Paper | Title | Page |
MOPKS001 | Diamond Light Source Booster Fast Orbit Feedback System | 160 |
The Fast Orbit Feedback system that has been installed on the Diamond Light Source Storage ring has been replicated on the Booster synchrotron in order to provide a test bed for the development of the Storage Ring controller design. To realise this the Booster is operated in DC mode. The electron beam is regulated in two planes using the Fast Orbit Feedback system, which takes the beam position from 22 beam position monitors for each plane, and calculates offsets to 44 corrector power supplies at a sample rate of 10~kHz. This paper describes the design and realization of the controller for the Booster Fast Orbit Feedback, presents results from the implementation and considers future development. | ||
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Poster MOPKS001 [0.597 MB] | |
MOPKS003 | High Resolution Ion Beam Profile Measurement System | 164 |
A high resolution system designed for measuring the ion beam profile in the ion implanter installed at the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Technological Nuclear Institute (ITN) is described. Low energy, high current ion implantation is becoming increasingly important in todays technology. In order to achieve this, the use of electrostatic lens to decelerate a focused ion beam is essential, but one needs to measure, with high resolution, the 2D beam profile. Traditional beam profile monitors using a matrix of detectors, like Faraday Cups, were used. They are, in essence, discrete systems since they only measure the beam intensity in fixed positions. In order to increase the resolution further, a new system was developed that does a continuous measurement of the profile, made of a circular aluminum disc with a curved slit which extends approximately from the center of the disc to its periphery. The disc is attached to the ion implanter target, which is capable of rotating on its axis. A cooper wire, positioned behind the slit, works like a Faraday Cup and the current generated, proportional to the beam intensity, is measured. As the ion implanter is capable of scanning the beam over the target, the combination of vertical beam scanning with aluminum disc rotation allows the beam profile to be measured continuously in two dimensions. Hence, the developed system including the computer controlled positioning of the beam over the moving curved slit, the data acquisition and the beam profile representation, is described. | ||
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Poster MOPKS003 [0.744 MB] | |
MOPKS004 | NSLS-II Beam Diagnostics Control System | 168 |
A correct measurement of NSLS-II beam parameters (beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc.) depends on the effective combinations of beam monitors, control and data acquisition system and high level physics applications. This paper will present EPICS-based control system for NSLS-II diagnostics and give detailed descriptions of diagnostics controls interfaces including classifications of diagnostics, proposed electronics and EPICS IOC platforms, and interfaces to other subsystems. Device counts in diagnostics subsystems will also be briefly described. | ||
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Poster MOPKS004 [0.167 MB] | |
MOPKS006 | Application of Integral-Separated PID Algorithm in Orbit Feedback | 171 |
The algorithm in the feedback system has important influence on the performance of the beam orbit. PID algorithm is widely used in the orbit feedback system; however the deficiency of PID algorithm is big overshooting in strong perturbations. In order to overcome the deficiencies, Integral Separated PID algorithm is developed. When the closed orbit distortion is too large, it cancels integration action until the closed orbit distortions are lower than the threshold value. The implementation of Integral Separated PID algorithm with MATLAB is described in this paper. The simulation results show that this algorithm can improve the control precision. | ||
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Poster MOPKS006 [0.091 MB] | |
MOPKS007 | Design of a Digital Controller for ALPI 80 MHz Resonators | 174 |
We discuss the design of a resonator controller completely based on digital technology. The controller is currently operating at 80 MHz but can be easily adapted to frequencies up to 350MHz; it can work either in "Generator Driven" and in "Self Excited Loop" mode. The signal processing unit is a commercial board (Bittware T2-Pci) with 4 TigerSharc DSPs and a Xilinx Virtex II-Pro FPGA. The front-end board includes five A/D channels supporting a sampling rate in excess of 100M/s and a clock distribution system with a jitter less than 10ps, allowing direct sampling of RF signals with no need of analog downconversion. We present the results of some preliminary tests carried out on a 80 MHz quarter wave resonator installed in the ALPI Linac accelerator at INFN-LNL and discuss possible developments of this project. | ||
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Poster MOPKS007 [0.931 MB] | |
MOPKS008 |
Development of Automatic RF Low-Level Control System for KIRAMS-30 Cyclotron | |
