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MOFO01 SPIRAL1 Charge Breeder: Performances and Status ion, experiment, injection, plasma 35
  • L. Maunoury, O. Bajeat, C. Barthe-Dejean, P. Delahaye, M. Dubois, R. Frigot, P. Jardin, A. Jeanne, O. Kamalou, P. Lecomte, O. Osmond, G. Peschard, A. Savalle
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • J. Angot, T. Lamy, P. Sole
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  In the framework of the SPIRAL1 upgrade under progress at the GANIL lab, the charge breeder based on a LPSC Phoenix ECRIS, first tested at ISOLDE* has been modified as to benefit of the last enhancements of this device from the 1+ / n+ community**. Prior to its installation in the middle of the low energy beam line of the SPIRAL1 facility, it has been tested at the 1+/n+ LPSC test bench to validate its operation performances. Charge breeding efficiencies as well as charge breeding times have been measured for noble gases and alkali elements. The experimental results demonstrated that the modifications done were on the right track leading the SPIRAL1 charge breeder to the top worldwide in terms of performances. The experimental outcomes have proved the strong interrelationship between the charge breeding efficiency and the charge breeding times which are still under active discussion.
* P. Delahaye et al, Review of Scientific Instruments. 77, 03B105 (2006)
** R. Vondrasek et al, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 113303 (2012)
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WEAO01 Recent Developments with the GTS-LHC ECR Ion Source at CERN ion, ion-source, linac, ECR 50
  • V. Toivanen, G. Bellodi, C. Fichera, D. Küchler, A.M. Lombardi, M. Maintrot, A.I. Michet, M. O'Neil, S. Sadovich, F.J.C. Wenander
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • O.A. Tarvainen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland
  Linac3 is the first link in the chain of accelerators providing highly charged heavy ion beams for the CERN experimental program. The beams, predominantly lead, are produced with the GTS-LHC 14.5 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source, operated in afterglow mode. In the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade program (LIU), several activities have been carried out to improve the GTS-LHC and Linac3 performance, in terms of delivered beam current. The extraction region of the GTS-LHC has been upgraded with redesigned apertures and the addition of an einzel lens, yielding improved Linac3 output. Also, a series of measurements has been performed to study the effects of two-frequency heating on the performance of the GTS-LHC. A Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) with variable frequency and pulse pattern was utilized as a secondary microwave source. The two-frequency effect commonly reported with CW operation of ECR ion sources boosting high charge state ion production was also observed in afterglow mode. Lastly, for studies of metal ion beam production, a dedicated test stand has been assembled to characterize the GTS-LHC resistively heated miniature oven performance.  
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WEBO02 Design of Compact ECR Ion Source for C5+ Production ion, ion-source, ECR, experiment 64
  • M. Muramatsu, Y. Iwata, A. Kitagawa, E. Noda, M. Sekiguchi
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • K. Fukushima, T. Sasano, T. Suzuki, K. Takahashi
    AEC, Chiba, Japan
  • H. Murata, T. Takahashi
    SHI, Kanagawa, Japan
  The Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) was constructed as the first medical dedicated heavy ion accelerator facility at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). Over 9000 cancer patients have been treated with 140-430 MeV/u carbon beams since 1994. Compact ECR ion source with all permanent magnets, named Kei2, was developed for production of C4+ ions for medical treatment at NIRS. A compact ECR ion source for Gunma University (Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center: GHMC), Saga carbon-ion radiotherapy (Saga Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Tosu: SAGA HIMAT) and Kanagawa carbon-ion radiotherapy (Ion-beam Radiation Oncology Center in Kanagawa: i-ROCK) facility has been operated for medical use. It is a copy of the Kei2 which was developed by NIRS. In order to reduce operation cost of the injector for next designed carbon ion facility, we start design of new compact ECR ion source for C5+ production. Some dependence (mirror field, microwave power and frequency) were checked for optimal parameter of C5+ production at 18 GHz NIRS-HEC source. Results of experiments and specification of new compact source are described in this presentation.  
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WEPP03 Never Run Your ECR Ion Source with Argon in Afterglow for 6 Months! ion, linac, plasma, extraction 89
  • D. Küchler, A.I. Michet, J.A.F. Somoza, V. Toivanen
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The fixed target experiment NA61 in the North Area of the SPS at CERN studies phase transitions in strongly interacting matter using the primary beams available from the CERN accelerator complex (protons and lead ions). In order to explore a wider range of energies and densities a primary argon beam was requested for the physics run in 2015. The GTS-LHC ECR ion source was running for many months during 2013 and 2014 to study the source behaviour and to setup the accelerator chain with argon ions. This paper reports the long term effects of the argon operation on the GTS-LHC ion source and the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). Heavy sputtering inside the source caused a degradation of the plasma chamber and metal coating of insulators inside the beam extraction system. Iron ions could be found in the extracted beam. Also the pumping performance of ion getter pumps in the LEBT degraded significantly. Additional preventive maintenance was necessary to be able to run for long periods without risking serious damage to the ion source.  
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WEPP14 A New ECRIS Installation at the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System ion, ECR, ion-source, experiment 106
  • R.H. Scott, C. Dickerson, R.C. Pardo, R.C. Vondrasek
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and used resources of ANL's ATLAS facility, an Office of Science User Facility
An existing all permanent magnet ECRIS, the BIE100 [1], will be installed at ATLAS to recover operational flexibility by providing ATLAS with a second ECR ion source for stable beams. For years ATLAS has operated with two ECR ion sources, ECR2 and the ECR charge breeder as well as a tandem electrostatic injector. The tandem was retired in 2013 and in mid-2015 the ECR charge breeder was decommissioned to make room for a new Electron Beam Ion Source exclusively for charge breeding radioactive ion beams. This left the facility with a single ECR source for virtually all stable ion beam pro-duction. Design, installation plans and anticipated opera-tional parameters are discussed.
*Dan Z. Xie, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 531 (2002);
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WEPP22 Versatile High Power Microwave System for Frequency Tuning of the CAPRICE ECRIS ion, ECR, ECRIS, klystron 115
  • F. Maimone, M. Endermann, R. Lang, J. Mäder, P.T. Patchakui, P. Spädtke, K. Tinschert
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  In the last years it was demonstrated that the variation of the microwave frequency generating the plasma inside ECR Ion Sources (ECRISs) allows to enhance the extracted current of highly charged ions both for gaseous and for metallic elements. In order to use this technique for the performance improvement of the CAPRICE-type ECRIS installed at the High Charge State Injector (HLI) of GSI, the microwave system has been modified. The new arrangement includes - besides the existing Klystron high power amplifier (HPA; max. 2 kW at 14.5 GHz) - two combined Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) covering a bandwidth of 12.75-14.5 GHz, providing 750 W output power each, which are driven by one or two synthesizer tuners. The new system has been used during the routine operation of the ECRIS for production of different ion beams to be injected into the RFQ of the HLI. A detailed description of the main components of the new microwave system is presented, and the achieved characteristics of ion beam production using different microwave frequencies are described.  
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