Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPVA058 | Commissioning and Operation Experience of the 3.9 GHz System in the EXFEL Linac | cavity, operation, linac, klystron | 999 |
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL) injector linac hosts a 3.9~GHz module (AH1) for beam longitudinal phase space manipulation after the first acceleration stage, in order for the linac to deliver the high current beams with sufficiently low emittance for the production of 1 Angstrom FEL light to the experimental users. The module was technically commissioned in December 2015 and operated well above its nominal performances during the Injector Run from January to July 2016. Its operation has restarted in January 2017 with the startup of the whole facility, and the system met the design beam specifications after the bunch compression stages. A brief review of the commissioning and first operation experience of the RF system are presented here. | |||
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MOPVA079 | A 166.6 MHz Superconducting RF System for the HEPS Storage Ring | cavity, HOM, SRF, injection | 1049 |
Funding: This work has been supported by HEPS-TF project and partly by Pioneer 'Hundred Talents Program' of Chinese Academy of Science. A superconducting 166.6 MHz quarter-wave β=1 cavity was recently proposed for the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a 6 GeV kilometer-scale light source. Four 166.6 MHz cavities will be used for main acceleration in the newly planned on-axis beam injection scheme realized by a double-frequency RF system. The fundamental frequency, 166.6 MHz, was dictated by the fast injection kicker technology and the preference of using 499.8 MHz SC RF cavity as the third harmonic. Each 166.6 MHz cavity will be operated at 4.2 K providing 1.2 MV accelerating voltage and 150 kW of power to the electron beam. The input coupler will use single-window coaxial type graded up to 200 kW CW power. Each cavity will be equipped with a 200 kW solid-state amplifier and digital low-level RF system. This paper will describe the 166.6 MHz RF system with a focus on the design and optimization of the RF cavity and its ancillaries, the LLRF system and the status of the solid-state amplifiers. |
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THOAA1 | Development of a DLLRF Using Commercial uTCA Platform | cavity, FPGA, controls, synchrotron | 3631 |
The Digital LLRF of ALBA has been implemented using commercial cPCI boards with Virtex-4 FPGA, fast ADCs and fast DACs. The firmware of the FPGA is based on IQ demodulation technique and the main feed-back loops adjust the phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage and also the resonance frequency of the cavity. But the evolution of the market is moving towards uTCA technology and due to the interest of this technology by several labs, we have developed at ALBA a DLLRF using a HW platform based on uTCA commercial boards and Virtex-6 FPGA. The paper will present the development done and will compare it with respect the cPCI one. | |||
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THOAA3 | Installation and First Commissioning of the LLRF System for the European XFEL | cavity, linac, operation, cryomodule | 3638 |
The installation phase of the European X-ray free laser electron laser (XFEL) is finished, leaving place for its commissioning phase. This contribution summarizes the low-level radio frequency (LLRF) installation steps, illustrated with examples of its challenges and how they were addressed. The commissioning phase is also presented, with a special emphasis on the effort placed into developing LLRF automation tools to support the commissioning of such a large scale accelerator. The first results of the LLRF commissioning of the XFEL injector and first RF stations in the main linac are also given. | |||
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THPAB097 | Phase Calibration of Synchrotron RF Signals | operation, cavity, synchrotron, timing | 3945 |
In the scope of FAIR's scientific program higher beam intensities will be achieved and several new synchrotrons (including storage rings) are being built. The low-level RF (LLRF) systems of FAIR have to support multi-harmonic operations, barrier bucket generation and bunch compression in order to meet the desired beam quality requirements. All this imposes several requirements on the LLRF systems. For example the phase error of the gap voltage of a specific RF cavity must be less than 3 degrees. Thus, each individual component must have a better accuracy. The RF reference signals for the FAIR synchrotron RF cavity systems are generated by direct digital synthesis (DDS). Four so-called Group DDS modules are mounted in one crate. In the supply rooms, the reference signals of such a crate are then distributed to local cavity LLRF systems. Therefore, the precise phase calibration of Group DDS modules is of importance. A phase calibration method with respect to the absolute phases of DDS modules defined by means of the FAIR Bunch Phase Timing System (BuTiS) is developed, and its precision is under evaluation. | |||
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THPAB103 | On-Line RF Amplitude and Phase Calibration | cavity, controls, operation, beam-loading | 3957 |