Funding: Ministry of Educational Science and Technology(MEST) We have developed and installed KIRAMS-30 cyclotron at KAERI-ARTI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute / Advanced Radiation Technology Institute) of Jeongeup city area. KIRAMS-30 is able to accelerate proton particles up to 30MeV, which will be primarily used for high current beam extraction. We have been now commissioning and testing it to arrange and meet the required beam conditions after moving it to the main cyclotron building from temporary one. In this work, we developed an automatic RF low-level control system for KIRAMS-30 cyclotron. RF low-level signal is constantly controlled during beam extraction by adjusting the motorized fine tuner automatically considering the feedback grid voltage signal of RF power amplifier. At this system, even if RF signal is lost due to the unstable RF power amplifier status, it can be recovered automatically. Meanwhile, automatic RF low-level control part has been realized as an application of software program using LabVIEW graphical language. |
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Poster MOPKS008 [1.484 MB] | |
MOPKS010 | Fast Orbit Correction for the ESRF Storage Ring | 177 |
Up to now, at the ESRF, the correction of the orbit position has been performed with two independent systems: one dealing with the slow movements and one correcting the motion in a range of up to 200Hz but with a limited number of fast BPMs and steerers. These latter will be removed and one unique system will cover the frequency range from DC to 200Hz using all the 224 BPMs and the 96 steerers. Indeed, thanks to the procurement of Libera Brilliance units and the installation of new AC power supplies, it is now possible to access all the Beam positions at a frequency of 10 kHz and to drive a small current in the steerers in a 200Hz bandwidth. The first tests of the correction of the beam position have been performed and will be presented. The data processing will be presented as well with a particular emphasis on the development inside the FPGA. | ||
MOPKS011 | Beam Synchronous Data Acquisition for SwissFEL Test Injector | 180 |
Funding: Paul Scherrer Institute A 250 MeV injector facility at PSI has been constructed to study the scientific and technological challenges of the SwissFEL project. Since in such pulsed machines in principle every beam can have different characteristics, due to varying machine parameters and/or conditions, it is very crucial to be able to acquire and distinguish control system data from one pulse to the next. In this paper we describe the technique we have developed to perform beam synchronous data acquisition at 100 Hz rate. This has been particularly challenging since it has provided us with a reliable and real-time data acquisition method in a non real-time control system. We describe how this can be achieved by employing a powerful and flexible timing system with well defined interfaces to the control system. |
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Poster MOPKS011 [0.126 MB] | |
MOPKS012 | Design and Test of a Girder Control System at NSRRC | 183 |
A girder control system is proposed to quickly and precisely adjust the displacement and rotating angle of all girders in the storage ring with little manpower at the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) project at National Synchrotron Research Center (NSRRC). In this control girder system, six motorized cam movers supporting a girder are driven on three pedestals to perform six-axis adjustments of a girder. A tiltmeter monitors the pitch and roll of each girder; several touch sensors measure the relative displacement between consecutive girders. Moreover, a laser position sensitive detector (PSD) system measuring the relative displacement between straight-section girders is included in this girder control system. Operator can use subroutines developed by MATLAB to control every local girder control system via intranet. This paper presents details of design and tests of the girder control system. | ||
MOPKS013 | Beam Spill Structure Feedback Test in HIRFL-CSR | 186 |
The slow extraction beam from HIRFL-CSR is used in nuclear physics experiments and heavy ion therapy. 50Hz ripple and harmonics are observed in beam spill. To improve the spill structure, the first set of control system consisting of fast Q-magnet and feedback device based FPGA is developed and installed in 2010, and spill structure feedback test also has been started. The commissioning results with spill feedback system are presented in this paper. | ||
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Poster MOPKS013 [0.268 MB] | |
MOPKS014 | Architecture and Control of the Fast Orbit Correction for the ESRF Storage Ring | 189 |
Two years ago, the electronics of all the 224 Beam Position Monitors (BPM) of the ESRF Storage Ring were replaced by the commercial Libera Brilliance units to drastically improve the speed and position resolution of the Orbit measurement. Also, at the start of this year, all the 96 power supplies that drive the Orbit steerers have been replaced by new units that now cover a full DC-AC range up to 200Hz. We are now working on the replacement of the previous Fast Orbit Correction system. This new architecture will also use the 224 Libera Brilliance units and in particular the 10 KHz optical links handled by the Diamond Communication Controller (DCC) which has now been integrated within the Libera FPGA as a standard option. The 224 Liberas are connected together with the optical links to form a redundant network where the data are broadcast and are received by all nodes within 40 μS. The 4 corrections stations will be based on FPGA cards (2 per station) also connected to the FOFB network as additional nodes and using the same DCC firmware on one side and are connected to the steerers power supplies using RS485 electronics standard on the other side. Finally two extra nodes have been added to collect data for diagnostics and to give BPMs positions to the beamlines at high rate. This paper will present the network architecture and the control software to operate this new equipment. | ||
