Keyword: detector
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MOA3IO01 High Energy Coulomb Scattered Electrons Detected in Air Used as the Main Beam Overlap Diagnostics for Tuning the RHIC Electron Lenses ion, electron, proton, alignment 20
  • P. Thieberger, Z. Altinbas, C. Carlson, C. Chasman, M.R. Costanzo, C. Degen, K.A. Drees, W. Fischer, D.M. Gassner, X. Gu, K. Hamdi, J. Hock, Y. Luo, A. Marusic, T.A. Miller, M.G. Minty, C. Montag, A.I. Pikin
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • S.M. White
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy
A new type of electron-ion beam overlap monitor has been developed for the RHIC electron lenses. Low energy electrons acquire high energies in small impact parameter Coulomb scattering collisions with relativistic ions. Such electrons can traverse thin vacuum windows and be conveniently detected in air. Counting rates are maximized to optimize beam overlap. Operational experience with the electron backscattering detectors during the 2015 p-p RHIC run will be presented. Other possible real-time non-invasive beam-diagnostic applications of high energy Coulomb-scattered electrons will be briefly discussed.
Most of this material appears in an article by the same authors entitled "High energy Coulomb-scattered electrons for relativistic particle beam diagnostics", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 19, 041002 (2016)
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MOA3CO03 Bunch Shape Monitor Measurements at the LANSCE Linac ion, linac, electron, target 25
  • I.N.D. Draganic, D. Baros, C.M. Fortgang, R.W. Garnett, R.C. McCrady, J.F. O'Hara, L. Rybarcyk, C.E. Taylor, H.A. Watkins
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  • A. Feschenko, V. Gaidash, Yu.V. Kiselev
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  Two Bunch Shape Monitors (BSM) [1] have been developed, fabricated and assembled for the first direct longitudinal beam measurements at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) linear accelerator (linac). The BSM detectors use different radio frequencies for the deflecting field: first harmonic (201.25 MHz) and second harmonic (402.5 MHz) of fundamental accelerator radio frequency. The first BSM is designed to record the proton beam longitudinal phase distribution after the new RFQ accelerator at a beam energy of 750 keV with phase resolution of 1.0 degree and covering phase range of 180 degree at 201.25 MHz. The second BSM is installed between DTL tanks 3 and 4 of the LANSCE linac in order to scan both H+ and H beams at a beam energy of 73 MeV with a phase resolution up to 0.5 degree in the phase range of 90 degree at 201.25 MHz. Preliminary results of bunch shape measurements for both beams under different beam gates (pulse length of 150 us, 1 Hz repetition rate, etc.) will be presented and compared high performance simulation results (HPSIM) [2].
[1] A. Feschenko, Proc. of RUPAC2012, FRXOR01, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 181 - 185.
[2] X. Pang, L. Rybarcyk, and S. Baily, Proc. of HB2014, MOPAB30, East Lansing, MI, USA, pp. 99-102.
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MOA4CO03 Complete Beam Dynamics of the JLEIC Ion Collider Ring Including Imperfections, Corrections, and Detector Solenoid Effects ion, dynamic-aperture, multipole, solenoid 57
  • G.H. Wei, F. Lin, V.S. Morozov, F.C. Pilat, Y. Zhang
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • Y.M. Nosochkov
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • M.-H. Wang
    Self Employment, Private address, USA
  Funding: This paper has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contracts No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 and DE-AC02-06CH11357. Work supported also by the U.S. DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The JLEIC is proposed as a next-generation facility for the study of strong interaction (QCD). Achieving its goal luminosity of up to 1034 cm-2s−1 requires good dynamical properties and a large dynamic aperture (DA) of ~ ±10 σ of the beam size. The limit on the DA comes primarily from non-linear dynamics, element misalignments, magnet multipole components, and detector solenoid effect. This paper presents a complete simulation including all of these effects. We first describe an orbit correction scheme and determine tolerances on element misalignments. And beta beat, betatron tunes, coupling, and linear chromaticity perturbations also be corrected. We next specify the requirements on the multipole components of the interaction region magnets, which dominate the DA in the collision mode. Finally, we take special care of the detector solenoid effects. Some of the complications are an asymmetric design necessary for a full acceptance detector with a crossing angle of 50 mrad. Thus, in addition to coupling, the solenoid causes closed orbit excursion and excites dispersion. It also breaks the figure-8 spin symmetry. We present a scheme with correction of all of these effects.
