Keyword: proton
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TUAO01 The Proton Source for the European Spallation Source (PS-ESS): Installation and Commissioning at INFN-LNS ion, plasma, MMI, injection 39
  • L. Celona, L. Allegra, A. Amato, G. Calabrese, A.C. Caruso, G. Castro, F. Chines, G. Gallo, S. Gammino, O. Leonardi, A. Longhitano, G. Manno, S. Marletta, D. Mascali, A. Massara, A. Maugeri, M. Mazzaglia, L. Neri, S. Passarello, G. Pastore, A. Seminara, A. Spartà, G. Torrisi, S. Vinciguerra
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • S. Di Martino, P. Nicotra
    Si.A.Tel SRL, Catania, Italy
  A 2.45 GHz ' 0.1 T microwave discharge Proton Source has been designed and assembled at INFN-LNS for the European Spallation Source (PS-ESS) in order to produce pulsed beams of protons up to 74 mA nominal current, at 75 keV of energy, with a transverse emittance containing 99 % of the nominal proton current below 2.25 π mm mrad and a beam stability of ± 2 %. The challenging performances of the machine have triggered specific studies on the maximization of the proton fraction inside the plasma and of the overall plasma density, including dedicated modelling of the wave-to-plasma interaction and ionization processes. The plasma conditioning phase started in July and excellent RF to plasma coupling, more than 99.5% is evident since the beginning. Reflected power fluctuation less than 0.05 % was measured providing a great starting point to reach the beam stability requested by the ESS accelerator.  
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WEPP01 High Intensity Beam Production at CEA/Saclay For The IPHI Project ion, rfq, diagnostics, solenoid 83
  • R. Gobin, D. Bogard, O. Delferrière, M. Desmons, Y. Gauthier, F. Harrault, F. Peauger, G. Perreu, B. Pottin, Y. Sauce, J. Schwindling, F. Senée, O. Tuske, D. Uriot, T.V. Vacher
    CEA/DRF/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  CEA/Saclay is involved in high power proton accelerators for long years. This activity started in the 90's, with the development of the SILHI source which routinely produces tens mA of proton beam. Several industrial difficulties led to a very long IPHI RFQ construction process. The 352 MHz RFQ conditioning is presently in progress. Before the completion of the conditioning in CW mode, tests with pulsed proton beam have been decided. As a consequence, the SILHI source recently produced very short H+ beam pulses in order to allow the first IPHI beam acceleration. Such very short pulses, in the range of few hundred microseconds, allowed analyzing the beam loading of the RFQ cavity as well as conditioning the middle energy diagnostic. This article will focus on the source parameters and beam characteristics in the low energy beam line leading to the best RFQ transmission.  
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WEPP02 Commissioning of the High Intensity Proton Injector of the Facility for Anti Proton and Ion Research at CEA-Saclay ion, solenoid, plasma, diagnostics 86
  • O. Tuske, N. Chauvin, O. Delferrière, Y. Gauthier, P. Girardot, N. Misiara, Y. Sauce, F. Senée, C. Simon
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • F. Ameil, R. Berezov, J. Fils, R. Hollinger
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • T.V. Vacher
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) located at GSI (Darmstadt) in Germany addresses several fields of physics research within a single installation. One of the contribution of Irfu/SACM at CEA-Saclay to the FAIR linear proton accelerator concerns the development and construction of the ion source and the low energy line. The 2.45 GHz microwave ion source will deliver a 100 mA H+ beam pulsed at 4 Hz with an energy of 95 keV. A low energy beam transport (LEBT) line based on a dual solenoids focusing scheme allows the injection of the proton beam into the radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) within an acceptance of 0.3π mm.mrad (norm., rms). An electrostatic chopper system located between the second solenoid and the RFQ is used to cut the beam macro pulse from the source to inject 36 μs long beam pulses into the RFQ. This article reports the finalization of the installation of the injector with the detail of dedicated diagnostics, the first beam measurements and gives a planning of the different commissioning phases  
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WEPP08 Development of Compact H+ ECR Ion Source with Pulse Gas Valve ion, ion-source, plasma, ECR 98
  • Y. Fuwa, Y. Iwashita, H. Tongu
    Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
  • M. Ichikawa
    QST, Tokai, Japan
  • N. Miyawaki
    QST/Takasaki, Takasaki, Japan
  Compact H+ ECR Ion Source using permanent magnets is under development. A pulsed gas injection system achieved by a piezo gas valve can reduce the gas load to a vacuum evacuation system. This feature is suitable when the ion source is closely located to an RFQ. Results of a performance test will be presented.  
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