Author: Vashchenko, G.
Paper Title Page
MOP039 First Results of Commissioning of the PITZ Transverse Deflecting Structure 110
  • H. Huck, P. Boonpornprasert, A. Donat, J.D. Good, M. Groß, I.I. Isaev, L. Jachmann, D.K. Kalantaryan, M. Khojoyan, W. Köhler, G. Kourkafas, M. Krasilnikov, D. Malyutin, D. Melkumyan, A. Oppelt, M. Otevřel, M. Pohl, Y. Renier, T. Rublack, J. Schultze, F. Stephan, G. Trowitzsch, G. Vashchenko, R.W. Wenndorff, Q.T. Zhao
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • G. Asova
    INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • M. A. Bakr
    Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
  • D. Churanov, L.V. Kravchuk, V.V. Paramonov, I.V. Rybakov, A.A. Zavadtsev, D.A. Zavadtsev
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  • C. Gerth, M. Hoffmann, M. Hüning
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • C. Hernandez-Garcia
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • M.V. Lalayan, A.Yu. Smirnov, N.P. Sobenin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • O. Lishilin, G. Pathak
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  For successful operation of X-ray Free Electron Lasers, one crucial parameter is the ultrashort electron bunch length yielding a high peak current and a short saturation length. In order to effectively compress the bunches during the acceleration process, a detailed understanding of the full longitudinal phase space distribution already in the injector is required. Transverse deflecting RF structures (TDS) can shear the bunch transversely, mapping the longitudinal coordinate to a transverse axis on an observation screen downstream. In addition to the bunch length, the slice emittance along the bunch as well as the full longitudinal phase space can be obtained. At the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site (PITZ), an S-band traveling wave TDS is under commissioning since 2015. This cavity is a prototype for the TDS in the injector part of the European XFEL and has been designed and manufactured by the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR, Moscow, Russia). In this paper, first commissioning results of the system at PITZ are presented and discussed.  
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MOD04 Emittance Measurements of the Electron Beam at PITZ for the Commissioning Phase of the European X-FEL 285
  • G. Vashchenko, P. Boonpornprasert, J.D. Good, M. Groß, H. Huck, I.I. Isaev, D.K. Kalantaryan, G. Kourkafas, M. Krasilnikov, D. Malyutin, D. Melkumyan, A. Oppelt, M. Otevřel, Y. Renier, T. Rublack, F. Stephan
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • G. Asova
    INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • M. A. Bakr
    Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
  • C. Hernandez-Garcia
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • O. Lishilin, G. Pathak
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • Q.T. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  For the operation of free electron lasers (FELs) like the European X-FEL and FLASH located at DESY, Hamburg Site, high quality electron beams are required already from the source. The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, Zeuthen Site (PITZ) was established to develop, characterize and optimize electron sources for such FELs. Last year the work at PITZ focused on the optimization of a photo injector operated with the startup parameters of the European X-FEL. This implies photocathode laser pulses with a Gaussian temporal profile of about 11-12 ps FWHM to drive the photo gun operated at a gradient of 53 MV/m. Significant effort was spent on the electron beam characterization and optimization for various bunch charges. Emittance measurements were performed as a function of major accelerator parameters such as main solenoid current, laser spot size on the cathode and the gun launching phase. The requirement on the beam emittance for bunch charge of 500 pC for the European XFEL commissioning phase has been demonstrated. Results of these studies accompanied with the corresponding simulations are presented in this paper.  
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TUP034 New Ellipsoidal Photocathode Laser Pulses at the Upgraded PITZ Facility 439
  • J.D. Good, P. Boonpornprasert, M. Groß, H. Huck, I.I. Isaev, D.K. Kalantaryan, G. Kourkafas, M. Krasilnikov, D. Melkumyan, A. Oppelt, M. Otevřel, Y. Renier, T. Rublack, F. Stephan, G. Vashchenko
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • A.V. Andrianov, E. Gacheva, E. Khazanov, S. Mironov, A. Poteomkin, V. Zelenogorsky
    IAP/RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • G. Asova
    INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • M. A. Bakr
    Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
  • I. Hartl, S. Schreiber
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • C. Hernandez-Garcia
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • M. Khojoyan
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • O. Lishilin, G. Pathak
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • D. Malyutin
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • E. Syresin
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Q.T. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  High brightness electron sources for free electron lasers like FLASH and the European XFEL are developed, optimized and characterized at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ). Last year the facility was significantly upgraded with a new prototype photocathode laser capable of producing homogeneous ellipsoidal pulses. Previous simulations have shown that the corresponding pulses produce high brightness electron bunches with minimized emittance. Furthermore, a new normal conducting RF gun cavity was installed with a modified two-window waveguide RF feed layout for stability and reliability tests, as required for the European XFEL. Other relevant additions to the facility include beamline modifications for improved electron beam transport through the PITZ accelerator, refinement of both the cooling and RF systems for improved parameter stability, and preparations for the installation of a plasma cell. This paper describes the facility upgrades and reports on the operational experience with the new components.  
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TUP065 Beam Dynamics Simulation for the Upgraded PITZ Photo Injector Applying Various Photocathode Laser Pulses 501
  • M. A. Bakr, M. Khojoyan, M. Krasilnikov, F. Stephan, G. Vashchenko
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • M. A. Bakr
    Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
  The Photo Injector Test facility PITZ at DESY, Zeuthen site, characterizes and optimizes high brightness electron sources for linac-based Free Electron Laser (FELs) with a specific focus on the requirements of FLASH and the European XFEL. X-ray FELs require high brightness electron beam in terms of high peak current, small transverse emittance and energy spread. Such high quality beams are mandatory for efficient SASE generation in a single pass through long undulators with narrow gaps. Photocathode laser pulse shaping is a powerful tool to optimize the photo injector performance. Recently, a new photocathode laser system capable of producing 3D quasi-ellipsoidal pulses has been installed at PITZ. It is foreseen to operate this new system in parallel to the nominal one that generates cylindrical pulses with various temporal profiles. A set of numerical simulations was performed to study and compare the beam dynamics of electron beams produced with 3D ellipsoidal laser profile with the typical cylindrically shaped (flat-top) profile. Different bunch charges from 20 pC up to several nC are considered, in order to find an optimum PITZ machine setup which will yield the lowest transverse emittance. we present and discuss the results of this comparison in the submission.  
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