Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB027 | Preparation of CVD Diamond Detector for fast Luminosity Monitoring of SuperKEKB | luminosity, detector, simulation, target | 135 |
The SuperKEKB e+-e− collider aims to reach a very high luminosity of 8×10 35 cm'2s'1, using highly focused ultra-low emittance bunches colliding every 4ns. To meet the requirement of the dithering feedback system used to stabilize the horizontal orbit at the IP (interaction point), a relative precision of 10 '3 in 1ms is specified for the fast luminosity monitoring, which can be in principle achieved thanks to the large cross section of the radiative Bhabha process. This paper firstly presents the fraction of detected Bhabha scattering positrons with a new beam pipe arrangement coupled with a Tungsten radiator to be installed in the Low Energy Ring; Then the characteristics of signals from a sCVD diamond detector with thickness of 140'm coupled with a broadband current amplifier were studied based on tests with a Sr-90 source; Finally, simulated results for the reconstructed luminosity and the relative precision with different assumed luminosities are also reported. | |||
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MOPAB038 | Research and Development of Diamond Based Beam Monitoring and Diagnostics Systems at the S-DALINAC | detector, simulation, FPGA, electron | 163 |
Funding: This work has been supported by the DFG through GRK 2128 and VH-NG-823. For future experiments with the HADES and CBM detectors at FAIR in Darmstadt, a radiation hard and fast beam detector is required. The beam detector has to perform precise T0 measurements (σT0 < 50 ps) and should also offer beam monitoring capabilities. These tasks can be fulfilled by utilizing single-crystal Chemical Vapor Deposition (scCVD) diamond based detectors. For research and development of such detectors, a test set-up will be installed at the Superconducting Darmstadt Electron Linear Accelerator (S-DALINAC) of TU Darmstadt. A read-out system for a beam monitoring and diagnostics system is currently under development. It is based on the already well established TRB3 platform, which can provide FPGA based signal discriminators and high precision FPGA-TDCs with on-line monitoring capabilities. In this contribution the concept and the performance of a prototype beam monitoring system will be discussed. Furthermore the preparatory work, with particular focus on the beam-line simulations, for a multipurpose beam detector test set-up at the S-DALINAC will be addressed. |
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MOPAB088 | A Differential Beam Intensity Monitoring for the CIADS LINAC | linac, simulation, instrumentation, pick-up | 325 |
Funding: Work supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91026001) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Chinese Central Universities The high power Linac places many crucial requirements on the beam diagnostics for the China initiative accelerator driven subcritical(CIADS) facility. Measuring the beam loss is essential for the purpose of machine protections for the facility. A beam position pickup based differential beam current monitoring (BPDBCM) scheme has been proposed for the MEBT section at CIADS. Discussions of the principles for the scheme and the realtionship between beam intensity measurement and the pulse length are presented. Simulations are performed and they demonstrate that the proposed system can be effective at the low enery section for the CIADS beam. This paper describes the proposed implementation that will have the capability of detecting both the instantaneous and chronicle loss in real time. |
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MOPVA073 | Development of Peak Hold Module for Electron Emission in STF-Type Power Coupler for the ILC | electron, operation, vacuum, cryomodule | 1034 |
In STF, the RF conditioning for power coupler is done in several steps from 10 to 1650 μs as specified in TDR for the ILC. The most important signals during the RF conditioning are vacuum level, and electron emission by multipacting. The vacuum level changes continuously, and electron emission has pulse-like behavior, which has much faster response. Therefore, it was necessary to develop the peak hold and isolation modules to evaluate electron emission in short pulse width. This module has two kinds of feature. One is pulse height detection, and the other is total charge detection (integrated signal). During the RF conditioning for power couplers in STF-2 cryomodule, this module perfectly worked, and detected different trend between the pulse height and the total charge. In this paper, the detailed result for the peak hold module will be presented. | |||
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MOPVA095 | First RF Performance Results for the DQW Crab Cavities to be Tested in the CERN SPS | cavity, SRF, operation, cryomodule | 1077 |
As part of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project strategy, crab cavity correctors shall be installed around CMS and ATLAS experiments of the LHC. To accommodate the different crossing angle planes, two distinct cavity designs have been selected: the RF Dipole (RFD) and the Double Quarter Wave resonator (DQW). CERN has fabricated two double quarter wave resonators (DQWSPS), for validation with a proton beam at the CERN SPS accelerator. Standard superconducting rf surface preparation protocols have been applied to the two bulk niobium cavities, followed by cryogenic testing in a vertical cryostat at CERN's SM18 facility. The performance results obtained after the first bare cavity tests for cavities DQWSPS001 and DQWSPS002 are shown in this paper, and include Q0 vs Vt curves, Lorentz Force Detuning (LFD) analyses and pressure sensitivity of a higher order mode. | |||
