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Paper Title Other Keywords Page
MOPA02 LHC@FNAL – A New Remote Operations Center at Fermilab controls, monitoring, quadrupole, instrumentation 23
  • W. F. Badgett, K. B. Biery, E. G. Gottschalk, S. R. Gysin, M. O. Kaletka, M. J. Lamm, K. M. Maeshima, P. M. McBride, E. S. McCrory, J. F. Patrick, A. J. Slaughter, A. L. Stone, A. V. Tollestrup, E. R. Harms
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
  • Hadley, Nicholas J. Hadley, S. K. Kunori
    UMD, College Park, Maryland
  • M. Lamont
    CERN, Geneva
  Commissioning the LHC accelerator and experiments will be a vital part of the worldwide high-energy physics program beginning in 2007. A remote operations center, LHC@FNAL, has been built at Fermilab to make it easier for accelerator scientists and experimentalists working in North America to help commission and participate in operations of the LHC and experiments. We report on the evolution of this center from concept through construction and early use. We also present details of its controls system, management, and expected future use.  
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MOPB03 Control System Studio (CSS) controls, factory, diagnostics 37
  • M. R. Clausen, C. H. Gerke, M. Moeller, H. R. Rickens, J. Hatje
    DESY, Hamburg
  Most applications for the control system EPICS are developed for UNIX and X-Windows. They are independent from each other, have a different look and feel, and it is difficult to exchange data. To solve these problems the Control System Studio (CSS) is under development. CSS is a common platform for new control system applications and provides developers with management infrastructure and a centralised connection to external data sources like JDBC-databases, JMS-, LDAP-servers, etc. CSS defines interfaces to avoid dependencies on special implementations. This design makes sure that an application can easily be integrated or exchanged. Another important feature is the accessibility of data through all applications via CSS-data types defined in CSS. The Data Access Layer (DAL) assures the transparent access to any control system protocol. Thus CSS is not only a platform for EPICS but for any control system that implements the DAL. The intension to modularise CSS and run it on any operating system lead to the decision to use the Eclipse RCP based on the OSGi technology. Technically CSS is a set of essential core-plugins and application plugins selected by the user.  
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TOAB03 ALICE Control System – Ready for LHC Operation controls, monitoring, heavy-ion, collider 65
  • A. Augustinus, M. Boccioli, P. Ch. Chochula, S. Kapusta, P. Rosinsky, C. Torcato de Matos, L. W. Wallet, L. S. Jirden
    CERN, Geneva
  • G. De Cataldo, M. Nitti
    INFN-Bari, Bari
  ALICE is one of the four LHC experiments presently being built at CERN and due to start operations by the end of 2007. The experiment is being built by a very large worldwide collaboration; about 1000 collaborators and 85 institutes are participating. The construction and operation of the experiment pose many technical and managerial problems, and this also applies to the design, implementation, and operation of the control system. The control system is technically challenging, representing a major increase in terms of size and complexity with respect to previous-generation systems, and the managerial issues are of prime importance due to the widely scattered contributions. This paper is intended to give an overview of the status of the control system. It will describe the overall structure and give some examples of chosen controls solutions, and it will highlight how technical and managerial challenges have been met. The paper will also describe how the various subsystems are integrated to form a coherent control system, and it will finally give some hints on the first experiences and an outlook of the forthcoming operation.  
TOAB04 The LIGO Detectors Controls laser, controls, feedback, background 68
  • D. Sigg
    LIGO Hanford Observatory, Richland
  All three LIGO detectors have reached their design sensitivities. A sky-averaged detection range (SNR > 8) of more than 15 Mpc for inspiral binary neutron stars with masses of 1.4 Msol has been achieved with the two 4 km instruments. The fifth LIGO science started in November 2006 and more than 300 days of coincidence data has been collected so far. The feedback controls system is a major component to make LIGO work and its performance has been crucial to achieve the present sensitivity.  
