Status of Projects and Facilities
Paper Title Page
TUP057 Development of Compact THz-FEL System at Kyoto University 501
  • S. Suphakul, T. Kii, H. Ohgaki, Y. Tsugamura, H. Zen
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  • Q.K. Jia
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  We are developing a compact accelerator based terahertz (THz) radiation source by free-electron laser (FEL) at the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University. The system consists of a 1.6 cell BNL type photocathode RF-gun, a focusing solenoid magnet, a magnetic bunch compressor, focusing quadrupoles and an undulator. The system generates an ultra-short electron pulse in a few hundred femtoseconds shorter than radiation wavelength, resulting in super-radiant emission from the undulator. The target radiation wavelength is 100 to 300 μm. A tracking simulation and optimization are performed by using PARMELA and General Particle Tracer (GPT) code. The FEL radiations are analyzed by a 1 dimensional FEL theory. The design parameters, simulation results and status are reported and discussed in this paper.  
TUP072 Present Status of Coherent Electron Cooling Proof-of-principle Experiment 524
  • I. Pinayev, Z. Altinbas, D.R. Beavis, S.A. Belomestnykh, I. Ben-Zvi, K.A. Brown, J.C. Brutus, A.J. Curcio, L. DeSanto, A. Elizarov, C. Folz, D.M. Gassner, H. Hahn, Y. Hao, C. Ho, Y. Huang, R.L. Hulsart, M. Ilardo, J.P. Jamilkowski, Y.C. Jing, F.X. Karl, D. Kayran, R. Kellermann, N. Laloudakis, R.F. Lambiase, V. Litvinenko, G.J. Mahler, M. Mapes, W. Meng, R.J. Michnoff, T.A. Miller, M.G. Minty, P. Orfin, A. Pendzick, F. Randazzo, T. Rao, J. Reich, T. Roser, J. Sandberg, B. Sheehy, J. Skaritka, K.S. Smith, L. Snydstrup, A.N. Steszyn, R. Than, C. Theisen, R.J. Todd, J.E. Tuozzolo, E. Wang, G. Wang, D. Weiss, M. Wilinski, T. Xin, W. Xu, A. Zaltsman
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • G.I. Bell, J.R. Cary, K. Paul, I.V. Pogorelov, B.T. Schwartz, A.V. Sobol, S.D. Webb
    Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • C.H. Boulware, T.L. Grimm, R. Jecks, N. Miller
    Niowave, Inc., Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • M.A. Kholopov, P. Vobly
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • V. Litvinenko
    Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA
  • P.A. McIntosh, A.E. Wheelhouse
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  Funding: Work supported by Stony Brook University and by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
The status of FEL-based Coherent Electron Cooling Proof-of-principle Experiment at BNL is presented. The experimental set-up is comprised of a 2 MeV CW SRF electron gun and 20 MeV CW SRF linac and 8-m long helical FEL amplifier. The status of the accelerator commissioning, and progress in the construction of the helical undulator at Budker INP, is also reported
TUP075 Commissioning Status of the ASTA Facility at Fermilab 537
  • A.H. Lumpkin, D.R. Broemmelsiek, D.J. Crawford, N. Eddy, D.R. Edstrom, E.R. Harms, A. Hocker, J.R. Leibfritz, J. Ruan, J.K. Santucci, G. Stancari, D. Sun, J.C.T. Thangaraj, R.M. Thurman-Keup, A. Warner, J. Zhu
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Work at Fermilab supported by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02- 07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy.
Early commissioning results and status of the Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator (ASTA) at Fermilab will be described. The ASTA facility consists of an L-band rf photocathode (PC) gun, two superconducting L-band rf booster cavities, transport lines, and an 8-cavity TESLA style cryomodule. Early results include first photoelectrons from the Cs2Te photocathode and operations at 3-5 MeV from the rf PC gun. The beam line with one 4-dipole chicane, extensive diagnostics, and 50-MeV spectrometer are being installed. The base beam profile imaging stations have been equipped with both YAG:Ce scintillators and optical transition radiation (OTR) screens, optical transport, and with 5 Mpix digital CCD cameras using Gig-E readout. A set of rf BPMs, wall current monitors, and toroids are also being implemented. Transport of OTR to a C5680 Hamamatsu streak camera is also planned for longitudinal profile information at the picosecond level. Downstream of this location is the 8-cavity cryomodule in which most cavities have been operated at the targeted 31.5 MV/m gradient. Initial beam measurements at 20 MeV and updated cryomodule results will be presented as available.