The accelerating RF field has crucial importance on the beam properties. It is not only used just to accelerate particles but also to shape the bunches at bunch compressors. It is really important to control and measure the field as seen by the beam while usually only indirect (not using the beam) field measurements are available*. Since they are affected by many contributions the measurements must be always calibrated to the beam. Usually this calibration is performed at special operating conditions that prevents normal operation of the accelerator. During normal operation the calibrations is assumed to not drift which is certainly not perfectly true and introduce some control errors. The paper shows how to extract the RF-beam calibration from RF signals during normal operating condition (when RF feed-back, beam loading compensation, learning feed-forward etc. are active). All the algorithms and computations were performed on signals recorded at FLASH accelerator but the main idea is general and can be used at other locations as well. | |||
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THPAB114 | Operation of LLRF Control Systems in SuperKEKB Phase-1 Commissioning | controls, cavity, simulation, operation | 3986 |
First beam commissioning of SuperKEKB (Phase-1), which had started in February 2016 and continued until the end of June, has been successfully accomplished. Target beam current for Phase-1 needed for sufficient vacuum scrubbing was achieved in both 7-GeV electron and 4-GeV positron rings. This presentation summarize the operation results related to low level RF (LLRF) control issues during the Phase-1 commissioning, including the system tuning, the coupled bunch instability and the bunch gap transient effect. RF system of SuperKEKB consists of about thirty klystron stations in both rings. Newly developed LLRF control system, which is composed of recent digital technique, is applied to the nine stations among the thirty for Phase-1. The RF reference signal distribution system has been also upgraded for SuperKEKB. These new systems worked well without serious problem and they contributed to smooth progress of the commissioning. The old existing systems, which had been used in the KEKB operation, were still reused for the most stations, and they also worked as soundly as performed in the KEKB operation. | |||
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THPAB116 | Evaluation of Digital LLRF Control System Performance at STF in KEK | cavity, controls, klystron, cryomodule | 3992 |
The Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) was built for research and development of the International Linear Collider (ILC). Several digital low-level radio frequency (LLRF) control systems were developed at the STF. The purposes of these developments are to construct a minimal configuration of the ILC LLRF system and achieve the amplitude and phase stability of the accelerating field in the superconducting accelerator. Evaluations of digital LLRF control systems were conducted during the conditioning of eight superconducting cavities performed between October and November 2016. The digital LLRF control system configured for ILC was demonstrated and the performance fulfilled the required stability criteria of the accelerating field in the ILC. These evaluations are reported in this paper. | |||
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THPAB117 | Development of a New LLRF System Based on MicroTCA.4 for the SPring-8 Storage Ring | cavity, klystron, controls, storage-ring | 3996 |
SPring-8 is a 3rd generation synchrotron radiation facility, which has been operated since 1997. The analog-circuit-based rf modules now in use at the storage ring are obsolete and hard to be maintained. The renewal of them with modern digital ones is underway and the developed LLRF system will be used for the operation of SPring-8-II. We built an amplitude and phase stabilizing system with commercial MicroTCA.4 modules. A motor driver controlled through EtherCAT was newly adapted to the cavity tuner. The system was implemented to the high power rf test stand which consists of a 1 MW klystron, a circulator, and a 508.58 MHz cavity. The rf power was successfully regulated to keep the cavity voltage with an amplitude deviation of less than 0.1% and a phase stability of less than 0.1 degree in rms. We are also developing new MTCA.4 modules: a digitizer AMC having sampling rate of 370 MHz and 16bit resolution, and a signal conditioning RTM. These modules are used for under-sampling rf detection achieving simple composition and more robustness to the ambient parameter changes. We will start installation of the digital system to one of four rf stations in the storage ring in summer 2017. | |||
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THPAB123 | Low Level RF Control System Architecture OF IR-FEL | controls, electron, klystron, FEL | 4014 |