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Poster MOPKS014 [3.242 MB] | |
MOPKS015 | Diagnostics Control Requirements and Applications at NSLS-II | 192 |
To measure various beam parameters such as beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc., a variety of diagnostic monitors will be deployed at NSLS-II. The Diagnostics Group and the Controls Group are working together on control requirements for the beam monitors. The requirements are originated from and determined by accelerator physics. An attempt of analyzing and translating physics needs into control requirements is made. The basic functionalities and applications of diagnostics controls are also presented. | ||
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Poster MOPKS015 [0.142 MB] | |
MOPKS019 | Electro Optical Beam Diagnostics System and its Control at PSI | 195 |
Electro Optical (EO) techniques are very promising non-invasive methods for measuring extremely short (in a sub-picosecond range) electron bunches. A prototype of an EO Bunch Length Monitoring System (BLMS) for the future SwissFEL facility is created at PSI. The core of this system is an advanced fiber laser unit with pulse generating and mode locking electronics. The system is integrated into the EPICS based PSI controls, which significantly simplifies its operations. The paper presents main components of the BLMS and its performance. | ||
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Poster MOPKS019 [0.718 MB] | |
MOPKS020 | Low Level RF Control System for Cyclotron 10 MeV | 199 |
The low level RF control system consists of a 101MHz signal generator, three feedback loops, an interlock and a protection system. The stability of control system is one of the most important indicators in the cyclotron design, especially when the whole system has a high current. Due to the hugeness of the RF system and the complexity of control objects, the low level RF control system must combine the basic theory with the electronic circuit to optimize the whole system. The major obstacles in the research, which rarely exist in other control systems, lay in the coupling of beam and resonant cavity, requiring to be described by the transfer function between beam and cavity, the complex coupling between microwave devices and the interference signals of all loops. By introducing the three feedback loops (tuning loop, amplitude loop and phase loop) and test results from some parts of electric circuits, this paper unfolds the performance index and design of low level RF control system, which may contribute to the design of cyclotron with a high and reliable performance. | ||
MOPKS021 | High-speed Data Handling Using Reflective Memory Thread for Tokamak Plasma Control | 203 |
The KSTAR plasma control system (PCS) is defined as a system consisting of electronic devices and control software that identifies and diagnoses various plasma parameters, calculates appropriate control signals to each actuator to keep the plasma sustained in the KSTAR operation regime. Based on the DIII-D PCS, the KSTAR PCS consists of a single box of multiprocess Linux system which can run up to 8 processes, and both digital and analog data acquisition methods are adapted for fast real-time data acquisition up to 20 kHz. The digital interface uses a well-known shared memory technology, the reflective memory (RFM), which can support data transmission up to 2Gbits/s. An RFM technology is adopted for interfacing the actuators, 11 PF power supplies and 1 IVC power supply, and the data acquisition system for plasma diagnostics. To handle the fast control of the RFM data transfer, the communication using the RFM with the actuators and diagnostics system is implemented as thread. The RFM thread sends commands like target current or voltage which is calculated by the PCS to the actuators area of RFM for plasma control and receives measured data by the magnet power supply. The RFM thread also provides the method for monitoring signal in real time by sharing data of diagnostics system. The RFM thread complete all data transfer within 50us so that data process can be completed within the fastest control cycle time of the PCS. This paper will describe the design, implementations, performances of RFM thread and applications to the tokamak plasma controls utilizing the technique. | ||
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Poster MOPKS021 [1.745 MB] | |
MOPKS022 | BPM System And Orbit Feedback System Deisgn For the Taiwan Photon Source | 207 |
Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV synchrotron light source which is in construction at NSRRC. Latest generation BPM electronics with FPGA enhanced functionality of current generation products was adopted. The prototype is under testing. To achieve its design goal of the TPS and eliminate beam motions due to various perturbation sources, orbit feedback is designed with integration of BPM and corrector control system . The design and implementation of the BPM system will be summarized in this report. | ||