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MOPVA096 | The Crab Cavities Cryomodule for SPS Test | cavity, cryomodule, vacuum, HOM | 1081 |
RF Crab Cavities are an essential part of the HL-LHC upgrade. Two concepts of such systems are being developed: the Double Quarter Wave (DQW) and the RF Dipole (RFD). A cryomodule with two DQW cavities is in advanced fabrication stage at CERN for their tests with protons in the SPS during the 2018 run. The cavities must be operated at 2 K, without excessive heat loads, in a low magnetic environment and in compliance with CERN safety guidelines on pressure and vacuum systems. A large set of components, such as a thermal shield, a two layers magnetic shield, RF lines, helium tank and tuner is required for the successful and safe operation of the cavities. The assembly of all these components with the cavities and their couplers forms the cryomodule. An overview of the design and fabrication strategy of this cryomodule is presented. The main components are described along with the present status of cavity fabrication and processing and cryomodule assembly. The lesson learned from the prototypes, the helium tank above all, and first manufactured systems is also included. | |||
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MOPVA116 | Quench Studies in Single-Cell Nb3Sn Cavities Coated Using Vapour Diffusion | cavity, radio-frequency, accelerating-gradient, niobium | 1119 |
The superconductor Nb3Sn is known to have a superheating field, Hsh, of approximately 400 mT. This critical field represents the ultimate achievable gradient in a superconducting cavity, and is equivalent to an accelerating gradient of 90 MV/m in an ILC single-cell cavity for this value of Hsh. However, the currently best performing Nb3Sn single-cell cavities remain limited to accelerating gradients of 17-18 MV/m, translating to a peak surface magnetic field of approx. 70 mT. In this paper, we consider theoretical models of candidate quench mechanisms, and compare them to experimental data from surface analysis and cavity tests. | |||
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TUPIK067 | Online Monitoring of the ADS Test Cryostat Cold Mass With WPM | cryomodule, alignment, vacuum, cryogenics | 1848 |
Superconducting devices in particle accelerator demand strict operating environment: cryostat with ultra high vacuum and almost absolute zero temperature 2K-4K. This brings a big problem to survey and alignment work: how to preserve the magnets alignment precision in the cryostat, especially after such a big range temperature change. The complicate structure of magnet girder and cryogenic pipes make it difficult to do precise contraction simulation. So wire position monitor (WPM) is designed to measure the device contraction in cryomodule. Accelerator Driven System (ADS) Injector-I is a proton Linac, WPM system was assembled in its first cyomodule TCM. WPM is precisely calibrated, assembled at the same height as magnets. System noise, contraction stability and repeatability are analyzed in detail. Contraction coefficient of girder system is calculated by contraction data and temperature data, the result matches with the thermal coefficient of stainless steel very well. After commissioning, two thermal cycles were recorded, average contraction value was 1.35mm. The commissioning data shows about 0.2mm contraction difference with the same girder structure. | |||
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TUPIK079 | Development and Status of Protection Functions for the Normal Conducting LINAC at ESS | linac, vacuum, proton, timing | 1880 |
The European Spallation Source faces a great challenge in succeeding with its ambitious availability goals. The aim is to construct a machine that allows for 95% availability for neutron beam production. This goal requires a robust protection system that allows for high availability by continuously monitoring and acting on the machine states, in order to avoid long facility downtimes and optimize the operation at any stage. The normal conducting section consists of the first 48 meters of the machine, and performs the initial acceleration, bunching, steering, and focusing of the beam, which sets it up for optimal transition into the superconducting section. Through a fit-for-purpose risk management process, a set of protection functions has been identified. The risk identification, analysis, and treatment were done in compliance with modern safety and ISO standards. This ensures that the risks, in this case downtime and equipment damage, are properly prevented and mitigated. This paper describes this process of defining the protection functions for the normal conducting linac at ESS. | |||
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TUPIK085 | HL-LHC Alignment Requirements and Associated Solutions | alignment, quadrupole, target, vacuum | 1893 |
To increase by more than 10 times the luminosity reach w.r.t the first 10 years of the LHC lifetime, the HL-LHC project will replace nearly 1.2 km of the accelerator during the Long Shutdown 3 scheduled in 2024 [1][2][3]. This paper presents the HL-LHC alignment and internal metrology requirements of all the new components to be installed, from the magnet components to the beam instrumentation and vacuum devices. As for the LHC, a combination of Hydrostatic Levelling Sensors (HLS) and Wire Positioning Sensors (WPS) is proposed for the alignment of the main components, but on a longer distance (210 m instead of 50 m), generating technical challenges for the installation of the stretched wire and for the maintenance of the alignment systems. Innovative measurements methods and instrumentation are under study to perform the position monitoring inside a cryostat of cold masses and crab cavities, in a cold (2K) and radioactive (1 MGy/year) environment, as well as to carry remote measurements in the tunnel of the intermediary components. The proposed solutions concerning the determination of the position and the re-adjustment of the components are detailed in this paper. | |||
