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MO301 Overview of the High Intensity Neutrino Source Linac R&D Program at Fermilab cavity, linac, proton, rfq 36
  • R.C. Webber, G. Apollinari, J.-P. Carneiro, I.G. Gonin, B.M. Hanna, S. Hays, T.N. Khabiboulline, G. Lanfranco, R.L. Madrak, A. Moretti, T.H. Nicol, T.M. Page, E. Peoples, H. Piekarz, L. Ristori, G.V. Romanov, C.W. Schmidt, J. Steimel, I. Terechkine, R.L. Wagner, D. Wildman
    Fermilab, Batavia
  • P.N. Ostroumov
    ANL, Argonne
  • W.M. Tam
    IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana

Funding: Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy.
The High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) linac R&D program at Fermilab aims to construct and operate a first-of-a-kind, 60 MeV, superconducting H- linac. The machine will demonstrate acceleration of high intensity beam using superconducting spoke cavities from 10 MeV, solenoidal focusing optics throughout for axially-symmetric beam to control halo growth, and operation of many cavities from a single high power rf source for acceleration of non-relativistic particles.


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MOP013 Focusing Solenoids for the HINS Linac Front End focusing, linac, dipole, alignment 82
  • I. Terechkine, G. Apollinari, J. DiMarco, Y. Huang, D.F. Orris, T.M. Page, R. Rabehl, M.A. Tartaglia, J.C. Tompkins
    Fermilab, Batavia

Low energy part of the linac for the HINS project at Fermilab will use superconducting solenoids as beam focusing elements (lenses). While lenses for the conventional, DTL-type accelerating section of the front end require individual cryostats, in the superconducting accelerating sections solenoids will be installed inside rf cryomodules. Some of the lenses in the conventional and in the superconducting sections are equipped with horizontal and vertical dipole correctors. Lenses for the conventional DTL section are in the stage of production with certification activities ongoing at Fermilab. For the superconducting sections of the linac, several prototypes of focusing lenses were built and tested. Solenoid magnetic axis is used for alignment of the lenses in the transport channel of the accelerator. Corresponding technique has been developed at Fermilab and is used during certification of the production lenses for the DTL section. This report will summarize main design features, parameters, and test results of the focusing lenses of the linac. Magnetic axis alignment technique will also be described.

MOP031 Estimates of Energy Fluence at the Focal Plane in Beams Undergoing Neutralized Drift Compression target, bunching, induction, emittance 133
  • J.J. Barnard
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  • J.E. Coleman, D. Ogata, P.A. Seidl
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  • D.R. Welch
    Voss Scientific, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 at LLNL, and University of California contract DE-AC03-76SF00098 at LBNL.
We estimate the energy fluence (energy per unit area) at the focal plane of a beam undergoing neutralized drift compression and neutralized solenoidal final focus, as is being carried out in the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX) at LBNL. In these experiments, in order to reach high beam intensity, the beam is compressed longitudinally by ramping the beam velocity (i.e. introducing a velocity tilt) over the course of the pulse, and the beam is transversely focused in a high field solenoid just before the target. To remove the effects of space charge, the beam drifts in a plasma. The tilt introduces chromatic aberrations, with different slices of the original beam having different radii at the focal plane. The fluence can be calculated by summing the contribution from the various slices. We develop analytic formulae for the energy fluence for beams that have current profiles that are initially either constant or parabolic in time. We compare with envelope and particle-in-cell calculations. The expressions derived are useful for predicting how the fluence scales with accelerator and beam parameters.

MOP057 Linac Front-End Upgrade at the Cancer Therapy Facility HIT rfq, linac, ion, emittance 208
  • M.T. Maier, W. Barth, A. Orzhekhovskaya, B. Schlitt, H. Vormann, S. Yaramyshev
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • R. Cee
    HIT, Heidelberg

A clinical facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) has been installed at the Radiologische Universitätsklinik in Heidelberg, Germany. It consists of two ECR ion sources, a 7 MeV/u linac injector, and a 6.5 Tm synchrotron to accelerate the ions to energies of 430 MeV/u. The linac comprises a 400 keV/u RFQ and a 7 MeV/u IH-DTL operating at 216.8 MHz and has been commissioned successfully in 2006. Yet the overall achieved transmission through the injector linac did not exceed 30% due to a mismatch of the beam at the RFQ entrance. Thus a detailed upgrade programme has been started to exchange the RFQ with a new radial matcher design, to correct the alignment and to optimize beam transport to the IH-DTL. The aim is to achieve a sufficient linac transmission above 60%. The new design of the RFQ has been finished in 2007 and the RFQ is currently in production. A test bench comprising a full ion source and LEBT setup to commission the RFQ in 2008 is under construction at Danfysik in Danemark. The current status of this upgrade programme will be reported in this contribution.

