Keyword: microtron
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THPSC36 Experimental Study of the Scattering of 7.4 Mev Electrons Intersecting a Foil at an angle of 5–60 degree to its Surface target, injection, electron, experiment 401
  • A.V. Serov, A.V. Koltsov
    LPI, Moscow, Russia
  • I.A. Mamonov
    NRNU, Moscow, Russia
  Angular distributions of electrons incident of a planar target at a small angle to its surface have been measured. Electrons have been injected from a microtron with a particle energy of 7.4 MeV. The dependence of the characteristics of beams on the initial energy and direction of injection of particles, as well as on the material and thickness of the target, has been considered. The intersection and reflection of electrons in the target have been investigated. The angle between the trajectory of the particles and the surface of the target was varied in the range of 5-60 degree. Aluminum, lead, and copper foils have been tested. The thickness of the foils was varied from 50 mkm to 600 mkm.