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WEPAB018 | Engineering Collaboration Experience at the European XFEL | project-management, database, distributed, controls | 2604 |
The construction of the European XFEL involved a huge internationally distributed and inter-disciplinary engineering effort. This paper discusses examples for good engineering practices which have been successfully developed and applied in the construction of the European XFEL. It addresses appropriate combination of de-/central activities in design collaboration and integration; the use of manufacturing bills of materials for coordinating and tracking contributions, as well as for clarifying responsibilities; the right amount of reviews for keeping activities in synch; some specific needs of and measures for in-kind collaboration; and general methods, tools and practices and spirit for efficient communication and collaboration. | |||
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WEPAB091 | Progress on Transparent Realignment of the Diamond Storage Ring | alignment, controls, storage-ring, survey | 2790 |
The mechanical alignment of Diamond Storage Ring is achieved by means of a 5-axis motion system under remote control via the EPICS toolkit from the Diamond Control Room. We have completed the first phase of the realignment program meant to improve the mechanical alignment of the machine by carefully moving the magnet girders with a virtually zero impact on the associated beamlines, hence the name Transparent Realignment (TR). During this phase we have equipped and realigned 3 out of 24 cells, involving two beamlines. We have also tested and perfected the technique to execute a move with live beam and total remote control of the realignment process. The program has entered a second phase entailing the commissioning of 6 more cells. Details of tests on the machine are reported. | |||
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WEPVA105 | Upgrading of Ageing CERN Underground Infrastructure to Fulfil the Space Requirements of New Facilities at CERN | experiment, gun, electron, interface | 3510 |
Particle accelerator technology is constantly being developed, and new equipment and machines replace the former ones to keep pushing the energy and intensity frontiers. Therefore, in order to meet the space requirements of new equipment, the infrastructure often needs to be modified, and given its rigid nature, this presents a challenge for the civil engineers to provide the needed space without compromising the safety and serviceability of the structures. In this paper two underground works are presented: a new cross-passage tunnel for the AWAKE experiment completed in 2014 and the future SPS Beam Dump. The challenges that must be faced are: (a) to make sure that the movements of the adjacent structures remain within admissible limits, (b) to design and execute the works such that the life span of the structure is not reduced, (c) To ensure the effectiveness of existing and new drainage systems during and after the works. For these purposes, in the frame of future tunnel asset management, the use of novel and conventional monitoring techniques plays a crucial role as it can predict in real time potential tunnel deformations which can lead, in the worst scenario, to tunnel failure | |||
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THPVA055 | The Preliminary Performance of the Timing and Synchronization System at Tsinghua University | LLRF, laser, timing, controls | 4565 |
A precise timing and synchronization system is developed in Tsinghua University(THU). The whole system scheme includes fiber-based CW carrier phase reference distribution system (PRDS) for delivering stabilized RF phase reference to multiple receiver clients, Low Level RF (LLRF) control system to stabilized the accelerating mi-crowave field and laser-RF synchronization system for high precise synchronization of optical and RF signals. The system test and the demonstration experiment of each subsystem are carried on to evaluate the system and the phase error jitter resources are analysed. | |||
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THPVA066 | TPS LINAC Temperature Monitoring System | linac, PLC, EPICS, controls | 4595 |
TPS Linac has been providing with electron beams which conform to the specifications to the requirement since 2014. Firstly electrons are extracted from electron gun (e-gun), and they are accelerated and gained energy from 90 keV to 150 MeV in three linear accelerating sections. Then electron beams are successfully injected to the booster ring via Linac to Booster (LTB) transport line. Providing a stable and reliable operating system is next priority objective and so a temperature monitoring system is established. This temperature monitoring system is used to monitor the temperatures for each Linac sub-system and its surrounding environment. By using this temperature monitoring system, it helps to understand the relation between beam energy and working temperature for each sub-system, when Linac is under normal operation. This report will detail the temperature monitoring components, including thermalcouples, PLC thermal modules, PLC programming and graphic user interface (GUI). By integrating with EPICS, this monitoring system is becoming a complete solution for ensuring any possible influence due to thermal effects. | |||
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