MOP064 Bent Solenoid Tuning Simulations for the COMET Beamline simulation, target, dipole, electron 226
  • A. Kurup
    Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London

The COMET experiment beamline uses bent solenoids for the muon transport and the spectrometer used to analyse the decay electrons from stopped muons. The bent solenoid includes not just a solenoid field but also a vertical dipole field. It is therefore important to have the ability to tune the field distribution. However, since the field distribution is mainly determined by the geometry it is difficult to adjust once the solenoids have been constructed. A cost effective method to provide tuning capability of the field distribution of the bent solenoids is proposed and the results of simulations presented.

MOP066 Status of MICE: the International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment cavity, emittance, proton, coupling 229
  • D. Huang
    IIT, Chicago, Illinois
  • D.M. Kaplan
    Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
  • M.S. Zisman
    LBNL, Berkeley, California

Funding: This work was partially supported by the Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
A key unanswered question in particle physics is why the universe consists only of matter. It is believed that CP violation in the lepton sector is the answer. The best tool to find this is a muon-based Neutrino Factory. Muons can also be used for an energy-frontier collider that would fit on an existing laboratory site. Since muons are produced as a tertiary beam, their phase space and energy spread are large and must be reduced (cooled) to create a usable beam. Ionization cooling, comprising momentum loss in material followed by rf reacceleration, is the only suitable technique. A cooling channel is merely a linac with absorbing material in the beam path. To demonstrate an understanding of the physics and technology issues, MICE will test a section of cooling channel exposed to a muon beam derived from the ISIS synchrotron at RAL. The muon beam line is now installed and commissioning is under way. Fabrication of cooling channel components and the required detector systems has begun and will be described. A successful demonstration will go a long way toward proving the value of muon beams for future accelerator-based particle physics experiments.

MOP069 Beam Dynamics Simulations for a 15 MeV Superconducting Electron Linac Coupled to a DC Photo-Injector cathode, simulation, focusing, target 236
  • D. Guilhem, J.-L. Lemaire, S.J. Pichon
    CEA, Bruyeres-le-Chatel

A 15 MeV accelerator scheme based on a dc photo-injector and a rf superconducting linac as been proposed as a new facility for radiography applications. The overall beam dynamics simulation process based on SUPERFISH and PARMELA codes will be reviewed. We present the results for the following beam operating conditions; acceleration of limited number of bunches, up to twenty electron micro-pulses of 100 ps time duration and 200 nC bunch charge, at 352 MHz repetition rate.

TUP005 The New Single Bunch Injector for ELSA gun, cathode, linac, single-bunch 392
  • F. Klarner, O. Boldt, W. Hillert
    ELSA, Bonn
  • S. Aderhold
    DESY, Hamburg

Since 1966 a Varian factored injector is in use at the accelerator complex of the University of Bonn serving several experiments to investigate the subnuclear structure of matter. This injector will have to be replaced for several reasons. The new injector will operate in a single bunch mode of 2 A beam current and is currently under construction. Also a 2 μs long pulse mode of 500 mA beam current will be available for ordinary accelerator operation for hadron physics experiments. Produced by a pulsed thermionic 90 kV gun, compression of the pulses is achieved by a 500 MHz prebuncher as well as one β-matching travelling wave buncher running at the linac frequency of 3 GHz. The injector has been designed and optimised using the software package EGUN and numerical simulations based on the paraxial differential equations. The single bunch mode will allow to investigate single bunch instabilities within the Helmholtz alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

