Paper | Title | Page |
MOP001 | Diamond Double-Crystal System for a Forward Bragg Diffraction X-Ray Monochromator of the Self-Seeded PAL XFEL | 29 |
An x-ray monochromator for a hard x-ray self-seeding system is planned at PAL XFEL to be used in a 3-keV to 10-keV photon spectral range. The monochromatization in a 5 keV to 7 keV range will be achieved by forward Bragg diffraction (FBD) from a 30-micron-thin diamond crystal in the [110] orientation employing the (220) symmetric Bragg reflection. FBD from the same crystal using the (111) asymmetric Bragg reflection will provide monochromatization in a 3 keV to 5 keV spectral range. In the 7-keV to 10-keV spectral range, a 100-micron crystal in the [100] orientation will be used employing FBD with the (400) symmetric Bragg reflection. Two almost defect-free diamond crystals in the required orientations and thicknesses are mounted in a strain-free mechanically-stable fashion on a common CVD diamond substrate using all-diamond components, ensuring radiation-safe XFEL operations with improved heat transport. We will present results of the optical and engineering designs, manufacturing, and x-ray diffraction topography characterization of the diamond double-crystal system. | ||
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MOP003 | Concept for a Seeded FEL at FLASH2 | 34 |
The free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH is a user facility delivering photon pulses down to 4 nm wavelength. Recently, the second FEL undulator beamline 'FLASH2' was added to the facility. Operating in self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) mode, the exponential amplification process is initiated by shot noise of the electron bunch resulting in photon pulses of limited temporal coherence. In seeded FELs, the FEL process is initiated by coherent seed radiation, improving the longitudinal coherence of the generated photon pulses. The conceptual design of a possible seeding option for the FLASH2 beamline envisages the installation of the hardware needed for high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) seeding upstream of the already existing undulator system. In this contribution, we present the beamline design and numerical simulations of the seeded FEL. | ||
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MOP005 | FEL Pulse Shortening by Superradiance at FERMI | 38 |
Explorations of saturated superradiant regime is one of the methods that could be used to reduce the duration of the pulses delivered by FERMI. Here we present simulation studies that show the possible application of a superradiant cascade leading to a minimum pulse duration below 8 fs and to a peak power exceeding the GW level in both FEL lines FEL-1 and FEL-2. | ||
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MOP008 | Status of the Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding Project at the European XFEL | 42 |
A Hard X-ray Self-Seeding setup is currently under realization at the European XFEL, and will be ready for installation in 2018. The setup consists of two single-crystal monochromators that will be installed at the SASE2 undulator line. In this contribution, after a short summary of the physical principles and of the design, we will discuss the present status of the project including both electron beam and X-ray optics hardware. We will also briefly discuss the expected performance of the setup, which is expected to produce nearly Fourier-limited pulses of X-ray radiation with increased brightness compared to the baseline of the European XFEL, as well as possible complementary uses of the two electron chicanes. | ||
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Poster MOP008 [2.445 MB] | |
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MOP010 | Constraints on Pulse Duration Produced by Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation | 46 |
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and DE-AC02-76SF00515. Echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) is well-suited for producing long, coherent pulses at high harmonics of seeding lasers. There have also been schemes proposed to adapt EEHG to output extremely short, sub-fs pulses by beam manipulations or through extremely short seed lasers, but the photon flux is generally lower than that produced by other schemes. For the standard EEHG layout, it is still interesting to consider different parameter regimes and evaluate how short a pulse can be generated. EEHG at high harmonics uses a large dispersive chicane which can change the relative distance of electrons by substantial distances, even longer than a typical FEL coherence length. We evaluate the ability to produce short pulses (in the femtosecond to 10-fs range) using a combination of theory and simulations. |
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Poster MOP010 [0.451 MB] | |
