Paper | Title | Page |
MOP001 | CTF3 Probe Beam LINAC Commissioning and Operations | 46 |
The probe beam LINAC, CALIFES, of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) has been developed by CEA Saclay, LAL Orsay and CERN to deliver trains of short bunches (0.75 ps) spaced by 0.666 ps at an energy around 170 MeV with a charge of 0.6 nC to the TBTS (Two-beam Test Stand) intended to test the high gradient CLIC accelerating structures. Based on 3 former LIL accelerating structures and on a newly developed RF photo-injector, the whole accelerator is powered with a single 3 GHz klystron delivering pulses of 45 MW through a RF pulse compression cavity and a network of waveguides, splitters, phase-shifters and an attenuator. We relate here results collected during the various commissioning and operation periods which led to nominal performances and stable beam characteristics delivered to the TBTS. Progress has been made in the laser system for beam charge and stability, in space charge compensation for emittance, in RF compression law for energy and energy spread. The installation of a specially developed RF power phase shifter for the first accelerating structure used in velocity bunching allows the control of the bunch length. |
MOP002 | A High Phase Advance Damped and Detuned Structure for the Main Linacs of CLIC | 49 |
We report on the suppression of long-range wakefields in the main linacs of the CLIC collider. The wakefield is damped using a combination of detuning the frequencies of beam-excited higher order modes and by light damping, through slot-coupled manifolds. This unique accelerator, in the process of being fabricated, will be the first structure to demonstrate wakefield damping and the ability to sustain high accelerating gradients for CLIC. This serves as an alternative to the baseline CLIC design, which at present relies entirely on heavy damping. Detailed simulations are presented, on both the optimised surface fields resulting from the monopole mode, and from wakefield damping of the dipole modes. Preparations for the fabrication of a structure, suitable for high power testing, are also discussed. This design takes into account practical mechanical engineering issues and is the result of several optimisations since the original CLICDDS proposal[*]. *V.F. Khan and R.M. Jones, Presented at Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. |
MOP003 | Injector Operation with Low Charge Bunches | 52 |
The three stage bunch compression system proposed for the European XFEL will be able to achieve overall compression of about 100. This would lead to the reduction of the bunch length up to 2.5 10-5 m for the designed bunch charge of 1nC. It is anticipated that the final compression would be limited here mainly by rf tolerances (jitter) which are determined by technical specifications of the manufacturer. For a large variety of experiments it could be however desirable to go to shorter bunches even on cost of less radiation power. A good possibility to achieve this might be to operate the injector at lower than 1nC bunch charge. In this paper the possibility of the operation of the injector with low charge bunches was investigated. On this issue simulations with ASTRA code have been done in order to find suitable working points for the low charge regimes and to figure out the dependence of the bunch parameters on the initial bunch charge at the cathode. The results of these simulations for the injectors at FLASH and XFEL as well as the discussion about possible problems are presented. |
MOP004 | An Electron Linac Injector With a Hybrid Buncher Structure | 55 |
At present the Linac II at DESY consists of a 6A/150kV DC electron gun, a 400 MeV primary electron linac, a 800 MW positron converter, and a 450 MeV secondary electron/positron linac. To improve the maintainability of the system and to reduce operational risks the original 150kV diode gun will be replaced by a 100kV triode. Together with the gun the whole injection system will be upgraded and optimized for minimal load on the converter target and primary linac. The core of the new injector are a 5MeV standing wave/travelling wave hybrid structure and a magnetic energy filter. Simulations show that With 6A DC current up to 3.7A can be bunched into 20° of the 2.998 GHz RF. This phase range is narrow enough to fit after on-crest acceleration into the energy acceptance of the following accumulator ring PIA. |
MOP005 | LLNL's Precision Compton Scattering Light Source | 58 |
Continued progress in accelerator physics and laser technology have enabled the development of a new class of tunable x-ray and gamma-ray light sources based on Compton scattering between a high-brightness, relativistic electron beam and a high intensity laser pulse produced via chirped-pulse amplification (CPA). A precision, tunable, monochromatic (< 0.4% rms spectral width) source driven by a compact, high-gradient X-band linac designed in collaboration with SLAC is under construction at LLNL. High-brightness (250 pC, 3.5 ps, 0.4 mm.mrad), relativistic electron bunches will interact with a Joule-class, 10 ps, diode-pumped CPA laser pulse to generate tunable γ-rays in the 0.5-2.5 MeV photon energy range. This gamma-ray source will be used to excite nuclear resonance fluorescence in various isotopes. Fields of endeavor include homeland security, stockpile science and surveillance, nuclear fuel assay, and waste imaging and assay. The source design, key parameters, and current status will be discussed, along with important applications, including nuclear resonance fluorescence and high precision medical imaging. |
MOP007 | SLAC Linac Preparations for FACET | 61 |
Submitted for the Sector 0-20 Core Team. The SLAC 3km linear electron accelerator has been cut at the two-thirds point to provide beams to two independent programs. The last third provides the electron beam for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), leaving the first two-thirds available for FACET, the proposed new experimental facility for accelerator science and test beams. In this paper, we describe this separation and several projects to prepare the linac for the FACET experimental program. |
MOP008 | Reducing the Energy Spread of Recirculating Linac by Non-isochronous Beam Dynamics | 64 |
The Superconducting Linear Accelerator S-DALINAC at the University of Darmstadt (Germany) is a recirculating Linac with two recirculations. Currently acceleration in the Linac section is done on crest of the accelerating field. The recirculation path is operated achromatic and isochronous. In this recirculation scheme the energy spread of the resulting beam in the ideal case is determined by the electron bunch length. Taking into account the stability of the RF system the energy spread increases drastically. In this work we will present a new non-isochronous recirculation scheme which helps canceling out these errors from the rf-control. This scheme uses longitudinal dispersion in the recirculation pathes and an acceleration off-crest with a certain phase with respect to the maximum. We will present beam dynamic calculations which show the usability of this system even in a Linac with only two recirculations and first experimental results |
MOP009 | Generation of Low-energy Electron Beam Using KURRI-LINAC | 67 |
Electron beam can be accelerated in two accelerator tubes up to 46 MeV at KURRI-LINAC. The development of irradiation field is planned to provide lower energy electron beam. For this purpose we had regulated several parameters, which results showed that low energy electron beam was obtained by acceleration in only the first accelerator tube, without the second one, which was filled with microwave from klystron operated at reduced voltage. Moreover, the timing between electron emission and microwave introduction into the first accelerator tube was varied to increase the electron energy loss in the second one, thereby reducing high-energy component of the beam. In this study we obtain lower energy electron beam by the following regulations: 1) the increase of the emission current from the electron gun relative to energy filled into the first accelerator tube results in the decrease of acceleration energy for each electron and 2) the total control of the timing and the buncher phase of microwave and the width of electron pulse eliminates a part of electron expected to be high-energy component. The regulations described above yield the low-energy electron beam with peak of 5.2 MeV. |
MOP011 | Injector Linac Upgrade for SuperKEKB | 70 |
The KEKB-factory will be upgraded for 40 times higher lumnosity (SuperKEKB). The injector linac is required to increase the beam intensities (e-:1nC -> 5nC, e-:1nC -> 4nC) and reduce the emittances (e-:300 -> 20 um, e+: 2100 -> 10 um ) for the SuperKEKB. A photo-cathode RF gun will be introduced to generate the high-intensity and low-emittance electron beams. A positron damping ring will be constructed to reduce the emittance. A new matching device (a flux concentrator or a superconducing magnet) and an L-band capture section will be introduced to increase the positron intensity. Beam line layout down to the damping ring will be rearranged to have sufficient beam acceptance considering the positron emitttance. This paper describes details of the upgrade scheme of the injector linac. |
MOP012 | Development of L-Band Positron Capture Accelerator System in KEKB Injector Linac | 73 |
In order to improve the positron beam intensity needed for super KEKB project, it was decided to replace the present S-band structures in the positron capture section by a new L-band (1298MHz) accelerator system. A 2m long TW structure of 12MV/m gradient is now under idesign process while a 40MW klystron will be delivered in summer. After the klystron testing, a single L-band accelerator unit will be constructed for the structure study. The study is scheduled in next spring to operate the structure under solenoidal magnetic focussing field. |
MOP014 | Observation of Sub-THz Coherent Radiation from the Linac Beam Injected in the NewSUBARU Storage Ring | 76 |
Sub-THz coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) from the SPing-8 linac beam was observed after the injection into the NewSUBARU storage ring. The beam from the linac has much sorter bunch length than the stationary stored bunch in the ring. It had been reported that the injected linac beam emits CSR at just after the injection until it diluted to a longer bunch by its energy spread. However we observed CSR at after more revolutions. At some tens of microseconds after the injection we observed CSR produced by a fine time structure in a bunch. At after more revolutions, a half of the synchrotron oscillation period (0.1 ms), CSR was back because the bunch length became shorter again. At this timing we also expect CSR emitted from a structure produced by longitudinal and transverse coupling, which should depend on the chromaticity. We report results of CSR observation through these periods. |
MOP015 | New Pump-Probe System Using the Coherent Radiation from a Linac Electron Beam at OPU | 79 |
Transient phenomena induced by pulsed electron beams have been investigated with a pulse-radiolysis system with a 18 MeV S-band electron linac at Osaka Prefecture University (OPU). In our recent work the coherent transition radiation from the electron bunches of linac beams, which is highly intense pulsed light in a submillimeter to millimeter wavelength range, has been applied to absorption spectroscopy with an L-band electron linac in the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. In these experiments the effect of intensity of the radiation has been observed for several kinds of matters. In this work a new pump-probe system has been developed to investigate the transient phenomena induced by the pulsed coherent radiation by improving the OPU pulse-radiolysis system. The transition radiation is emitted from an Al foil. A part of the coherent radiation is also used as probe light. The pulse lengths of the radiation are from 5 ns to 4 μs. The characteristics of the system have been measured and the system has been optimized. The coherent synchrotron radiation source is under preparation in order to obtain half-cycle light. |
MOP017 | A Rescue Mode for the Diamond Light Source Pre-Injector Linac | 82 |