TUP020 Commissioning the DARHT-II Accelerator Downstream Transport and Target target, kicker, quadrupole, septum 434
  • M.E. Schulze
    SAIC, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • E.O. Abeyta, R.D. Archuleta, J. Barraza, D. Dalmas, C. Ekdahl, W.L. Gregory, J.F. Harrison, E.B. Jacquez, J.B. Johnson, P.S. Marroquin, B.T. McCuistian, R.R. Mitchell, N. Montoya, S. Nath, K. Nielsen, R.M. Ortiz, L.J. Rowton, R.D. Scarpetti, M. Schauer, G.J. Seitz
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • R. Anaya, G.J. Caporaso, F.W. Chambers, Y.-J. Chen, S. Falabella, G. Guethlein, B.A. Raymond, R.A. Richardson, J.A. Watson, J.T. Weir
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  • H. Bender, W. Broste, C. Carlson, D. Frayer, D. Johnson, C.-Y. Tom
    NSTec, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • T.P. Hughes, C.H. Thoma
    Voss Scientific, Albuquerque, New Mexico

The DARHT-II accelerator produced a 2 kA, 17 MeV beam over a 1600 ns flattop. After exiting the accelerator, the long pulse is sliced into four short pulses by a kicker and quadrupole septum and then transported and focused on a target for conversion to bremsstrahlung for radiography. We describe the initial commissioning tests of the kicker, septum, transport, and multi-pulse converter target. The results of beam measurements made during the commissioning of the accelerator downstream transport are described. Beam optics simulations of the commissioning results are described.


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TUP053 Experimental Characterization and Optimization of High-brightness Electron Beam at the NSLS SDL emittance, laser, injection, electron 521
  • X. Yang, J.B. Murphy, H.J. Qian, S. Seletskiy, Y. Shen, X.J. Wang
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

The Source Development Laboratory (SDL) at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) is a laser linac facility dedicated for laser seeded FEL and beam physics R&D. The SDL consists of a RF synchronized Ti:sapphire laser, a BNL photocathode RF gun, a four-magnet chicane bunch compressor, and a 300 MeV linac. To further improve the performance of the laser seeded FEL at the NSLS SDL, we have carried out a systematic experimental characterization of the high-brightness electron beam generated by the photocathode RF gun. We will present the experimental studies of both transverse and longitudinal emittance of electron beam as a function of RF gun phase and solenoid magnet for electron beam charge ranging from 350 pC to 1 nC and their influences on FEL output.

TUP099 Design and Optimization of an S-Band Photoinjector gun, emittance, cavity, laser 636
  • J.H. Han
    Diamond, Oxfordshire

Many X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) projects are under construction or are being proposed. A photoinjector with low transverse emittance is one of the key elements for successful XFEL operation. For the last two decades, photoinjectors have been developed to reach the XFEL requirement, typically with a normalised emittance of 1 mm mrad for a 1 nC bunch and high peak current. Here, we make a further numerical optimization of an S-band photoinjector to achieve 0.5 mm mrad for 1 nC bunch in a structure that should permit high repetition rates to be achieved. Optimizations for alternative operation conditions with lower charge and lower emittance are also shown.

TUP111 Longitudinal Bunch Lengthening Compensation in a High Charge RF Photoinjector emittance, gun, booster, electron 661
  • S. Pei, C. Adolphsen
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515
In high charge rf photo-injectors, due to the strong longitudinal space charge, bunch lengthening can readily occur. This paper presents beam dynamics studies of such bunch lengthening and methods to compensate it. With these methods, not only can the bunch length be preserved, but it can be shortened at the photo-injector exit.

TH203 Beam Compression in Heavy-Ion Induction Linacs plasma, target, ion, focusing 754
  • P.A. Seidl, A. Anders, F.M. Bieniosek, A.X. Chen, J.E. Coleman, J.-Y. Jung, M. Leitner, S.M. Lidia, B.G. Logan, P.N. Ni, P.K. Roy, K. Van den Bogert, W.L. Waldron
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  • J.J. Barnard, R.H. Cohen, D.P. Grote
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  • J.A. Calanog
    UCB, Berkeley, California
  • M. Dorf, E.P. Gilson
    PPPL, Princeton, New Jersey
  • D.R. Welch
    Voss Scientific, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Funding: This work was supported by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-AC52-07NA27344, DE-AC02-76CH3073.
The Heavy-Ion Fusion Sciences Virtual National Laboratory is pursuing an approach to target heating experiments in the Warm Dense Matter regime, using space-charge-dominated ion beams that are simultaneously longitudinally bunched and transversely focused. Longitudinal beam compression by large factors has been demonstrated in the LBNL Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX) experiment with controlled ramps and forced neutralization. The achieved peak beam current and energy can be used in experiments that generate plasmas of warm dense matter. Using an injected 30 mA K+ ion beam with initial kinetic energy 0.3 MeV, axial compression leading to ~100X current amplification and simultaneous radial focusing to beam radii of a few mm have led to encouraging energy deposition approaching the intensities required for eV-range target heating experiments. We discuss the status of several improvements to the experiment and associated beam diagnostics that are under development to reach the necessary higher beam intensities.


