Keyword: extraction
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MOCO04 Recent Bremsstrahlung Measurements from the Superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source VENUS ion, ECR, electron, detector 23
  • J.Y. Benitez, C.M. Lyneis, L. Phair, D.S. Todd, D. Xie
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  Axial bremsstrahlung from the superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source VENUS have been systematically measured as a function of RF heating frequency, and the axial and radial field strengths. The work focuses on bremsstrahlung with energies greater than 10 keV to extract the spectral temperature Ts. The three axial coils and the radial coils in the superconducting VENUS can all be set independently and have a large dynamic range, which makes it possible to decouple Bmin and Bgrad and study their effects on the bremsstrahlung independently. With typical pressure and RF power levels, the measurements show that Ts depends approximately linearly on Bmin and is not correlated with the ∇BECR, the magnetic field mirror ratios or the RF frequency. These results are important for the next generation of ECR ion sources, which are designed to operate at frequencies above 40 GHz and significantly higher magnetic fields where bremsstrahlung is expected to cause a significant cryogenic heat load and increase the radiation shielding requirements.  
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WECO02 Development of a Compact High Intensity Ion Source for Light Ions at CEA-Saclay ion, plasma, light-ion, high-voltage 73
  • O. Delferrière, Y. Gauthier, R. Gobin, O. Tuske
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • F. Harrault
    CEA/DRF/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  During the past 5 years, a R&D program has been launched to improve the beam quality of ECR 2.45 GHz high intensity light ion sources for high power accelerators. The main goal was to minimize the divergence and emittance growth of intense beams due to the space charge as early as possible on the low energy transfer line for a better injection in the second stage of acceleration (RFQ). This has been achieved by reducing the length of the extraction system, to be able to put the first solenoid as close as possible to the extraction aperture. This was performed with the ALISES concept (Advanced Light Ion Source Extraction System). Encouraging results have been obtained in 2012 but with limitations due to Penning discharges in the accelerating column. Taking advantages of ALISES geometry, intensive studies and simulations have been undertaken to eliminate the discharge phenomena. An Innovative and compact source geometry has been found and the source has been fabricated. This new prototype and its performances will be described, as well as magnetic field configuration studies and its influence on the extracted beam.
This source developed at Saclay is under patent number FR 15 56871 and this patent is pending
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WECO03 Transverse Coupling of Ion Beams From an RCR Ion Source ion, emittance, solenoid, coupling 76
  • Y. Yang, Y. Liu, L.T. Sun, Y.J. Yuan, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  ECR ion source beam quality will deteriorate under the influence of beam transverse coupling and high-order magnetic field aberration. Ion beams from an ECR ion source will experience a descending axial magnetic field at the extraction region, leading to a strong transverse coupling to the extracted beam, with projection emittance growth both in horizontal and vertical and two eigen emittances separation. On the other hand, sextupole field in the ECR and the sextupole component in the analyzing dipole can also degrade the beam quality by resulting in beam distortion. Proper adjusting of the extraction field strength of the ion source and the pre-focusing solenoid field can help to weaken the correlation in the inter-plane phase spaces and reduce the projection emittances. Another approach to improve the beam quality is to compensate for the high-order magnetic fields. This paper presents the property of beam coupling in the transverse phase space by analytical theory and simulations. Some experimental results are also presented and discussed. In addition, a high-order compensation scheme is displayed, whose feasibility has been verified by preliminary tests with SECRAL at IMP.  
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WEPP03 Never Run Your ECR Ion Source with Argon in Afterglow for 6 Months! ion, operation, linac, plasma 89
  • D. Küchler, A.I. Michet, J.A.F. Somoza, V. Toivanen
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The fixed target experiment NA61 in the North Area of the SPS at CERN studies phase transitions in strongly interacting matter using the primary beams available from the CERN accelerator complex (protons and lead ions). In order to explore a wider range of energies and densities a primary argon beam was requested for the physics run in 2015. The GTS-LHC ECR ion source was running for many months during 2013 and 2014 to study the source behaviour and to setup the accelerator chain with argon ions. This paper reports the long term effects of the argon operation on the GTS-LHC ion source and the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). Heavy sputtering inside the source caused a degradation of the plasma chamber and metal coating of insulators inside the beam extraction system. Iron ions could be found in the extracted beam. Also the pumping performance of ion getter pumps in the LEBT degraded significantly. Additional preventive maintenance was necessary to be able to run for long periods without risking serious damage to the ion source.  
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WEPP18 Innovative Mechanical Solutions for the Design of the High Intensity Proton Injector for the European Spallation Source ion, plasma, vacuum, alignment 112
  • G. Gallo, L. Allegra, L. Celona, S. Gammino, D. Mascali, L. Neri, G. Torrisi
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  The design of the 2.45 GHz, 0.1 T microwave discharge Proton Source for the European Spallation Source (PS-ESS) has required on-purpose solutions in order to maximize the beam brightness, keeping a very high reliability figure. The mitigation of maintenance issues has been the main guideline through the design phase to maximize the MTBF and minimize the MTTR. The mechanical design has been based on advanced solutions in order to reduce as much as possible the venting time for the plasma chamber, to facilitate the replacement of extraction electrodes and/or plasma chamber, and to simplify any after-maintenance alignment procedure. The paper will describe the strategy which has driven the design phase, the solutions adopted to fulfil the project goals and the results of the assembly phase recently concluded at INFN-LNS with successful first plasma.  
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THAO01 Recent production of intense high charge ion beams with VENUS ion, plasma, ECR, GUI 142
  • D. Xie, J.Y. Benitez, C.M. Lyneis, D.S. Todd
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • W. Lu
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  Several modifications have been made to the VENUS to enhance its performance at high microwave power and bring its performance closer to the levels predicted by scaling laws for 28 GHz operation. Two of these modifications improved its tolerance for operation at microwave power up to 10 kW. The cooling scheme on the plasma wall was improved to eliminate damage caused by localized electron heating. Similarly the extraction electrode was redesigned to transport away the electron heating more effectively. The third modification reduced the waveguide diameter, which launches the 28 GHz power into the plasma chamber. The source now runs efficiently at 10 kW of injected power with a more favorable magnetic field configuration. The production of intense highly charged ion beams with VENUS has been substantially enhanced. It has produced a number of record CW beams: 4.5 emA of O6+, 0.40 emA of Ar16+ and 0.06 emA of Ar17+ and for the first time the VENUS has produced more than 1 emA of Ar12+ and O7+. Source tuning is currently underway to explore the potential of VENUS and the overall improved source performance will be presented.  
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