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TUPIK071 |
The Novel Implementation of the Orbit Correction Algorithm for Solaris Storage Ring |
storage-ring, controls, synchrotron, radiation |
1861 |
- P. Sagało, L.J. Dudek, A. Kisiel, G.W. Kowalski, A.I. Wawrzyniak
Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
- P.P. Goryl
3controls, Kraków, Poland
The storage ring which is located in the National Synchrotron Radiation Center SOLARIS works under the TANGO control system. So far the correction of an electron beam orbit has been performed with an algorithm implemented in the Matlab Middle Layer (MML). To ensure consistency of the correction process with the entire control system, a new implementation of this algorithm has been developed. The algorithm of orbit correction based on SVD has been implemented as a TANGO Device, which is one of the fundamental blocks used in the Tango control system. The entire code has been written in the Python.
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THPAB140 |
MAX IV Online Linac Model |
linac, GUI, simulation, controls |
4047 |
- L. Isaksson, E. Mansten, S. Thorin
MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
An online linac model has been developed at MAX IV in order to enable a calculation of the properties of the linac beam based on the actual settings of the magnetic elements. The model is based on the Elegant simulation code and uses the design linac lattice file. A set of Matlab scripts fetch the actual settings of all elements via the Tango control system, pass these values on to Elegant and run the simulation. The model includes an optimization option for yielding desired beta- and alpha-function values at various points along the linac by calculating optimal settings for chosen elements.
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