Keyword: ECRIS
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MOAO01 Scaling Laws in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources ion, ECR, plasma, electron 1
  • C.M. Lyneis
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  In the last 43 years, the performance of high charge state ECRIS has improved dramatically as a result of improvements to the magnetic field confinement, increases in the microwave heating frequency and techniques to stabilize the plasma at high densities. For example, in 1973 15 eμA of O6+ was produced in an ECRIS and now it is possible to produce as much as 4500 eμA. In this paper the parameters and performance of ECRIS are reviewed and compared to empirical scaling laws* to see what can be expected when fourth generation ECRIS begin to operate.
* Geller, Richard. Electron cyclotron resonance ion sources and ECR plasmas. CRC Press, 1996, p 395
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MOBO02 Possible Optimizations of Existing Magnet Structures for the Next Generation of ECRIS ion, ECR, sextupole, injection 5
  • D. Xie, G.L. Sabbi, D.S. Todd
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • W. Lu
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  Constructing a minimum-B structure with higher magnetic fields is the prerequisite for the next generation of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS): ion sources that will operate at substantially higher heating frequencies than those currently in use. There are three leading candidates of Nb3Sn coil structures for use in future ECRISs: a Mixed Axial and Radial field System (MARS) that merges the sextupole racetrack coils and partial end-solenoids into an exotic closed-loop-coil; a classical Sextupole-In-Solenoids design; and a Solenoids-In-Sextupole configuration. Focusing on efficient magnetic field generation, this article briefly reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each of these magnet structures. Though Sextupole-In-Solenoids and Solenoids-In-Sextupole magnetic structures using NbTi conductor have been validated by current ECRISs, improvements of these magnet structures remain possible. Possible optimizations to the two existing magnet structures, such as using a non-conventional sextupole magnet consisting of either V-bend or skew racetrack coils, are discussed. The development status of a MARS NbTi magnet at LBNL for a new ECRIS will be also presented.  
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WEAO03 Practical Comparison of Two-Frequency Heating Phenomena in Different ECR Ion Sources ion, ECR, plasma, experiment 55
  • A. Kitagawa
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • S. Biri, R. Rácz
    ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
  • Y. Kato
    Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka, Japan
  • M. Muramatsu
    National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
  • W. Takasugi
    AEC, Chiba, Japan
  In order to improve highly-charged ion production from the 18GHz NIRS-HEC ECRIS, our group has studied the mixture of two microwaves of which the frequencies were close together each. Our conclusion was that when an additional microwave is added to the primary microwave, the plasma stability is improved. The output current of the highly charged ion beam was proportional to the total power of both microwaves. The dependence on the additional frequency showed the fine structure. Since this structure depended on the magnetic field, vacuum pressure, and so on, the precise frequency adjustment for maximum output was required under each condition. Our interest is whether the above-mentioned phenomenon can be demonstrated using a different ion source where the two frequencies are even far from each other. We installed a 17.75-18.25 GHz microwave system in addition to the 14.3 GHz klystron amplifier of the ATOMKI ECRIS. Argon output currents at various values of the microwave power and frequency were studied. The dependence on the total power shows the similar tendency as at NIRS. The dependence on the additional frequency also shows the fine structure. Detailed data will be presented.  
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WEPP05 Status Report on Metallic Beam Production at GANIL/SPIRAL 2 ion, ECR, ion-source, plasma 92
  • C. Barue, O. Bajeat, J.L. Flambard, R. Frigot, P. Jardin, N. Lechartier, F. Lemagnen, L. Maunoury, V. Metayer, O. Osmond
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  • P. Sole, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  Primary ion beams from metallic elements are routinely produced at GANIL using ECR4 and ECR4M 'room temperature' ECR ion sources. Ionization efficiency measurements, partially presented in the past, are summarized in this report together with updated and new results obtained with Cd, Mo and Ta. Preliminary results for Ni and Ca obtained with the room temperature Phoenix-V2 ECR ion source, under commissioning for SPIRAL 2, are also included. These ionization efficiencies are compared according to the production methods: oven, sputtering, MIVOC, gaseous compounds. The presently SPIRAL 2 heavy ion injector designed for ions Q/A=1/3 shows clear limitations in terms of intensity for metallic ions with mass higher than 60 (intensity < 1 pμA). In order to choose the best ion source for a future Q/A=1/6, 1/7 injector, best world results have been compiled for different existing 'room temperature' and superconducting ECR ion sources.