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MOP011 | Strongly Tapered Undulator Design for High Efficiency and High Gain Amplification at 266 nm | 49 |
Tapering Enhanced Stimulated Superradiant Amplification (TESSA) is a scheme developed at UCLA to increase efficiency of Free Electron Laser (FEL) light from less than 0.1% to above 10% using strongly tapered undulators and prebunched electron beams. Initial results validating this method have already been obtained at 10-um wavelength at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In this paper we will discuss the design of an experiment to demonstrate the TESSA scheme at high gain and shorter wavelength (266 nm) using the Linac Extension Area (LEA) beamline at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to obtain conversion efficiencies around 10% depending on the length of the tapered undulator (up to 4m). | ||
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MOP013 | Hundred-Gigawatt X-Ray Self-Seeded High-Gain Harmonic Generation | 53 |
Self-seeded high-gain harmonic generation is a possible way to extend the wavelength of a soft x-ray free-electron laser (FEL). We have carried out simulation study on harmonic generation within the photon energy range from 2 keV to 4.5 keV, which is difficult to achieve due to a lack of monochromator materials. In this work, we demonstrate the third harmonic FEL with the fundamental wavelength at 1.52 nm. Our results shows that, by using undulator tapering technique, sub-terawatt narrow-bandwidth FEL output can be obtained. | ||
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MOP014 | Harmonic Lasing Towards Shorter Wavelengths in Soft X-Ray Self-Seeding FELs | 57 |
In this paper, we study a simple harmonic lasing scheme to extend the wavelength of X-ray self-seeding FELs. The self-seeding amplifier is comprised of two stages. In the first stage, the fundamental radiation is amplified but well restricted below saturation, and simultaneously harmonic radiation is generated. In the second stage, the fundamental radiation is suppressed while the harmonic radiation is amplified to saturation. We performed a start-to-end simulation to demonstrate third harmonic lasing in a soft x-ray self-seeding FEL at the fundamental wavelength of 1.52 nm. Our simulations show that a stable narrow-band FEL at GW levels can be obtained. | ||
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MOP016 | Comparing FEL Codes for Advanced Configurations | 60 |
Various FEL codes employ different approximations and strategies to model the FEL radiation generation process. Many codes perform averaging procedures over various length scales in order to simplify the underlying dynamics. As FELs are developed in more advanced configurations beyond simple SASE, the assumptions of some codes may be called into question. We compare the unaveraged code Puffin to averaged FEL codes including a new version of GENESIS in a variety of situations. In particular, we study a harmonic lasing setup, a High-Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) configuration modeled after the FERMI setup, and a potential Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation (EEHG) configuration also at FERMI. We find the codes are in good agreement, although small discrepancies do exist. | ||
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MOP017 | Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation Results with Energy Chirp | 64 |
We report here on several experimental results from the NLCTA at SLAC involving chirped Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation (EEHG) beams. We directly observe the sensitivity of the different n EEHG modes to a linear beam chirp. This differential sensitivity results in a multi-color EEHG signal which can be fine tuned through the EEHG parameters and beam chirp. We also generate a beam which, due to a timing delay between the two seed lasers, contains both regions of EEHG and High-Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) bunching. The two regions are clearly separated on the resulting radiation spectrum due to a linear energy chirp, and one can simultaneously monitor their sensitivities. | ||
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MOP018 | Distributed Self-Seeding Scheme for LCLS-II | 68 |
Funding: The work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program grant FWP-2013-SLAC-100164. Self-seeding is a successful approach for generating high-brightness x-ray free electron laser (XFEL). A single-crystal monochromator in-between the undulator sections to generate a coherent seed is adopted in LCLS. However, for a high-repetition rate machine like LCLS-II, the crystal monochromator in current setup cannot sustain the high average power; hence a distributed self-seeding scheme utilizing multi-stages is necessary. Based on the criteria set on the crystal, the maximum allowed x-ray energy deposited in the crystal will determine the machine configuration for such a distributed self-seeding scheme. In this paper, a distributed self-seeding configuration is optimized for LCLS-II type projects in the hard x-ray FEL energy regime. The study is carried out based on numerical simulation. |
