) while the peak current is high for allowing the electron bunches to be used for Free Electron-Laser (FEL) generation. We present the beamline design and explore the possible beam parameters at the SINBAD linac by start-to-end simulations. | |||
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