Infrared free electron laser (IR-FEL) is one type of laser driven by accelerator and generated by undulator. It is built by National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Compared to synchrotron radiation light source, it have much higher demand of beam quality. Low level RF control system (LLRF) need to reach higher controlled accuracy corresponded to the demand. Accelerating structure which contains one pre-buncher, one buncher and two accelerating tube can accelerate beam to 60MeV. Frequency distribution system use direct digital synthesizer technology to generate 5 signal of different frequency. LLRF system detect 8 channels signal, one for control loop, and the others for monitor and interlock. The hardware contain MTCA.4 architecture which is advanced in global; RF board for downconverter and IQ modulation output; DSP board for sampling, controller and transmission. | |||
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THPAB124 | DSP Frame and Algorithm of LLRF of IR-FEL | feedback, FEL, controls, target | 4017 |
Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) use linear accelerator to accelerate electron to relative speed and then generate simulated radiation of infrared wavelength by periodic magnetic field of undulator. The amplitude and phase of microwave field need to be controlled precisely by low level RF control system (LLRF) to meet the high quality demand of electron from undulator. This paper mainly introduce the digital signal processing frame and feedback algorithm. Four times frequency sampling can realize IQ demodulation precisely and reduce DC offset, amplitude sampling error is less than 0.075% and phase sampling error is less than 0.1°. Pipeline CORDIC can calculate amplitude and phase by parallel processing and shift operation. Phase calculating accuracy reach 0.0005° when iteration count is 18. FIR filter is used to improve frequency selected performance. Feedback loop use digital PI controller to adjust system output. | |||
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THPAB129 | Contribution to the ESS LLRF System by Polish Electronic Group | controls, resonance, cavity, FPGA | 4026 |
Funding: Described work will be done as a part of polish in-kind contribution, granted by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the decision number DIR/WK/2016/03. Development of the LLRF system at ESS is coordinated by the Lund University, but part of it, LLRF systems for M-Beta and H-Beta sections, will be delivered within in-kind contribution from Poland. This document will describe the scope of work, work plan, and technical details of the selected components of the M-Beta and H-Beta LLRF systems sections. Described contribution will be made by the Polish Electronic Group (PEG), a consortium of three scientific units. LLRF system for ESS will be made of both, commercially available components and components designed specially for this project, and those last ones will be presented and described here. Except the technical details, the organizational aspects, such as schedule, project management or quality control, will be presented as well. |
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THPAB131 | Test of the Feedback and Feedforward Control Loop for Digital LLRF System of 1 MeV/n RFQ | controls, rfq, FPGA, feedback | 4028 |
Funding: This work has been supported through KOMAC (Korea of Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) operation fund of KAERI by MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) KOMAC (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) has a plan to develop the multipurpose ion irradiation system. This system includes the ion source, LEBT, RFQ and MEBT systems to transport ion particles to the target. In particular, the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) system should receive 200 MHz RF within 1 % amplitude error stability. To supply stable 200 MHz RF signal to the RFQ cavity, the LLRF (Low-Level Radio Frequency) system should be controlled through a control system which implemented using commercial digital board. This 1 MeV/n RFQ LLRF system has a concept to minimize the number of the analog components for minimizing the control error. For this, the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) in the digital board will control the frequency of the output sinusoidal signal. In addition, this LLRF system applied the direct sampling, Non-IQ sampling, direct RF generation and fast IQ set update rate algorithm. In this presentation, the LLRF PI control and feed-forward control logic test using 200 MHz dummy cavity will be described. LLRF, direct sampling, Non-IQ, RFQ, control loop, feedback, feedforward |
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THPAB134 | Latest Development of the ALBA DLLRF | cavity, beam-loading, interlocks, rf-amplifier | 4034 |
The Digital LLRF of ALBA has been implemented using commercial cPCI boards with Virtex-4 FPGA, fast ADCs and fast DACs. The firmware of the FPGA is based on IQ demodulation technique and the main feed-back loops adjust the phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage and also the resonance frequency of the cavity. This paper summarizes the latest LLRF developments done to improve performance of the RF systems and beam stability, including feed-forward loops based on phase modulation to compensate disturbances due to RF trip, beam loading compensation and Power Unbalance Compensation Loop for RF amplifiers Combination. | |||
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THPAB135 | Digital LLRF for MAX IV | cavity, FPGA, vacuum, interlocks | 4037 |