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TOPA03 The IRMIS Universal Component-Type Model controls, insertion, factory, power-supply 82
  • D. Dohan
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  The IRMIS toolkit provides a relational description of the accelerator/facility hardware and how it is assembled. To create this relational model, the APS site infrastructure was successively partitioned until a set of familiar, "unit-replaceable" components was reached. These items were grouped into a set of component types, each characterized by the type's function, form factor, etc. No accelerator "role" was assigned to the components, resulting in a universal set of component types applicable to any laboratory or facility. This paper discusses the development of the universal component-type model. Extension of the component types to include port definitions and signal-handling capabilities will be discussed. This signal-handling aspect provides the primary mechanism for relating control system software to accelerator hardware. The schema is being extended to include references to the device support for EPICS-supported component types. This suggests a new approach to EPICS database configuration in which the user, after selecting a particular hardware component, is provided with links to the support software to be used in building the EPICS application.  
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TPPA10 Development of Photon Beamline and Motion Control Software at Diamond Light Source controls, simulation, photon, diagnostics 108
  • T. M. Cobb, P. N. Denison, N. P. Rees
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  Diamond Light Source has opened its first eight photon beamlines to the user community this year. We have developed the control software for the beamlines in parallel, adopting a common set of standards, tools, and designs across all beamlines. At the core of the control system is the EPICS toolset and the widespread use of the Delta Tau PMAC motion controller. The latter is a complex, but flexible controller that has met our needs both for simple and complex systems. We describe how we have developed the standard EPICS software for this controller so that we can use the existing EPICS interfaces, but also enables us to use the more advanced features of the controller.  
TPPA24 Beyond Abeans controls, SNS 141
  • J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  • M. R. Clausen, P. Duval, H. G. Wu
    DESY, Hamburg
  • G. Froehlich
    GSI, Darmstadt
  Java Abeans libraries were successfully started in 1999 as part of ANKA control system. The goal was to provide a universal solution for building high level control system applications in Java for any control system. The arrival of Java 1.5 in 2005 was an excellent opportunity to review Abeans and CosyBeans (GUI components and widgets part of Abeans). Cosylab has put experience and new features of Java 1.5 into new projects which superseded what has been done so far by Cosylab. The key element for success of the projects is the collaboration between different laboratories. The CosyBeans components have found their usefulness as a base for development of ACOP GUI components for TINE at DESY. Similarly Abeans' non-visual libraries were replaced by DAL (Data Access Library) and CSS (Control System Studio) projects developed in collaboration with DESY. DAL was also successfully used at GSI, Darmstadt, to model device layer on top of middle-ware CORBA layer. New Java applications were build with DAL and renewed CosyBeans components and are already used in commissioning of new beamline at GSI.  
TPPA32 LivEPICS: An EPICS Linux Live CD NAGIOS Equipped controls, feedback, monitoring 161
  • R. Lange
    BESSY GmbH, Berlin
  • N. J. Richter
    CQU, Rockhampton
  • M. G. Giacchini
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova
  EPICS* distributions – analogous to a Linux distribution, are collections of EPICS software that have been proven to work together. It is much quicker to download and install a distribution than it would be to obtain all of the individual pieces and install them separately. LivEPICS** distribution contains binaries from EPICS Base, various extensions, and source code.

* EPICS official web site: http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/distributions/index.php** M. Giacchini., PCaPAC Workshop 2006 poster. http://conferences.jlab.org/pcapac/talks/poster/Giacchini.pdf.

TPPB28 Preliminary Design Concepts for the Control and Data Acquisition Systems of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Associated Test Facility neutral-beams, ion, controls, ion-source 220
  • G. Manduchi, A. Luchetta
    Consorzio RFX, Euratom ENEA Association, Padova
  ITER is a joint international research and development project aiming to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. The ITER Neutral Beam Injector (NBI, negative D2 ion source, 1MV acceleration voltage, 40A ion current, 16.5MW beam power, 1 hour continuous operation) is a major component of ITER and will be supported by a dedicated test facility (NBTF). The NBI and the NBTF are being designed with the goal to have one injector fully operational on the ITER device in 2016. The two items need separate, but closely interacting, control and data acquisition systems (CDAs). The NBI CDA system will manage the NBI device and will be installed at the ITER site; the NBTF CDA system will manage the test facility and in particular will enable extensive scientific exploitation of the NBI before its final installation at the ITER site. The paper reports on the design activity for both CDA systems, including the definition of the system requirements, the functional system structure, and the preliminary system architecture.  