The Diamond Light Source injection system consists of a 100MeV linac and a 3GeV full-energy booster. The injector is used to fill the storage ring from empty and to provide beam for a 10 minute top-up cycle. The high power RF for the linac is generated by two S‑band klystrons, the first powering a buncher and accelerating structure, and the second feeding a second accelerating structure. With the klystrons feeding the two accelerating structures independently, a failure in the klystron or modulator feeding the lower energy structure and bunchers renders the linac, and hence the injection system as a whole, inoperable. In order to address this problem, the RF feed to the linac has been reconfigured to enable either klystron to power the first structure and bunchers; this has involved a rebuild of the waveguide network in the linac vault to include two four-way S-band switches, and the development of a lower energy operating mode for the linac, booster and linac-to-booster transfer line. Details are presented in this paper of the installation and test of the switching network, and the first results are reported of the new operating mode. |
MOP018 | Commissioning Status of the Decelerator Test Beam Line in CTF3 | 85 |
The CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN was constructed by the CTF3 collaboration to study the feasibility of the concepts for a compact linear collider. The test beam line (TBL) recently added to the CTF3 machine was designed to study the CLIC decelerator beam dynamics and 12 GHz power production. The beam line consists of a F0D0 lattice with high precision BPM's and quadrupoles on movers for precise beam alignment. A total of 16 Power Extraction and Transfer Structures (PETS) will be installed in between the quadrupoles to extract 12 GHz power from the drive beam. The CTF3 drive beam with a bunch-train length of 140 ns, 12 GHz bunch repetition frequency and an average current over the train of up to 28 A will be used. Each PETS structure will produce 135 MW of 12 GHz power at nominal current. The beam will have lost more than 50 % of its initial energy of 150 MeV at the end of the beam line and will contain particles with energies between 67 MeV and 150 MeV. The beam line is completely installed and the PETS structures will be successively added until summer 2011. The paper will describe the first results obtained during commissioning of the beam line and the first PETS prototype. |
MOP019 | CLIC Ring to Main Linac | 88 |
The low emittance transport had been identified as one of the feasibility issues for CLIC. We discuss beam dynamics challenges occurring in the beam lines of the RTML connecting the damping rings and the main linac. And we outline how these motivate design choices for the general RTML layout as well as its integration into the overall CLIC layout. Constraints originating from longitudinal dynamics and stabilization requirements of beam energy and phase at the main linac entrance are emphasized. |
MOP020 | CLIC Two-beam Module Design and Integration | 91 |
The CLIC (Compact LInear Collider) design is based on two-beam acceleration concept developed at CERN, where the RF power is generated by a high current electron-beam (Drive Beam) running parallel to the Main Beam. The Drive Beam is decelerated in special power extraction structures (PETS) and the generated RF power is transferred via waveguides to the accelerating structures (AS). The accelerating gradient must be very high (100 MV/m) to reach the high energy for the electron-positron collisions. To facilitate the matching of the beams, components are assembled in 2-m long modules, of few different types. In some of them the AS are replaced by quadrupoles used for the beam focusing. Their alignment and positioning is made by using the signals from the beam-position monitors (BPM). Special modules are needed in damping region or to carry out dedicated instrumentation and vacuum equipment. The module design and integration has to cope with challenging requirements from the different technical systems. This paper reports the status of the engineering design and reports on the main technical issues. |
MOP021 | Compensation of Transient Beam-Loading in the CLIC Main Linac | 94 |
Compensating transient beam loading to maintain a 0.01% relative beam energy spread is a key issue for the CLIC two-beam acceleration technique. The combination of short pulses, narrow bandwidth rf components and the limited number of rf pulse shaping 'knobs' given by the drive beam generation scheme makes meeting this specification challenging. A dedicated model, which takes into account all stages of drive beam generation, including the delay loop and combiner rings, the single-bunch response of the power generation structure (PETS), the RF waveguide network transfer function and dispersive properties of the accelerating structure has been developed. The drive beam phase switching delays, resulting rf pulse shape, loaded and unloaded voltages and finally the energy spread are presented. |
MOP022 | Tuning of CLIC Accelerating Structure Prototypes at CERN | 97 |
An RF measurement system has been set up at CERN for use in the X-band accelerating structure development program of the CLIC study. Using the system, S-parameters are measured and the field distribution is obtained automatically by using a bead-pull technique. The corrections for tuning the structure are calculated from the result. Integrated software guides cell-by-cell tuning to obtain the correct phase advance and minimum reflection at the operation frequency. The detailed configuration of the system, as well as the semi-automatic tuning procedure, is presented along with a few examples of measurement and tuning of CLIC accelerating structure prototypes. |
MOP023 | The Accelerating Structure for a 500 GeV CLIC | 100 |
The rf design of an accelerating structure for the 500 GeV CLIC main linac is presented. The design takes into account both aperture and HOM damping requirements coming from beam dynamics as well as the limitations related to rf breakdown and pulsed surface heating. In addition, the constraints related to the compatibility with 3 TeV CLIC have been taken into account. The structure is designed to provide 80 MV/m averaged accelerating gradient at 12 GHz with an rf-to-beam efficiency as high as 39.8 %. |
MOP024 | Status of the CLIC Phase and Amplitude Stabilisation Concept | 103 |
In CLIC very tight tolerances exist for the phase and amplitude stability of the main and drive beam. In this paper we present the status of the CLIC beam phase and amplitude stabilisation concept. We specify the resulting tolerances for the beam and technical equipment and compare to first measurements. |
MOP025 | ACE3P Computations of Wakefield Coupling in the CLIC Two-beam Accelerator | 106 |
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) provides a path to a multi-TeV accelerator to explore the energy frontier of High Energy Physics. Its novel two-beam accelerator concept envisions rf power transfer to the accelerating structures from a separate high-current decelerator beam line consisting of power extraction and transfer structures (PETS). It is critical to numerically verify the fundamental and higher-order mode properties in and between the two beam lines with high accuracy and confidence. To solve these large-scale problems, SLAC's parallel finite element electromagnetic code suite ACE3P is employed. Using curvilinear conformal meshes and higher-order finite element vector basis functions, unprecedented accuracy and computational efficiency are achieved, enabling high-fidelity modeling of complex detuned structures such as the CLIC TD24 accelerating structure. In this paper, time-domain simulations of wakefield coupling effects in the combined system of PETS and the TD24 structures are presented. The results will help to identify potential issues and provide new insights on the design, leading to further improvements on the novel CLIC two-beam accelerator scheme. |
MOP026 | A Novel Alignment Procedure for the Final Focus of Future Linear Colliders | 109 |
An algorithm for the simultaneous optimization of orbit, dispersion, coupling and beta-beating in the final focus of future linear colliders is presented. Based on orbit and dispersion measurements the algorithm determines the optimal corrector settings in order to simultaneously minimize the r.m.s orbit, the r.m.s dispersion, the r.m.s coupling, the r.m.s. beta-beating and the r.m.s strength of the dipoles correctors. A number of different options for error handling of beam position monitors, weighting, and correction have been introduced to ensure the stability of the algorithm. A sextupole tuning procedure is also applied to further optimize the beam parameters at the interaction point. Preliminary results for the beam delivery systems of CLIC are presented. |
MOP027 | Distributed RF Scheme (DRFS) - Newly Proposed HLRF Scheme for ILC | 112 |
Distributed RF Scheme (DRFS) was proposed for International Linear Collider (ILC) as a new HLRF scheme. After the ITRP recommendation, ILC technology was chosen to be superconducting technology and basic design was discussed and reported in the RDR on 2007. Aiming for the cost reduction, there have been proposed many ideas and summarized as SB2009 proposal. DRFS is the one of these proposals, and it is linked to the single tunnel plan. DRFS employs many small klystrons (750kW output power) which feed power to two superconducting cavities. 13 modulating anode klystrons are operated by a DC power supply and a modulating anode pulser. All required components are installed in a tunnel and therefore this scheme is a complete single tunnel layout. DRFS was proposed in 2008 and thereafter it has been discussed in web-ex meeting and GDE workshop. In this conference, concept and detailed design of DRFS are presented including the availability and operability. In order to show the feasibility of DRFS, KEK has a plan of demonstration employing the DRFS with two klystrons in the S1 global in the end of 2010. Presenter also discussed pros and cons comparing with the competing proposed scheme. |
MOP028 | The Asian Regional Proposal for A Single-Tunnel Configuration for The Conventional Facility | 115 |
The international linear collider (ILC) project is about to meet the technical design phase 2, of which the goal is to establish a realistic design by the end of 2012. Single-tunnel accelerator configuration is one of the most essential improvements to reduce the construction costs. The original design involves two tunnels which house the accelerator cavities and the power supplies separately, having such advantages as we can enter the power-supply tunnel even during beam operation. Although the single tunnel configuration sacrifices these functions, it saves big tunnel construction costs. The Asian team is studying a regional single-tunnel accelerator configuration to match the Asian site feature in conjunction with a compact high-level RF scheme called distributed RF system (DRFS). The design concepts have been developed by a conventional facility working group in the advanced accelerator association (AAA) which involves a collaboration among academic, industrial, and political communities in Japan. Not only cost reduction but also functional impacts of tunnel configuration on things such as life safety are discussed in this paper. |
MOP029 | S0-studies on ICHIRO 9-cell Cavities in Collaboration with KEK and Jlab | 118 |
In 2008, KEK and Jlab did the collaboration of S0-study on ICHIRO 9-cell #5 which has no end groups on beam tubes. As S0 tight loop test, surface treatments and vertical tests were repeated on ICHIRO#5 at both of Jlab and KEK. Maximum gradients of 36.5MV/m at Jlab and 33.7MV/m at KEK were achieved so far. In this year, 2010, KEK and Jlab started new S0-study collaboration on ICHIRO 9cell #7 which has full end groups on beam tubes. ICHIR#7 was already sent to Jlab and VT as received was done. We will report the results of tight loop tests at Jlab. |
MOP030 | Status of Superconducting Cavity Development for ILC at MHI | 121 |
MHI's activities for ILC project will be shown. |
Industrial Electron Accelerators ILU | ||
The industrial electron accelerators type ILU are developed and produced by the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The ILU accelerators are working in many countries in the industrial lines as well as in some research establishments starting from the beginning of 70-s. These machines are the pulse RF type accelerators with relatively low working frequency ' 120MHz for ILU-6 and ILU-10 and 180MHz for ILU-8. Their energy range is from 0.8MeV (ILU-8) to 5MeV (ILU-10), beam power is up to 50kW. The new ILU-14 machine for energy range 7.5-10MeV is on the final stage of development. The ILU machines are working in various technological processes ' radiation modification of polymer tubes and films, polymer pipes for hot water supply, wires, cables, sterilization of single use medical products (syringes, hospital and operation gowns, sets for operations, etc.), decontamination of the medicinal raw. The ILU accelerators are equipped with several beam extraction devices ' linear scanner and scanners with 4 windows permitting to organize the irradiation of the long products (tubes, cables, wires, pipes) from 4 sides |
