LINAC98 Papers - Monday
Session MO1: Monday, August 24, 1998
Session MO2: Monday, August 24, 1998
Session MO3: Monday, August 24, 1998
| | Page # |
MO3001 (MO4002) |
Injector Upgrade
G. Pei (IHEP-Beijing) |
49 |
MO3002 (MO4017) |
Demonstration of Two-Beam
Acceleration in CTF II
R. Bossart, H.H. Braun, G. Carron, M. Chanudet, F. Chautard, J.P. Delahaye, J.C. Godot, S.
Hutchins, I. Kamber, C. Martinez, G. Suberlucq, P. Tenenbaum, L. Thorndahl, M. Valentini, I. Wilson,
W. Wuensch (CERN) |
85 |
MO3003 (MO4020) |
Results from
Hardware R&D on C-Band RF-System for e+e- Linear Collider
T. Shintake, N. Akasaka, H. Matsumoto (KEK); J.S. Oh (PAL-POSTECH); M. Yoshida (Univ. of Tokyo);
K. Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.); Y. Ohkubo, H. Yonezawa (Toshiba Co.); H. Baba (NKH Co.
Ltd.) |
94 |
MO3004 (MO4031) |
The Drive
Beam Decelerator of CLIC
A. Riche, D. Schulte (CERN) |
118 |
MO3005 (MO4045) |
Elements for Modeling Electrostatic Lenses and Accelerator Components IV. Electrostatic Quadrupoles
and Space Charge Modeling
G.H. Gillespie (G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc.) |
150 |
MO3006 (MO4047) |
Developments in the Accelerator Design Code PARMILA
H. Takeda, J.H. Billen (LANL) |
156 |
MO3007 (MO4055) |
of Beam Simulations with Measurements for a 1.25-MeV, CW RFQ
H.V. Smith Jr., G.O. Bolme, J.D. Sherman, R.R. Stevens Jr., L.M. Young, T.J. Zaugg
(LANL) |
174 |
MO3008 (MO4063) |
Study of
Compensation Process of Ion Beams
A. Jakob, H. Klein, A. Lakatos, J. Pozimski, L. Wicke (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
198 |
MO3009 (MO4078) |
Analysis and Testing of a High Thermal Conductivity Waveguide Window for Use in a Free Electron
T. Schultheiss, V. Christina, M. Cole, J. Rathke, Q. Shu (Northrop Grumman Corp.); T. Elliot, V.
Nguyen, L. Phillips, J. Preble (TJNAF) |
240 |
MO3010 (MO4092) |
The Dipole
Wakefield for a Rounded Damped Detuned Linear Accelerator with Optimised Cell-to-Manifold
R.M. Jones (SLAC); N.M. Kroll (SLAC & UCSD); R.H. Miller, Z. Li, J.W. Wang (SLAC); T. Higo (KEK);
J. Irwin (SLAC) |
282 |
MO3011 (MO4096) |
Research on Horizontal Assembly Method of SC Cavities with High Q and High Gradient
K. Saito (KEK); P. Kneisel (TJNAF); E. Kako, T. Shishido, S. Noguchi, M. Ono, Y. Yamazaki
(KEK) |
294 |
MO3012 (MO4097) |
of High-Average Power Windows for Accelerator Production of Tritium
L.D. Daily, C.C. Shang, C. M. Gooch, D.J. Mayhall, S.D. Nelson (LLNL); K.A. Cummings (LANL); J.
Salem (NASA Lewis Research Center) |
297 |
Session MO4: Monday, August 24, 1998
| | Page # |
MO4002 |
Injector Upgrade
G. Pei (IHEP-Beijing) |
49 |
MO4005 |
LUE-200 Test Facilities
S. Dolya, W. Furman, K. Goldenberg, A. Kaminsky, A. Krasnykh, E. Laziev, V. Shvets, A. Sumbaev, V.
Zamrij (JINR); N. Dikansky, P. Logachev, V. Skarbo (BINP); E. Begloyan, E. Gazazian, Y. Nazarian, V.