The MAX IV facility consists of a 3 GeV Storage Ring(SR), a 1.5 GeV SR, and a linear accelerator (fed by two guns) that serves as a full-energy injector to the rings, but also as a driver for the Short Pulse Facility. The RF systems of the two SRs work at 100MHz. There are 6 normal conducting capacity loaded accelerating cavities and three Landau passive cavities in the 3GeV SR. In the 1.5GeV SR there are two accelerating cavities and two Landau cavities with the same characteristics. Each of these cavities is fed by a modular 60kW SSA. In the 3 GeV SR the power will be doubled by adding a second SSA when required. A digital Low Level RF system has been developed using commercial uTCA boards, with a Virtex-6 FPGA mother board (Perseus 601X) and two double stack FMC boards with fast ADCs and DACs. The large capabilities of state-of-the-art FPGAs allowed including the control of two normal conducing cavities and two landau cavities in one single LLRF system, reducing the development costs. Other utilities like the handling of fast interlocks and post-mortem analysis were also added to this system. This paper summarizes the main capabilities and performance of this DLLRF. | |||
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THPAB141 | Control and Operation of a Wideband RF System in CERN's PS Booster | HLRF, operation, controls, booster | 4050 |
A prototype wideband High-Level RF (HLRF) sys-tem based on Finemet metal alloy has been installed in CERN's PS Booster (PSB) Ring 4 in 2012, within the frame of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project. A digital Low-Level RF (LLRF) system was used to control the HLRF system to ascertain the capabilities of the combined system, especially under heavy beam loading. The testing campaign was satisfactory and in 2015 the CERN management decided to replace all ferrite-based systems with Finemet ones for the PS Booster restart in 2020. This paper describes the LLRF features implemented for operating the wideband HLRF system and the main beam results obtained. Hints on the LLRF evolution in view of the PSB HLRF renovation are also given. | |||
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THPAB142 | Initial Beam Results of CERN ELENA's Digital Low-Level RF System | HLRF, operation, diagnostics, extraction | 4054 |
The Extra Low ENergy Antiproton (ELENA) decelerator is under commissioning at CERN. This decelerator is equipped with a new digital low-level RF (LLRF) system, in-house developed and belonging to the LLRF family already deployed in CERN's PS Booster and Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) synchrotrons. New features to adapt it to the demanding requirements of ELENA's operation include new, low noise ADC daughtercards and a fixed-frequency clocking scheme. This paper gives an overview of the LLRF system; initial beam results are also shown together with hints on the future system upgrade. | |||
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THPAB143 | Operational Experience With the New Digital Low-Level RF System for CERN's PS Booster | extraction, HLRF, emittance, booster | 4058 |
The four rings of CERN's PS Booster have been equipped in 2014 with a new digital low-level RF (LLRF) system based upon a new, in-house developed LLRF family. This is a second-generation LLRF family that has been since then deployed on other synchrotrons. The paper provides an overview of the system's commissioning and first years of operation. In particular, an overview is given of the main system features and capabilities, such as beam loops and longitudinal beam blowup implementation. Operational improvements with respect to the previous, analogue digital LLRF are also mentioned, together with the planned system evolution to satisfy new requirements. | |||
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THPAB144 | The New LEIR Digital Low-Level RF System | HLRF, operation, extraction, low-level-rf | 4062 |
CERN's Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) low-level RF (LLRF) system has been successfully upgraded in 2016 to the new digital, LLRF family for frequency-sweeping synchrotrons developed at CERN. For LEIR it implements not only beam loops but also the voltage and phase loops required for the control of two Finemet-based High-Level RF (HLRF) systems. This paper gives an overview of the system and of new requirements implemented, such as the parallel operation of two HLRF systems. Beam results for the 2016 lead ions run are also shown. | |||
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THPAB150 | Input Output Controller of Digital Low Level RF System in NSRRC | EPICS, operation, FPGA, controls | 4083 |
Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) systems operating at NSRRC are based on analog technology and are used both at the Taiwan Light Source and the Taiwan Photon Source. In order to have better RF field stability, a new digital LLRF system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was developed. A card-sized single-board computer is used as the input/output controller of the digital LLRF system and its design and implementation with EPICS applications are reported here. | |||
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THPAB152 | Digital Low Level RF Systems for Diamond Light Source | cavity, booster, storage-ring, hardware | 4089 |