MOP032 | Application of X-band Linac for Material Recognition with Two Fold Scintillator Detector | 124 |
950 keV X-band Linac has the merits of compact system, and it does not need the radiation safety manager on-site in the public space. Therefore the system we have developed is suitable for the more safe circumstance in airport. Dual energy X-ray concept is introduced for material recognition with Linac these days, because it produce high energy X-ray which is available in case the target is thick and high atomic number material. We suggest two fold scintillator detector concept to induce dual energy X-ray effect. The design of two fold scintillator is decided by MCNP simulation with two scintillator code, CsI and CdWO4. The material recognition is confirmed using aluminium, iron and lead metal in conditions such as various thicknesses and containers. |
MOP033 | Low Energy RF Accelerator for Various Applications | 127 |
Compact X-ray sources are integral parts of systems used in medical, industrial and security applications. The X-ray dose rate for a particular application mainly depends on the energy and current of the beam used to hit the target, usually made of tungsten. In applications that need higher penetration (100s of mm in steel), the beam energy needed is in the range of 1-5 MeV which can only be obtained using an RF linear accelerator. In order to reduce the size of the linac, higher RF frequencies (X-band) should be used while in order to reduce the overall bulk, RF focusing is employed instead of solenoidal focusing. Thus the main attraction of an X-band linac compared to a lower frequency version is the amount of lead required for shielding the system, and hence its weight. For capturing and bunching the low energy dc beam, a bunching section is needed in front of the main linac. The bunching cavity can either be a part of the main linac cavity or an independently powered section which can be used for certain specific applications as a shorter 1 MeV linac. In this paper, the design and simulations of an X-band buncher to be suitable for compact X-ray sources is presented. |
MOP034 | Observation of Ozone Explosion of Liquid Nitrogen Induced by Irradiation with Electron Linear Accelerator | 130 |
A pulsed electron radiography system has been developed, which consisted of an electron linear accelerator, a scintillation screen and a high sensitivity image sensor. The system was capable for high speed strobo-imaging by the use of the pulse feature of the electron beam with the pulse width about a few micro-second. On the other hand, the characteristics of electron images were different from X-ray images and neutron images. Absorption behavior of energetic electrons in materials is Bragg-like rather than exponential. Therefore, a high contrast transparent image was obtained by modulating of energy of the electron beam. By the use of this system and utilizing these features, we observed successfully an ozone explosion phenomenon of liquid nitrogen induced by electron irradiation, which has been considered to be a serious problem in material irradiation experiments. |
MOP035 | Transient Beam Loading Compensation in L-band Traveling-wave Accelerating Structure with Intense Electron Beam | 133 |
An intense L-band electron linac is now being commissioned at ACEP (Advanced Center for Electron-beam Processing in Cheorwon, Korea) for irradiation applications. It is capable of producing 10-MeV electron beams with the 30-kW average beam power. The constant-impedance accelerating structure is operated under fully-beam-loaded condition with the RF power of peak 25 MW and the beam current of 1.45 A. The total attenuation coefficient of the structure is 0.17 and the RF filling time is 0.9 μs along the 2.3-m accelerating structure. To suppress the energy spread due to the transient beam loading effect, we consider three methods: modulating the beam current amplitude, modulating the RF amplitude, and adjusting the beam injection time. In this paper, we calculate the transient beam energy numerically for the above cases. We also propose the actual compensation method. |
MOP036 | Beam Commissioning of C-band Standing-wave Accelerator for X-ray Source | 136 |
A C-band standing-wave electron linac for a compact X-ray source is now being commissioned at ACEP (Advanced Center for Electron-beam Processing in Cheorwon, Korea). It is designed to produce 4-MeV electron beam with pulsed 50-mA, using a 5-GHz RF power generated by a magnetron with pulsed 1.5 MW and average 1.2 kW. The accelerating structure is a bi-periodic and on-axis-coupled one operated with π/2-mode standing-waves. It is consisted of 3 bunching cells, 6 accelerating cells and a coupling cell. As a result of measurements, the beam energy is almost 4 MeV. In this paper, we present the design details and the commissioning status. |
A Nearly Independent, Low-Rigidity Transport Lattice Embedded into a High-Rigidity Lattice | ||
The linac optics of the CEBAF recirculating accelerator simultaneously transports up to five beams of different rigidity within a common channel. The focusing strength of the linac lattice is limited by the single-particle stability boundary of that structure for the lowest required rigidity. The focusing progressively weakens (and beta increases) for increasing rigidity. The CEBAF FODO lattice performs well over moderate rigidity ratios. In studying ways to increase the linac focusing strength for the higher acceleration passes, we devised a lattice consisting of two coincident structures. The low-rigidity part, reasonably described as an 'embedded lattice,' consists of strong symmetric triplets. Lattice elements for the higher-rigidity beams are located at the small-beta waists of the triplet structure, rendering them ineffective upon the low-rigidity beam well beyond the usual envelope stability limit for that beam. The residual focusing strength for the high-rigidity beam can be much greater than is possible for a simple FODO structure. The triplets are themselves ineffective upon the high-rigidity beams. CEBAF optics and analogues are used to illustrate. |
MOP039 | First Beams Produced by the Spiral-2 Injectors | 139 |
The SPIRAL-2 superconducting linac driver, which aims at delivering 5 mA, 40 MeV deuterons and up to 1 mA, 14.5 A.MeV q/A=1/3 heavy ions, has now entered its construction phase in GANIL (Caen, France). The linac is composed of two injectors feeding one single RFQ, followed by a superconducting section based on 88 MHz independently-phased quarter-wave cavities with room-temperature focusing elements. The first stages of the injectors have been fully built and are now operational. They have been partly commissioned with beam in Grenoble and Saclay in 2010. This paper describes the results obtained so far in this context. |
MOP040 | Advanced Unilac Upgrade for Fair | 142 |
To provide for the high beam currents as required of the FAIR project, the GSI Unilac High Current Injector (HSI) must deliver 18 mA of U4+ ions at the end of the prestripper section. With the design existing up to 2008, the RFQ could not reach the necessary beam currents at the RFQ output, as simulations had shown. Furthermore, parts of the existing LEBT must be modified, and a new straight source branch must be added to provide for the full required beam current. As a first step of an HSI frontend upgrade, the RFQ has been modernized in summer 2009 with a completely new electrode design. Commissioning of the HSI has shown that the transmission of the RFQ increased significantly (from 55% to 85% in high current Uranium operation, 95% in medium current operation). As expected, further bottlenecks for the transmission of the complete HSI (matching LEBT-to-RFQ, matching to the Superlens) have been detected. An upgrade of LEBT magnets is foreseen for 2010, the additional linear source branch will follow. |
MOP041 | The Superconducting Cw-Linac-Demonstrator at Gsi | 145 |
GSI applied for a new superconducting (sc) cw-LINAC in parallel to the existing UNILAC. Such a machine is highly desirable with respect to the progress in the field of Superheavy Elements (SHE) for example. The UNILAC at GSI is limited in providing a proper beam for SHE and in fulfilling the requirements for FAIR simultaneously. A sc CH-structure is the key component of the proposed efficient and compact linac. In first vertical rf-tests at the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) maximum gradients up to 7 MV/m were achieved. The cavities for the cw-LINAC should be operated at 217 MHz providing gradients of about 5.1 MV/m at a total length of minimum 0.6 m . In a first step a prototype of such a sc cw-LINAC as a demonstrator is financed by the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM). The demonstrator is the first section of the proposed cw-LINAC consisting of a sc CH-cavity embedded by two sc solenoids. The aim is a full performance test of the demonstrator with beam at the GSI high charge injector (HLI) in 2013. Presently the tendering of the solenoids, the cavity, the cryostat and the rf-amplifier is in preparation. |
MOP042 | UNILAC Upgrades for Coulomb Barrier Energy Experiments | 148 |
The GSI linear accelerator UNILAC provides heavy ion beams at Coulomb barrier energies for search and study of super heavy elements. Typical cross-sections of 55 fb require beam doses of 1.4·1019 according to a beam time of 117 days. Several upgrades will reduce the beam time to only 16 days. A second injection branch with a 28GHz-MS-ECRIS anticipates a factor of 10 in particle intensity. By a new cw rfq-structure all accelerator tanks are suitable for a duty cycle of at least 50% instead of 25% presently. Due to this, thermal power increase of 19 rf-amplifiers eased by higher ion charge states of the ECRIS is necessary. Finally the UNILAC timing system controlling 50Hz pulse-to-pulse operation of up to six beams differing in ion species and energy has to be modified considering beam diagnostics electronics and pulsable magnets. The front end comprising ECRIS, rfq- and IH-structure is cw suitable and will serve as injector for a new future sc-cw-linac. |
MOP043 | HITRAP - A Decelerator for Heavy Highly-charged Ions | 151 |
Heavy, highly-charged ions (HCI) with only one or few electrons are interesting systems for precision experiments as for instance tests of the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED). To achieve high precision, kinetic energy and spatial position of the ions have to be well controlled. This is in contradiction to the production process that employs stripping of electrons at high energies by sending relativistic highly-charged ions with still many electrons through matter. In order to match the production at 400 MeV/u with the requirements of the experiments - stored and cooled HCI at low energy - the linear decelerator facility HITRAP has been built at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at GSI in Darmstadt. The ions are first decelerated in the ESR from 400 to 4 MeV/u, cooled and extracted. The ion beam phase spaces are then matched to an IH-structure, decelerated from 4 to 0.5 MeV/u before a 4-rod RFQ reduces the energy to 6 keV/u. Finally, the HCI are cooled in a Penning trap to 4 K. Extensive ion optical calculations were performed and in recent tests up to one million highly-charged ions have been decelerated from 400 MeV/u to 0.5 MeV/u. |
MOP044 | High Current U40+-operation in the GSI-UNILAC | 154 |
A low current high duty factor U10+-beam from the Penning Ion Source as well as a high current low duty factor U4+-beam from a MeVVa source were used for machine investigations in the GSI-UNILAC and synchrotron (SIS18). Carbon stripper foils (20, 40 and 50 ug/cm2) were mounted in the gas stripper section at 1.4 MeV/u to provide for highly charged uranium ions (40+) to be delivered to the SIS18 for life time beam measurements. High current tests were performed to check the durability of the carbon foils. No measurable variation of the stripped low and high current beam in the poststripper DTL could be detected during the life time of the foils. An U40+-beam current of up to 1.0·10+11 particles per 100mues could be reached in the transfer line to the SIS18. This paper will report on the investigations of stripper foils with different thickness. Additionally long time observation of all relevant beam parameters (transverse emittance, energy spread and energy loss, bunch shape, beam transmission up to the SIS-injection) are presented. |
MOP045 | Efficiency and Intensity Upgrade of the ATLAS Facility | 157 |