In Service of Accelerator Stewardship: The BNL Accelerator Test Facility and its Upgrade  
  • M.G. Fedurin, I. Ben-Zvi
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: Work done under the auspices of the US Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics
The Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) pioneered the principles of Accelerator Stewardship and served the Advanced Accelerator Concepts community as a users’ facility for over two decades. Over this time, the ATF provided facilities and expert support free of charge for users from academia, industry and national labs with a unique combination of high-brightness electron beams and high power lasers synchronized with the electron beam as well as diverse beam instrumentation and control software. There are over 30 scientists who did all or part of their graduate degree work using the ATF. The Accelerator Stewardship is now a formal program at the Office of High Energy Physics (OHEP), and the ATF has been awarded a transformational upgrade by OHEP, the ATF-II, that will lead in a short time to a dramatic increase in the capabilities of the facility. The Stewardship mission and the ATF-II will be the subject of this presentation.
TUP077 Characteristics of Transported Terahertz-wave Coherent Synchrotron Radiation at LEBRA 541
  • N. Sei, H. Ogawa
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Hayakawa, Y. Hayakawa, M. Inagaki, K. Nakao, K. Nogami, T. Sakai, T. Tanaka
    LEBRA, Funabashi, Japan
  Funding: This work has been supported in part under the Visiting Researcher's Program of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, and ZE Research Program ZE25B-7, Kyoto University.
Nihon University and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have jointly developed terahertz-wave coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) at Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA) in Nihon University since 2011. We have already observed intense terahertz-wave radiation from a bending magnet located above an undulator dedicated for an infrared free-electron laser (FEL), and confirmed it to be CSR [*]. Moreover, we have transported the CSR to an experimental room, which is next to the accelerator room across a shield wall, using an infrared FEL beamline. The transported CSR beam can be applied to two-dimensional imaging and spectroscopy experiments. In this presentation, characteristics of the CSR beam and applications for the CSR beam at LEBRA will be reported.
* N. Sei et al., “Observation of intense terahertz-wave coherent synchrotron radiation at LEBRA”, J. Phys. D, 46 (2013) 045104.
TUP079 A Swedish Compact Linac-based THz/X-ray Source at FREIA 545
  • V.A. Goryashko
    Private Address, Uppsala, Sweden
  • A. Opanasenko
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • V. Zhaunerchyk
    University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  THz radiation enables probing and controlling low-energy excitations in matter such as molecular rotations, DNA dynamics, spin waves and Cooper pairs. In view of growing interest to the THz radiation, the Swedish FEL Center and FREIA Laboratory are working on the conceptual design of a compact multicolor photon source for multidisciplinary research. We present the design of such a source driven by high-brightness electron bunches produced by a superconducting linear accelerator. A THz source is envisioned as an FEL oscillator since this enables not only generation of THz pulses with a bandwidth down to 0.01% (with inter-pulse locking technique) but also generation of short pulses with several cycles in duration by detuning the resonator. For pump-probe experiments, the THz source will be complemented with an X-ray source. One of the most promising options is the inverse Compton scattering of quantum laser pulses from electron bunches. Such an X-ray source will operate in water window with output intensity comparable to a second generation synchrotron. The envisioned THz/X-ray source is compact with a cost comparable to the cost of one beamline at a synchrotron.  
TUP080 Towards an X-ray FEL at the MAX IV Laboratory 549
  • S. Werin, F. Curbis, M. Eriksson, C. Quitmann, S. Thorin
    MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden
  • P. Johnsson
    Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  The design of the 3 GeV linac for the MAX IV facility was done to provide the ability to host a future FEL in the hard X-ray as well as in the soft X-ray range. The linear accelerator, with its two bunch compressors, is now under commissioning. Through the years increasing details for the actual FEL have been discussed and presented. In parallel a steering group for the science case for a Swedish FEL has worked and engaged a large number of Swedish user groups. These two paths are now converging into a joint project to develop the concept of an FEL at MAX IV. We will report on the paths to FEL performance based on the 3 GeV injector, FEL design considerations, the scientific preparation of the project, the linac commissioning and the strategy and priorities.  
TUP081 Configuration and Status of the Israeli THz Free Electron Laser 553
  • A. Friedman, N. Balal, V.L. Bratman, E. Dyunin, Yu. Lurie, E. Magori
    Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
  • A. Gover
    University of Tel-Aviv, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  Funding: This project is funded in part by Israel Ministry of Defense.
A THz FEL is being built in Ariel University. This project is a collaboration between Ariel University, and Tel Aviv University. Upon completion it is intended to become a user facility. The FEL is based on a compact photo cathode gun (60 cm) that will generate an electron beam at energies of 4.5 - 6.5 MeV. The pulses are planned to be of 300 pico Coulomb for a single pulse, and of up to 1.5 nano Coulomb for a train of pulses. The FEL is designed to emit radiation between 1 and 5 THz. It is planned to operate in the super radiance regime. The configuration of the entire system will be presented, as well as theoretical and numerical results for the anticipated output of the FEL, which is in excess of 150 KW instantaneous power. The bunching of the electron bean will be achieved by mixing two laser beams on the photo-cathode. The compression of the beam will be achieved be introducing an energy chierp to the beam and passing it through a helical chicane. We plan on compressing the single pulse to less than 150 femto seconds. The status of the project at the time of the conference will be presented.
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TUP082 Coherent Harmonic Generation at the DELTA Storage Ring: Towards User Operation 556
  • A. Meyer auf der Heide, S. Hilbrich, H. Huck, M. Huck, M. Höner, S. Khan, C. Mai, R. Molo, H. Rast, A. Schick, P. Ungelenk
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by DFG, BMBF, FZ Jülich, and by the Land NRW.
At DELTA, a 1.5-GeV synchrotron light source at the TU Dortmund University, a short-pulse facility based on Coherent Harmonic Generation (CHG) is in operation and shall soon be used for pump-probe experiments. Due to the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with electron bunches in an undulator, CHG provides short and coherent pulses at harmonics of the laser wavelength. In this paper, recent progress towards user operation, pulse characterization studies such as transverse and longitudinal coherence measurements as well as CHG in the presence of an RF phase modulation are presented.
TUP083 ALPHA – The THz Radiation Source based on AREAL 561
  • T.L. Vardanyan, G.A. Amatuni, V.S. Avagyan, A. Grigoryan, B. Grigoryan, M. Ivanyan, V.G. Khachatryan, V.H. Petrosyan, V. Sahakyan, A. Sargsyan, A.V. Tsakanian, V.M. Tsakanov, A. Vardanyan, G.S. Zanyan
    CANDLE SRI, Yerevan, Armenia
  Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory (AREAL) based on photo cathode RF gun is under construction at the CANDLE. The basic aim of this new facility is to generate sub-picosecond duration electron bunches with an extremely small beam emittance and energies up to 50 MeV. One of the promising directions of the facility development is the creation of ALPHA (Amplified Light Pulse for High-end Applications) experimental stations with coherent radiation source in THz region based on the concept of both conventional undulator and novel radiation sources. The status of the AREAL facility, the main features and outlooks for the ALPHA station are presented in this work.  
Laser-Plasma Acceleration in Hamburg  
  • A.R. Maier
    CFEL, Hamburg, Germany
  Plasma-based accelerators promise ultra-compact sources of highly relativistic electron beams, especially suited for driving novel x-ray light sources. The stability and reproducability of laser-plasma generated beams however, is still not comparable to conventional machines. Within the LAOLA Collaboration, the University of Hamburg and DESY work closely together to combine university research with the expertise of a large and well-established accelerator facility. We will discuss the experimental programm and plasma-related activities in Hamburg, with a special focus on the recently commissioned 200 TW laser ANGUS. Integrated in the REGAE facility, it drives two beamlines to study external injection of electron into a plasma stage, as well as plasma-driven undulator radiation. present the recently commissioned 200 TW laser ANGUS and the experimental program in Hamburg. One of the pilot applications of a plasma accelerator is a compact FEL. As an outlook, I will discuss the concepts and experimental strategies towards a first proof-of-concept FEL experiment using plasma-driven electron beam available today.
