Keyword: microtron
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TUPAB093 Race-Track Microtron with Pulse-to-Pulse Beam Energy Switch electron, linac, extraction, focusing 1530
  • Yu.A. Kubyshin
    UPC, Barcelona, Spain
  • V.I. Shvedunov, I.Yu. Vladimirov
    LEA MSU, Moscow, Russia
  • V.I. Shvedunov
    SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia
  A race-track microtron with a few beam orbits can be an alternative to a standard electron linear accelerator in a number of applications in which high beam power is not needed, like radiation therapy, industrial radiography or cargo inspection. In these cases the advantages of race-track microtrons are low RF power consumption, and consequently low cost of the RF system, and a possibility of beam energy switch in a wide range by extracting the beam from different orbits. In the present work we describe the concept of a race-track microtron with pulse-to-pulse beam energy switch in the range from 3 MeV to 9 MeV. Special attention is given to the optimization of the end magnets of a new type which provide both the accelerating structure bypass and vertical beam focusing.  
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TUPIK054 The MAMI-C Accelerator: 25 Years of Operation and Strategies for the Next Decade klystron, operation, experiment, electron 1816
  • M. Dehn, K. Aulenbacher, F. Fichtner, R.G. Heine, P. Jennewein, W. Klag, H.-J. Kreidel, J.R. Röthgen, V. Tioukine
    IKP, Mainz, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by DFG (CRC 1044) and the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz
The Mainz Microtron Accelerator (MAMI-C) is a staged Race Tack Microtron (RTM) accelerator for 100μA polarised electrons up to 1.6 GeV energy. This report addresses the problems and our strategies to reliably operate the MAMI-C Accelerator for at least another ten years and what lessons have been learned for the new Mainz Energy recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA).
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THPVA061 Study of the Cooling and Vacuum Systems of a Miniature 12 MeV Race-Track Microtron vacuum, linac, simulation, ion 4582
  • Yu.A. Kubyshin, X. Escaler, A. Viladomiu
    UPC, Barcelona, Spain
  • V.I. Shvedunov
    SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia
  With the aim of optimization, numerical simulations of the cooling and vacuum systems of a compact 12 MeV race-track microtron (RTM) which is under construction at the Technical University of Catalonia have been carried out. The hydraulic and thermal performance of the cooling system for various flow rates has been studied using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. A CFD model, previously validated with experimental pressure loss results, has permitted to simulate the cooling fluid temperature, inner wall temperatures and heat trans-fer coefficients at different sections of the RTM accelerating structure. Conclusions concerning the current design and its possible optimization are discussed. Simulations of the RTM high vacuum conditions have been performed using the Monte-Carlo simulation package Molflow+. The pressure in the vacuum chamber, pumping tube conductance and maximum allowed throughput have been calculated. Also results of the vacuum chamber pumping out sessions are reported.  
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