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MOPOB49 Persistent Current Effects in RHIC Arc Dipole Magnets Operated at Low Currents ion, dipole, operation, ion-effects 170
  • X. Wang, S. Caspi, S.A. Gourlay, G.L. Sabbi
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • A.K. Ghosh, R.C. Gupta, A.K. Jain, P. Wanderer
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: BNL work was supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract# DESC0012704 with the U.S. DOE. LBNL work was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract# DEAC02- 05CH11231.
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) arc dipoles at Brookhaven National Laboratory are operated at low field for low energy Au-Au studies. Indications of strong nonlinear magnetic fields have been observed at these low currents due to the persistent current effects of superconducting NbTi filaments. We report the details of the measurement and calculation of the field errors due to persistent current effect. The persistent current induced field errors calculated with a model based on the strand magnetization data agree well with the measurements of a spare arc dipole magnet. The dependence of the persistent current effects on the park current is calculated based on the validated model.
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TUPOA04 Study on THz Imaging by Using the Coherent Cherenkov Radiation ion, radiation, electron, experiment 296
  • M. Nishida, M. Brameld, M. Washio
    Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  • R. Kuroda, Y. Taira
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Sakaue
    Waseda University, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Tokyo, Japan
  THz frequency is a special electromagnetic wave which is categorized between a radio wave and a light wave. It can pass through the various materials like a radio wave and can be transported with optical components like a light wave. Thus, it's suitable for imaging application of materials. At Waseda University, it's possible to generate a high-quality electron beam using Cs-Te photocathode RF-Gun and the electron beam is applied to several application researches. As an application of this electron beam, we generate a coherent Cherenkov radiation, and succeed in observing a high power THz light. The successful results of high power THz radiation encourage us to perform the THz imaging with transmission and reflection imaging using some materials, cross-section imaging using a simple material. On studying the THz imaging, it is necessary to clarify the spatial resolution. So, we tried to evaluate the spatial resolution in our device. Furthermore, our target is to get the three-dimensional THz images. We will introduce the CT technique in order to obtain the clear cross-section image. In this conference, we report the recent results of the THz imaging and future prospective.  
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TUPOA38 Real-Time Magnetic Electron Energy Spectrometer for Use With Medical Linear Acceletors ion, electron, linac, real-time 361
  • P.E. Maggi, H.R. Hogstrom, K.L. Matthews II
    LSU, Baton Rouge, USA
  • R.L. Carver
    Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Our Lady of the Lake, Baton Rouge, USA
  Accelerator characterization and quality assurance is an integral part of electron linear accelerator (linac) use in a medical setting. The current clinical method for radia-tion metrology of electron beams (dose on central axis versus depth in water) only provides a surrogate for the underlying performance of the accelerator and does not provide direct information about the electron energy spectrum. We have developed an easy to use real-time magnetic electron energy spectrometer for characterizing the electron beams of medical linacs. Our spectrometer uses a 0.57 T permanent magnet block as the dispersive element and scintillating fibers coupled to a CCD camera as the position sensitive detector. The goal is to have a device capable of 0.12 MeV energy resolution (which corresponds to a range shift of 0.5 mm) with a minimum readout rate of 1 Hz, over an energy range of 5 to 25 MeV. This work describes the real-time spectrometer system, the detector response model, and the spectrum unfolding method. Measured energy spectra from multi-ple electron beams from an Elekta Infinity Linac are presented.  
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TUPOA73 Commissioning and First Results From a Channeling-Radiation Experiment at FAST ion, electron, gun, radiation 428
  • J. Hyun
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • D.R. Broemmelsiek, D.R. Edstrom, A.L. Romanov, J. Ruan, T. Sen, V.D. Shiltsev
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • A. Halavanau, D. Mihalcea
    Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, USA
  • P. Kobak
    BYU-I, Rexburg, USA
  • W.D. Rush
    KU, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
  X-rays have widespread applications in science. Developing compact and high-quality X-ray sources, easy to disseminate, has been an on going challenge. Our group has explored the possible use of channeling radiation driven by a 50 MeV low-emittance electron beam to produce narrowband hard X-rays (photon energy from 40 keV to 140 keV). In this contribution we present the simulated X-ray spectrum including the background bremsstrahlung contribution, and optimization of the relevant electron-beam parameters required to maximize the X-ray brilliance. The results of experiments carried out at Fermilab's FAST facility – which include a 50 MeV superconducting linac and a high-brightness photoinjector – are also discussed. The average brilliance in our experiment is expected to be about one order of magnitude higher than that in previous experiments.  
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TUPOB38 Implementation of MAD-X into MuSim ion, simulation, interface, resonance 575
  • Y. Bao
    UCR, Riverside, California, USA
  • T.J. Roberts
    Muons, Inc, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by Muons, Inc.
