Keyword: LLRF
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MOPC010 Phase-Modulation SLED Operation Mode at Elettra cavity, linac, klystron, target 83
  • C. Serpico, P. Delgiusto, A. Fabris, F. Gelmetti, M.M. Milloch, A. Salom, D. Wang
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  FERMI@Elettra is the soft X-ray, fourth generation light source facility at the Elettra Laboratory in Trieste, Italy. It is based on a seeded FEL, driven by a normal conducting linac that is presently expected to operate at 1.5 GeV. The last seven backward traveling wave structures have been equipped with a SLED system. Due to breakdown problems inside the sections, that was the result of high peak fields generated during conventional SLED operation, the sections experienced difficulties in reaching the desired gradients. To lower the peak field and make the compressed pulse “flatter”, phase-modulation of the SLED drive power will be implemented. A description of the phase modulation of the drive power and the results achieved will be reported in the following paper.  
MOPC032 Improvement of the RF System for the PEFP 100 MeV Proton Linac* linac, controls, proton, EPICS 139
  • K.T. Seol, Y.-S. Cho, H.S. Kim, H.-J. Kwon, Y.-G. Song
    KAERI, Daejon, Republic of Korea
  Funding: This work is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Korean Government.
The 100 MeV proton linear accelerator of the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) has been developed and will be installed in Gyeong-ju site. The 20 MeV accelerator operated in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) site will be also moved and reinstalled. The LLRF control systems for the 20 MeV accelerator were improved and have been operated within the stability of ±1% in RF amplitude and ±1 degree in RF phase. 7 sets of the extra LLRF control system will be installed with a RF reference system for the 100 MeV accelerator. Waveguide layout was also improved to install HPRF systems for the 100 MeV accelerator. Some of the HPRF components including klystrons, circulators, and RF windows are under purchase. The waveguide sections penetrating into the tunnel, which are fixed in a concrete floor with the bending structure for radiation shielding, were fabricated into a piece of waveguide to prevent the moisture and any foreign debris inside the concrete block. The details of the RF system improvement are presented.
MOPC045 Commissioning of the ALBA Storage Ring RF System cavity, storage-ring, HOM, pick-up 178
  • F. Pérez, B. Bravo, A. Salom, P. Sanchez
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  ALBA is a 3 GeV, 400 mA, 3rd generation Synchrotron Light Source that is under commissioning in Cerdanyola, Spain. The RF System has to provide 3.6 MV of accelerating voltage and restore up to 540 kW of power to the electron beam. For that six RF plants, working at 500 MHz, are foreseen. The RF plants include several new developments: DAMPY cavity; the normal conducting HOM damped cavity developed by BESSY and based in the EU design; six are installed. CaCo; a cavity combiner to add the power of two 80 kW IOTs to produce the 160 kW needed for each cavity. WATRAX; a waveguide transition to coaxial, specially designed to feed the DAMPY cavities due to the geometrical and cooling constrains. Digital LLRF; fully designed at ALBA using commercial components. This paper shortly describes these systems and reports their performance during the ALBA commissioning.  
MOPC051 The 100 MHz RF System for the MAX IV Storage Rings cavity, storage-ring, HOM, impedance 193
  • Å. Andersson, E. Elafifi, M. Eriksson, D. Kumbaro, P. Lilja, L. Malmgren, R. Nilsson, H. Svensson, P.F. Tavares
    MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden
  • J.H. Hottenbacher
    RI Research Instruments GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
  • A. Milan
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  • A. Salom
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  The construction of the MAX IV facility has started and user operation is scheduled to commence 2015. The facility is comprised of two storage rings optimized for different wavelength ranges, and a linac-based short pulse facility. In this paper the RF systems for the two storage rings are described. The RF systems will be based on either tetrode or solid state amplifiers working at 100 MHz. Circulators will be used to give isolation between cavity and power amplifier. The main cavities are of normal conducting, entire copper, capacity loaded type, where the present cavities at MAX-lab has served as prototypes. For the MAX IV ring operation it is essential to elongate bunches, in order to minimize the influence of intra beam scattering on beam transverse emittances. For this, 3rd harmonic passive (Landau-) cavities are employed. These are of similar type as the main cavities, mainly because the capacity loaded type has the advantage of pushing higher order modes to relatively high frequencies compared to pill-box cavities. Digital low level RF systems will be used, bearing in mind the possibility of post mortem analysis.  