ANL Physics Division is pursuing a major upgrade of the ATLAS National User Facility. The overall project will dramatically increase the beam current available for the stable ion beam research program, increase the beam intensity for neutron-rich beams from Californium Rare Isotope Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) and improve the intensity and purity of the existing in-flight rare isotope beam (RIB) program. The project will take place in two phases. The first phase is fully funded and focused on increasing the intensity of stable beams by a factor of 10. This will be done using a new normal conducting, CW RFQ accelerator and replacing three cryostats of split-ring resonators with a single new cryostat of high-performance quarter-wave resonators. To further increase the intensity for neutron-rich beams, we have started development of a high-efficiency charge breeder for CARIBU based on an Electron Beam Ion Source. The goal of the proposed second phase will be to increase the energies and intensities of stable beams, as well as, increase the efficiency and beam current for CARIBU and in-flight RIB beams. The focus of this paper is on innovative developments for Phase I of the project. |
MOP046 | Status and Plans for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University | 160 |
The primary purpose of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is to produce and to do fundamental research with rare isotopes. The rare isotope production will be accomplished using a heavy ion cw linac to provide a stable isotope beam (protons through uranium) at high power (up to 400 kW) and high energy (>200 MeV/u) on a particle fragmentation production target. The rare isotopes will be produced in quantities sufficient to support world-leading research by using particle fragmentation of stable beams. This will include research pertaining to the properties of nuclei (nuclear structure), the nuclear processes in the universe and tests of fundamental symmetries. Societal applications and benefits may include bio-medicine, energy, material sciences and national security. The overall facility status and plans will be discussed with a focus on the accelerator system. |
MOP047 | The Overview of the Accelerator System for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University* | 163 |
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) will accelerate stable beams of heavy ions to > 200 MeV/u with beam powers of up to 400 kW onto an in-flight fragmentation target to produce rare isotopes. The accelerator system will include a room-temperature front end, a double-folded superconducting driver linac, and a beam delivery system. The front end will include superconducting ECR ion sources, a beam bunching system and a radio frequency quadrupole. The driver linac will include three acceleration segments using superconducting quarter-wave and half-wave cavities with frequencies of 80.5 and 322 MHz, and two 180 degree folding systems to minimize the cost of conventional construction. Charge-stripping and multi-charge-state beam acceleration will be used for the heavier ions to increase acceleration efficiency. The beam delivery system will transport accelerated stable beams to the in-flight fragmentation target. End-to-end beam simulations with errors have been performed to evaluate the performance of the driver linac. We will discuss recent progress in the accelerator design and the beam dynamics studies for the baseline accelerator system. |
MOP048 | Experimental Study of the Surface Resistance of the 141 Mhz Quarter-Wave Resonator at Triumf | 166 |
The upgrade (Phase II) of the ISAC-II superconducting linac has been completed this spring and has been commissioned. Two spare 141 MHz Quarter-Wave Resonators made of bulk Niobium are available at TRIUMF to lead more specific studies on surface resistance. This opportunity has also been taken to optimize the surface treatment to improve the accelerating field gradient at the operating power level. The aim of the study presented here is to link together several surface treatments (etching depth, 120C baking) and test conditions (Q-disease, 4.2 K and 2K tests) and sequence them in an appropriate order to understand more deeply their dependencies. |
MOP049 | Electro-Magnetic Optimization of a Quarter-Wave Resonator | 169 |
A new cryomodule is being designed for the ongoing ATLAS efficiency and intensity upgrade. The cryomodule consists of 7 Quarter-Wave Resonators (QWR) with β-G=0.075 and 4 SC solenoids to replace the existing split-ring cavities. To reduce the resonator frequency jitter due to micro-phonics we choose a frequency of 72.75 MHz instead of 60.625 MHz. At 72.75 MHz, the cavity is shorter by about 20 cm. The choice of the design β was optimized based on the beam dynamics and the actual performance of ATLAS cavities. To reach a record high accelerating voltage of 2.5 MV per cavity or higher, the EM design was carefully optimized. The main goal of the optimization was to minimize the peak magnetic and electric fields while still keeping good values for the stored energy, the shunt impedance (R/Q) and the geometric factor (Rs/Q). The cavity height was also another important parameter. The optimization has lead to a final shape which is cylindrical in the bottom and conic on the top keeping a high real-estate gradient. The optimization also included the internal drift tube face angle required for beam steering correction. |
MOP051 | RF Power Tests and Results of the First Rebuncher for the SPIRAL 2 Driver | 172 |
Three normal conducting rebunchers are located in the MEBT line of the SPIIRAL2 driver. The cavity are designed for a beta of 0.04, work at 88 MHz and have to supply beam voltages up to 120 kV in continuous mode or up to 190 kV in  pulsed mode with 50%dutycycle. The  paper describes the  RF measurements and first results |
MOP053 | Testing of Super Conducting Low-beta 704 MHz Cavities at 50 Hz Pulse Repetition Rate in View of SPL - First Results* | 175 |
In the framework of the preparatory phase for the luminosity upgrade of the LHC (SLHC-PP ) it is foreseen to characterize two superconducting RF cavities and demonstrate compliance of the required SPL field stability in amplitude and phase using a prototype LLRF system. We report on the preparation for testing of two super-conducting low-beta cavities at 50 Hz pulse repetition rate including the setting-up of the low level RF control system to evaluate the performance of the piezo-tuning system and cavity field stability in amplitude and phase. Results from tests with 50 Hz pulse repetition rate are presented. Simulations of the RF system are used to predict the necessary specifications for power and bandwidth to control the cavity field and derive specifications for the RF system and its control. This project has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the Grant Agreement no 212114 |
MOP055 | A CW SRF Linac to Drive Subcritical Nuclear Reactors | 178 |
In the last 20 years, superconducting RF (SRF) cavities have been developed to the point that a CW SRF linac is the best candidate driver for subcritical reactors. We discuss how one appropriately designed linac can be used for an accelerator-driven subcritical (ADS) nuclear power station to produce more than 5 GW electrical power in an inherently safe region below criticality. Such a station will generate no greenhouse gases, produce minimal nuclear waste and no byproducts that are useful to rogue nations or terrorists, incinerate waste from conventional nuclear reactors, and efficiently use abundant thorium fuel that does not need enrichment. We describe the Linac parameters that can enable this vision of an almost inexhaustible source of power and we discuss how the corresponding reactor technology can be matched to these parameters. |
MOP056 | Status of the ALPI Low-beta Section Upgrade | 181 |
The low-beta section of the ALPI linac at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro is being upgraded in order to double its energy gain from about 10 MV to 20 MV. This upgrade, performed with a rather limited investment in the background of the standard accelerator activities, is based on the replacement of some rf system components and minor modifications to the cryostats. The cavities, working at 80 MHz, require a 3 dB rf bandwidth of 15 Hz (obtained by means of strong overcoupling) to be locked in the presence of the large Helium pressure fluctuations of ALPI. Their average gradient, although exceeding 6 MV/m at the nominal 7 W power, is presently kept around 3 MV/m during operation, limited by the maximum available rf power in the linac. The ongoing upgrade requires the modification of all low-beta cryomodules to allow new, liquid Nitrogen cooled rf couplers and new, 1 kW amplifiers. A fully equipped prototype cryostat with four, beta=0.047 QWRs has been constructed and tested on line, and operated at 6 MV/m reaching or exceeding all the design goals. The test results will be reported and discussed and the project status will be presented. |
MOP057 | A CW Operated Superconducting Heavy Ion CH-Type Linac for Super-Heavy Element Research at GSI | 184 |
The search for Super-Heavy Elements (SHE) is one of the frontiers in nuclear physics. By trend the production cross sections decrease significantly for larger proton numbers and heavier nuclei, respectively. To limit the required beam time it is necessary to use the highest available intensity. This prefers cw operation and the use of superconducting cavities. A cw operated superconducting linac using CH-cavities at GSI has been designed. As front end the existing 108 MHz High Charge Injector (HLI) will be used which is presently being upgraded for cw operation. The superconducting part of the linac covers the energy between 1.4 AMeV and 7.5 AMeV. It consists of 9 multi-cell CH-cavities operated at 217 MHz. Each cavity is optimized for a specific particle velocity but without beta profile. Above 3.5 AMeV the linac is fully energy variable. The first superconducting CH-cavity is already under construction and will be tested with beam delivered by the HLI. The talk covers the development of the prototypes and the overall design including beam dynamics issues. |
MOP058 | A Test Bench for the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre | 187 |
The Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre (HIT) is the only medical facility in Europe for cancer treatment with protons and carbon ions. To broaden the range of available ion species towards helium the low energy beam transport (LEBT) will be extended by a third ion source and the associated spectrometer section. Following a novel ion optical approach the LEBT-branch has been redesigned. A dedicated test bench will be used to commission and validate the new design prior to its integration into the medical accelerator. In its final stage the test bench will comprise an ECR-ion source, a LEBT and an RFQ with diagnostics line. It opens up the unique opportunity to perform comprehensive investigations not only of the ion source but also of other devices like the RFQ which have been optimised in the frame of the LINAC upgrade. Here, particular emphasis will be placed on the new design of the analyser dipole and the macro pulse chopper. Furthermore results of beam optical simulations and first measurement results will be presented. |
Continued Development of a 2.5-MeV RFI Linac System | ||
A 2.5-MeV, 20-mA, Cw Linac System is nearing completion at Linac Systems, LLC. The intended application is to produce abundant quantities of epithermal neutrons for the BNCT medical application. The operating frequency is 200 MHz. The linac structure consist of a radial strut RFQ linac section to an energy of 0.75 MeV and an RFI linac section to the final energy of 2.5 MeV. The two linac structures are resonantly coupled by a quarter-wave-stub resonant coupler, which locks the relative phases and relative field amplitudes of the two structures. The rf power is loop-coupled to the RFQ section, and the power required for the RFI section is transmitted through the resonant coupler. The ion source is an ECR microwave type, operated at 25 keV. The LEBT includes dual magnetic solenoid focusing lenses and independent x and y steering magnets. The final amplifier of the rf power system is a cavity-based amplifier with 6 CPI/Eimac YC-300A power tubes in parallel. The peak and average power output is 180 kW cw. The current status of the system will be described. |
MOP060 | The Compact Injector as the Second Injector of the HIMAC | 190 |