MuSim is a new and innovative graphical system that allows the user to design, optimize, analyze, and evaluate accelerator and particle systems efficiently. It is designed for both students and experienced physicists to use in dealing with the many modeling tools and their different description languages and data formats. G4beamline [1] and MCNP [2] have been implemented into MuSim in previous studies. In this work, we implement MAD-X [3] into MuSim so that the users can easily use the graphical interface to design beam lines with MAD-X and compare the modeling results of different codes.
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TUPOB43 Magnetic Cloaking of Charged Particle Beams ion, electron, superconducting-magnet, dipole 588
  • K.G. Capobianco-Hogan, A.A. Adhyatman, G. Arrowsmith-Kron, G. Bello Portmann, D.B. Bhatti, R. Cervantes, B.D. Coe, A. Deshpande, N. Feege, S.P. Jeffas, T.C. Krahulik, J.J. LaBounty, T.M. LaByer, A. Oliveira, H.A. Powers, R.S. Sekelsky, V.D. Shethna, N. Ward, H.J. van Nieuwenhuizen
    Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA
  • R. Cervantes
    University of Washington, CENPA, Seattle, USA
  • B.D. Coe
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  In order to measure the momentum of particles produced by asymmetric collisions in the proposed Electron Ion Collider, a magnetic field should be introduced perpendicular to the path of the beam to increase momentum resolution without bending or depolarizing it. A magnetic cloak consisting of a superconducting magnetic shield surrounded by a ferromagnetic layer is capable of shielding the interior from a magnetic field – thereby protecting the beam – without distorting the field outside of the cloak – permitting detector coverage at high pseudorapidity.  
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WEPOA22 nuPIL - Neutrinos from a PIon Beam Line ion, lattice, optics, proton 739
  • A. Liu, A.D. Bross
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • J.-B. Lagrange
    Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London, United Kingdom
  The Fermilab Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) was proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and demonstrate leptonic CP violation. The current design of the facility that produces the neutrino beam (LBNF) uses magnetic horns to collect pions and a decay pipe to allow them to decay. In this paper, a design of a possible alternative for the conventional neutrino beam in LBNF is presented. In this design, an FFAG magnet beam line is used to collect the pions from the downstream face of a horn, bend them by  ∼ 5.8 degrees and then transport them in either a LBNF-like decay pipe, or a straight FODO beam line where they decay to produce neutrinos. Using neutrinos from this PIon beam Line (nuPIL) provides flavor-pure neutrino beams that can be well understood by implementing standard beam measurement technology. The neutrino flux and the resulting δCP sensitivity from the current version of nuPIL design are also presented in the paper.  
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WEPOA26 Fermilab Muon Campus as a Potential Probe to Study Neutrino Physics ion, experiment, target, simulation 749
  • D. Stratakis, Z. Pavlovic
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • J.M. Grange
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  • S-C. Kim
    Cornell University (CLASSE), Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Ithaca, New York, USA
  • R. Miceli
    Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA
  • J.A. Zennamo
    Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. De-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy.
In the next decade the Fermilab Muon Campus will host two world class experiments dedicated to the search for signals of new physics. The Muon g-2 experiment will determine with unprecedented precision the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The Mu2e experiment will improve by four orders of magnitude the sensitivity on the search for the as-yet unobserved Charged Lepton Flavor Violation process of a neutrinoless conversion of a muon to an electron. In this paper, we will discuss the possibility for extending the Muon Campus capabilities for neutrino research. With the aid of numerical simulations, we estimate the number of produced neutrinos at various locations along the beamlines as well along the Small Baseline Neutrino Detector which faces one of the straight sections of the delivery ring. Finally, we discuss diagnostics required for realistic implementation of the experiment.
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THPOA41 Simulations of Hole Injection in Diamond Detectors ion, electron, simulation, injection 1184
  • G.I. Bell, D.A. Dimitrov, C.D. Zhou
    Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • I. Ben-Zvi, M. Gaowei, T. Rao, J. Smedley
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • E.M. Muller
    SBU, Stony Brook, New York, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by the US DOE Office of Science, department of Basic Energy Sciences, under grant DE-SC0007577.
We present simulations of a semiconductor beam detector using the code VSIM. The 3D simulations involve the movement and scattering of electrons and holes in the semiconductor, voltages which may be applied to external contacts, and self-consistent electrostatic fields inside the device. Electrons may experience a Schottky barrier when attempting to move from the semiconductor into a metal contact. The strong field near the contact, due to trapped electrons, can result in hole injection into the semiconductor due to transmission of electrons from the valence band of the semiconductor into the metal contact. Injected holes are transported in the applied field leading to current through the detector. We compare our simulation results with experimental results from a prototype diamond X-ray detector.
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