Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOBAUST04 | The RHIC and RHIC Pre-Injectors Controls Systems: Status and Plans | controls, ion, proton, electron | 13 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is one of the premier high energy and nuclear physics laboratories in the world and has been a leader in accelerator based physics research for well over half a century. For the past ten years experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have recorded data from collisions of heavy ions and polarized protons, leading to major discoveries in nuclear physics and the spin dynamics of quarks and gluons. BNL is also the site of one of the oldest alternating gradient synchrotrons, the AGS, which first operated in 1960. The accelerator controls systems for these instruments span multiple generations of technologies. In this report we will describe the current status of the Collider-Accelerator Department controls systems, which are used to control seven different accelerator facilities (from the LINAC and Tandem van de Graafs to RHIC) and multiple science programs (high energy nuclear physics, high energy polarized proton physics, NASA programs, isotope production, and multiple accelerator research and development projects). We will describe the status of current projects, such as the just completed Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), our R&D programs in superconducting RF and an Energy Recovery LINAC (ERL), innovations in feedback systems and bunched beam stochastic cooling at RHIC, and plans for future controls system developments. |
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Slides MOBAUST04 [6.386 MB] | ||
MOMMU005 | Stabilization and Positioning of CLIC Quadrupole Magnets with sub-Nanometre Resolution | quadrupole, controls, feedback, simulation | 74 |
Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures project EuCARD, grant agreement no.227579 To reach the required luminosity at the CLIC interaction point, about 2000 quadrupoles along each linear collider are needed to obtain a vertical beam size of 1 nm at the interaction point. Active mechanical stabilization is required to limit the vibrations of the magnetic axis to the nanometre level in a frequency range from 1 to 100 Hz. The approach of a stiff actuator support was chosen to isolate from ground motion and technical vibrations acting directly on the quadrupoles. The actuators can also reposition the quadrupoles between beam pulses with nanometre resolution. A first conceptual design of the active stabilization and nano positioning based on the stiff support and seismometers was validated in models and experimentally demonstrated on test benches. Lessons learnt from the test benches and information from integrated luminosity simulations using measured stabilization transfer functions lead to improvements of the actuating support, the sensors used and the system controller. The controller electronics were customized to improve performance and to reduce cost, size and power consumption. The outcome of this R&D is implemented in the design of the first prototype of a stabilized CLIC quadrupole magnet. |
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Slides MOMMU005 [1.046 MB] | ||
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Poster MOMMU005 [1.551 MB] | ||
MOPKN002 | LHC Supertable | database, operation, collider, interface | 86 |
LHC operations generate enormous amounts of data. These data are being stored in many different databases. Hence, it is difficult for operators, physicists, engineers and management to have a clear view on the overall accelerator performance. Until recently the logging database, through its desktop interface TIMBER, was the only way of retrieving information on a fill-by-fill basis. The LHC Supertable has been developed to provide a summary of key LHC performance parameters in a clear, consistent and comprehensive format. The columns in this table represent main parameters that describe the collider's operation such as luminosity, beam intensity, emittance, etc. The data is organized in a tabular fill-by-fill manner with different levels of detail. A particular emphasis was placed on data sharing by making data available in various open formats. Typically the contents are calculated for periods of time that map to the accelerator's states or beam modes such as Injection, Stable Beams, etc. Data retrieval and calculation is triggered automatically after the end of each fill. The LHC Supertable project currently publishes 80 columns of data on around 100 fills. | |||
WEPMU024 | The Radiation Monitoring System for the LHCb Inner Tracker | radiation, detector, monitoring, electronics | 1115 |
The performance of the LHCb Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) [1], designed to monitor radiation load on the Inner Tracker [2] silicon micro-strip detectors, is presented. The RMS comprises Metal Foil Detectors (MFD) read-out by sensitive Charge Integrators [3]. MFD is a radiation hard detector operating at high charged particle fluxes. RMS is used to monitor radiation load as well as relative luminosity of the LHCb experiment. The results obtained by the RMS during LHC operation in 2010-2011 are compared to the Monte-Carlo simulation.
[1] V. Pugatch et al., Ukr. J. Phys 54(4), 418 (2009). [2] LHCb Collaboration, JINST S08005 (2008). [3] V. Pugatch et al., LHCb Note 2007-062. |
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Poster WEPMU024 [3.870 MB] | ||