Analogue low level RF (LLRF) systems have been used to date for both Diamond storage ring and booster RF cavities. They have been in operation for nearly ten years without a major problem. However, digital LLRF can offer new desirable functionalities such as fast data logging, 'probe blip' blockage and automation of routine tasks. Better performance is also envisaged with up to date hardware. A digital LLRF system has been developed with Alba Synchrotron as a common platform for the storage ring and booster, including superconducting and normal conducting RF cavities. The new digital LLRF is based on Virtex6 FPGA and fast ADCs and DACs. One system has been built and verified in the Diamond booster with beam. The design will be implemented for all other Diamond RF cavities. | |||
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THPIK005 | RF Conditionning of the Spiral 2 CW RFQ | rfq, cavity, controls, pick-up | 4114 |
The SPIRAL2 RFQ is designed to accelerate light and heavy ions with A/Q from 1 to 3 at 0.73 MeV/A. The nominal beam intensities are up to 5 mA CW for both proton and deuteron beams and up to 1 mA CW for heavier ions. The four-vane cavity is made with 5 1-meter long sections mechanically assembled, it works at 88 MHz and is powered up to 180 kW CW to achieve the nominal vane voltage of 113.7 kV for A/Q = 3 ions. This paper describes the RF conditioning of the RFQ at GANIL with the setting of its RF systems and cooling system used to tune the cavity resonance frequency. | |||
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THPIK023 | Concept of the High Power RF Systems for MESA | cavity, linac, experiment, SRF | 4147 |
Funding: work supported by DFG under the cluster od Excellence PRISMA, EXC 1098/2014 The Mainz Energy-recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) is currently designed and built at the Institut für Kernphysik (KPH) at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. The main accelerator incorporates four superconducting cavities of the TESLA type, while the preaccelerator MAMBO (Milliampere Booster) is a room temperature linac. The MESA high power RF-systems have to cover a vast power range starting at some 10kW per cavity for the main linac modules and more 50kW per cavity for MAMBO. In this paper we will present the concept of a unified high power RF system for both main accelerator and preaccelertor, based on solid state technology. |
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THPIK041 | The RF System of the SESAME Storage Ring | cavity, storage-ring, controls, operation | 4187 |
SESAME the Synchrotron Radiation Light Source in Allan (Jordan) consists of a 22 MeV Microtron, an 800 MeV Booster Synchrotron (originally from BESSY I, Berlin, Germany) and a 2.5 GeV Storage Ring (new de-sign). The RF system consists of four 500 MHz ELET-TRA cavities powered by four 80 kW Solid State Ampli-fiers whereas the first amplifier is produced by SOLEIL and the other three are produced by SIGMA-PHI. The RF plant is controlled by the digital Low Level Electronics from DIMTEL. The system has been installed end of 2016. This report describes the setup of the facility and the results of the commissioning. | |||
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THPIK048 | Design of Rapid Tuning System for a Ferrite-Loaded Cavity with Heavy Beam Loading | cavity, controls, beam-loading, feedback | 4203 |
A high power, broadband and rapid frequency sweeping RF system was developed to satisfy the demand of China Spallation Neutron source (CSNS)/ Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS). The cavity tuning is the key issue which has great impact on the performance of the whole RF system. In order to satisfy the requirement of cavity dynamic tuning caused by the nonlinear characteristics of the ferrite material, some new technologies were developed and applied. In this paper, the overall design of the tuning system will be introduced. The ensuing discussion will be focused on the choice of different types bias current supplies, the control algorithm of LLRF system and the beam loading compensation issues. | |||
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THPIK059 | Experimental Study on PM-AM Method in Pulse Compression System | klystron, experiment, cavity, acceleration | 4230 |
We experimentally demonstrate the PM-AM method (Phase Modulation to Amplitude Modulation) at the S-band high power test stand, which consists of two S-band klystrons, a SLED type pulse compressor and two high power stainless steel RF loads, in Tsinghua University. A LLRF (low level RF) system has been developed to modulate the phases of the two klystrons in real time such that pulse compressor could generate a flat output pulse. Experimental results presents that the efficiency of the pulse compression system is 45% and the power gain is 2.9. | |||
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THPIK063 | The RF System of Infrared Free Electron Laser Facility at NSRL | cavity, electron, simulation, laser | 4239 |