TPPB29 The OPC-Based System at SNS: An EPICS Supplement monitoring, SNS, controls, power-supply 223
  • R. J. Wood, M. P. Martinez
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  The Power Monitoring System at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is a Windows-based system using OLE for Process Control (OPC) technology. It is employed as the primary vehicle to monitor the entire SNS Electrical Distribution System. This OPC-based system gathers real-time data, via the system's OPC server, directly from the electrical devices: substations, generators, and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units. Thereupon, the OPC-EPICS softIOC interface reads and sends the data from the OPC server to EPICS, the primary control system of SNS. This interface provides a scheme for real-time power data to be shared by both systems. Unfortunately, it engenders obscure anomalies that include data inaccuracy and update inconsistency in EPICS. Nevertheless, the OPC system supplements the EPICS system with user-friendly applications—besides the ability to compare real-time and archived data between the two systems—that enable performance monitoring and analysis with ease. The OPC-based system at SNS is a complimentary system to EPICS.  
WOAA02 Outsourcing, Insourcing, and Integration of Control Systems in the Australian Synchrotron controls, synchrotron, injection, storage-ring 276
  • M. Clift, B. W. Karnaghan, W. K. Lewis, A. C. Starritt, R. I. Farnsworth
    ASP, Clayton, Victoria
  The Australian Synchrotron was built in less than four years and under budget with many subsystems outsourced. This presentation discussed some of the issues involved. It discusses the reasons for outsourcing, the approach taken, and some of the technical issues involved, including open source versus proprietary software, testing, training, collaboration, and source control. The importance of a solid engineering approach, specification, interface, systems design, and in-house ability are discussed. A discussion of engineering standards, both hardware and software, is presented. A balance of the positive and negative elements of the approach is put forward, and some suggestions for future projects run on similar lines are made.  
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WOAA05 Stepper Motor Control, PLC vs VME controls, feedback, SNS, linac 285
  • P. A. Gurd, W. H. Strong
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  Traditionally, EPICS-based accelerator control systems have used VME-based motion control modules to interface with stepper motors. For systems that include some Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), there is an option for using PLC-based stepper motor interface modules. As with all control system choices, there are trade-offs. This paper will delineate some of the pros and cons of both methods of interfacing with stepper motors.  
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WOAB03 Development of Accelerator Management Systems with GIS free-electron-laser, laser, electron, controls 296
  • Y. Ishizawa, A. Yamashita
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  We have been developing accelerator management systems for SPring-8 on Geographic Information System (GIS). Those systems are, in short, "Google maps for accelerators". Users enjoy interactive acclerator maps on web browsers with zooming, panning, ruler, image overlay and multi-layer display features. We applied an open-source GIS, MapServer, for the systems. We have build two web-based systems on MapServer. Accelerator inventory management system displays equipment locations on the map reading data from a relational database. It displays not only locations of equipment but also detailed attributes by clicking symbols on the interactive map. Users also can enter their own data or upload their own files from the web browser to store into the database. Another SCSS alarm system desplays real-time alarm locations on the map. The alarm database build on the MADOCA system serves real-time and static data for alarm display. We will show mechanism and development of those systems in the paper.  
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WPPA24 EPICS CA Enhancements for LANSCE Timed and Flavored Data controls, ion, proton, diagnostics 365
  • J. O. Hill
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  Currently the subscription update event queue in the EPICS server is capable of carrying event payloads consisting always of the channel’s value, time stamp, and alarm state. The complexity of the LANSCE macro pulse beam gates requires unique capabilities within the LANSCE control system - which is currently only partly based on an EPICS core. Upgrade designs specify a 100% EPICS based system, but this has evolved new requirements for enhanced capabilities within EPICS. Specifically, EPICS Channel Access (CA) clients need to dynamically specify the LANSCE macro pulse beam gate combinatorial (LANSCE Flavored Data), and the timing offsets (LANSCE Timed Data), to be viewed when they subscribe. EPICS upgrades in progress fulfilling these requirements, including generic software interfaces accommodating site specific event queue payloads and client specified subscription update filters, will be described.  