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WEPP22 Versatile High Power Microwave System for Frequency Tuning of the CAPRICE ECRIS ion, ECR, operation, klystron 115
  • F. Maimone, M. Endermann, R. Lang, J. Mäder, P.T. Patchakui, P. Spädtke, K. Tinschert
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  In the last years it was demonstrated that the variation of the microwave frequency generating the plasma inside ECR Ion Sources (ECRISs) allows to enhance the extracted current of highly charged ions both for gaseous and for metallic elements. In order to use this technique for the performance improvement of the CAPRICE-type ECRIS installed at the High Charge State Injector (HLI) of GSI, the microwave system has been modified. The new arrangement includes - besides the existing Klystron high power amplifier (HPA; max. 2 kW at 14.5 GHz) - two combined Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) covering a bandwidth of 12.75-14.5 GHz, providing 750 W output power each, which are driven by one or two synthesizer tuners. The new system has been used during the routine operation of the ECRIS for production of different ion beams to be injected into the RFQ of the HLI. A detailed description of the main components of the new microwave system is presented, and the achieved characteristics of ion beam production using different microwave frequencies are described.  
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WEPP32 Magnetic Field Design for 2.45 GHz Negative Hydrogen PMECRIS Chamber using FEM Simulation ion, plasma, ECR, simulation 118
  • C. Mallick, M. Bandyopadhyay, R.K. Kumar, S.V. Tewari
    Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India
  Funding: Institute For Plasma Research
Negative hydrogen ECRIS plasma is confined by NdFeB permanent magnet antenna around cylindrical cavity wall. Measured axial and radial magnetic field is benchmarked with the simulated data. Four axially magnetized ring magnets of remanance flux density of 1.17T is simulated using bounded current ampere's law technique. Gradient of radial and axial magnetic flux density is calculated to estimate lighter ions leaking out of the plasma wall sheath region. The peak values of radial magnetic field gradient between plasma sheath region and cavity outer wall surface increases from 0.1x107 A/m2 to -0.2x107 A/m2 respectively. Axial magnetic field gradient along inner ECR chamber wall increases from -2.1x107 A/m2 to 2.5x107 A/m2 .ECR contour dimensions of 875 Gauss which corresponds to microwave plasma resonating frequency of 2.45GHz is of thickness ~1mm and having major and minor radius of 30mm and 28mm respectively.
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WEPP41 Measurement of Microwave Frequencies Emitted by Instabilities of ECRIS Plasma with Waveguide Filters and Microwave Sensitive Diodes ion, plasma, ECR, diagnostics 134
  • J. Orpana, T. Kalvas, H. A. Koivisto, R.J. Kronholm, J.P. Laulainen, O.A. Tarvainen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland
  • I. Izotov, D. Mansfeld, V. Skalyga
    IAP/RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  Periodic emission of strong microwave bursts at certain frequencies is a characteristic feature of kinetic instabilities in ECRIS plasmas. Precise measurement of the temporally evolving microwave frequency spectra requires a high bandwidth oscilloscope, which can make the experiments prohibitively expensive to conduct. An alternative low-cost method to study the microwave emission in narrow frequency bands is to apply band-pass waveguide filters and microwave sensitive diodes. The microwave emission from the plasma of the JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS has been studied with both methods. The results of the experiments are compared and their interpretation is discussed. It is demonstrated that the method based on filters and diodes can provide useful information about the microwave emission spectra induced by electron cyclotron instabilities.  
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