Keyword: ion-source
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MOBO04 Recent Developments of RIKEN 28 GHz SC-ECRIS ion, experiment, ECR, emittance 10
  • Y. Higurashi, H. Haba, M. Kidera, T. Nakagawa, J. Ohnishi, K. Ozeki
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  In the past two years, we tried to improve the performance of the RIKEN 28GHz SC-ECRIS for production of intense U ion beam. Usually, we used the sputtering method to produce U ion beam. Last year, we produced ~200e μA of U35+ at the injected RF power of ~2.6kW, when slightly adding the U vapor with high temperature oven. For RIKEN RIBF experiment, we produced ~110 e μA of U35+ beam with sputtering method longer than one month without break. In this case, we surly need very stable beam to increase the transmission efficiency in the accelerators and avoid the any damage of the components of the accelerator due to the high power beam. In this contribution, we will report the beam intensity of highly charged U ions as a function of various parameters (magnetic field strength, RF power, sputtering voltage etc.) and the effect of these parameters on the beam stability in detail. We also present the experience of the long term operation of the ion source for the RIKEN RIBF experiments.  
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MODO01 Structural Information on the ECR Plasma by X-ray Imaging ion, plasma, ECR, electron 30
  • R. Rácz, S. Biri
    ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
  • C. Caliri, G. Castro, S. Gammino, D. Mascali, L. Neri, F.P. Romano
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • J. Pálinkás
    DU, Debrecen, Hungary
  • F.P. Romano
    IBAM-CNR, Catania, Italy
  Precise knowledge on the density distribution of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source plasma is needed by several reasons: i) in order to possibly improve the quality parameters of the extracted ion beam (emittance, brightness) strongly linked to the plasma structure, ii) to correctly investigate the recently observed plasma instabilities and/or the implementation of alternative heating methods (e.g. modal conversion) iii) in order to improve the general microwave-to-plasma coupling efficiency, in view of a microwave-absorption oriented design of future ECRIS. The non-destructive spectroscopic diagnostic methods give information always corresponding to an integration over the whole plasma volume. X-ray imaging by pin-hole camera can partly overcome this limitation. We performed volumetric and space resolved X-ray measurements at the ATOMKI ECRIS operated at lower frequencies than usual. The experimental setup in detail and the methods how the working parameters were selected will be shown. The integrated and photon-counting analyses of the collected plasma images show a strong effect of the frequency and magnetic field on the plasma structure and local energy content.  
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TUAO04 SECRAL II Ion Source Development and the First Commissioning at 28 GHz ion, ECR, plasma, sextupole 43
  • L.T. Sun, X. Fang, Y.C. Feng, J.W. Guo, H.Y. Ma, L.Z. Ma, Y.M. Ma, Z. Shen, W. Wu, T. Yang, Y. Yang, W.H. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, B. Zhao, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  SECRAL II ion source has been successfully designed and developed at IMP. This ion source is a 3rd generation ECR machine optimized for the operation at 28 GHz. As a second superconducting ECR ion source developed at IMP with the identical coldmass design as SECRAL ion source, which has the sextupole coils external to the axial solenoids, the magnet performance is more robust according the training test. After a short time beam test at 18 GHz, SECRAL II has been commissioned at 28 GHz, and some preliminary results have been achieved with high charge state ion beam production. This paper will present the magnet design and test results. The first beam at 28 GHz will also be given.  
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WEAO01 Recent Developments with the GTS-LHC ECR Ion Source at CERN ion, operation, linac, ECR 50
  • V. Toivanen, G. Bellodi, C. Fichera, D. Küchler, A.M. Lombardi, M. Maintrot, A.I. Michet, M. O'Neil, S. Sadovich, F.J.C. Wenander
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • O.A. Tarvainen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland
  Linac3 is the first link in the chain of accelerators providing highly charged heavy ion beams for the CERN experimental program. The beams, predominantly lead, are produced with the GTS-LHC 14.5 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source, operated in afterglow mode. In the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade program (LIU), several activities have been carried out to improve the GTS-LHC and Linac3 performance, in terms of delivered beam current. The extraction region of the GTS-LHC has been upgraded with redesigned apertures and the addition of an einzel lens, yielding improved Linac3 output. Also, a series of measurements has been performed to study the effects of two-frequency heating on the performance of the GTS-LHC. A Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) with variable frequency and pulse pattern was utilized as a secondary microwave source. The two-frequency effect commonly reported with CW operation of ECR ion sources boosting high charge state ion production was also observed in afterglow mode. Lastly, for studies of metal ion beam production, a dedicated test stand has been assembled to characterize the GTS-LHC resistively heated miniature oven performance.  
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WEBO02 Design of Compact ECR Ion Source for C5+ Production ion, ECR, experiment, operation 64
  • M. Muramatsu, Y. Iwata, A. Kitagawa, E. Noda, M. Sekiguchi
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • K. Fukushima, T. Sasano, T. Suzuki, K. Takahashi
    AEC, Chiba, Japan
  • H. Murata, T. Takahashi
    SHI, Kanagawa, Japan
  The Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) was constructed as the first medical dedicated heavy ion accelerator facility at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). Over 9000 cancer patients have been treated with 140-430 MeV/u carbon beams since 1994. Compact ECR ion source with all permanent magnets, named Kei2, was developed for production of C4+ ions for medical treatment at NIRS. A compact ECR ion source for Gunma University (Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center: GHMC), Saga carbon-ion radiotherapy (Saga Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Tosu: SAGA HIMAT) and Kanagawa carbon-ion radiotherapy (Ion-beam Radiation Oncology Center in Kanagawa: i-ROCK) facility has been operated for medical use. It is a copy of the Kei2 which was developed by NIRS. In order to reduce operation cost of the injector for next designed carbon ion facility, we start design of new compact ECR ion source for C5+ production. Some dependence (mirror field, microwave power and frequency) were checked for optimal parameter of C5+ production at 18 GHz NIRS-HEC source. Results of experiments and specification of new compact source are described in this presentation.  