MOPC062 EMMA RF Comissioning cavity, acceleration, controls, beam-loading 226
  • A.J. Moss, R.K. Buckley, P.A. McIntosh, A.E. Wheelhouse
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  EMMA (Electron Model for Many Applications), the world’s first Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) accelerator is presently in operation at Daresbury Laboratory. The LLRF system is required to synchronize with ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers in Combined Experiments) its injector, which operates at 1.3GHz, and to produce an offset frequency of (+1.5 MHz to -4 MHz) to probe the longitudinal beam dynamics and to also maintain the phase and amplitude of the 19 copper RF cavities of the EMMA machine. The design, commissioning and results of the EMMA RF system is presented.  
MOPC079 Status of the Low Beta 0.07 Cryomodules for SPIRAL2 cavity, cryomodule, vacuum, linac 256
  • P. Bosland, P. Carbonnier, F. Eozénou, P. Galdemard, O. Piquet
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • M. Anfreville, C. Madec, L. Maurice
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • P.-E. Bernaudin, R. Ferdinand
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • Y. Gomez-Martinez
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • A. Pérolat
    CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  The status of the low beta cryomodules for SPIRAL2, supplied by the Irfu institute of CEA Saclay, is reported in this paper. We summarise in three parts the RF tests performed on the cavities in vertical cryostat, the RF power tests of the qualifying cryomodule performed in 2010 and the RF power tests performed in 2011 on the first cryomodule of the series  
MOPC097 LLRF Control System for PKU DC-SC Photocathode Injector controls, cavity, superconducting-cavity, SRF 304
  • H. Zhang, Y.M. Li, K.X. Liu, F. Wang, B.C. Zhang
    PKU/IHIP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  A 1.3 GHz 3.5 Cell LG niobium cavity is installed for the new PKU DC-SC injector as its accelerating cavity with working temperature is 2K. High amplitude and phase stability is required for the updated SRF photocathode injector. This paper describes the design of Low Level RF control system based on FPGA, including hardware and software,and the communication function is realized by Tri-State Ethernet. The system should be operated on the precision with the amplitude of ±0.1% and phase stability of ±0.1°.  
MOPC135 IFMIF-EVEDA RF Power System controls, power-supply, linac, cavity 394
  • D. Regidor, A. Arriaga, J.C. Calvo, A. Ibarra, I. Kirpitchev, J. Molla, P. Méndez, A. Salom, M. Weber
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • M. Abs, B. Nactergal
    IBA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  • P.-Y. Beauvais, M. Desmons, A. Mosnier
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • P. Cara
    Fusion for Energy, Garching, Germany
  • S.J. Ceballos, J. de la Cruz
    Greenpower Technologies, Sevilla, Spain
  • Z. Cvetkovic, Z. Golubicic, C. Mendez
    TTI, Santander, Spain
  • J.M. Forteza, J.M. González, C.R. Isnardi
    Indra Sistemas, San Fernando de Henares, Spain
  • D. Vandeplassche
    SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium
  The IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Prototype will be a 9 MeV, 125 mA CW deuteron accelerator to validate the technical options for the IFMIF accelerator design. The Radiofrequency Quadrupole (RFQ), buncher cavities and Superconducting Radiofrequency Linac (SRF Linac) require continuous wave RF power at 175 MHz with an accuracy of ±1% in amplitude and ±1° in phase. Also the IFMIF/EVEDA RF Power System has to work under pulsed mode operation (during the accelerator commissioning). The IFMIF/EVEDA RF Power System is composed of 18 RF power generators feeding the eight RFQ couplers (200 kW), the two buncher cavities (105 kW) and the eight superconducting half wave resonators of the SRF Linac (105 kW). The main components of each RF power chain are the Low Level Radio Frequency system (LLRF), three amplification stages and a circulator with its load. For obvious standardization and scale economies reasons, the same topology has been chosen for the 18 RF power chains: all of them use the same main components which can be individually tuned to provide different RF output powers up to 200 kW. The studies and the current design of the IFMIF/EVEDA RF Power System are presented in this contribution.  
