Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUZ01 | Particle and Accelerator Physics at the VEPP-4M Collider | experiment, electron, positron, collider | 29 |
VEPP-4M electron-positron collider is now operating with KEDR detector for high-energy physics experiments in the 1.5−4.0 GeV beam energy range to study of hadrons production in continuum and for precise measurement of the R constant. Parallel with these experiments, the VEPP-4M scientific team carries out a number of accelerator physics investigations. Here are some of them: stabilization of the guide field of VEPP-4M with an accuracy of 10-6 using a special feedback system, development of the method of RF orbit separation of electron and positron beams in VEPP-4M instead of usual electrostatic orbit separation for experiment to test CPT-theorem, finding ways to increase luminosity of VEPP-4M. The paper discusses the recent results, present status and perspective plans of the facility. | |||
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Slides TUZ01 [2.012 MB] | ||
TUPSA38 | Estimation of the Efficiency of Biological Shielding for the Circular Hall of U-70 Accelerator at IHEP | shielding, detector, target, neutron | 118 |
Report presents estimation of biological shielding efficiency for annular hall of U-70 accelerator. Distribution of neutron flux in concrete shielding of proton accelerator measurements carried out by method of long-lived isotopes specific activity determination. The experimental data may be compared with Monte-Carlo simulation. | |||
WEPSB42 | Histogram Based Bremsstrahlung Radiation Source Model for the CyberKnife Medical Linear Accelerator | radiation, simulation, electron, factory | 256 |
The accuracy of dose calculations is of fundamental importance in treatment planning of radiation therapy. The dose distributions must be calculated and verified by an accurate algorithm. The Monte Carlo simulation (statistical method, based on random sampling) of radiation transport is the only method that makes it possible to perform high-precision dose calculations in the case of a complex geometry. The main bottleneck for the application of this method in practical planning of radiation therapy is the lack of a general virtual source model of the accelerator radiation source. There are several approaches that have been described in the literature*. The goal of this work is to build a source model, based on histogram distributions, to represent the 6 MV photon beams from the Cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery system** for Monte Carlo treatment planning dose calculations. The transport of particles in treatment head of Cyberknife was simulated. Energy, radial and angular distributions were calculated. Source model was created on the base of the cumulative histograms. This approach provides producing an unlimited number of particles for the next dosimetric planning. Results of source modelling were verified in comparison with full-scale simulation without model. Good agreement was shown with calculations using the source model of the linear accelerator treatment head.
*Chetty I.J. et al. Report of the AAPM Task Group No. 105// Med. Phys. 2007. **Francescon P., Cora S., Cavedon C. Total scatter factors of small beams // Med. Phys. 2008. |