Nikogossian, G. Oksuzian (YerPhI); V. Senyukov (MEPhI) |
52 |
MO4006 |
of the 8-GeV e- / 3.5-GeV e+ Injector Linac for KEKB
A. Enomoto (KEK) |
55 |
MO4007 |
Bunched Beam Testing for SPring-8 Linac
T. Kobayashi, T. Hori, H. Yoshikawa, H. Sakaki, T. Asaka, K. Yanagida, A. Mizuno, S. Suzuki, T.
Taniuchi, H. Abe, H. Yokomizo (SPring-8) |
58 |
MO4009 |
of an AccSys Technology PL-7 Linac as an Injector for the IUCF Cooler Injector
D.L. Friesel, W. Hunt (Indiana Univ. Cyclotron Facility) |
61 |
MO4010 |
A 100 MeV
Superconducting Proton Linac: Beam Dynamics Issues
M. Comunian, A. Facco, A. Pisent (INFN Laboratori Nazionali Di Legnaro (PD)) |
64 |
MO4011 |
Status of
the Superconducting Heavy-Ion Tandem-Booster Linac at JAERI
S. Takeuchi, M. Matsuda (JAERI) |
67 |
MO4012 |
MEBT Design
for the JHF 200-MeV Proton Linac
T. Kato, S. Fu (KEK) |
70 |
MO4013 |
First Beam
Study for the 432-MHz DTL
F. Naito, K. Yoshino, T. Kato, Z. Igarashi, M. Kawamura, E. Takasaki, Y. Morozumi, C. Kubota, T.
Kubo, M. Ono, S. Anami, Y. Yamazaki (KEK) |
73 |
MO4014 |
Developments at the NIRS-HIMAC Injector
Y. Sato, T. Honma, T. Murakami, A. Kitagawa, K. Tashiro, M. Muramatsu, S. Yamada, Y. Hirao (NIRS);
T. Fujimoto, H. Sakamoto, M. Yamamoto, T. Okada (AEC) |
76 |
MO4015 |
Study for a High Current Heavy Ion Linac
G. Parisi, A. Sauer, H. Deitinghoff, H. Klein (IAP-Frankfurt University) |
79 |
MO4016 |
Monitor Options for TESLA
O. Napoly (CEA/Saclay); D. Schulte (CERN) |
82 |
MO4017 |
Demonstration of Two-Beam
Acceleration in CTF II
R. Bossart, H.H. Braun, G. Carron, M. Chanudet, F. Chautard, J.P. Delahaye, J.C. Godot, S.
Hutchins, I. Kamber, C. Martinez, G. Suberlucq, P. Tenenbaum, L. Thorndahl, M. Valentini, I. Wilson,
W. Wuensch (CERN) |
85 |
MO4018 |
The CLIC 30
GHz Two-Beam Test Accelerator
I. Wilson, W. Wuensch, W. Coosemans, C. Achard (CERN) |
88 |
MO4019 |
Beam Loading
Compensation Using Phase to Amplitude Modulation Method in ATF
S. Kashiwagi (Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies); H. Hayano, K. Kubo, T. Naito, K. Oide, T.
Shintake, S. Takeda, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa (KEK); T. Korhonen (PSI); S. Nakamura
(YNU) |
91 |
MO4020 |
Results from
Hardware R&D on C-Band RF-System for e+e- Linear Collider
T. Shintake, N. Akasaka, H. Matsumoto (KEK); J.S. Oh (PAL-POSTECH); M. Yoshida (Univ. of Tokyo);
K. Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.); Y. Ohkubo, H. Yonezawa (Toshiba Co.); H. Baba (NKH Co.
