Keyword: sextupole
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MOBO02 Possible Optimizations of Existing Magnet Structures for the Next Generation of ECRIS ion, ECR, ECRIS, injection 5
  • D. Xie, G.L. Sabbi, D.S. Todd
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • W. Lu
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  Constructing a minimum-B structure with higher magnetic fields is the prerequisite for the next generation of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS): ion sources that will operate at substantially higher heating frequencies than those currently in use. There are three leading candidates of Nb3Sn coil structures for use in future ECRISs: a Mixed Axial and Radial field System (MARS) that merges the sextupole racetrack coils and partial end-solenoids into an exotic closed-loop-coil; a classical Sextupole-In-Solenoids design; and a Solenoids-In-Sextupole configuration. Focusing on efficient magnetic field generation, this article briefly reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each of these magnet structures. Though Sextupole-In-Solenoids and Solenoids-In-Sextupole magnetic structures using NbTi conductor have been validated by current ECRISs, improvements of these magnet structures remain possible. Possible optimizations to the two existing magnet structures, such as using a non-conventional sextupole magnet consisting of either V-bend or skew racetrack coils, are discussed. The development status of a MARS NbTi magnet at LBNL for a new ECRIS will be also presented.  
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TUAO04 SECRAL II Ion Source Development and the First Commissioning at 28 GHz ion, ECR, plasma, ion-source 43
  • L.T. Sun, X. Fang, Y.C. Feng, J.W. Guo, H.Y. Ma, L.Z. Ma, Y.M. Ma, Z. Shen, W. Wu, T. Yang, Y. Yang, W.H. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, B. Zhao, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  SECRAL II ion source has been successfully designed and developed at IMP. This ion source is a 3rd generation ECR machine optimized for the operation at 28 GHz. As a second superconducting ECR ion source developed at IMP with the identical coldmass design as SECRAL ion source, which has the sextupole coils external to the axial solenoids, the magnet performance is more robust according the training test. After a short time beam test at 18 GHz, SECRAL II has been commissioned at 28 GHz, and some preliminary results have been achieved with high charge state ion beam production. This paper will present the magnet design and test results. The first beam at 28 GHz will also be given.  
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