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MOP019 | Transient Thermal Stress Wave Analysis of a Thin Diamond Crystal Under Laser Heat Load | 72 |
Funding: The work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program grant FWP-2013-SLAC-100164. When a laser pulse impinges on a thin crystal, energy is deposited resulting in an instantaneous temperature surge in the local volume and emission of stress waves. In the present work, we perform a transient thermal stress wave analysis of a diamond layer 200 μm thick in the low energy deposition per pulse regime. The layer thickness and laser spot size are comparable. The analysis reveals the characteristic non-planar stress wave propagation. The stress wave emission lasts by hundreds of nanoseconds, at a time scale relevant to the high-repetition-rate FELs at the megahertz range. The kinetic energy converted from the thermal strain energy is calculated, which may be important to estimate the vibrational amplitude of the thin crystal when excited under repeated heat loads. The transient heat transfer plays an important role in draining the mechanical energy during the dynamic wave emission process. |
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MOP020 | Sideband Instability in a Tapered Free Electron Laser | 76 |
Funding: The work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program grant FWP-2013-SLAC-100164. For a high-gain tapered free electron laser (FEL), it is known that there is a so-called second saturation point where the FEL power growth stops. Sideband instability is one of the major reasons leading to this second-saturation and thus prevents reaching terawatt-level power output in an X-ray FEL. It is believed that a strong taper can effectively suppress the sideband instability and further improve the efficiency and peak power. In this paper, we give quantitative analysis on the necessary taper gradient to minimize the sideband growth. We also discuss the transverse effects of induced electron de-trapping which is yet another major reason for the occurrence of the second-saturation point even with a strong enough taper. The study is carried out analytically together with numerical simulation. The numerical parameters are taken from LCLS-II type electron bunch and undulator system. |
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MOP021 | Sideband Suppression in Tapered Free Electron Lasers | 80 |
Funding: The work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program grant FWP-2013-SLAC-100164. It is known that in a high-gain tapered free electron laser, there is the so-called second saturation point where the FEL power ceases to grow. Sideband instability is one of the major reasons causing this second saturation. Electron synchrotron oscillation coupling to the wideband SASE radiation leads to the appearance of sidebands in the FEL spectrum, and is believed to prevent a self-seeding tapered FEL from reaching very high peak power. A strong seed together with a fresh electron bunch or a fresh slice in conjunction with strong tapering of undulators can effectively suppress the sideband instability. In this paper, we give quantitative analysis on the necessary seed power as well as undulator tapering to minimize the sideband effects. The study is carried out semi-analytically together with numerical simulation. The machine and electron bunch parameters are chosen as those of PAL-XFEL and LCLS-II. |
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MOP023 | Two-Color Soft X-Ray Generation at the SXFEL User Facility Based on the EEHG Scheme | 84 |
We study the two-color soft x-ray generation at the Shanghai soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL) user facility based on the echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) scheme. Using the twin-pulse seed laser with different central wavelengths, an preliminary simulation result indicates that two-color soft x-ray FEL radiation with wavelengths at 8.890 nm and 8.917 nm can be obtained from the ultraviolet seed laser. The radiation power is about 600 MW and the time delay is adjustable. | ||
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MOP024 | Simulation and Optimization for Soft X-Ray Self-Seeding at SXFEL User Facility | 87 |
The simulation and optimization studies for the soft x-ray self-seeding experiment at SXFEL have been presented in this paper. Some critical physical problems have been intensively studied to help us obtain a more stable output and a clearer spectrum. The monochromator is optimized considering various unideal conditions such as the reflection rate, diffraction rate and the roughness of the grating and the mirrors. An integrated self-seeding simulation is also presented. The calculation and simulation results show that the properties of the self-seeding can be significantly improved by using the optimized design of the whole system and the evaluation of grating monochromator shows that the presented design is reliable for soft x-ray self-seeding experiment at SXFEL. | ||