Ltd.) |
94 |
MO4021 |
Studies in Ka-Band
S.M. Lidia, S.S. Yu (LBNL); J. Gardelle, T. Lefevre, J.L. Rullier (CEA/CESTA); G.A. Westenskow
(LLNL); J.T. Donohue (CENBG) |
97 |
MO4024 |
High Charge
Short Electron Bunches for Wakefield Accelerator Structures Development
M.E. Conde, W. Gai, R. Konecny, J.G. Power, P. Schoessow (ANL) |
100 |
MO4025 |
Laser System
for a Subpicosecond Electron Linac
R.A. Crowell, C.D. Jonah, A.D. Trifunac, J. Qian (ANL) |
103 |
MO4026 |
Study of a 2 GEV Superconducting H- Linac as Injector for the CERN PS
R. Garoby, H. Haseroth, C.E. Hill, A.M. Lombardi, (CERN); P.N. Ostroumov (INR RAS); J.M. Tessier,
M. Vretenar (CERN); |
106 |
MO4027 |
Progress in the Development of a Circular Ion Induction Accelerator for Space Charge Dominated Beams
L. Ahle, T.C. Sangster, D. Autrey, J. Barnard, G. Craig, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, E. Halaxa, R.L.
Hanks, M. Hernandez, H.C. Kirbie, B.G. Logan, S.M. Lund, G. Mant, A.W. Molvik, W.M. Sharp (LLNL); D.
Berners, S. Eylon, D.L. Judd, L. Reginato (LBNL); A. Debeling, W. Fritz (Bechtel Nevada
Corporation) |
109 |
MO4028 |
The LINAC of
the Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments (MAFF)
O. Kester, D. Habs, R. Rao, T. Sieber, H. Bongers, A. Kolbe, M. Gross, P. Thirolf, J. Ott (LMU
Muenchen); U. Koester (TU Muenchen); A. Schempp, (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt); U. Ratzinger (GSI
Darmstadt) |
112 |
MO4029 |
Description in an RFQ and its Effect on Beam Dynamics
R. Ferdinand, R. Duperrier, J.-M. Lagniel, P. Mattei, S. Nath (CEA/Saclay) |
115 |
MO4031 |
The Drive
Beam Decelerator of CLIC
A. Riche, D. Schulte (CERN) |
118 |
MO4032 |
Wake Field
Effects in APT Linac
S.S. Kurennoy (LANL) |
121 |
MO4033 |
Studies of the DARHT Phase II Injector with the GYMNOS PIC Code
W.M. Fawley, E. Henestroza (LBNL); Y.-J. Chen, D.W. Hewett (LLNL) |
124 |
MO4034 |
Growth from Bend/Straight Transitions for Beams Approaching Thermal Equilibrium
J.J. Barnard, B. Losic (LLNL) |
127 |
MO4036 |
Slots Measurements Against Simulation for TRISPAL Accelerating Cavities
P. Balleyguier (CEA/DPTA) |
130 |
MO4037 |
External Q
Studies for APT SC-Cavity Couplers
P. Balleyguier (CEA/DPTA) |
133 |
MO4038 |
2.5D Cavity
Code with High Accuracy
Y. Iwashita (ICR-Kyoto Univ.) |
136 |
MO4041 |
Eigenmodes in Highly Lossy Accelerating Structures
S. Setzer, T. Weiland (TU-Darmstadt) |
139 |
MO4042 |
Results with an Alternate 3D Space Charge Routine, PICNIC
N. Pichoff, J.-M. Lagniel, S. Nath (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SEA) |
141 |
MO4043 |
Tool for Numerical Simulations of the Beam Behavior in a Linac
G. Guignard, J. Hagel (CERN) |
144 |
MO4044 |
of Halo Formation in Breathing Round Beams in a Periodic Focusing Channel
Z. Huang, Y. Chen (CIAE) |
147 |
MO4045 |
Elements for Modeling Electrostatic Lenses and Accelerator Components IV. Electrostatic Quadrupoles
and Space Charge Modeling
G.H. Gillespie (G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc.) |
150 |
MO4046 |
Dynamics in a High Current SC Proton Linac for Nulcear Waste Transmutation
G. Bellomo, P. Pierini (INFN-Milano-LASA) |
153 |
MO4047 |
Developments in the Accelerator Design Code PARMILA
H. Takeda, J.H. Billen (LANL) |
156 |
MO4049 |
of the Nonlinear Transverse RF Field Effects on the Beam Dynamics in Low Energy X-Band SW
X. Sun, Y. Lin (Tsinghua Univ.) |
159 |
MO4050 |
A Novel
Structure of Multi-Purpose RF Gun
E. Tanabe (AET Associates Inc.); A. Nakayama, F. Oda, M. Yokoyama (Kawasaki Heavy
Industries) |
162 |
MO4051 |
The High
Voltage System for the High Intensity CERN Proton Source
C.E. Hill, M. O'Neil (CERN) |
165 |
MO4052 |
Experience of Works with Compact Injectors for Trials and Drills of RF Linac Structures
V.V. Kushin, N.A. Nesterov, S.V. Plotnikov, D.N. Seleznev, A.S. Suvorov, A.B. Zarubin, V.P.
