The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
%\cite{Obradors-Campos:IPAC2017-TUPIK030} \bibitem{Obradors-Campos:IPAC2017-TUPIK030} D. Obradors-Campos, M.B. Ahedo, J.M. Barcala, J. Calero, P. Calvo, M.A. Domínguez, \emph{et al.}, % D. Obradors-Campos, M.B. Ahedo, J.M. Barcala, J. Calero, P. Calvo, M.A. Domínguez, E.F. Estévez, J.M. Figarola, L. García-Tabarés, D. Gavela, A. Guirao, J.L. Gutiérrez, P. Gómez, R. Iturbe, J.I. Lagares, B. López, D. López, L.M. Martínez, J. Munilla, C. Oliver, I. Podadera, J.M. Pérez Morales, E. RodrÃguez GarcÃa, F. Toral, R. Varela, and C. Vázquez, % D. Obradors-Campos \emph{et al.}, \textquotedblleft{Characterization of the AMIT Internal Ion Source With a Devoted DC Extraction Test Bench}\textquotedblright, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, pp. 1740--1742, % in \emph{Proc. IPAC2017}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper TUPIK030, pp. 1740--1742, in \emph{Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17)}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, paper TUPIK030, pp. 1740--1742, % ISBN: 978-3-95450-182-3, \url{}, \url{}, 2017.