WPPA27 Commissioning TRIUMF’S 2C Solid Target Facility Controls controls, target, cyclotron, kaon 371
  • I. A. Aguilar, E. Klassen, K. S. Lee, D. R. Pearce, J. J. Pon, T. M. Tateyama, P. J. Yogendran, M. Mouat
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  The upgraded Beamline 2C Solid Target Facility was recently commissioned at TRIUMF. The original facility had run successfully producing radioisotopes since 1989. To improve reliability and maintainability, and to allow increased incident beam currents, an upgrade project was established. The basic functionality of the facility was retained but changes were made in a number of areas such as aspects of the control system and physical components in the beamline. The process and results of the commissioning, the reasons for upgrading, and the lessons learned are discussed.  
WPPA28 Ubiquitous Tango controls, target, synchrotron, instrumentation 374
  • J. Butanowicz, L. Slezak, A. Gotz
    ESRF, Grenoble
  • G. Gaio, C. Scafuri
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  Tango is a control system based on the device server concept. It is currently being actively developed by 4 (soon 5) institutes, 3 of which are new institutes. This alone is a good reason that Tango integrates the latest developments in control systems evolution. One of the evolutions in computing is ubiquitous computing. Ubiquitous computing in control systems means integrating computers and intelligence into every aspect of the control system. This paper will present how Tango has been integrated into a wide variety of embedded systems from FPGAs, Gumstix, Liberas, and even PS3s (if my boss would buy me one).  
WPPB11 Secure Remote Operations of NSLS Beamlines with (Free)NX controls, monitoring, feedback, synchrotron 421
  • D. P. Siddons, Z. Yin
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  In light source beamlines, there are times when remote operations from users are desired. This becomes challenging, considering cybersecurity has been dramatically tightened throughout many facilities. Remote X-windows display to Unix/Linux workstations at the facilities, either with straight x-traffic or tunneling through ssh (ssh -XC), is quite slow over long distance, thus not quite suitable for remote control/operations. We implemented a solution that employs the open source FreeNX technology. With its efficient compression technology, the bandwidth usage is quite small and the response time from long distance is very impressive. The setup we have, involves a freenx server configured on the linux workstation at the facility and free downloadable clients (Windows, Mac, Linux) at the remote site to connect to the freenx servers. All traffic are tunneled through ssh, and special keys can be used to further security. The response time is so good that remote operations are routinely performed. We believe this technology can have great implications for other facilities, including those for the high energy physics community.  
WPPB28 Remote Operation of Large-Scale Fusion Experiments controls, plasma, diagnostics, monitoring 454
  • G. Abla, D. P. Schissel
    GA, San Diego, California
  • T. W. Fredian
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • M. Greenwald, J. A. Stillerman
    MIT/PSFC, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  This paper examines the past, present, and future remote operation of large-scale fusion experiments by large, geographically dispersed teams. The fusion community has considerable experience placing remote collaboration tools in the hands of real users. Tools to remotely view operations and control selected instrumentation and analysis tasks were in use as early as 1992 and full remote operation of an entire tokamak experiment was demonstrated in 1996. Today’s experiments invariable involve a mix of local and remote researchers, with sessions routinely led from remote institutions. Currently, the National Fusion Collaboratory Project has created a FusionGrid for secure remote computations and has placed collaborative tools into operating control rooms. Looking toward the future, ITER will be the next major step in the international program. Fusion experiments put a premium on near real-time interactions with data and among members of the team and though ITER will generate more data than current experiments, the greatest challenge will be the provisioning of systems for analyzing, visualizing and assimilating data to support distributed decision making during ITER operation.  
WPPB30 Cybersecurity and User Accountability in the C-AD Control System controls, survey, monitoring, heavy-ion 457
  • S. Binello, T. D'Ottavio, R. A. Katz, J. Morris
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  A heightened awareness of cybersecurity has led to a review of the procedures that ensure user accountability for actions performed on the computers of the Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD)Control System. Control system consoles are shared by multiple users in control rooms throughout the C-AD complex. A significant challenge has been the establishment of procedures that securely control and monitor access to these shared consoles without impeding accelerator operations. This paper provides an overview of C-AD cybersecurity strategies with an emphasis on recent enhancements in user authentication and tracking methods.  