A compact injector, consisting of the permanent-magnet ECR ion-source, the RFQ linac and the alternating-phase-focused interdigital H-mode drift-tube-linac (APF IH-DTL), was developed for an injector of medical-accelerator facilities, dedicated for the heavy-ion cancer therapy. The injector can accelerate heavy-ions having q/m=1/3 up to 4 MeV/u. Beam acceleration tests of the compact injector were successfully made at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), and the results of the acceleration tests proved its excellent performance*. The same design was used for the injector, constructed at the Heavy Ion Medical Center in the Gunma University. Our compact injector was recently installed in the HIMAC, and will be used as the second injector of the HIMAC. The new beam transport line for the compact injector was constructed in conjunction with the existing transport line. The entire injector system of the HIMAC accelerator complex will be presented. * Y. Iwata, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 572 (2009) 1007. |
MOP061 | Exploring the Energy/Beam Current Parameter Space for the Isotope Production Facility (IPF) at LANSCE | 193 |
IPF has recently investigated isotope production with proton beams at energies other than the 100-MeV currently available to the IPF beam line. To maximize the yield of a particular isotope, it is necessary to measure the production rate and cross section versus proton beam energy. Studies were conducted at 800 MeV and 197 MeV to determine the cross section of terbium-159. Also, the ability to irradiate targets at different proton beam energies opens up the possibility of producing other radioisotopes. A proof-of-principle test was conducted to develop a 40-MeV tune in the 100-MeV beam line. Another parameter explored was the beam current, which was raised from the normal limit of 250 uA up to 356 uA via both power and repetition rate increase. This proof-of-principle test demonstrated the capability of the IPF beam line for high current operation with potential for higher isotope yields. For the full production mode, system upgrades will need to be in place to operate at high current and high duty factor. These activities are expected to provide the data needed for the development of a new and unique isotope production capability complementing the existing 100-MeV IPF facility. |
MOP062 | Linac followed by an Electron Cooler to Provide a Short Bunch Proton Beam | 196 |
Proton beams accelerated by an RFQ and a DTL with resonant frequency of 433 MHz,are electron cooled after injection into a storage ring, S-LSR and fast extracted to a beam irradiation target. Short pulse duration around 3.5 ns is expected for the 7 MeV proton beam with the intensity of 1.4 x 108 [1]. This beam is to be utilized for irradiation of biological cells in order to investigate Radio Biological Effectiveness of proton beam with a very high peak intensity for the purpose of quantitative verification of the recent report on the DNA double strand breaking with the use of short-pulse laser-produced proton beam [2] [1] T. Fujimoto et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. A588 (2008) 330-335. |
MOP064 | R&D of C Band Accelerating Structure at SINAP | 199 |
A compact hard X-ray FEL facility is on plan now at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). This facility will be located close to Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF) which is a 3rd generation light source in China, in order to control the overall length less than 650m, this facility asks a compact linac with high gradient accelerating structure. C-band (5712MHz) accelerating structure is a compromised and good option for this compact facility. R&D of a C-band (5712MHz) high gradient traveling-wave accelerating structure has been in progress at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). The structure is consisted of 53 regular disk-loaded cells and two waveguide couplers, and its length is about one meter. This paper introduces the study of the accelerating structure design method, its experimental model and the preliminary results of the RF cold test of the model structure. |
MOP065 | C-Band Magnetic Coupled Accelerating Structure Optimization | 202 |
This paper presents the results of a research that analyzed the possibility of using a magnetic coupled disk-loaded structure (DLS-M) as an accelerating structure. DLS-M seems to have decent advantages comparing to the classical electrical coupled structure (DLS). The electrodynamics parameters of such a structure at various modes in C-band for a wide range of phase velocities as a function of aperture radii and coupling slot sizes are presented. Both forward and backward travelling wave regimes are considered. The essential parameters are compared to those of classical DLS. The design of an input coupler to the accelerator consisting of this type structure cells is also presented. |
MOP066 | Numerical Modeling of Arcs in Accelerators | 205 |
We are developing a model of arcing to explain breakdown phenomena in high-gradient rf systems used for particle accelerators. This model assumes that arcs develop as a result of mechanical failure of the surface due to electric tensile stress, ionization of fragments by field emission, and the development of a small, dense plasma that interacts with the surface primarily through self sputtering and terminates as a unipolar arc capable of producing field emitters with high enhancement factors. We are modeling these mechanisms using Molecular Dynamics (mechanical failure, Coulomb explosions, self sputtering), Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes (plasma evolution), mesoscale surface thermodynamics (surface evolution), and finite element electrostatic modeling (field enhancements). We believe this model may be more widely applicable and we are trying to constrain the physical mechanisms using data from tokamak edge plasmas. |
MOP067 | First High Power Tests of CLIC Prototype Accelerating Structures with HOM Waveguide Damping | 208 |
Prototype accelerating structures for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are being developed and high-power tested in a collaboration between SLAC, KEK and CERN. Several undamped, low group-velocity and strongly tapered prototypes (of the so-called T18 design) have been operated above 100 MV/m average gradient at a very low breakdown rates. Recently two new structures with the same iris apertures but now including higher order mode damping waveguides in each cell (TD18 design) have been tested at SLAC and KEK. The damped versions could be processed to similar gradients but an increased breakdown rate was observed. The damping waveguides lead to a magnetic field enhancement in the outer diameter of the cells which results in increased pulsed surface heating. The maximum pulsed temperature rise is 80 deg at the design gradient of 100 MV/m compared to only 20 deg for the undamped version. The high-power tests of the two TD18 structures are analyzed with special emphasis on the influence on breakdown rate of the enhanced magnetic field and consequent increased pulsed surface temperature rise. |
MOP068 | Design of the CLIC Main Linac Accelerating Structure for CLIC Conceptual Design Report | 211 |
The design of the CLIC main linac accelerating structure has been refined based on an improved understanding of the high-gradient limits given by rf breakdown and pulsed surface heating. In addition, compact couplers have been developed and HOM damping loads have been designed. The rf design has also been made consistent with details of the present manufacturing procedure, based on bonded asymmetrical disks, and with requirements coming from integration of the accelerating structure in the two-beam module which includes all subsystems. This completion and refinement of the structure design has been made to produce the self-consistent parameter set required for preparation of the CLIC conceptual design report. |
MOP069 | Thermal Fatigue of Polycrystalline Copper in CLIC Accelerating Structures: Surface Roughening and Hardening as a Function of Grain Orientation | 214 |
The accelerating structures of CLIC will be submitted to 2 x 1010 thermal-mechanical fatigue cycles, arising from Radio Frequency (RF) induced eddy currents, causing local superficial cyclic heating. In order to assess the effects of superficial fatigue, high temperature annealed OFE Copper samples were thermally fatigued with the help of pulsed laser irradiation. They underwent postmortem Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) measurements andμhardness observations. Previous work has confirmed that surface roughening depends on the orientation of near-surface grains*,**. It is clearly observed that, through thermal cycling, the increase of hardness of a crystallographic direction is related to the amount of surface roughening induced by fatigue. Near-surface grains, oriented [1 0 0] with respect to the surface, exhibiting very low surface roughening, show limited hardening whereas grains oriented in [1 1 0], exhibiting severe surface roughening, show the most severe hardening. Consistently, surface roughening and hardening measured on [1 1 1] direction lie between the values measured for the other directions mentioned. * Aicheler M et al.; 2010; Submitted to Int. Journal of Fatigue |
MOP070 | Breakdown Studies for the CLIC Accelerating Structures | 217 |
Optimizing the design and the manufacturing of the CLIC RF accelerating structures for achieving the target value of breakdown rate at the nominal accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m requires a detailed understanding of all the steps involved in the mechanism of breakdown. These include surface modification under RF fields, electron emission and neutral evaporation in the vacuum, arc ignition and consequent surface modification due to plasma bombardment. Together with RF tests, experiments are conducted in a simple DC test set-up instrumented with electrical diagnostics and optical spectroscopy. The results are also used for validating simulations which are performed using a wide range of numerical tools (MD coupled to electrostatic codes, PIC plasma simulations) able to include all the above phenomena. Some recent results are presented in this paper. |
MOP071 | The Hot Prototype of the PI-Mode Structure for Linac4 | 220 |
The PIMS cavities for Linac4 are made of 7 coupled cells operating in pi-mode at 352 MHz frequency. The mechanical concept is derived from the 5-cell cavities used in the LEP machine, whereas cell length and coupling are adapted for proton acceleration in the range from 50 to 160 MeV. Linac4 will be the first machine to employ this type of cavities for low-beta protons. During the first years of operation the PIMS will be used at low duty cycle as part of the consolidated LHC proton injector complex. It is designed, however, to operate eventually in a high duty cycle (10%) proton injector, which could be used as proton front-end for neutrino or RIB applications. To prepare for the series construction of the 12 PIMS units the first cavity (102 MeV beam energy) has been designed and constructed at CERN, to be used as a hot prototype for RF tests and as a pre-series mechanical unit. In this paper we report on some of the design features, the construction experience, and first measurements. |
MOP073 | Numerical Validation of the CLIC/SwissFEL/FERMI Multi Purpose X Band Structure | 223 |
Currently an X-band traveling wave accelerator structure is fabricated in a collaboration between CERN, PSI and Sincrotrone Trieste (ST). PSI and ST will use it in their respective FEL projects, CERN will test break down limits and rates for high gradients. A special feature of this structure are two integrated wake field monitors monitoring the beam to structure alignment. The design used an uncoupled model for the fundamental mode, assuming the overall behavior to be the superposition of the individual components. For the wake field monitors, an equivalent circuit was used. This approach has been proven to produce valid structure designs. None the less it cannot approach the quality of a numerical electromagnetic simulation of the full structure, which is ideal for a validation capturing the differences between design models and the real cavity as e.g. internal reflections inside the structure or higher order dispersive terms altering the response of the wake field monitor. Using SLAC's family of massive parallel codes ACE-3P, first results are presented for the fundamental mode and the first transverse mode. They are compared with earlier simulations using simplified models. |
MOP074 | High Power Evaluation of X-band High Power Loads | 226 |
Several types of X-band high power loads developed for several tens of MW range were designed, fabricated and used for high power tests at X-band facility of KEK. Some of them have been used for many years and some show possible deterioration of RF performance. Recently revised-design loads were made by CERN and the high power evaluation was performed at KEK. In this paper, the main requirements are recalled, together with the design features. The high power test results are analysed and presented. |