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THP033 Superconducting Quarter-Wave Resonator Cavity and Cryomodule Development for a Heavy Ion Re-accelerator cavity, cryomodule, ion, superconductivity 854
  • W. Hartung, J. Bierwagen, S. Bricker, C. Compton, J. DeLauter, P. Glennon, M. Hodek, M.J. Johnson, F. Marti, P.S. Miller, D. Norton, J. Popielarski, L. Popielarski, D. Sanderson, J. Wlodarczak, R.C. York
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan
  • A. Facco
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova
  • E.N. Zaplatin
    FZJ, Jülich

A superconducting linac is being planned for re-acceleration of exotic ions produced by the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at Michigan State University. The re-accelerator will include a gas stopper, a charge breeder, a normal conducting radio-frequency quadrupole, and two types of superconducting quarter-wave resonators (QWRs) for re-acceleration to energies of up to 3 MeV per nucleon initially, with a subsequent upgrade path to 12 MeV per nucleon. The QWRs (80.5 MHz, optimum beta = 0.041 and 0.085, made from bulk niobium) are similar to existing cavities presently used at INFN-Legnaro. The re-accelerator's cryomodules will accommodate up to 8 cavities, along with superconducting solenoids for focussing. Active and passive shielding is required to ensure that the solenoids' field does not degrade the cavity performance. First prototypes of both QWR types have been fabricated and tested. A prototype solenoid has been procured and tested. A test cryomodule has been fabricated: one QWR, one solenoid, and two other beam line elements have been installed inside. This paper will cover the re-accelerator cavity and cryomodule prototyping efforts, results so far, and future plans.


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THP088 High Power 325 MHz Vector Modulators for the Fermilab High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) cavity, linac, feedback, klystron 996
  • R.L. Madrak, D. Wildman
    Fermilab, Batavia

One of the goals of the low energy 60 MeV section of the Fermilab HINS H- linac is to demonstrate that a total of 40 rf cavities can be powered by a single 2.5 MW, 325 MHz klystron. This requires individual vector modulators at the input of each rf cavity to independently adjust the amplitude and phase of the rf input signal during the 3.5 ms rf pulse. Two versions of vector modulators have been developed; a 500 kW device for the RFQ and a 75 kW modulator for the remaining rf cavities. High power test results showing the vector modulator phase and amplitude responses will be presented.

THP120 Concept Design Studies of the REX-ISOLDE Cryomodules at CERN vacuum, cavity, cryomodule, linac 1081
  • V. Parma, S. Calatroni, N. Delruelle, J. Hansen, C. Maglioni, M. Modena, M. Pasini, T. Trilhe
    CERN, Geneva
  • S.M. Pattalwar
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire

The High Intensity and Energy (HIE) proposal plans a major upgrade of the existing ISOLDE and REX-ISOLDE facilities at CERN, with the objective of substantially increasing the energy and the intensity of the delivered radioactive ion beams. In the frame of this upgrade activity, a superconducting linac, based on Nb sputtered Quarter Wave Resonators (QWRs) is proposed to be installed downstream of the present normal conducting machine. The present design of the accelerator lattice features housing of five high-beta cavities (β=10.6%) and a superconducting solenoid in a common cryomodule. In most of the existing low-energy heavy-ion installations worldwide, insulation and beam vacuum are in common, with the risk of cavity surface contamination in case of accidental leak to the cryostat vessel. Following a concept study, we report in this paper on three design options, namely cryomodules with common vacuum, with separate or with hybrid vacuum systems (the latter having a low conductance between insulation and beam vacuum) and compare them in terms of technical complexity, performance, reliability and maintainability.