on behalf of the LAOLA Collaboration
TUP085 FERMI Status Report 564
  • M. Svandrlik, E. Allaria, F. Bencivenga, C. Callegari, F. Capotondi, D. Castronovo, P. Cinquegrana, M. Coreno, R. Cucini, I. Cudin, G. D'Auria, M.B. Danailov, R. De Monte, G. De Ninno, P. Delgiusto, A.A. Demidovich, S. Di Mitri, B. Diviacco, A. Fabris, R. Fabris, W.M. Fawley, M. Ferianis, E. Ferrari, P. Finetti, L. Fröhlich, P. Furlan Radivo, G. Gaio, D. Gauthier, F. Gelmetti, L. Giannessi, M. Kiskinova, S. Krecic, M. Lonza, N. Mahne, C. Masciovecchio, M. Milloch, F. Parmigiani, G. Penco, L. Pivetta, O. Plekan, M. Predonzani, E. Principi, L. Raimondi, P. Rebernik Ribič, F. Rossi, L. Rumiz, C. Scafuri, C. Serpico, P. Sigalotti, C. Spezzani, C. Svetina, M. Trovò, A. Vascotto, M. Veronese, R. Visintini, D. Zangrando, M. Zangrando
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  FERMI, the seeded FEL located at the Elettra laboratory in Trieste, Italy, is now in regular operation for users with its first FEL line, FEL-1, which covers the wavelength range between 100 and 20 nm. We will give an overview of the typical operating modes of the facility for users and we will report on the status of beamlines and experimental stations. Three beamlines are now opened for users, three more are in construction. Meanwhile, the second FEL line of FERMI, FEL-2, a HGHG double stage cascade covering the wavelength range 20 to 4 nm is still under commissioning; we will report on the latest results in particular at the shortest wavelength, 4 nm in the fundamental.  
TUP087 The Status of LUNEX5 Project 574
  • M.-E. Couprie, C. Benabderrahmane, P. Berteaud, C. Bourassin-Bouchet, F. Bouvet, F. Briquez, L. Cassinari, L. Chapuis, J. Daillant, M. Diop, M.E. El Ajjouri, C. Herbeaux, N. Hubert, M. Labat, P. Lebasque, A. Lestrade, A. Loulergue, P. Marchand, O. Marcouillé, J.L. Marlats, C. Miron, P. Morin, A. Nadji, F. Polack, F. Ribeiro, J.P. Ricaud, P. Roy, K. Tavakoli, M. Valléau, D. Zerbib
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • S. Bielawski
    PhLAM/CERCLA, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France
  • B. Carré, D. Garzella
    CEA/DSM/DRECAM/SPAM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • X. Davoine
    CEA/DAM/DIF, Arpajon, France
  • N. Delerue
    LAL, Orsay, France
  • G. Devanz, A. Mosnier
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • A. Dubois, J. Lüning
    CCPMR, Paris, France
  • C. Evain, E. Roussel, C. Szwaj
    PhLAM/CERLA, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
  • G. Lambert, R. Lehé, V. Malka, A. Rousse, C. Thaury
    LOA, Palaiseau, France
  • C. Madec
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  LUNEX5 (free electron Laser Using a New accelerator for the Exploitation of X-ray radiation of 5th generation) aims at investigating the production of short, intense, coherent Free Electron Laser (FEL) pulses in the 40-4 nm spectral range. It comprises a 400 MeV superconducting Linear Accelerator for high repetition rate operation (10 kHz), multi-FEL lines and adapted for studies of advanced FEL schemes, a 0.4 - 1 GeV Laser Wake Field Accelerator (LWFA) for its qualification by a FEL application, a single undulator line enabling seeding with High order Harmonic in Gas and echo configurations and pilot user applications. Concerning the superconducting linac, the electron beam dynamics has been modified from a scheme using a third harmonic linearizer and a compression chicane to dog-leg coupled to sextupoles. Besides, the choice of the gun is under revision for fulfilling to 10 kHz repetition rate. Following transport theoretical studies of longitudinal and transverse manipulation of a LWFA electron beam enabling to provide theoretical amplification, a test experiment is under preparation in collaboration with the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée towards an experimental demonstration.  
TUP088 Free Electron Lasers in 2014 580
  • J. Blau, K. R. Cohn, W.B. Colson, W.W. Tomlinson
    NPS, Monterey, California, USA
  Funding: This work has been supported by the Office of Naval Research and the High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office.
Thirty-eight years after the first operation of the short wavelength free electron laser (FEL) at Stanford University, there continue to be many important experiments, proposed experiments, and user facilities around the world. Properties of FELs in the infrared, visible, UV, and x-ray wavelength regimes are tabulated and discussed.