Funding: The Natural Science Foundation of China An infrared free electron laser light source (IRFEL) is being constructed at National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, which could be used in the study of far infrared detection, light dissociation and light excitation. The accelerator of IRFEL deliver a average current 300 A electron beam at 15~60 MeV, the energy spread is less than 240 keV, and the emittance is less than 30 mm*mrad. IRFEL is consisted of two optical resonator system, which could create 2.5~50 um, 40~200um infrared laser respectively. The design of IRFEL RF system is introduced, the recent progress of prebuncher, buncher, frequency distribution, accelerator and DLLRF system are also present in this paper. |
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THPIK072 | Development of High Power RF Amplifier System for the KBSI RFQ | rfq, cavity, operation, rf-amplifier | 4257 |
KBSI (Korean Basic Science Institute) has been developed a compact accelerator system for generation of fast neutron by 2.7 MeV/u of lithium beam. The facility consists of 28 GHz SC-ECR ion source, LEBT, RFQ and DTL. The developed RFQ accelerator provides lithium ion beam from 12 keV/u to 500 keV/u with 98.88 % of high transmission rate at 165 MHz of operation frequency. RF power system for RFQ accelerator has been developed to provide sufficient RF power into RFQ cavity. which consists of LLRF system for control, 5 KW of SSPA as IPA, tetrode tube amplifier as FPA, coaxial transmission line and circulator for protection from reflection power provides 100 kW at operation frequency with CW mode, In this paper, we discuss about development of RF system and performance test in detail. | |||
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THPIK102 | Commissioning of the SLRI Storage Ring Second RF System | cavity, electron, storage-ring, rf-amplifier | 4328 |
The old RF cavity in the storage ring of SIAM Photon Source (SPS), the 1.2 GeV second generation synchrotron light source in Thailand, has been pushed to its maximum capability to compensate electron energy lost in the storage ring. This energy lost is the effect from two additional insertion devices, which have been installed in SPS storage ring during June to August 2013. The new RF system has been planned since 2012, but with some technical and procurement difficulty the new system was successfully commissioning and running in August 2016. The installation, acceptance testing, conditioning and commissioning results of the new RF cavity, RF high power transmitter, and the low level RF system will be presented | |||
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THPVA055 | The Preliminary Performance of the Timing and Synchronization System at Tsinghua University | laser, timing, monitoring, controls | 4565 |
A precise timing and synchronization system is developed in Tsinghua University(THU). The whole system scheme includes fiber-based CW carrier phase reference distribution system (PRDS) for delivering stabilized RF phase reference to multiple receiver clients, Low Level RF (LLRF) control system to stabilized the accelerating mi-crowave field and laser-RF synchronization system for high precise synchronization of optical and RF signals. The system test and the demonstration experiment of each subsystem are carried on to evaluate the system and the phase error jitter resources are analysed. | |||
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THPVA152 | Performance of ATCA LLRF System at LCLS | controls, klystron, hardware, booster | 4817 |
Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. The low level RF control for the SLAC LINAC is being upgraded to provide improved performance and maintainability. The new LLRF system is based on the SLAC ATCA common platform hardware. RF control is achieved through a high performance FPGA based DDS/DDC system. The signal processing is designed to be phase insensitive, allowing the use of modest performance on-board digitizer clock and LO. The prototype LLRF control system was installed and used to operate RF station 28-2 in LCLS-I. Design details and prototype performance results will be presented. |
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THPVA154 | LLRF Hardware Testbench | cavity, hardware, controls, cryomodule | 4821 |
With continual advances and the development of new technologies, such as superconducting cavities, particle accelerators have become more complex. New accelerator designs have more demanding stability requirements for the cavity RF fields, up to 0.01% in amplitude and 0.01' in phase for hundreds of cavities in Continuous Wave (CW) operation. Compensating for disturbances from mechanical resonances, microphonics, natural couplings and unwanted channel crosstalk is a challenge for the Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) control systems. For the upgrade to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS-II) at SLAC, a high performance LLRF control system is being designed and developed to drive the Solid State Amplifiers (SSA) and control the cavity fields within specifications. The different components of the LLRF hardware have been designed, constructed and tested separately. Here, we describe a test environment, still under development, for integration, characterization and qualification of the LLRF system with all the LLRF hardware integrated in a single prototype rack. | |||
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