MOPC136 The RF Power Source for the High Beta Elliptical Cavities of the ESS Linac klystron, cavity, linac, neutron 397
  • K. Rathsman, H. Danared, R. Zeng
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • A.J. Johansson
    Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • C. Lingwood
    Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • R.J.M.Y. Ruber
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • C. de Almeida Martins
    IST-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal
  The European Spallation Source is an intergovernmental project building a multidisciplinary research laboratory based upon the world’s most powerful neutron source. The main facility will be built in Lund, Sweden. Construction is expected to start around 2013 and the first neutrons will be produced in 2019. The ESS linac delivers 5 MW of power to the target at 2.5 GeV, with a nominal current of 50 mA. The 120 high beta elliptical cavities, which operate at a frequency of 704 MHz and accelerate protons from 600 MeV to 2.5 GeV, account for more than half of the total number of rf cavities in the ESS linac and three quarter of the total beam power needed. Because of the large number of rf power sources and the high power level needed, all the design and development efforts for the rf power source have so far been focused on this part of the accelerator. The design and development status of the rf power source is reported in this paper with emphasis on reliability, maintainability, safety, power efficiency, investment cost and production capacity.  
MOPC152 Digital Control System for Solid State Direct Drive™ RF-Linacs controls, cavity, linac, pick-up 436
  • J. Sirtl, M. Back, T. Kluge
    Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
  • H. Schröder
    ASTRUM IT GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
  The Solid State Direct Drive™ concept for RF linacs has previously been introduced*. Due to the different methodology (i.e. solid state based rather than electron tube based) as compared with conventional RF sources a new control system is required to deliver the required LLRF. To support this new technology a fully digital control system for this new concept has been developed. Progresses in Digital – Analogue Converter technology and FPGA technology allows us to create a digital System which works in the 150 Mhz baseband. The complete functionality was implemented in a Virtex 6 FPGA. Dispensing with the PLL allows an excellent jitter-behaviour. For this job, we use three 12 bit ADCs with a Sampling Rate of 1 GS/s and two 16 bit DACs (1 GS/s). The amplitude of the RF source is controlled by dividing the RF modules mounted on the power combiner** into two groups and controlling the relative phase of each group (in effect mimicking an “out-phasing” amplifier). This allows the modules to be operated at their optimum working point and allows a linear amplitude behaviour.
* O. Heid, T. Hughes, Proc. of IPAC10, THPD002, p. 4278, Kyoto, Japan (2010).
** O. Heid, T. Hughes, Proc. of LINAC10, THPD068, Tsukuba, Japan.
MOPC153 Design and Implementation of Automatic Cavity Resonance Frequency Measurement and Tuning Procedure for FLASH and European XFEL Cryogenic Modules cavity, controls, klystron, resonance 439
  • V. Ayvazyan, W. Koprek, D. Kostin, G. Kreps
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • Z. Geng
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The superconducting cavities in FLASH and European XFEL should be tuned to the frequency of 1.3 GHz after cool down and adjusted to initial frequency before warm up by stepper motor tuners. The initial frequency is 300 kHz far from the operating frequency (1.3 GHz) to remove mechanical hysteresis of the tuner. The cavities should be relaxed to initial frequency to avoid a plastically deformation. In framework of digital low level RF and DOOCS control systems we have developed a simple automatic procedure for the remote resonance frequency measurement and simultaneous remote tuning for all cavities which are driven from the single klystron. The basic idea is based on frequency sweeping both for driving klystron and for generation of local oscillator frequency with constant RF frequency from master oscillator. The developed system has been used during FLASH commissioning in spring 2010 and is in use for cavity and cryogenic module test stands for European XFEL at DESY.  
MOPC155 Performance of the Micro-TCA Digital Feedback Board for DRFS Test at KEK-STF cavity, controls, feedback, klystron 445
  • T. Miura, D.A. Arakawa, S. Fukuda, E. Kako, H. Katagiri, T. Matsumoto, S. Michizono, Y. Yano
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The test of distributed RF scheme (DRFS) for ILC was carried out at the superconducting RF test facility in KEK (KEK-STF). The LLRF system and two klystron units were installed in the same tunnel as SRF cavities. The vector-sum control for two cavities was done by using the micro-TCA digital feedback board. This board was the same one developed for the compact-ERL at KEK, but the software was changed for pulse operation. The result of the performance will be reported.  
