Keyword: TRIUMF
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TUPAB022 TRIUMF ARIEL e-Linac Ready for 30 MeV cavity, linac, cryomodule, electron 1361
  • S.R. Koscielniak, Z.T. Ang, K. Fong, J.J. Keir, O.K. Kester, M.P. Laverty, R.E. Laxdal, Y. Ma, A.K. Mitra, T. Planche, D.W. Storey, E. Thoeng, B.S. Waraich, Z.Y. Yao, V. Zvyagintsev
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  Funding: TRIUMF is funded under a contribution agreement with the National Research Council of Canada.
The ARIEL electron linac (e-linac) in its present configuration has a 10 mA electron gun and a single-cavity 10 MeV injector cryomodule followed by the accelerator cryomodule intended to house two 10-MeV-capable SRF cavities. There are momentum analysis stations at 10 MeV and 30 MeV. In October 2014, using a total of two cavities, the e-linac demonstrated 22.9 MeV acceleration. In 2017 an additional SRF cavity was installed in the accelerator cryomodule, thereby completing its design specification; and leading to 30 MeV acceleration capability. The 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavities are a variant of the TESLA type, modified for c.w. operation and recirculation. An unusual feature of the module is the power feed of two cavities by one klystron through a wave-guide type power divider, and closed loop control of the combined voltage from the cavities. Initial operation of the two-cavity control, including power and phase balancing, is reported.
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TUPAB023 Commissioning of the 10MeV Electron Injector Cryomodule for VECC at TRIUMF cavity, cryomodule, linac, electron 1365
  • R.E. Laxdal, Y. Ma, R.R. Nagimov, D.W. Storey, E. Thoeng, Z.Y. Yao, V. Zvyagintsev
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  • U. Bhunia, A. Chakrabarti, S. Dechoudhury, V. Naik
    VECC, Kolkata, India
  TRIUMF (Vancouver) and VECC (Kolkata) have been engaged in a collaboration on superconducting electron linacs since 2008. The motivation for the collaboration was to support initiatives at both labs, ARIEL at TRIUMF and ANURIB at VECC, to augment the respective radioactive ion beam (RIB) programs with the addition of a high intensity electron linac driver to produce RIBs through photo-fission. The common linac architecture is based on five 1.3GHz nine-cell SRF cavities housed in three cryomodules; a single cavity injector (ICM) and a pair of two cavity accelerating modules (ACM). Final design goals are 50MeV and 10mA/3mA at TRIUMF/VECC respectively. A ARIEL e-linac demonstrator with two cold cavities in two modules successfully accelerated beam to 20MeV. Recently the VECC 10MeV injector cryomodule was commissioned with beam. A summary of the ICM design and results of the commissioning will be presented.  
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WEOBB1 Recirculated Electron Beam Photo-Converter for Rare Isotope Production target, electron, photon, isotope-production 2526
  • A. Laxdal, R.A. Baartman, I.V. Bylinskii, S. Ganesh, A. Gottberg, F.W. Jones, P. Kunz, L.A. Lopera, T. Planche, A. Sen
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  The TRIUMF 50 MeV electron linac has the potential to drive cw beams of up to 0.5 MW to the ARIEL photo-fission facility for rare isotope science. Due to the cooling requirements, the use of a thick Bremsstrahlung target for electron to photon conversion is a difficult technical challenge in this intensity regime. Here we present a different concept in which electrons are injected into a small storage ring to make multiple passes through a thin internal photo-conversion target, eventually depositing their remaining energy in a cooled central core absorber. We discuss the design requirements and propose a set of design parameters for the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) ring. Using particle simulation models, we estimate various beam properties, as well as the MPS for the electron loss.  
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THPVA130 Modelling PET Radionuclides Production in Tissue and External Targets Using Geant4 proton, target, cyclotron, isotope-production 4757
  • A. Amin, R.J. Barlow
    IIAA, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
  • C.M. Hoehr, C. Lindsay
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  • A. Infantino
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The Proton Therapy Facility in TRIUMF provides 74 MeV protons extracted from a 500 MeV H cyclotron for ocular melanoma treatments. During treatment, positron emitting radionuclides such as C-11, O-15 and N-13 are produced in patient tissue. Using PET scanners, the isotopic activity distribution can be measured for in-vivo range verification. A second cyclotron, the TR13, provides 13 MeV protons onto liquid targets for the production of PET radionuclides such as F-18, N-13 or Ga-68, for medical applications. The aim of this work was to validate Geant4 against FLUKA and experimental measurements for production of the above-mentioned isotopes using the two cyclotrons. The results show variable degrees of agreement. For proton therapy, the proton-range agreement was within 2 mm for C-11 activity, whereas N-13 disagreed. For liquid targets at the TR13 the average absolute deviation ratio between FLUKA and experiment was 1.9±2.8, whereas the average absolute deviation ratio between Geant4 and experiment was 0.6±0.4. This is due to the uncertainties present in experimentally determined reaction cross sections.  
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