Author: Hsu, K.T.
Paper Title Page
MOPKN013 Image Acquisition and Analysis for Beam Diagnostics Applications of the Taiwan Photon Source 117
  • C.Y. Liao, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  De­sign and im­ple­men­ta­tion of image ac­qui­si­tion and anal­y­sis is in pro­ceed­ing for the Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) di­ag­nos­tic ap­pli­ca­tions. The op­ti­cal sys­tem con­tains screen, lens, and light­ing sys­tem. A CCD cam­era with Gi­ga­bit Eth­er­net in­ter­face (GigE Vi­sion) will be a stan­dard image ac­qui­si­tion de­vice. Image ac­qui­si­tion will be done on EPICS IOC via PV chan­nel and anal­y­sis the prop­er­ties by using Mat­lab tool to eval­u­ate the beam pro­file (σ), beam size po­si­tion and tilt angle et al. The EPICS IOC in­te­grat­ed with Mat­lab as a data pro­cess­ing sys­tem is not only could be used in image anal­y­sis but also in many types of equip­ment data pro­cess­ing ap­pli­ca­tions. Progress of the pro­ject will be sum­ma­rized in this re­port.  
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MOPKS022 BPM System And Orbit Feedback System Deisgn For the Taiwan Photon Source 207
  • C.H. Kuo, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV syn­chrotron light source which is in con­struc­tion at NSRRC. Lat­est gen­er­a­tion BPM elec­tron­ics with FPGA en­hanced func­tion­al­i­ty of cur­rent gen­er­a­tion prod­ucts was adopt­ed. The pro­to­type is under test­ing. To achieve its de­sign goal of the TPS and elim­i­nate beam mo­tions due to var­i­ous per­tur­ba­tion sources, orbit feed­back is de­signed with in­te­gra­tion of BPM and cor­rec­tor con­trol sys­tem . The de­sign and im­ple­men­ta­tion of the BPM sys­tem will be sum­ma­rized in this re­port.  
MOPMN023 Preliminary Design and Integration of EPICS Operation Interface for the Taiwan Photon Source 292
  • Y.-S. Cheng, J. Chen, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The TPS (Tai­wan Pho­ton Source) is the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of 3 GeV syn­chrotron light source which has been in con­struc­tion since 2010. The EPICS frame­work is adopt­ed as con­trol sys­tem in­fras­truc­ture for the TPS. The EPICS IOCs (Input Out­put Con­troller) and var­i­ous database records have been grad­u­al­ly im­ple­ment­ed to con­trol and mon­i­tor each sub­sys­tem of TPS. The sub­sys­tem in­cludes tim­ing, power sup­ply, mo­tion con­troller, mis­cel­la­neous Eth­er­net-com­pli­ant de­vices etc. Through EPICS PVs (Pro­cess Vari­ables) chan­nel ac­cess, re­mote ac­cess I/O data via Eth­er­net in­ter­face can be ob­served by the use­able graph­i­cal toolk­its, such as the EDM (Ex­ten­si­ble Dis­play Man­ag­er) and MAT­LAB. The op­er­a­tion in­ter­face main­ly in­cludes the func­tion of set­ting, read­ing, save, re­store and etc. In­te­gra­tion of op­er­a­tion in­ter­faces will de­pend upon prop­er­ties of each sub­sys­tem. In ad­di­tion, the cen­tral­ized man­age­ment method is uti­lized to serve every client from file servers in order to main­tain con­sis­tent ver­sions of re­lat­ed EPICS files. The ef­forts will be sum­ma­rized in this re­port.  
MOPMU002 Progress of the TPS Control System Development 425
  • J. Chen, Y.-T. Chang, Y.K. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, S.Y. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao, Y.R. Pan, C.-J. Wang, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) is a low-emit­tance 3-GeV syn­chrotron light source which is in con­struc­tion on the Na­tion­al Syn­chrotron Ra­di­a­tion Re­search Cen­ter (NSRRC) cam­pus. The con­trol sys­tem for the TPS is based upon EPICS frame­work. The stan­dard hard­ware and soft­ware com­po­nents have been de­fined. The pro­to­type of var­i­ous sub­sys­tems is on going. The event based tim­ing sys­tem has been adopt­ed. The power sup­ply con­trol in­ter­face ac­com­pa­nied with orbit feed­back sup­port have also been de­fined. The ma­chine pro­tec­tion sys­tem is in de­sign phase. In­te­gra­tion with the lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor sys­tem which are in­stalled and com­mis­sioned at tem­po­rary site for ac­cep­tance test has al­ready been done. The in­ter­face to var­i­ous sys­tems is still on going. The in­fras­truc­tures of high level and low level soft­ware are on going. Progress will be sum­ma­rized in the re­port.  