WPPB32 Cybersecurity in ALICE DCS controls, monitoring 460
  • A. Augustinus, L. S. Jirden, P. Rosinsky, P. Ch. Chochula
    CERN, Geneva
  In the design of the control system for the ALICE experiment much emphasis has been put on cyber security. The control system operates on a dedicated network isolated from the campus network and remote access is only granted via a set of Windows Server 2003 machines configured as application gateways. The operator consoles are also separated from the control system by means of a cluster of terminal servers. Computer virtualization techniques are deployed to grant time-restricted access for sensitive tasks such as control system modifications. This paper will describe the global access control architecture and the policy and operational rules defined. The role-based authorization schema will also be described as well as the tools implemented to achieve this task. The authentication based on smartcard certificates will also be discussed.  
ROAA01 Status of the ITER CODAC Conceptual Design controls, plasma, monitoring, factory 481
  • J. W. Farthing
    UKAEA Culham, Culham, Abingdon, Oxon
  • M. Greenwald
    MIT/PSFC, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • I. Yonekawa
    JAEA/NAKA, Ibaraki-ken
  • J. B. Lister
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  Since the last ICALEPCS conference, a number of issues have been studied in the conceptual design of the ITER Control, Data Access, and Communication Systems. Almost all of the technical challenges have seen workable approaches selected. The conceptual design will be reviewed in 2007, before starting the preliminary engineering design. One software component that does not have a clear solution is the execution of data-driven schedules to operate the installation at multiple levels, from daily program management to plasma feedback control. Recent developments in workflow products might be useful. The present conceptual weakness is not having found a satisfactory "universal" description of the I&C design process for the "self-description" of the 100 procured Plant Systems. A vital CODAC design feature is to operate the full plant on the basis of imported “self-description” data, which necessarily includes the process description in each Plant System. The targeted formal link between 3-D design, process design, and process control has not yet been created. Some of the strawman designs meeting the technical requirements will be mentioned in detail.  
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ROAA05 An Approach to Stabilizing Large Telescopes for Stellar Interferometry controls, acceleration, feedback 497
  • J. Sahlmann, A. Wallander, N. Di Lieto
    ESO, Garching bei Muenchen
  • G. Vasisht
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
  In stellar interferometry fringe-tracking is a method of stabilizing the Optical Pathlength Difference (OPD) from the observed astronomical source to the instrument detector via different telescopes in an interferometric array. At the ESO VLT Interferometer, which includes four 8.2 m class Unit Telescopes (UTs), stabilization to better than a tenth of the observing wavelength is required in order to improve the quality and sensitivity of fringe measurements on the interferometer's scientific instruments. Unfortunately, fast mechanical vibrations due to myriad sources in the observatory infrastructure couple to UT support structure and propagate to the large telescope mirrors. The mirror motions are fast and large (typically about a wavelength) and must be compensated for in real time. We have implemented a scheme to measure the accelerations imparted to the primary, secondary, and tertiary mirrors of the UTs via a grid of suitably placed accelerometers. The measured accelerations, coupled with a simple geometric model, are converted to optical pathlengths and canceled by a wideband feed-forward compensation to a downstream optical delay line.  
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ROAB02 Software Development and Testing: Approach and Challenges in a Distributed HEP Collaboration controls, target, feedback, background 503
  • D. Burckhart-Chromek
    CERN, Geneva
  In the development of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) software, the iterative waterfall model, evolutionary process management, formal software inspection, as well as lightweight review techniques are applied. The long preparation phase with a geographically widespread team required that the standard techniques be adapted to this HEP environment. Special emphasis is given to the testing process. Unit tests and check targets in nightly project builds form the basis for the subsequent software project release testing. The integrated software is then run on computing farms that give further opportunity for gaining experience, fault finding, and acquiring ideas for improvement. Dedicated tests on a farm of up to 1000 nodes address the large-scale aspect of the project. Integration test activities on the experimental site include the special purpose-built event readout hardware. Deployment in detector commissioning starts the countdown towards running the final ATLAS experiment. These activities aim at understanding and completing the complex system, but also help in forming a team whose members have a variety of expertise, working cultures, and professional backgrounds.  