MOP075 | Breakdown Characteristics in DC Spark Experiments of Copper Focusing on Purity and Hardness | 229 |
To investigate the breakdown characteristic related to the differences in purity and hardness, four types of oxygen-free copper (OFC) materials, usual class 1 OFC with/without diamond finish, 7-nine large-grain copper and 6-nine hot-isotropic-pressed copper, were tested with the DC spark test system at CERN. Measurements of beta, breakdown fields and breakdown probability are discussed followed by the surface inspection mostly with SEM on the tested materials. |
MOP076 | An Experimental Investigation on Cavity Pulsed Heating | 232 |
Cavity pulsed heating experiments have been conducted at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in collaboration with CERN and KEK. These experiments were designed to gain a better understanding on the impact of high power pulsed magnetic fields on copper and copper alloys. The cavity is a one port hemispherical cavity that operates in the TE013-like mode at 11.424 GHz. The test samples are mounted onto the endcap of the cavity. By using the TE013 mode, pulsed heating information can be analyzed that is based only on the impact of the peak magnetic field which is much bigger in value on the test sample than on any other place in the cavity. This work has shown that pulsed heating surface damage on copper and copper alloys is dependent on processing time, pulsed heating temperature, material hardness, and crystallographic orientation and that initial stresses occur along grain boundaries which can be followed by pitting or by transgranular microfractures that propagate and terminate on grain boundaries. The level of pulsed heating surface damage was found to be less on the smaller grain samples. This is likely due to grain boundaries limiting the propagation of fatigue cracks. |
MOP077 | Design of RF Feed System for Standing-wave Accelerator Structures | 235 |
Typical surface damage in travelling wave accelerator structures occurs on the high field region of the iris. As the damage accumulates the coupling between cavities is affected resulting in changes in the phase shift between cells. This issue can be reduced by use of SW cells that are fed in parallel. RF breakdown is contained to the cell where it originates and the available electromagnetic energy for a given gradient is minimized by the parallel feed. Several schemes[1] have been proposed for parallel fed SW structures. Some of the proposed designs fed several cells from each arm, which reduces the advantage of localizing a RF breakdown to an individual cavity. In addition they use a standing wave in the feed arms which allows coupling between cells. We are proposing a somewhat more complex approach using a directional coupler on each cell and serpentine waveguide connection between couplers. This design approach isolates the cells and gives an individual rf feed to each cell resulting in the maximum increase in the operational robustness of the accelerator structure. 1. O. N. Brezhnev, P. V. Logatchev, V. M. Pavlov, O. V. Pirogov, S. V. Shiyankov,' Parallel-Coupled Accelerating Structures', Proceedings of LINAC 2002, Gyeongju, Korea, pg 215-217 |
Detailed Studies of Multipactor in Dielectric-Loaded Accelerator Structures | ||
Multipactor (MP) is known as the avalanche growth of the number of secondary electrons emitted from a solid surface exposed to an rf field under vacuum conditions. MP may occur in various microwave and rf systems such as microwave tubes, rf windows and launchers, accelerating structures and rf satellite payloads. This work is focused on the multipactor analysis in dielectric-loaded accelerator (DLA) structures. It was initiated by the experimental and theoretical studies of such structures jointly done by Argonne National Laboratory and Naval Research Laboratory [1]. Our goal was to create a self-consistent non-stationary model of MP that would explain the experimental results and help finding conditions for MP suppression. We created a 2D model whose description and some initial simulation data were presented in Ref. 2. In this paper, we demonstrate new simulation results and compare them with the experimental ones obtained during recent extensive studies of DLA structures performed by Argonne National Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Euclid TechLabs, LLC [3]. 1. J. G. Power et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 164801 (2004). |
MOP080 | Design Optimisation of the Re-bunching Cavities for the Front End Test Stand at RAL | 238 |
The Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) line for the Front End Test Stand (FETS) at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) will transport a 60 mA, 2ms, 50 pps H- beam at 3 MeV. Its main components include a number of quadrupoles, re-bunching cavities and a fast-slow chopping system with dedicated beam dumps, as well as a diagnostics beam line. In this paper we present the design approach for the MEBT re-bunching cavities. A description is given for the proposed geometry and the main design choices are examined. In addition, the latest RF simulations results performed with 2D and 3D electromagnetic codes are presented including optimisation details and manufacturing plans. |
MOP081 | The PITZ CDS Booster Cavity RF Tuning and Start of Conditioning | 241 |
The DESY PITZ booster cavity, based on the Cut Disk Structure (CDS), is completed in construction. The L-band normal conducting cavity is intended to operate with accelerating rate up to 12.5 MV/m and RF pulse length up to 800 mks to increase the electron bunch energy in the PITZ facility at 20 MeV. The cavity was vacuum conditioned to reduce the out-gassing rate for operation in the facility with photo cathodes. The cavity is mounted in the PITZ tunnel and RF conditioning is started. The results of RF tuning before and after cavity brazing, together with first results of conditioning, are presented. |
MOP082 | Low Level Radio-frequency Developments toward a Fault-tolerant Linac Scheme for an Accelerator Driven System | 244 |
An Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste requires a high power proton beam (several MWs) to reach the necessary spallation efficiency. Due to the induced thermal stress to the subcritical core, the high-power proton linac will have to fulfil stringent reliability requirements to minimise the number of unwanted beam trips (> 1 sec.) per operation cycle. In view of the construction of the MYRRHA ADS demonstrator, in Mol (Belgium), beam dynamic analyses were carried out to evaluate the fault tolerant capability of the superconducting linac, in the particular case of a radiofrequency (RF) cavity failure. This analysis was coupled with simulations on the RF behaviour of 700 MHz superconducting cavitiy as well as its tuning and feedback loop systems. Such considerations led to the development of a prototypical digital Low Level RF (LLRF) system to control the cavity phase and accelerating field, especially in the case of fast cavity retuning for failure compensation. In this paper we summarize the work which has been performed so far toward the development of such a fault-tolerant RF linac. |
MOP083 | LLRF Design for the HINS-SRF Test Facility at Fermilab | 247 |
The High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) R&D program requires super conducting single spoke resonators operating at 325 MHz. After coupler installation, these cavities are tested at the HINS-SRF facility at Fermilab. The LLRF requirements for these tests include support for continuous wave and pulsed mode operations, with the ability to track the resonance frequency of the tested cavity. Real-time measurement of the cavity loaded Q and Q0 are implemented using gradient decay techniques, allowing for Q0 versus Eacc plots. A real time cavity simulator was also developed to test the LLRF system and verify its functionality. |
MOP084 | A Vector Control and Data Acquisition System for the Multicavity LLRF System for Cryomodule1 at Fermilab | 250 |
A LLRF control and data acquisition system for the 8-cavity Cryo-Module 1 at the ILCTA has been implemented using three , 33-channel MFC boards in a VXI mainframe. One card each is dedicated for the cavity probes for vector control , forward power and reverse power measurements. The system is scalable to 24 cavities or more with the commissioning of Cryo-Modules 2 and 3 without additional hardware. The signal processing and vector control of the cavities is implemented in a FPGA and a high speed data acquisition system with upto 100 channels stores data in external SDRAM memory. The system supports both pulsed and CW modes with a pulse rate of 5Hz. Acquired data is transferred between pulses to auxiliary systems such as the piezo controller through the slot0 controller. The design of the system is described and the performance of the vector control system is evaluated. |
MOP086 | Stability Evaluation for Long FB Loop Delay in the ACS Cavity Field Control for the J-PARC Linac 400-MeV Upgrade | 253 |
For 400-MeV upgrade of the J-PARC Linac, ACS (Annular Coupled Structure) cavities, which are driven by 972-MHz RF, will be installed. The ACS cavity has complicated structure. Its Q-value is very low and the operation frequency is tree times higher in comparison with that of the SDTL cavity. So the stabilizing control of the ACS accelerating field will be more difficult than present 324-MHz RF system. Further more the chopped beam loading compensation is required. Especially, the debuncher will be located very far from the klystron, then the feedback loop delay will be about 1.5 us. This presentation will show the simulation results of the feedback control of the ACS cavity field including long loop delay and the effect of the chopped beam loading. |
MOP087 | Beam Test of Chopped Beam Loading Compensation for the J-PARC Linac 400-MeV Upgrade | 256 |
The function of the chopped beam loading compensation was implemented into the digital feedback/feed-forward control system of the J-PARC Linac LLRF system to stabilize the ACS cavity fields for the 400-MeV upgrade. The beam test of the chopped beam loading compensation was performed with the present 324-MHz cavity sysmte. Consequently the chopped beam loading was successfully compensated and that this system is valid. |
MOP088 | Spallation Neutron Source LLRF Temperature Dependence and Solution | 259 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) has been operating since the first neutrons were produced on April 29, 2006. During the last several years the beam energy has been methodically ramped-up and outlying issues solved to improve system reliability. During the beam studies a temperature dependence has been discovered with the Low-Level RF systems. The effect is small but readily observable as increased beam losses. The temperature dependence has been studied both in the accelerator and in the laboratory and the sensitive components identified. A prototype solution that replaces the temperature dependent components of the Low-Level RF System has been designed and is in initial testing. Preliminary results of the laboratory tests have been encouraging. Accelerator tests are planned after installation during the December 2010 maintenance cycle. |
MOP089 | Spallation Neutron Source High-Power Protection Module Test Stand | 262 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) High-Power Protection Module (HPM) provided interlocks and fast shutdown for the RF system to protect the accelerating structures and high power RF (HPRF) Distribution System. The HPM has required some functionality upgrades since the start of beam operations and an upgrade to the HPM test stand was required to support these added features. The HPM test stand currently verifies functionality, RF channel calibration, and measurement of the speed of shutdown to ensure the specifications are meet. The upgraded test stand was implemented in a single FPGA to allow for future growth and flexibility. Work is currently progressing on automation of the test stand to better perform the required module calibration schedule. |
MOP090 | Design and Testing of the TRIUMF ISACII High-B RF Control System | 265 |
The rf control system for the twenty 141 MHz TRIUMF quarter wave superconducting cavities is a hybrid analogue/digital design. It is based in part on an earlier design developed for the 106MHz 1/4 wave superconducting cavities of the ISACII linac. This design has undergone several iterations in the course of its development. In the current version, a value-engineering approach was used to reduce the cost and simplify the hardware. The result is a single C-size VXI module that incorporates all the required low-level rf functions - amplitude/phase control, tuning control, and control of the rf coupler. It accomplishes these functions at a substantially lower cost than the previous two-module solution. It also includes support for field upgrade of the DSP/PLD hardware and firmware. Some early test results of the system operating in the linac are outlined, and conclusions are summarized. |