WEPMN030 Power Supply Control Interface for the Taiwan Photon Source 950
  • C.Y. Wu, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao, K.-B. Liu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) is a lat­est gen­er­a­tion syn­chrotron light source. Strin­gent power sup­ply spec­i­fi­ca­tions should be met to achieve de­sign goals of the TPS. High pre­ci­sion power sup­ply equipped with 20, 18, and 16 bits DAC for the stor­age ring dipole, quadrupole, and sex­tupole are equipped with Eth­er­net in­ter­faces. Con­trol in­ter­face in­clude basic func­tion­al­i­ty and some ad­vanced fea­tures which are use­ful for per­for­mance mon­i­tor­ing and post-mortem di­ag­nos­tics. Power sup­ply of these cat­e­gories can be ac­cessed by EPICS IOCs. The cor­rec­tor power sup­plies' con­trol in­ter­face is a spe­cial­ly de­signed em­bed­ded in­ter­face mod­ule which will be mount­ed on the cor­rec­tor power sup­ply cages to achieve re­quired per­for­mance. The set­ting ref­er­ence of the cor­rec­tor power sup­ply is gen­er­at­ed by 20 bits DAC and read­back is done by 24 bits ADC. The in­ter­face mod­ule has em­bed­ded EPICS IOC for slow con­trol. Fast set­ting ports are also sup­port­ed by the in­ter­nal FPGA for orbit feed­back sup­ports.  
WEPMS013 Timing System of the Taiwan Photon Source 999
  • C.Y. Wu, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The tim­ing sys­tem of the Tai­wan Pho­ton Source pro­vides syn­chro­niza­tion for elec­tron gun, mod­u­la­tors of linac, pulse mag­net power sup­plies, boost­er power sup­ply ramp, buck­et ad­dress­ing of stor­age ring, di­ag­nos­tic equip­ments, beam­line gat­ing sig­nal for top-up in­jec­tion. The sys­tem is based on an event dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tem that broad­casts the tim­ing events over a optic fiber net­work, and de­codes and pro­cess­es them at the tim­ing event re­ceivers. The sys­tem sup­ports up­link func­tion­al­i­ty which will be used for the fast in­ter­lock sys­tem to dis­tribute sig­nals like beam dump and post-mortem trig­ger with 10 μsec re­sponse time. The hard­ware of the event sys­tem is a new de­sign that is based on 6U Com­pact­P­CI form fac­tor. This paper de­scribes the tech­ni­cal so­lu­tion, the func­tion­al­i­ty of the sys­tem and some ap­pli­ca­tions that are based on the tim­ing sys­tem.  
WEPMU034 Infrastructure of Taiwan Photon Source Control Network 1145
  • Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu, S.Y. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  A re­li­able, flex­i­ble and se­cure net­work is es­sen­tial for the Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) con­trol sys­tem which is based upon the EPICS toolk­it frame­work. Sub­sys­tem sub­nets will con­nect to con­trol sys­tem via EPICS based CA gate­ways for for­ward­ing data and re­duc­ing net­work traf­fic. Com­bin­ing cyber se­cu­ri­ty tech­nolo­gies such as fire­wall, NAT and VLAN, con­trol net­work is iso­lat­ed to pro­tect IOCs and ac­cel­er­a­tor com­po­nents. Net­work man­age­ment tools are used to im­prove net­work per­for­mance. Re­mote ac­cess mech­a­nism will be con­struct­ed for main­te­nance and trou­bleshoot­ing. The Eth­er­net is also used as field­bus for in­stru­ments such as power sup­plies. This paper will de­scribe the sys­tem ar­chi­tec­ture for the TPS con­trol net­work. Ca­bling topol­o­gy, re­dun­dan­cy and main­tain­abil­i­ty are also dis­cussed.