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ROAB03 Software Integration and Test Techniques in a Large Distributed Project: Evolution, Process Improvement, Results controls, monitoring 508
  • M. Pasquato, P. Sivera
    ESO, Garching bei Muenchen
  The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is a radio telescope that is being built in Chile. The software development for the project is committed to the Computing Integrated Product Team, (IPT) which has the responsibility of realizing an end-to-end software system consisting of different subsystems, each one with specified development areas. Within the Computing IPT, the Integration and Test subsystem has the role of collecting the software produced, build it and test it and preparing releases. In this paper, the complexity of the software integration and test tasks is analyzed and the problems due to the high geographical distribution of the developers and the variety of software features to be integrated are highlighted. Different implemented techniques are discussed, among them the use of a common development framework (the ALMA Common Software or ACS), the use of standard development hardware and the organization of the developers work in Function Based Team (FBT). Frequent automatic builds and regression tests repeated regularly on so called Standard Test Environments (STE) are also routinely used. Advantages, benefits and shortcomings of the adopted solutions are presented.  
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RPPB03 Alarms Configuration Management laser, controls, monitoring, vacuum 606
  • R. Martini, K. Sigerud, N. Stapley, A. S. Suwalska, P. Sollander
    CERN, Geneva
  The LHC alarm service, LASER, is the alarm tool used by the operators for the accelerators and the technical services at CERN. To ensure that the alarms displayed are known and understood by the operators, each alarm should go through a well-defined procedure from its definition to being accepted in operation. In this paper we describe the workflow to define alarms for the technical services at CERN. We describe the different stages of the workflow like equipment definition, alarm information specification, control system configuration, test, and final acceptance in operation. We also describe the tools available to support each stage and the actors involved. Although the use of a strict workflow will limit the number of alarms that arrive to LASER and ensure that they are useful for operations, for a large complex like CERN there are still potentially many alarms displayed at one time. Therefore the LASER tool provides facilities for the operators to manage and reduce the list of alarms displayed. The most important of these facilities are described, together with other important services like automatic GSM and/or e-mail notification and alarm system monitoring.  
RPPB14 Systematic Production of Beamline and Other Turnkey Control Systems controls, target, background, extraction 632
  • A. Kosrmlj, R. Sabjan, I. Verstovsek, K. Zagar, G. Pajor
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  Turnkey oriented accelerator control system production is often quite complex and challenging. It involves software development as well as substantial project management effort and, almost always, an on-site installation. Most of the labs have developed solutions that to some extent support such processes, but are tailored to the lab's particular needs and environment. We could not recycle these solutions, as we had to keep the choices open for defining the naming convention and choosing the operating system, platform, and even the control system. Based on our experience with control systems, we have defined a complete set of processes that prescribe the highest level of quality and efficiency in all the project segments. To implement these processes, we have developed a number of tools for composing, configuring, and deploying the control system software. Use of these tools enforces strict version control and traceability, enables centralized configuration of the system, and largely reduces the possibility of human errors. These tools also enable us to reuse well-tested building blocks, leaving us more time for system-wide quality assurance.  
RPPB20 A Graphical Sequencer for SOLEIL Beamline Acquisitions controls, synchrotron, alignment, simulation 647
  • A. Buteau, M. O. Ounsy, G. Abeille
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  Addressing batch processing and sequencing needs are fundamentals for daily beamlines operation. The SOLEIL control software group offers two solutions. Firstly, the Python scripting environment, for which a dedicated Tango binding is available, has been proved to be powerful, but is limited to scientists with good programming skills. Secondly, we provide the PASSERELLE software, developed by the ISENCIA* company and based on the PTOLEMY** framework. In this environment, sequences can be designed graphically by drag and drop components called actors (representing elementary tasks). The process execution can be easily “programmed” by defining graphically the data flow between actors. Upon this framework, an existing generic GUI application allows users to configure and execute the sequences. A dedicated GUI application can also be provided on demand to give the beam line’s end user an easy-to-use acquisition application. The work organization, the software architecture and design of the whole system will be presented, as well as the current status of deployment on SOLEIL beamlines.