MOP091 | A Digital Low Level RF Control System for the S-DALINAC | 268 |
The superconducting cavities of the S-DALINAC have a high loaded quality factor and are very susceptible to microphonics. To stabilize the amplitude and phase of the cavities' fields an analog control system has been used for 20 years. To improve the stability and the availability of the low level RF control system it is currently replaced by a digital one. The 3 GHz signals coming from the cavities are converted down to the base band using hardware I/Q demodulators. The base band signals are digitized by ADCs and fed into an FPGA. This FPGA contains a custom CPU which executes the code implementing the control algorithm. The computed control signal is I/Q modulated before it is send to the cavity again. The superconducting cavities are operated with a self-excited loop algorithm whereas a generator driven algorithm is used for the low Q normal conducting bunching cavities. A 6 GHz RF board allows the operation of a new 2f buncher. Parameters can be adjusted via an EPICS IOC running on a standard PC. All signals from the FPGA can be monitored in realtime by the operator. |
MOP092 | LINAC Subsystems for Better Beam Control | 271 |
Control of bunch arrival time, energy and trajectory of particle beams in linear accelerators is mandatory to reach performance goals and is carried out using different sub-systems. For optimal control and especially for accelerators aiming at the highest level of performance, for example FELs, these systems should be considered as a whole and work together. At Instrumentation Technologies such systems have been developed and tested on the field. Precise control of amplitude and phase of the accelerating felds is performed with the Libera LLRF, a digital RF stabilization system that is couple to Libera SYNC a very low jiiter master oscillator distribution system. The Libera Brilliance Single Pass system provides high resolution position information that allows accurate control of trajectories through critical machine sections such as bunch compression modules and FEL modulators and radiators. These systems are described in detail in the paper with examples from field measurements. |
MOP093 | Design of Low Level RF Control System for Accelerator | 274 |
The low level RF (LLRF) control system for PLS is being upgraded to improve the performance of the system. The LLRF control system under development consists of FPGA, and high speed ADC and DAC as well as analog front-end devices which process the signal from cavity and to RF high power system. In addition, it utilizes digital signal processing technology based on FPGA. In order to optimize the accelerating electric field in the cavity, it is required to maintain field stability less than ±1% in amplitude and 1° in phase. And the resonance condition of the cavity should be monitored and controlled. The various digital signal processing theories such as digital filters, Cordic, PI control enable to meet these requirements and to control the feedback signal less than a microsecond. The LLRF control system is also equipped with the Ethernet by the cPCI. The preliminary design study on the LLRF control system for PLS superconducting cavity will be described in this paper. |
MOP094 | Cavity Control Algorithms | 277 |
A digital low level radio frequency (RF) system typically incorporates either a heterodyne or direct sampling technique, followed by fast ADCs, then an FPGA, and finally a transmitting DAC. This universal platform opens up the possibilities for a variety of control algorithm implementations. The foremost concern for an RF control system is cavity field stability, and to meet the required quality of regulation, the chosen control system needs to have sufficient feedback gain. In this paper we will investigate the effectiveness of the regulation for three basic control system algorithms: I&Q (In-phase and Quadrature), Amplitude & Phase and digital SEL (Self Exciting Loop) along with the example of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV cavity field control system. |
MOP095 | Status of the CEBAF Energy Upgrade RF Control System | 280 |
To support the CEBAF energy upgrade from 6 GeV to 12 GeV, the RF control system is being modernized to control the high gradient high QL superconducting cavities. The new system incorporates a heterodyne transceiver along with I&Q sampling to measure and control magnitude and phase. A low-cost Altera FPGA is used to digitally implement the cavity control algorithms. One of the features of the system is a digital self excited loop to track the cavity over large Lorentz detuning (800 Hz) during turn on. The system has successfully completed preliminary development and is now moving into the production stage of the project. This paper discusses the design, modeling, testing and production of the new RF control system and associated peripheral systems (cavity interlocks, and resonance control). |
MOP097 | Design of a High Energy Beam Stop for Spiral2 | 283 |
The driver accelerator of the Spiral2 facility will deliver deuteron (40MeV) and proton (33MeV) beams with current up to 5mA and heavy ion (14.5MeV/n) beams up to 1mA. At the very end of the LINAC, the main Beam Stop will have to withstand a peak power of 200kW for deuterons, with an associated power density from 120W/mm2 to more than 700W/mm2. These challenging specifications impose the design of a new high efficiency Beam Stop that has been nicknamed SAFARI (French acronym of Optimized Beam Stop Device for High Intensity Beams). From the beam characteristics and activation constraints, we proposed and developed a complete design. We will present this original design and the different studies and optimizations which have been done: The Beam Stop shape marries to the beam characteristics in order to smooth for the best power density and improve thermo-mechanical behaviour under nominal and critical beams. Cooling system is directly machined from Beam Stop blocks. Optimization by various fluid studies and calculations led us to a new high efficiency counter-current water cooling system. We then compare calculated behaviour with first results obtained on our recent functional mock-up |
MOP098 | Electrode Design Improvements in the SPIRAL2 Single Bunch Selector | 286 |
The high current driver accelerator of the SPIRAL 2 project uses a single-bunch selector to reduce the bunch repetition rate at the experimental target. The device works at almost 1 MHz and handles fast RF pulses of 18 ns with transient times shorter than 6 ns. The first electrode prototype, built in the framework of the Eurisol DS project, was used for thermal and RF tests and didn't show correct delay and matching. The paper describes the studies to improve these two important issues and the results of thermal tests |
MOP099 | Status of the Design of 650 MHz Elliptical Cavities for Project X | 289 |
Project X is a proposed high-intensity proton accelerator complex that could provide beam to create a high-intensity neutrino beam, feed protons to kaon- and muon-based precision experiments, and for other applications still under investigation. The present configuration of the proton accelerator foresees a section with 650 MHz beta = 0.6 and beta = 0.9 elliptical cavities. Prototypes of single-cell 650 MHz cavities and five-cell beta = 0.9 650 MHz cavities are being designed and fabricated at Fermilab in the R&D process for Project X. This paper summarizes the design status of the beta = 0.6 and beta = 0.9 single-cell prototype cavities, and also addresses the design effort focused on the five-cell beta = 0.9 cavities. |
MOP100 | Bunch Compressor for Intense Proton Beams | 292 |
The Frankfurt Neutron source FRANZ is under construction*. The ARMADILLO bunch compressor** as a part of it is composed of a 5MHz electric kicker, a magnetic dipole chicane and rf-rebunching cavities. The design phase of the bunch compressor has reached the final stage. A 175MHz 2MeV proton linac forms 100ns long beam pulses consisting of nineμbunches with 150mA. Deflected by the 5MHz kicker theμbunches are guided on different paths to arrive within 1ns at a n-production target. Due to high space charge forces rebuncher cavities are included***. The peak current at the target is expected to be in the range of 10A in a 1ns proton pulse, which is equivalent to a longitudinal pulse compression ratio of 45. A new code specific for complex magnetic multi aperture system and for high current applications has been developed. Hardware designs according to the beam dynamics results are in progress. Improved 3D magnetic and electric fields will be applied in the future beam dynamics studies including high space charge forces. The preliminary designs and the beam dynamics studies will be presented in this contribution. * O. Meusel, et al.: LINAC06, Knoxville, Tennessee USA, 2006, pp. 159-161. |
MOP101 | Rebuncher Cavities for the FRANZ Bunch Compressor | 295 |
The Frankfurt Neutron Source (FRANZ) currently under construction at IAP (Goethe University of Frankfurt) is designed to produce short neutron pulses at high intensity and repetition rates up to 250 kHz [*]. To achieve a bunch length of one nanosecond despite the high space charge forces, a bunch compressor of the Mobley type [**] using four dipole magnets and two rebunchers has been developed [***] to merge 9 linac bunches into the final focus. The first rebuncher cavity, a λ/4 resonator operating at 87.5 MHz, has to feature nine beam paths due to the multi-trajectory system. Additionally the gaps have to be displaced relatively to each other in a way that all bunches arrive at the correct rf phase. The second rebunching cavity will provide final focusing as well as an energy variation of ±0.2 MeV in front of the target and will be operating at 175 MHz. This paper presents the design of these novel cavities as well as the simulated beam dynamic properties. * Meusel et al., LINAC 2006 |
MOP102 | Space Charge Lens for Focusing Heavy Ion Beams | 298 |
Space charge lenses use a confined electron cloud for the focusing of ion beams. Due to the electric space charge field, focusing is independent of the particle mass. For this reason the application of the space charge lens especially in the field of heavy ion beams is advantageous. Moreover, the trapped non neutral plasma cloud compensates the space charge forces of the ion beam. The focusing strength is given by the confined electron density whereas the density distribution influences the mapping quality of the space charge lens. An important parameter for the focusing capability of the space charge lens is besides the homogeneous electron distribution a high electron density. In ongoing theoretical and experimental work methods have been developed to determine the most important parameters like electron temperature and electron density distribution for an optimized lens design. Based on the experimental results a new space charge lens has been designed to focus low energy heavy ion beams like 2,4 AkeV U4+ at the low energy transport section into the GSI High Current Injector. Experimental results will be presented and compared with numerical simulations. *W. Barth, "THE INJECTOR SYSTEMS OF THE FAIR PROJECT", LINAC08, Victoria, BC, Canada |
MOP103 | Studies on High-precision Machining and Assembly of CLIC RF Structures | 301 |
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is currently under development at CERN as a potential multi-TeV e+e' collider. The manufacturing and assembly tolerances for the required RF components are essential for the final efficiency and for the operation of CLIC. The proper function of an accelerating structure is sensitive to mechanical errors in the shape and the alignment of the accelerating cavity. The current tolerances are in the micron range. This raises challenges in the field of mechanical design and demands special manufacturing technologies and processes. Currently the mechanical design of the accelerating structures is based on a disk design. Alternatively, it is possible to create the accelerating assembly from quadrants, which has the potential to be favoured for the mass production due to simplicity and cost. In this case, the functional shape inside of the accelerating structure remains the same and a single assembly uses less parts. This paper focuses on the development work done in design and simulation for prototype accelerating structures and describes its application to series production. |
MOP104 | Studies on the Thermo-mechanical Behavior of the CLIC Two-beam Module | 304 |
