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MOPAB096 |
Universal Digital Aggregator for in-Line Signal Processing |
hardware, software, target, operation |
352 |
- M.P. Kopeć, L.J. Dudek, A. Kisiel, M.A. Knafel, A.I. Wawrzyniak, M. Zając
Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Universal digital aggregator is a device for general signal processing with around 100kHz bandwidth. It contains of 4 inputs and 4 open-drain outputs - all of which are fully programmable. When the number of controlling digital signals exceeds the number of input ports of a device there is a need to either multiplex those signals or process them before the target device. The aggregator can be powered from the target device so no additional cabling is needed, especially considering its low power consumption. This straightforward, complex and portable device can be easily applied where PLC solutions are difficult to implement.
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TUPAB042 |
Current Status of IPM Linac Control System |
controls, EPICS, linac, electron |
1418 |
- S. Haghtalab, F. Abbasi
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
- S. Ahmadiannamin
ILSF, Tehran, Iran
- F. Ghasemi, M. Lamehi
IPM, Tehran, Iran
This paper reports the progress of the control system for IPM 10 MeV accelerator. As an electron linac, it consists of beam injection acceleration tube, radio frequency production and transmission, target, diagnostics and control and safety. In support of this source, an EPICS-based integrated control system has been designed and being implemented from scratch to provide access to the critical control points and continues to grow to simplify operation of the system. In addition to a PLC-based machine protection component and IO interface, a CSS-based suite of control GUI monitors systems including Modulator and RF, Vacuum, Magnets, and electron gun. An overview of this system is presented in this article.
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TUPIK080 |
Accelerator Personnel Safety Systems for European Spallation Source |
radiation, proton, linac, controls |
1884 |
- M. Mansouri, S.L. Birch, A. Nordt, D. Paulic, Y.K. Sin, A. Toral Diez
ESS, Lund, Sweden
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a collabora-tion of 17 European countries to build the world's most powerful neutron source for research. ESS is under con-struction since 2014 and it will produce first neutrons in 2019. The linear proton accelerator is composed of nor-mal conducting sections plus the superconducting linac. When operational, such facilities include various hazards, such as ionizing radiation, high voltage and oxygen defi-ciency. The accelerator Personal Safety System (PSS) limits exposure to them and ensures personnel safety in the accelerator tunnel. It will be developed in accordance with IEC 61508 standard (Functional Safety of Electri-cal/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems), which has become a good practice in similar facilities to develop safety related systems. This paper gives an overview of the accelerator PSS and its subsys-tems. The progress of the accelerator PSS design and the selected software and hardware technologies will also be described.
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TUPIK083 |
Methodology, Design and Physical Deployment of Highly Dependable PLC Based Interlock Systems for ESS |
vacuum, interface, operation, hardware |
1887 |
- M. Zaera-Sanz, S. Kövecses, A. Nordt
ESS, Lund, Sweden
Approximately 350 resistive magnets, 110 vacuum gate valves and 30 interceptive devices will be installed in the 600 m long linear accelerator at ESS, transporting the proton beam from the source to the target station. In order to protect this equipment from damage and to take the appropriate actions required to minimise recovery time, a dedicated set of PLC based interlock systems are being designed. The magnet powering interlock system will safely switch off a Power Converter (PC) upon the detection of an internal magnet or PC failure. The interceptive devices interlock system will protect Faraday cups, wire scanners, EMUs and LBMs from a beam mode that they cannot withstand by allowing/removing permission for movement. The vacuum gates interlock system will protect the gate valves in case of unexpected closing. The target interlock system will protect the target system by acting on motors, compressors, etc. These interlock systems will inform the beam interlock system to inhibit further beam operation by stopping beam if required. The methodology, design and physical deployment of the four interlock systems will be presented.
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TUPIK084 |
The EPICS Based Control System at the FREIA Laboratory |
EPICS, controls, interface, radiation |
1890 |
- K. Fransson, K.J. Gajewski, M. Jacewicz, M. Jobs, R.J.M.Y. Ruber, V.G. Ziemann
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
FREIA (Facility for REsearch and Instrumentation for Accelerator development) Laboratory at Uppsala University, Sweden, is a new facility, inaugurated 2013. Initially FREIA is testing and developing superconducting accelerating cavities and high power RF sources in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS). Later projects include testing of superconducting cavities and magnets for the high luminosity LHC. The high level control, alarm system and archiving is implemented in EPICS. Presently this includes a helium liquefaction plant, a horizontal test cryostat, two high power RF amplifiers, a low level RF system, environment monitoring and safety systems. Some attention will be given to integration of commercially acquired systems as well as the safety system, interlocks and radiation monitoring. The implementation of the EPICS environment follows closely that of ESS and thus can provide a test bench for developments at ESS.
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THPVA066 |
TPS LINAC Temperature Monitoring System |
linac, monitoring, EPICS, controls |
4595 |
- C.L. Chen, H.-P. Chang, C.-S. Fann, K.-K. Lin, K.L. Tsai
NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
TPS Linac has been providing with electron beams which conform to the specifications to the requirement since 2014. Firstly electrons are extracted from electron gun (e-gun), and they are accelerated and gained energy from 90 keV to 150 MeV in three linear accelerating sections. Then electron beams are successfully injected to the booster ring via Linac to Booster (LTB) transport line. Providing a stable and reliable operating system is next priority objective and so a temperature monitoring system is established. This temperature monitoring system is used to monitor the temperatures for each Linac sub-system and its surrounding environment. By using this temperature monitoring system, it helps to understand the relation between beam energy and working temperature for each sub-system, when Linac is under normal operation. This report will detail the temperature monitoring components, including thermalcouples, PLC thermal modules, PLC programming and graphic user interface (GUI). By integrating with EPICS, this monitoring system is becoming a complete solution for ensuring any possible influence due to thermal effects.
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