TUP089 The Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory in Ankara (TARLA) Project 585
  • A.A. Aksoy, Ö. Karslı, Ç. Kaya, Ö. Yavaş
    Ankara University, Accelerator Technologies Institute, Golbasi / Ankara, Turkey
  • P. Arıkan
    Gazi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey
  • S. Özkorucuklu
    Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
  Funding: Work is supported by Ministry of Development of Turkey with Grand No: DPT2006K-120470
The Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory in Ankara (TARLA) which is proposed as a first facility of Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project will operate two Infra-Red Free Electron Lasers (IR-FEL) covering the range of 3-250 microns. The facility will consist of an injector fed by a thermionic triode gun with two-stage RF bunch compression, two superconducting accelerating modules operating at continuous wave (CW) mode and two independent optical resonator systems with different undulator period lengths. The electron beam will also be used to generate Bremsstrahlung radiation. The facility aims to be first user laboratory in the region of Turkey in which both electromagnetic radiation and particles will be used. In this paper, we discuss design goals of the project and present status and road map of the project.
TUP091 Developments in the CLARA FEL Test Facility Accelerator Design and Simulations 589
  • P.H. Williams, D. Angal-Kalinin, A.D. Brynes, J.K. Jones, B.P.M. Liggins, J.W. McKenzie, B.L. Militsyn
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • S. Spampinati
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  We present recent developments in the accelerator design of CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications), the proposed UK FEL test facility at Daresbury Laboratory. These comprise a revised front-end to ensure integration with the existing VELA line, simulations of a magnetically compressed ultra-short mode and a post-FEL diagnostics section. We also present first considerations on the inclusion of final acceleration using X-band structures.  
TUP093 A Beam Test of Corrugated Structure for Passive Linearizer 593
  • H.-S. Kang, J.H. Hong
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
  A dechirper which is a vacuum chamber of two corrugated, metallic plates with adjustable gap was successfully tested at Pohang, in August 2013. Another beam test was carried out to test the same structure to see if the corrugated plates may work as a linearizer. The test result will be presented together with the simulation result.  
TUP095 Design of a Compact Light Source Accelerator Facility at IUAC, Delhi 596
  • S. Ghosh, R.K. Bhandari, G.K. Chaudhari, D. Kanjilal, J. Karmakar, N. Kumar, A. Pandey, P. Patra, A. Rai, B.K. Sahu
    IUAC, New Delhi, India
  • A.S. Aryshev, J. Urakawa
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • A. Deshpande, T.S. Dixit
    SAMEER, Mumbai, India
  • V. Naik, A. Roy
    VECC, Kolkata, India
  Funding: * The project is supported jointly by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences and Inter University Accelerator Center
The demand for a light source with high brightness and short pulse length from the researchers in the field of physical, chemical, biological and medical sciences is growing in India. To cater to the experimental needs of multidisciplinary sciences, a project to develop a compact Light Source at Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) has been taken up. In the first phase of the project, prebunched [1] electron beam of ~ 8 MeV will be produced by a photocathode RF gun and coherent THz radiation will be produced by a short undulator magnet. In the second phase, the energy of the electron beam will be increased up to 50 MeV by two sets of superconducting niobium resonators. The coherent IR radiation will be produced by using an undulator magnet (conventional method) and X-rays by Inverse Compton Scattering. To increase the average brightness of the electromagnetic radiation, fabrication of superconducting RF gun is going to be started in a parallel development. In this paper the detailed design of the LSI accelerator complex as well as construction timetable will be presented. The physical principles of THz generation and major accelerator subsystems will be discussed.
[1] S. Liu & J.Urakawa, Proc. of FEL 2011, page-92
The LCLS-II, a New FEL Facility at SLAC  
  • T.O. Raubenheimer
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: This work supported under DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The LCLS-II is a new FEL facility at SLAC based on the existing LCLS-I and a new CW superconducting RF linac. Using two undulators, the LCLS-II will generate X-rays between 0.2 and 5 keV at rates up to 1 MHz and X-rays as high as 25 keV at 120 Hz. The SCRF linac will have an rf frequency of 1.3 GHz and is based heavily on the technology developed for the EuFEL and the International Linear Collider. The facility is being constructed by a collaboration consisting of SLAC, LBNL, Jefferson Lab, Fermilab and Cornell University. This talk will describe the LCLS-II layout and expected performance along with the major challenges.