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WEPP05 Status Report on Metallic Beam Production at GANIL/SPIRAL 2 ion, ECR, ECRIS, plasma 92
  • C. Barue, O. Bajeat, J.L. Flambard, R. Frigot, P. Jardin, N. Lechartier, F. Lemagnen, L. Maunoury, V. Metayer, O. Osmond
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  • P. Sole, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  Primary ion beams from metallic elements are routinely produced at GANIL using ECR4 and ECR4M 'room temperature' ECR ion sources. Ionization efficiency measurements, partially presented in the past, are summarized in this report together with updated and new results obtained with Cd, Mo and Ta. Preliminary results for Ni and Ca obtained with the room temperature Phoenix-V2 ECR ion source, under commissioning for SPIRAL 2, are also included. These ionization efficiencies are compared according to the production methods: oven, sputtering, MIVOC, gaseous compounds. The presently SPIRAL 2 heavy ion injector designed for ions Q/A=1/3 shows clear limitations in terms of intensity for metallic ions with mass higher than 60 (intensity < 1 pμA). In order to choose the best ion source for a future Q/A=1/6, 1/7 injector, best world results have been compiled for different existing 'room temperature' and superconducting ECR ion sources.
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WEPP08 Development of Compact H+ ECR Ion Source with Pulse Gas Valve ion, plasma, ECR, proton 98
  • Y. Fuwa, Y. Iwashita, H. Tongu
    Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
  • M. Ichikawa
    QST, Tokai, Japan
  • N. Miyawaki
    QST/Takasaki, Takasaki, Japan
  Compact H+ ECR Ion Source using permanent magnets is under development. A pulsed gas injection system achieved by a piezo gas valve can reduce the gas load to a vacuum evacuation system. This feature is suitable when the ion source is closely located to an RFQ. Results of a performance test will be presented.  
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WEPP09 Development of a New Compact 5.8 GHz ECR Ion Source ion, plasma, ECR, coupling 101
  • J. Angot, L. Bonny, J. Jacob, T. Lamy, P. Sole, T. Thuillier, F. Villa
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • P. Sortais
    Polygon Physics, Grenoble, France
  LPSC is developing a new 5.8 GHz compact ion source to produce low charge state ion beams and study their capture in the PHOENIX charge breeder. The source was designed to meet criteria like stability, compactness and low cost. It is mounted on a DN200 iso K flange and is fully under vaccum during operation. The technology brings modularity to ease the development. It can operate up to 60 kV. The plasma is heated by a 100W solid state amplifier. The ECRIS produces 1 mA of H+ beam with 20W of HF and low charge state Argon ions. It was tested under several microwave and magnetic configurations on a test bench equipped with a mass spectrometer and diagnostics. Given its excellent performances, this source is being installed to drive the accelerator based neutron source, GENEPI 2, at LPSC. The developments of the source together with the results of the experiments will be presented. Future plans for this ion source will also be discussed. This work was supported by the ERA-NET NuPNET in the frame of the EMILIE project.  
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WEPP14 A New ECRIS Installation at the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System ion, ECR, operation, experiment 106
  • R.H. Scott, C. Dickerson, R.C. Pardo, R.C. Vondrasek
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and used resources of ANL's ATLAS facility, an Office of Science User Facility
An existing all permanent magnet ECRIS, the BIE100 [1], will be installed at ATLAS to recover operational flexibility by providing ATLAS with a second ECR ion source for stable beams. For years ATLAS has operated with two ECR ion sources, ECR2 and the ECR charge breeder as well as a tandem electrostatic injector. The tandem was retired in 2013 and in mid-2015 the ECR charge breeder was decommissioned to make room for a new Electron Beam Ion Source exclusively for charge breeding radioactive ion beams. This left the facility with a single ECR source for virtually all stable ion beam pro-duction. Design, installation plans and anticipated opera-tional parameters are discussed.
*Dan Z. Xie, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 531 (2002);
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WEPP42 Investigation of 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiated Argon Plasma under Magnetized Condition ion, plasma, electron, ECR 138
  • C. Mallick, M. Bandyopadhyay, R.K. Kumar, S.V. Tewari
    Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India
  Funding: Institute for plasma research
Compact microwave discharged ECRIS is one of the most popular devices for space propulsion and material processing .This work models microwave plasma coupling in 2D axis symmetric and investigates plasma parameters and modified electric field in plasma environment. A microwave field of the order of 1.3 x105 V/m is obtained at the center of plasma chamber cavity for an input microwave power of 500W. Microwave radiated plasma has a maximum density of 9.04 x1016 / m3 after some microwave periods (0.01s).The steady state peak electron temperature is around 3eV under 1 mbar pressure of argon gas. Most of power deposition takes place on the ECR surface which is the 875G contour resonating with the electron frequency. Steady state argon plasma results show that beyond critical plasma density of 7.4x1016 / m3 most of the microwave power is deposited at the plasma edge.
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