Zubovsky (ITEP); E.P. Bogolyubov, V.T. Bobylev, Y.K. Presnyakov, V.A. Samarin (All-Russian Research
Institute of Automatics) |
168 |
MO4054 |
The Cathode
Test Stand for the DAHRT Second-Axis
C. Fortgang (LANL); C. Hudson, D. Macy (Bechtel); M. Monroe (LANL); K. Moy (Bechtel); D. Prono (LANL) |
171 |
MO4055 |
of Beam Simulations with Measurements for a 1.25-MeV, CW RFQ
H.V. Smith Jr., G.O. Bolme, J.D. Sherman, R.R. Stevens Jr., L.M. Young, T.J. Zaugg
(LANL) |
174 |
MO4056 |
Front End Accelerator Systems
J. Staples, D. Cheng, M. Fong, J. Greer, M. Hoff, R. Keller, K. Kennedy, M. Leitner, R. MacGill,
D. Oshatz, A. Ratti, J. Remais, S. Virostek (LBNL) |
177 |
MO4057 |
Ferroelectric Ceramics: A Novel
Efficient and Robust Photocathode
I. Boscolo, R. Parafioriti, A. Scurati (Univ. of Milano and INFN); M. Castellano, L. Catani, M.
Ferrario, F. Tazzioli (INFN-LNF); A. Doria, G.P. Gallerano, L. Giannessi, E. Giovenale
180 |
MO4058 |
Fields Induced by Chopped Beams in the Tank Cavity
E. Takasaki, Z. Igarashi, F. Naito, K. Nanmo, T. Takenaka (KEK) |
183 |
MO4059 |
Design and
Development of the LEDA Slow Wire Scanner Profile Measurement
J.F. O'Hara (AlliedSignal FM&T); J.F. Power, J. Ledford, J.D. Gilpatrick (LANL); J. Sage (General
Atomics); M. Stettler (LANL) |
186 |
MO4060 |
on the Accuracy of Beam Bugs
Y.J. Chen, T.J. Fessenden (LLNL) |
189 |
MO4061 |
A Coaxial
Cable Beam Loss Monitor Ion Chamber System for High Power Multi-bunch Beams
M.C. Ross, D. McCormick (SLAC) |
192 |
MO4062 |
Resolved, 2-D Hard X-ray Imaging of Relativistic Electron-Beam Target Interactions on
C.E. Crist (SNL); S. Sampayan (LLNL); M. Krogh (AlliedSignal FM&T); G. Westenskow, G. Caporaso, T.
Houck, J Weir, D. Trimble (LLNL) |
195 |
MO4063 |
Study of
Compensation Process of Ion Beams
A. Jakob, H. Klein, A. Lakatos, J. Pozimski, L. Wicke (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
198 |
MO4064 |
Beam Position Monitoring Using HOM-Damper Signals
C. Peschke, G. Schreiber, P. Huelsmann, H. Klein (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
201 |
MO4065 |
Design of
the RF Phase Reference System and Timing Control for the TESLA Linear Collider
A. Gamp, M. Liepe, T. Plawski, K. Rehlich, S.N. Simrock (DESY) |
204 |
MO4066 |
Source for the ISAC RFQ
K. Fong, S. Fang, M. