Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPKN007 | Lhc Dipole Magnet Splice Resistance From Sm18 Data Mining | dipole, operation, extraction, database | 98 |
The splice incident which happened during commissioning of the LHC on the 19th of September 2008 caused damage to several magnets and adjacent equipment. This raised not only the question of how it happened, but also about the state of all other splices. The inter magnet splices were studied very soon after with new measurements, but the internal magnet splices were also a concern. At the Chamonix meeting in January 2009, the CERN management decided to create a working group to analyse the provoked quench data of the magnet acceptance tests and try to find indications for bad splices in the main dipoles. This resulted in a data mining project that took about one year to complete. This presentation describes how the data was stored, extracted and analysed reusing existing LabVIEW™ based tools. We also present the encountered difficulties and the importance of combining measured data with operator notes in the logbook. | |||
Poster MOPKN007 [5.013 MB] | |||
MOPKS004 | NSLS-II Beam Diagnostics Control System | diagnostics, controls, interface, timing | 168 |
A correct measurement of NSLS-II beam parameters (beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc.) depends on the effective combinations of beam monitors, control and data acquisition system and high level physics applications. This paper will present EPICS-based control system for NSLS-II diagnostics and give detailed descriptions of diagnostics controls interfaces including classifications of diagnostics, proposed electronics and EPICS IOC platforms, and interfaces to other subsystems. Device counts in diagnostics subsystems will also be briefly described. | |||
Poster MOPKS004 [0.167 MB] | |||
MOPKS019 | Electro Optical Beam Diagnostics System and its Control at PSI | laser, controls, software, electron | 195 |
Electro Optical (EO) techniques are very promising non-invasive methods for measuring extremely short (in a sub-picosecond range) electron bunches. A prototype of an EO Bunch Length Monitoring System (BLMS) for the future SwissFEL facility is created at PSI. The core of this system is an advanced fiber laser unit with pulse generating and mode locking electronics. The system is integrated into the EPICS based PSI controls, which significantly simplifies its operations. The paper presents main components of the BLMS and its performance. | |||
Poster MOPKS019 [0.718 MB] | |||
MOPMN014 | Detector Control System for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer And Operational Experience After The First Year of LHC Data Taking | detector, controls, monitoring, hardware | 267 |
Muon Reconstruction is a key ingredient in any of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider LHC. The muon spectrometer of ATLAS comprises Monitored Drift Tube (MDTs) and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) for precision tracking as well as Resistive Plate (RPC) and Thin Gap (TGC) Chambers as muon trigger and for second coordinate measurement. Together with a strong magnetic field provided by a super conducting toroid magnet and an optical alignment system a high precision determination of muon momentum up to the highest particle energies accessible by the LHC collisions is provided. The Detector Control System (DCS) of each muon sub-detector technology must efficiently and safely manage several thousands of LV and HV channels, the front-end electronics initialization as well as monitoring of beam, background, magnetic field and environmental conditions. This contribution will describe the chosen hardware architecture, which as much as possible tries to use common technologies, and the implemented controls hierarchy. In addition the muon DCS human machine interface (HMI) layer and operator tools will be covered. Emphasis will be given to reviewing the experience from the first year of LHC and detector operations, and to lessons learned for future large scale detector control systems. We will also present the automatic procedures put in place during last year and review the improvements gained by them for data taking efficiency. Finally, we will describe the role DCS plays in assessing the quality of data for physics analysis and in online optimization of detector conditions.
On Behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration |
Poster MOPMN014 [0.249 MB] | |||
WEMAU005 | The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Detector Control System | detector, controls, hardware, operation | 666 |
Funding: CERN; MNiSW, Poland; MES of Russia and ROSATOM, Russian Federation; DOE and NSF, United States of America TRT is one of the ATLAS experiment Inner Detector components providing precise tracking and electrons identification. It consists of 370 000 proportional counters (straws) which have to be filled with stable active gas mixture and high voltage biased. High voltage setting at distinct topological regions are periodicaly modified by closed-loop regulation mechanism to ensure constant gaseous gain independent of drifts of atmospheric pressure, local detector temperatures and gas mixture composition. Low voltage system powers front-end electronics. Special algorithms provide fine tuning procedures for detector-wide discrimination threshold equalization to guarantee uniform noise figure for whole detector. Detector, cooling system and electronics temperatures are continuosly monitored by ~ 3000 temperature sensors. The standard industrial and custom developed server applications and protocols are used for devices integration into unique system. All parameters originating in TRT devices and external infrastructure systems (important for Detector operation or safety) are monitored and used by alert and interlock mechanisms. System runs on 11 computers as PVSS (industrial SCADA) projects and is fully integrated with ATLAS Detector Control System. |
Slides WEMAU005 [1.384 MB] | |||
Poster WEMAU005 [1.978 MB] | |||
WEPMN023 | The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Detector Control System | detector, controls, monitoring, experiment | 929 |
The main task of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter Detector Control System (DCS) is to enable the coherent and safe operation of the calorimeter. All actions initiated by the operator, as well as all errors, warnings and alarms concerning the hardware of the detector are handled by DCS. The Tile calorimeter DCS controls and monitors mainly the low voltage and high voltage power supply systems, but it is also interfaced with the infrastructure (cooling system and racks), the calibration systems, the data acquisition system, configuration and conditions databases and the detector safety system. The system has been operational since the beginning of LHC operation and has been extensively used in the operation of the detector. In the last months effort was directed to the implementation of automatic recovery of power supplies after trips. Current status, results and latest developments will be presented. | |||
Poster WEPMN023 [0.404 MB] | |||
WEPMS019 | Measuring Angle with Pico Meter Resolution | FPGA, laser, ion, controls | 1014 |
The kilogram is the only remaining fundamental unit within the SI system that is defined in terms of a material artefact (a PtIr cylinder kept in Paris). Therefore, one of the major tasks of modern metrology is the redefinition of the kilogram on the basis of a natural quantity or of a fundamental constant. However, any kilogram redefinition must approach a 10-8 relative accuracy in its practical realization. A joint research project amongst the major metrology institutes in Europe has proposed the redefinition of the kilogram based on the mass of the 12C atom. The goal can be achieved by counting in a first step the number of atoms in a macroscopic weighable object and, in a second step, by weighing the atom by means of measuring its Compton frequency vC. It is in the second step of the procedure, where the ILL is playing a fundamental role with GAMS, the high-resolution γ-ray spectrometer. Energies of the γ-rays emitted in the decay of the capture state to the ground state of a daughter nucleus after a neutron capture reaction can be measured with high precision. In order to match the high demand in angle measurement accuracy, a new optical interferometer with 10 picorad resolution and linearity over a total measurement range of 15° and high stability of about 0.1 nrad/hour has been developed. To drive the interferometer, a new FPGA based electronics for the heterodyne frequency generation and for real time phase measurement and axis control has been realized. The basic concepts of the FPGA implementation will be revised. | |||
Poster WEPMS019 [6.051 MB] | |||
WEPMS028 | Online Evaluation of New DBPM Processors at SINAP | injection, betatron, feedback, hardware | 1041 |
In this paper, we report our online evaluation results for new digital BPM signal processors, which are developed for the SSRF and the new Shanghai SXFEL facility. Two major prototypes have been evaluated. The first algorithm evaluation prototype is built using commercial development toolkits modules in order to test various digital processing blocks. The second prototype is designed and fabricated from chips level in order to evaluate the hardware performances of different functional modules and assembled processor. | |||
Poster WEPMS028 [0.546 MB] | |||
WEPMU024 | The Radiation Monitoring System for the LHCb Inner Tracker | radiation, luminosity, detector, monitoring | 1115 |
The performance of the LHCb Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) [1], designed to monitor radiation load on the Inner Tracker [2] silicon micro-strip detectors, is presented. The RMS comprises Metal Foil Detectors (MFD) read-out by sensitive Charge Integrators [3]. MFD is a radiation hard detector operating at high charged particle fluxes. RMS is used to monitor radiation load as well as relative luminosity of the LHCb experiment. The results obtained by the RMS during LHC operation in 2010-2011 are compared to the Monte-Carlo simulation.
[1] V. Pugatch et al., Ukr. J. Phys 54(4), 418 (2009). [2] LHCb Collaboration, JINST S08005 (2008). [3] V. Pugatch et al., LHCb Note 2007-062. |
Poster WEPMU024 [3.870 MB] | |||