* http://www.isencia.com/main/web/init** http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemyII/index.htm

RPPB32 A MySQL-based Data Archiver: Preliminary Results controls, insertion, monitoring 680
  • C. J. Slominski, M. Bickley
    Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
  Following an evaluation of the archival requirements of the Jefferson Laboratory accelerator's user community, a prototyping effort was executed to determine if an archiver based on mySql had sufficient functionality to meet those requirements. This approach was chosen because an archiver based on a relational database enables the development effort to focus on data acquisiti and management, letting the database take care of storage, indexing and data consistency. It was clear from the prototype effort that there were no performance impediments to successful implementation of a final system. With our performance concerns addressed, the lab undertook the design and development of an operational system. The system is in its operational testi phase now. This paper discusses the archiver system requirements, some of th design choices and their rationale, and presents the acquisition, storage and retrieval performance levels achieved with the system.  
ROPB02 Control System Studio Applications controls, background 692
  • K.-U. Kasemir
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  Control System Studio (CSS) is a recently started effort for implementing control system related applications, primarily targeting the operator interface, based on current software technologies (JAVA and Eclipse), with a special emphasis on interoperability. We present initial versions of several CSS applications, their features, and how the Eclipse and CSS frameworks helped or complicated their development.  
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FOPA02 EPICS – Future Plans controls, instrumentation, SNS, cryogenics 728
  • L. R. Dalesio
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  • J. O. Hill
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • K.-U. Kasemir
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • T. Korhonen
    PSI, Villigen
  • M. R. Kraimer
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  • M. R. Clausen
    DESY, Hamburg
  Over the last two decades EPICS has evolved from a basic set of control applications created for the Ground Test Accelerator to a rich and reliable control system framework installed in more than 120 locations worldwide. The continuous development of EPICS is supported by the worldwide collaboration and coordinated by a set of major laboratories. This procedure ensures continuous quality checking and thus leads to stable production versions. The clear separation of the robust core software on the Input Output Controllers (IOCs) from the channel access protocol and the applications running on workstations and servers allows nearly independent software developments on all three levels. This paper will describe the new developments on the IOC side, which will increase the robustness by adding redundancy or will improve the management and the functionality. This includes the vision of a new Java-based IOC. The support for new data types will bring more flexibility to the channel access protocol. New developments on the application side are clearly indicating that Java and Eclipse (e.g., Control System Studio – CSS, XAL and others) will form the basis for many future applications.  
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FOPA03 The TINE Control System, Overview and Status controls, background, power-supply 733
  • P. K. Bartkiewicz, S. W. Herb, H. Wu, P. Duval
    DESY, Hamburg
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  TINE (Three-fold Integrated Networking Environment) has been the Control System in use at HERA for some time, plays a major role in the Pre-accelerators at DESY, DORIS, FLASH, PITZ (Zeuthen), EMBL-Hamburg, GKSS-Hamburg, PF Beamline (KEK), and is the designated control system for the new third-generation light source PETRA3. TINE has always emphasized both performance and flexibility. For instance, using the multicast capabilities of TINE, state-of-the-art, near real-time video transmission is possible. At the same time, developers have a large toolkit and variety of software solutions at their disposal, and in general on their favorite platform and programming language. Code-generation wizards are available for rapid development of TINE servers, whereas intelligent GUI components such as ACOP(*) aid in the development of either “rich” or “simple” client applications. The most recent major release brought with it a bundle of new features and improvements. We give here an overview of the TINE control system in general, what’s new in particular, and focus on those features not available in other mainstream control systems, such as EPICS or TANGO.

* "The Acop Family of Beans: A Framework Independent Approach", J. Bobnar, et. al., these proceedings.

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FOPA04 Elements of Control System Longevity controls 736
  • S. A. Lewis
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  What are the essential architectural elements that are likely to give any particular approach to building controls systems a long tenure? Many aspects can easily be identified by their negative value, such as dependence on particular language(s), operating systems, or particular board/bus technologies. In addition, localizing the human expertise to one sponsoring institution, or even to a specialized controls community, can limit the lifetime. I will argue here that the fundamental positive aspect that gives the greatest endurance is "decoupling, decoupling, decoupling." The principle of decoupling applies in both large and small contexts, both technical and social. I will attempt to show that among the key contributors to achieving this desired state are very stable, very narrow "intellectual" bottlenecks (realized as wire protocols or APIs) at appropriate levels; no requirement for centralized entities (both physical and social); and a high degree of asynchronous communication.  
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