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WEB02 Beam Operation of the PAL-XFEL Injector Test Facility 615
  • J.H. Han, S.Y. Baek, M.S. Chae, H. J. Choi, T. Ha, J.H. Hong, J. Hu, W.H. Hwang, S.H. Jung, H.-S. Kang, C. Kim, C.H. Kim, I.Y. Kim, J.M. Kim, S.H. Kim, I.S. Ko, H.-S. Lee, J. Lee, S.J. Lee, W.W. Lee, C.-K. Min, G. Mun, D.H. Na, S.S. Park, S.J. Park, Y.J. Park, Y.G. Son, H. Yang
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
  The Pohang Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free electron Laser (PAL-XFEL) project was launched in 2011. This project aims at the generation of X-ray FEL radiation in a range of 0.1 to 10 nm for photon users with a bunch repetition rate of 60 Hz. The machine consists of a 10 GeV normal conducting S-band linear accelerator and five undulator beamlines. The linac and two undulator beamlines will be constructed by the end of 2015 and first FEL radiation is expected in 2016. As a part of preparation for the project, an Injector Test Facility was constructed in 2012. Since December 2012, beam commissioning is being carried out to find optimum operating conditions and to test accelerator components including RF, laser, diagnostics, magnet, vacuum and control. We present the status of beam commissioning and components tests at the test facility.  
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WEB03 European XFEL Construction Status 623
  • W. Decking
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • F. Le Pimpec
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL is presently constructed in the Hamburg region, Germany. It aims at producing X-rays in the range from 260 eV up to 24 keV out of three undulators that can be operated simultaneously with up to 27000 pulses/second. The FEL is driven by a 17.5 GeV linear accelerator based on TESLA-type superconducting accelerator modules. This paper presents the status of major components, the present project schedule and a summary of beam parameters that are adapted to the evolving needs of the users.  
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WEB04 The New IR FEL Facility at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin 629
  • W. Schöllkopf, W. Erlebach, S. Gewinner, H. Junkes, A. Liedke, G. Meijer, A. Paarmann, G. von Helden
    FHI, Berlin, Germany
  • H. Bluem, D. Dowell, R. Lange, J. Rathke, A.M.M. Todd, L.M. Young
    AES, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • S.C. Gottschalk
    STI, Washington, USA
  • U. Lehnert, P. Michel, W. Seidel, R. Wünsch
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  A mid-infrared oscillator FEL has been commissioned at the Fritz-Haber-Institut. The accelerator consists of a thermionic gridded gun, a subharmonic buncher and two S-band standing-wave copper structures [1,2]. It provides a final electron energy adjustable from 15 to 50 MeV, low longitudinal (<50 keV-ps) and transverse emittance (<20 π mm-mrad), at more than 200 pC bunch charge with a micro-pulse repetition rate of 1 GHz and a macro-pulse length of up to 15 μs. Regular user operation started in Nov. 2013 with 6 user stations. Pulsed radiation with up to 100 mJ macro-pulse energy at about 0.5% FWHM bandwidth is routinely produced in the wavelength range from 4 to 48 μm. We will describe the FEL design and its performance as determined by IR power, bandwidth, and micro-pulse length measurements. Further, an overview of the new FHI FEL facility and first user results will be given. The latter include, for instance, spectroscopy of bio-molecules (peptides and small proteins) conformer selected or embedded in superfluid helium nano-droplets at 0.4 K, as well as vibrational spectroscopy of mass-selected metal-oxide clusters and protonated water clusters in the gas phase.
[1] W. Schöllkopf et al., MOOB01, Proc. FEL 2012.
[2] W. Schöllkopf et al., WEPSO62, Proc. FEL 2013.
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WEB05 FLASH: First Soft X-ray FEL Operating Two Undulator Beamlines Simultaneously 635
  • K. Honkavaara, B. Faatz, J. Feldhaus, S. Schreiber, R. Treusch, M. Vogt
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  FLASH, the free electron laser user facility at DESY (Hamburg, Germany), has been upgraded with a second undulator beamline FLASH2. After a shutdown to connect FLASH2 to the FLASH linac, FLASH1 is back in user operation since February 2014. Installation of the FLASH2 electron beamline has been completed early 2014, and the first electron beam was transported into the new beamline in March 2014. The commissioning of FLASH2 takes place in 2014 parallel to FLASH1 user operation. This paper reports the status of the FLASH facility, and the first experience of operating two FEL beamlines.  
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Introduction to the Paul Scherrer Institut Visit  
  • H.-H. Braun
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research centre for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. The tour will consist in visiting three main sites of PSI: the Swiss Light Source (SLS), the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility (SITF) and the SwissFEL construction site. The latest being only a vista point on the on-going construction which is reached after a short walk through the forest. The lab visit will be followed by a Swiss evening at PSI where you will discover different cultural and culinary aspects of Switzerland.  
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