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MOP026 | Study of an Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation Scheme for the French FEL Project LUNEX5 | 91 |
In the French LUNEX5 project (Laser à électrons libres Utilisant un Nouvel accélérateur pour l'exploitation du rayonnement X de 5ème génération), a compact advanced free-electron laser (FEL) is driven by either a superconducting linac or a laser-plasma accelerator that can deliver a 400-MeV electron beam. LUNEX5 aims to produce FEL radiation in the ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range. To improve the longitudinal coherence of the FEL pulses and reduce the gain length, it will operate in Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation (EEHG) seeding configuration. EEHG is a strongly nonlinear harmonic up-conversion process based on a two-seed laser interaction that enables to reach very high harmonics of the seed laser. Recent experimental demonstration of ECHO-75, starting from an infrared seed laser, was recently achieved at SLAC and is opened the way for EEHG scheme in the EUV and soft x-ray range. Furthermore, FELs are promising candidates for the next generation of lithography technology using EUV light. In this work, we report a preliminary study of EEHG scheme for LUNEX5 in order to reach the target wavelength of 13.5 nm, currently expected for application to lithography. | ||
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MOP027 | Seeding of Electron Bunches in Storage Rings | 94 |
Funding: Funded by BMBF (05K16PEA), MERCUR (Pr-2014-0047), DFG (INST 212/236-1 FUGG) and the Land NRW. Seeding schemes for free-electron lasers (FELs) can be adopted to generate ultrashort radiation pulses in storage rings by creating laser-induced microbunches within a short slice of a long electron bunch giving rise to coherent emission at harmonics of the seed wavelength. In addition, terahertz (THz) radiation is produced over many turns. Even without FEL gain, a storage ring is an excellent testbed to study many aspects of seeding schemes and short-pulse diagnostics, given the high repetition rate and stability of the electron bunches. At DELTA, a storage ring operated by the TU Dortmund University in Germany, coherent harmonic generation (CHG) with single and double 40-fs pulses is performed at seed wavelengths of 800 nm or 400 nm. Seeding with intensity-modulated 10-ps pulses is also studied generating tunable narrowband THz radiation. As a preparation for echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG), simultaneous seeding with 800/400-nm pulses in two different undulators is performed and several techniques are employed to ensure optimum timing between the seed pulses. The paper describes these experiments and gives an outlook of future applications of seeding at storage rings. |
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MOP028 | Extraction of the Longitudinal Profile of the Transverse Emittance From Single-Shot RF Deflector Measurements at sFLASH | 98 |
The gain length of the free-electron laser (FEL) process strongly depends on the slice energy spread, slice emittance, and current of the electron bunch. At an FEL with only moderately compressed electron bunches, the slice energy spread is mainly determined by the compression process. In this regime, single-shot measurements using a transverse deflecting rf cavity enable the extraction of the longitudinal profile of the transverse emittance. At the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY, this technique was used to determine the slice properties of the electron bunch set up for seeded operation in the sFLASH experiment. Thereby, the performance of the seeded FEL process as a function of laser-electron timing can be predicted from these slice properties with the semi-analytical Ming-Xie model where only confined fractions of the electron bunch are stimulated to lase. The prediction is well in line with the FEL peak power observed during an experimental laser-electron timing scan. The power profiles of the FEL pulses were reconstructed from the longitudinal phase-space measurements of the seeded electron bunch that was measured with the rf deflector. | ||
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TUB01 | Seeding Experiments and Seeding Options for LCLS II | 219 |
We discuss the present status of FEL seeding experiments toward the soft x-ray regime and on-going studies on possible seeding options for the high repetition soft x-ray line at LCLS-II. The seeding schemes include self-seeding, cascaded HGHG, and EEHG to reach the 1-2 nm regime with the highest possible brightness and minimal spectral pedestal. We describe relevant figures of merit, performance expectations, and potential issues. | ||