MOPKS023 | An Overview of the Active Optics Control Strategy for the Thirty Meter Telescope | 211 |
Funding: This work was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The primary (M1), secondary (M2) and tertiary (M3) mirrors of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), taken together, have over 10,000 degrees of freedom. The vast majority of these are associated with the 492 individual primary mirror segments. The individual segments are converted into the equivalent of a monolithic thirty meter primary mirror via the Alignment and Phasing System (APS) and the M1 Control System (M1CS). In this paper we first provide an introduction to the TMT. We then describe the overall optical alignment and control strategy for the TMT and follow up with additional descriptions of the M1CS and the APS. We conclude with a short description of the TMT error budget process and provide an example of error allocation and predicted performance for wind induced segment jitter. |
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Poster MOPKS023 [2.318 MB] | |
MOPKS024 | A Digital System for Longitudinal Emittance Blow-Up in the LHC | 215 |
In order to preserve beam stability above injection energy in the LHC, longitudinal emittance blowup is performed during the energy ramp by injecting band-limited noise around the synchrotron frequency into the beam phase loop. The noise is generated continuously in software and streamed digitally into the DSP of the Beam Control system. In order to achieve reproducible results, a feedback system on the observed average bunch length controls the strength of the excitation, allowing the operator to simply set a target bunch length. The frequency spectrum of the excitation depends on the desired bunch length, and as it must follow the evolution of the synchrotron frequency spread through the ramp, it is automatically calculated by the LHC settings management software from the energy and RF voltage. The system is routinely used in LHC operation since August 2010. We present here the details of the implementation in software, FPGA firmware and DSP code, as well as some results with beam. | ||
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Poster MOPKS024 [0.467 MB] | |
MOPKS027 | Operational Status of theTransverse Multibunch Feedback System at Diamond | 219 |
A transverse multibunch feedback (TMBF) system is in operation at Diamond Light Source to damp coupled-bunch instabilities up to 250 MHz in both the vertical and horizontal planes. It comprises an in-house designed and built analogue front-end combined with a Libera Bunch-by-Bunch feedback processor and output stripline kickers. FPGA-based feedback electronics is used to implement several diagnostic features in addition to the basic feedback functionality. This paper reports on the current operational status of the TMBF system along with its characteristics. Also discussed are operational diagnostic functionalities including continuous measurement of the betatron tune and chromaticity. | ||
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Poster MOPKS027 [1.899 MB] | |
MOPKS028 | Using TANGO for Controlling a Microfluidic System with Automatic Image Analysis and Droplet Detection | 223 |
Microfluidics allows one to manipulate small quantities of fluids, using channel dimensions of several micrometers. At CEA / LIONS, microfluidic chips are used to produce calibrated complex microdrops. This technique requires only a small volume of chemicals, but requires the use a number of accurate electronic equipment such as motorized syringes, valve and pressure sensors, video cameras with fast frame rate, coupled to microscopes. We use the TANGO control system for all heterogeneous equipment in microfluidics experiments and video acquisition. We have developed a set of tools that allow us to perform the image acquisition, allows shape detection of droplets, whose size, number, and speed can be determined, almost in real time. Using TANGO, we are able to provide feedback to actuators, in order to adjust the microfabrication parameters and time droplet formation. | ||
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Poster MOPKS028 [1.594 MB] | |
MOPKS029 | The CODAC Software Distribution for the ITER Plant Systems | 227 |
Most of the systems that constitutes the ITER plant will be built and supplied by the seven ITER domestic agencies. These plant systems will require their own Instrumentation and Control (I&C) that will be procured by the various suppliers. For improving the homogeneity of these plant system I&C, the CODAC group, that is in charge of the ITER control system, is promoting standardized solutions at project level and makes available, as a support for these standards, the software for the development and tests of the plant system I&C. The CODAC Core System is built by the ITER Organization and distributed to all ITER partners. It includes the ITER standard operating system, RHEL, and the ITER standard control framework, EPICS, as well as some ITER specific tools, mostly for configuration management, and ITER specific software modules, such as drivers for standard I/O boards. A process for the distribution and support is in place since the first release, in February 2010, and has been continuously improved to support the development and distribution of the following versions. | ||
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Poster MOPKS029 [1.209 MB] | |