To fulfill the mechanical requirements set by the luminosity goals of the CLIC collider, currently under study, the 2-m two-beam modules, the shortest repetitive elements in the main linac, have to be controlled at micrometer level. At the same time these modules are exposed to variable high power dissipation while the accelerator is ramped up to nominal power as well as when the mode of CLIC operation is varied. This will result into inevitable temperature excursions driving mechanical distortions in and between different module components. A FEM model is essential to estimate and simulate the fundamental thermo-mechanical behavior of the CLIC two-beam module to facilitate its design and development. Firstly, the fundamental thermal environment is created for different RF components of the module. Secondly, the first thermal and structural contacts for adjacent components as well as idealized kinematic coupling for the main module components are introduced. Finally, the thermal and structural results for the studied module configuration are presented showing the fundamental thermo-mechanical effects of primary CLIC collider operation modes. |
MOP105 | Preparation of Adjustable Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Lens for Beam Test at ATF2 | 307 |
A permanent magnet quadrupole lens with continuously adjustable strength originally designed by Gluckstern was fabricated for a final focus. It consists of five PMQ discs that rotate on their axis, where odd and even numbered discs rotate oppositely but with the same absolute angle. By setting their lengths appropriately, the coupling between x and y components can be minimized. In order to reduce multipole components higher than quadrupole, we adjust positions of magnet wedge pairs. At the same time we improve differences between the magnetic center and the mechanical center of the PMQ discs by measuring harmonics of fields in magnets. In order to carry out the beam test, a high precision movable table for the lens system is also fabricated. This table can evacuate the lens system from the beam line completely without vacuum breaking, which should ease the evaluation of the system at decreased strength region. |
MOP106 | Implementation of Multilayered Conductor Structures on RF Cavity Surfaces | 310 |
Multilayered conductor structures on RF cavity surfaces have been discussed these years. Although a real implementation was succeeded on a coaxial cavity at room temperature by measuring Q-value, it may not be a practical example. Application of the multilayered conductor structure on superconducting cases came out recently and is studied by some groups. Possible thoughts on the further implementation at room temperature will be discussed including a consideration on the superconducting case. |
The Darht Axis II Beam Run Permit Control System | ||
The Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility (DARHT) is the world's premier hydrotest firing site. DARHT contains two linear accelerators for producing flash radiographs of hydrodynamic experiments. The DARHT facility (both Axis I and Axis II) have defined Modes of operation, based on the Personnel Safety System configuration. It is the philosophy of accelerator systems that configuration of the components required to deliver beam should not rely on human attention alone. The Axis II Beam Run Permit control system implements a series of hardware and software logic elements that define and limit the Axis II states of operation and automatically establish machine operating parameters. Within each of the defined Personnel Safety System Modes, DARHT Axis II operation requires a number of different states and timing configurations. For each Beam Run Permit state, operations of Axis II requires different accelerator hardware configurations, interlocks, controls settings, and timing scenarios. The DARHT Axis II Beam Run Permit control system has provided efficiency and achieved operational configuration of the Axis II accelerator to provide peak radiographic performance. |
MOP108 | Planned Machine Protection System for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University | 313 |
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University will utilize a 400 kW, heavy-ion linear accelerator to produce rare isotopes in support of a rich program of fundamental research. In the event of operating failures, it is extremely important to shut off the beam in a prompt manner to control the beam losses that may damage the accelerator components such as superconducting cavities. FRIB has adapted the residual beam loss activation limit at 30 cm to be equivalent to 1W/m of operating beam losses. We are designing FRIB MPS to be flexible but redundant in safety to accommodate both commissioning and operations. It is also dependent upon the operational mode of the accelerator and the beam dump in use. The operational mode is distributed via a finite state machine to all critical devices that have multiple hardware checkpoints and comparators. It is important to note that FRIB is a cw machine and MPS status is continuously being monitored by 'device mode change' and real time data link. In this paper, we present FRIB Machine Protection architecture, plans and implementation. |
MOP109 | Electromagnetic Torque from Linac Radiation* | 316 |
In this paper the new phenomenon of nature, called electromagnetic torque radiation from the relativistic charged particles is discussed. To begin it is shown that two well ' known alternative definitions of density of angular momentum of electromagnetic field by Ivanenko-Sokolov* and by Teitelboim and Villarroel** give the identical integral characteristics with application of the relativistic radiation theory. And both of it yield the same results for the total power of the angular momentum, which is characterized the torque of the radiation. Then we have found that the angular distribution of torque from the Linac has the azimuthal symmetry with respect to the direction of the velocity of the particle. It is also oppositely directed to the acceleration of the particle. On the condition of the high speed the angular distribution has an expressive relativistic effect of the sharp directed radiation. With the construction of a good detectors of the torque it is possible to measure such effect. * D. Ivanenko, A. Sokolov, Classical Field Theory, GITTL, 1949. |
MOP110 | High Gradient Wakefield Acceleration (~ GV/m) in Structures: Goals of the Upgraded Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility (AWA) | 319 |
New technology needs to be developed for future compact linear colliders. The AWA Facility is dedicated to the study of advanced accelerator concepts towards this goal. The facility uses high charge short electron bunches to drive wakefields in dielectric loaded structures as well as in metallic structures (iris loaded, photonic band gap, etc). Accelerating gradients as high as 100 MV/m have been reached in dielectric loaded structures, and RF pulses of up to 44 MW have been generated at 7.8 GHz. In order to reach higher accelerating gradients, and also be able to generate higher RF power levels, several facility upgrades are underway: a new RF gun with a higher QE photocathode; a witness beam to probe the wakefields; additional klystrons and linac structures to bring the beam energy up to 75 MeV. The drive beam will consist of bunch trains of up to 32 bunches of 60 nC, corresponding to a beam power of 6 GW. The goal of future experiments is to reach accelerating gradients of several hundred MV/m and to extract RF pulses with GW power level. A key advantage of wakefield acceleration in structures is the ability to act on electrons and positrons in basically identical fashion. |
MOP111 | High Brightness Electron Beam Focusing System for an X-ray Generator | 322 |
A new type of rotating anticathode X-ray generator has been developed, in which the electron beam up to 120keV irradiates the inner surface of a U-shaped Cu anticathode. A high-flux electron beam is obtained by optimizing the geometry of the combined function bending magnet. In order to minimize the sizes of the X-ray source, the electron beam is focused in a short distance by the combined function bending magnet, of which geometrical shape was determined by simulation with the codes of Opera-3D, General Particle Tracer (GPT) and CST STUDIO. The result of simulation clearly shows that the role of combined function in the bending magnet and the steering magnet is important to focus the beam in small sizes. FWHM sizes of the beam were predicted by simulation to be 0.45mm (horizontal) and 0.05mm (vertical) for a beam of 120keV and 75mA of which effective brilliance is about 500kW/mm2 with the supposition of a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution. The beam focus sizes on the target will be verified in the experiments by using the high-voltage power supply for the X-ray generator improved from 60kV to 120kV and 75mA. |
MOP112 | Detailed Studies Regarding the New Injection System at the LINAC I at ELSA | 325 |
In order to enhance the operating capabilities of the Bonn University Accelerator Facility ELSA, a new injector is currently under commissioning. Its purpose is to allow a single pulse mode as well as to increase the current of the unpolarized beam provided to the external hadron physics experiments. The injector will produce an up to 2 μs long pulse of 500 mA beam current or a single electron bunch with 2 A pulse current. Design and optimization of the injector were performed with Egun, PARMELA and numerical simulations based on the paraxial equation. A 1.5 ns long pulse is produced by a thermionic electron gun with 90 kV anode-cathode voltage, then compressed and pre-accelerated by a 500 MHz RF cavity and a four-cell travelling wave buncher. After acceleration of the electrons up to 25 MeV in the main linac the natural broadening of the energy distribution in the particle ensemble due to the acceleration process will be reduced by an energy compression system. Studies have been conducted concerning the adaptation of the optical elements in the transfer beamline to the booster synchrotron with respect to the new requirements of the injection into the synchrotron and its acceptance. |
MOP113 | Multipacting Simulation of the Demountable Damped Cavity | 328 |
We have designed Demountable Damped Cavity (DDC) as an ILC R&D. DDC has an axial symmetric structure, the coaxial waveguide HOM coupler and absorber at the end of beam pipe of SRF cavity. It is also demountable structure. These structures are expected to bring better cavity performance. However, DDC have many parallel faced surfaces and the multipacting might be a concerned issue. We have simulated MP on the DDC with CST-Studio and found MP could be not serious issue. In this paper we will report the simulation result in detail. |
MOP114 | Confirmation of Leak Tightness of the Mo Sealing in Superfluid Helium | 331 |
MO sealing developed by Prof. H. Matsumoto in KEK and his collaborator M. Ohotsuka has been successfully applied to SRF cavities. Its leak ratio is smaller than 3·10-8 Pam3/s or much better in the superfluid Helium, which is the allowed level to successfully measure the cavity performance for more than 3 hours at 2K. Tightening torque is 15Nm and the bolt material is SUS304 (JIS). Titanium is usable as cavity flange material. Copper looks better than pure Aluminium as the gasket material. We have observed an additional residual surface resistance about 5nΩ Zero impedance characteristics of the MO sealing is a remained issue. In this paper we report the results in detail. |
MOP115 | Investigating the ILC Single Tunnel Proposal in a Japanese Mountainous Site | 334 |
It was proposed to change from a 2-tunnel scheme in the ILC Reference Design Report to a single tunnel plan by the GDE, Global Design Effort in order to reduce the construction cost. Two proposals of RF source have been presented to realize this scheme. One is 'Klystron Cluster System', which moves every RF source related components from the underground tunnel to the above ground buildings. This would require that the surface topology be rather flat. Another one is the 'Distributed RF System', which does not greatly increase the above ground facilities, and instead every accelerator components are put into a single main tunnel. Instead of powering with large-scale klystrons, downsized modules are distributed throughout. We propose to make a single accelerator tunnel for active accelerator components based on the latter RF system and a sub-tunnel, in which cooling water piping is installed. The sub-tunnel can also be used for the emergency escape, underground water drainage, maintenance work and etc. This scheme fits to the Japanese mountainous site. |