MOPC160 Digital LLRF for IFMIF-EVEDA cavity, controls, rfq, resonance 457
  • A. Salom, A. Arriaga, J.C. Calvo, I. Kirpitchev, P. Méndez, D. Regidor, M. Weber
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • A. Mosnier
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • F. Pérez
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The IFMIF-EVEDA project aims to build a prototype accelerator (deuteron, 9MeV, 125mA) to be located at Rokkasho, Japan, for design validation of the IFMIF Accelerator. CIEMAT from Madrid, Spain, is in charge of providing the RF systems for this prototype accelerator. The LLRF will adjust the phase and amplitude of the RF drive and the resonance frequency of the cavities. This paper summarizes its main characteristics and Control System integrated in EPICS. The hardware is based on a commercial FPGA board, an analog front end and a local timing system. Each LLRF system will control and diagnose two RF chains and it will handle the RF fast Interlocks (vacuum, arcs, reflected power and multipacting). A specific LLRF will be developed for the special case of the RFQ cavity, with one Master LLRF and three Slave LLRFs to feed the 8 RF chains of the cavity. The conceptual design and other capabilities of the system like automatic conditioning, frequency tuning for startup and field flatness of the RFQ, etc, will be shown in this paper together with the first low power test results of the LLRF prototype and the performance of the Control System.  
MOPC161 Challenges for the Low Level RF Design for ESS cavity, controls, klystron, linac 460
  • A.J. Johansson
    Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • R. Zeng
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a planned neutron source to be built in Lund, Sweden, which is planned to produce the first neutrons in 2019. It will have an average beam power at the target of 5 MW, an average current along the Linac of 50 mA, and a pulse repetition rate and length of 20 Hz and 2 ms, respectively. The Linac will have around 200 LLRF stations employed to control a variety of RF cavities such as RFQ, DTL, spoke and elliptical superconducting cavities. The challenges on LLRF systems are mainly the high demands on energy efficiency on all parts of the facility, an operational goal of 95% availability of the facility and a comparably short time from start of final design to commissioning. Running with long pulses, high current and spoke cavities also brings new challenges on LLRF design. In this paper we will describe the consequences these challenges have on the LLRF system, and the proposed solutions and development projects that have started in order to reach these demands.  
MOPC163 Low-level RF Control System for the Taiwan Photon Source cavity, controls, low-level-rf, SRF 463
  • M.-S. Yeh
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The low-level RF (LLRF) control system is an essential component of the RF system for Taiwan Photon Source. The LLRF control system will perform various functions including control loops for the cavity gap voltage and the phase feedback, RF system interlock protection and the diagnostics for a machine trip. The LLRF system is manufactured in house using the most recent commercial RF chips. The LLRF system has an analogue architecture similar to that used in the 1.5-GeV Taiwan Light Source (TLS). An overview of the system architecture and its functionality is presented herein.  
MOPC165 Digital Low Level RF Development at Daresbury Laboratory cavity, controls, linac, beam-loading 469
  • P.A. Corlett, L. Ma, A.J. Moss
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  Digital LLRF development using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is a new activity at Daresbury Laboratory. Using the LLRF4 development board, designed by Larry Doolittle of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a full featured control system incorporating fast feedback loops and a feed-forward system has been developed for use on the ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers in Combined Experiments) energy recovery linac. Technical details of the system are presented, along with experimental measurements.  
MOPO040 RF Reference Distribution for the Taiwan Photon Source synchrotron, controls, laser, diagnostics 571
  • K.H. Hu, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, S.Y. Hsu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.-Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a low-emittance 3-GeV synchrotron light source with circumference of 518.4 m which is being under construction at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) campus. Low noise 500 MHz master oscillator and novel fiber based CW RF reference distribution system will be employed to take advantages of advanced technology in this field and deliver better performance. The preliminary test of the prototype system is summarized in this report.  
TUPC125 Test of the Front-end Electronics and Acquisition System for the LIPAC BPMs EPICS, pick-up, controls, linac 1311
  • D. Belver, I. Arredondo, P. Echevarria, J. Feuchtwanger, H. Hassanzadegan, M. del Campo
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  • F.J. Bermejo
    Bilbao, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • J.M. Carmona, A. Guirao, A. Ibarra, L.M. Martinez Fresno, I. Podadera
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • V. Etxebarria, J. Jugo, J. Portilla
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • N. Garmendia, L. Muguira
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
  Funding: Work partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project AIC10-A-000441 and ENE2009-11230.
Non-interceptive Beam Position Monitors pickups (BPMs) will be installed along the beamlines of the IFMIF/EVEDA linear prototype accelerator (LIPAC) to measure the transverse beam position in the vacuum chamber in order to correct the dipolar and tilt errors. Depending on the location, the BPMs response must be optimized for a beam of 175 MHz bunch repetition, an energy range from 5 up to 9 MeV, a current between 0.1 and 125 mA and continuous and pulse operation. The requirements from beam dynamics for the BPMs are quite stringent, aiming for the position an accuracy below 100 μm and a resolution below 10 μm, and for the phase an accuracy below 2° and a resolution below 0.3°. To meet these specifications, the BPM electronics system developed by ESS-Bilbao has been adapted for its use with the BPMs of LIPAC. This electronics system is divided in an Analog Front-End unit, where the signals are conditioned and converted to baseband, and a Digital Unit to sample them and calculate the position and phase. The electronics system has been tested at CIEMAT with a wire test bench and a prototype BPM. In this contribution, the tests performed will be fully described and the results discussed.
TUPS068 The GSI RF Maintenance & Diagnostics Project diagnostics, status, controls, cavity 1695
  • K.-P. Ningel, H. Klingbeil, B. Zipfel
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • A. Honarbacht, M. Proske
    Ubisys Technologies GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • H. Veldman
    LogiTrue, Polokwane, South Africa
  From time-to-time, microcontroller- and FPGA-based LLRF electronics devices need maintenance of firmware and configuration data. The system described here allows this and also long term monitoring of functionality and performance. Both requirements cover measuring devices that operate under a common operating system as well as modules only addressable by means of GPIOs or their programming interface. For large accelerator systems like in the FAIR project, a Web-based remotely controlled system was designed in close collaboration with two industrial partners. To cover the requirements of the extremely different types of participating modules while remaining flexible for future extensions, the system was designed with a maximum of modularity and a strong focus on high reliability and safety. This contribution describes the global structure and the actual status of the RF Maintenance and Diagnostics System. Several types of measuring equipment and LLRF modules such as a phase control loop system and an IF signal pre-processing system have been integrated.  
WEPC155 Fast Acquisition Multipurpose Controller with EPICS Integration and Data Logging EPICS, controls, status 2346
  • I. Arredondo, D. Belver, P. Echevarria, H. Hassanzadegan, M. del Campo
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  • V. Etxebarria, J. Jugo
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • N. Garmendia, L. Muguira
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
  Funding: Funding Agency The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
This work introduces a fast acquisition multipurpose controller (MC), based on a XML configuration with EPICS integration and Data Logging. The main hardware is an FPGA based board, connected to a Host PC. This Host computer acts as the local controller and implements an IOC, integrating the device into an EPICS network. Java has been used as the main programming language in order to make the device fit the desired application. The whole process includes the use of different technologies: JNA to handle FPGA API, JavaIOC to integrate EPICS and XML w3c DOM classes to configure each particular application. Furthermore, a MySQL database is used for data storage, together with the deployment of an EPICS ArchiveEngine instance, offering the possibility to record data from both, the ArchiveEngine and a specifically designed Java library. The developed Java specific tools include different methods: FPGA management, creation and use of EPICS server, mathematical data processing, Archive Engine's MySQL database connection and creation/initialization of the application structure by means of an XML file. This MC has been used to implement a BPM and an LLRF applications for ESS-Bilbao.
THXA01 Recent Trends in Accelerator Control Systems controls, EPICS, feedback, coupling 2844
  • I. Verstovšek, F. Amand, M. Pleško, K. Žagar
    Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  The talk will discuss the approaches of different accelerators, such as FAIR, ESS, MedAustron, XFEL, etc. An overview of different approaches will be given with an emphasis of the recent spectrum of various realizations of accelerator control systems. The talk will not be limited to open source and off-the-shelf software frameworks only but will touch all trends in modern accelerators, including recent trends in hardware. The role of the control system will be highlighted as a common integration framework for various applications, with an emphasis on its increased complexity and scale, and the need for improved reliability and an appropriate service. How control systems can help support the requirements-shaping process early in the project will also be discussed.  
slides icon Slides THXA01 [1.535 MB]  
THPC080 Making Engineering Data Available at the European XFEL cavity, cryogenics, survey, photon 3077
  • L. Hagge, J. Bürger, J.A. Dammann, S. Eucker, A. Herz, J. Kreutzkamp, S. Panto, S. Sühl, D. Szepielak, N. Welle
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  One of the essential success factors for the European XFEL is up-to-date, complete and consistent engineering data which is readily accessible throughout the project. Such data include for example civil construction drawings of tunnels and buildings; integrated 3D models of accelerator sections; definitions of fabrication processes and test procedures; inspection sheets, test data, standards, contracts and other technical documentation. The data is kept in the DESY Engineering Data Management System (EDMS). The DESY EDMS is the central information platform for the European XFEL and provides procedures for e.g. review & approvals and change management. The poster presents an overview of Engineering Data Management and its benefits at the European XFEL.