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TUB02 |
Fresh Slice Self-Seeding and Fresh Slice Harmonic Lasing at LCLS | |
We present results from the successful demonstration of fresh slice self-seeding at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS).* The performance is compared with SASE and regular self-seeding at photon energy of 5.5 keV, resulting in a relative average brightness increase of a factor of 12 and a factor of 2 respectively. Following this proof-of-principle we discuss the forthcoming plans to use the same technique** for fresh slice harmonic lasing in an upcoming experiment. The demonstration of fresh slice harmonic lasing provides an attractive solution for future XFELs aiming to achieve high efficiency, high brightness X-ray pulses at high photon energies (>12 keV).***
* C. Emma et al., Applied Physics Letters, 110:154101, 2017. ** A. A. Lutman et al., Nature Photonics, 10(11):745-750, 2016. *** C. Emma et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20:030701, 2017. |
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TUB03 | ASU Compact XFEL | 225 |
Funding: This work was supported by NSF Accelerator Science award 1632780, NSF BioXFEL STC award 1231306 and DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. ASU is pursuing a concept for a compact x-ray FEL (CXFEL) that uses nanopatterning of the electron beam via electron diffraction and emittance exchange to enable fully coherent x-ray output from electron beams with an energy of a few tens of MeV. This low energy is enabled by nanobunching and use of a short-pulse laser field as an undulator, resulting in an XFEL with 10 m total length and modest cost. The method of electron bunching is deterministic and flexible, rather than dependent on SASE amplification, so that the x-ray output is coherent in time and frequency. The phase of the x-ray pulse can be controlled and manipulated with this method so that new opportunities for ultrafast x-ray science are enabled using e.g. attosecond pulses, very narrow linewidths, or extremely precise timing among multiple pulses with different colors. These properties may be transferred to large XFELs through seeding with the CXFEL beam. Construction of the CXFEL accelerator and laboratory are underway, along with initial experiments to demonstrate nanopatterning via electron diffraction. An overview of the methods, project, and new science enabled are presented. |
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TUB04 | Recent On-Line Taper Optimization on LCLS | 229 |
Funding: The work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program grant FWP-2013-SLAC-100164. High-brightness XFELs are demanding for many users, in particular for certain types of imaging applications. Self-seeding XFELs can respond to a heavily tapered undulator more effectively, therefore seeded tapered FELs are considered as a path to high-power FELs in the terawatts level. Due to many effects, including the synchrotron motion, the optimization of the taper profile is intrinsically multi-dimensional and computationally expensive. With an operating XFEL, such as LCLS, the on-line optimization becomes more economical than numerical simulation. Here we report recent on-line taper optimization on LCLS taking full advantages of nonlinear optimizers as well as up-to-date development of artificial intelligence: deep machine learning and neural networks. |
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TUB05 |
First Demonstration of Fully Coherent Super-Radiant Pulses From a Short-Pulse Seeded FEL | |
The generation of a single X-ray isolated spike of radiation with peak power at the GW level and femtosecond temporal duration represents an almost unique opportunity for time-resolved non-linear spectroscopy. Such a condition is met by an FEL operating in superradiance. The resulting pulse has a self-similar shape deriving from the combined dynamics of saturation and slippage of the radiation over fresh electrons. The pulse is followed by a long pedestal, resulting from the complex dynamics occurring in the tail after saturation. This tail consists of a train of pulses with both transverse and longitudinal coherence and decaying amplitudes. We analyze the dynamical conditions on slippage and pulse length leading to the formation of the main pulse and the following tail. We study the correlation of the tail structure with the longitudinal phase space of the e-beam and provide recipes to partially suppress it near the background level leading to the fully coherent super-radiant pulse. Our analytical prediction of the intensity peak of the leading pulse evolving along the undulator before, during, and after becoming a super-radiant pulse agrees well with the simulations. | ||
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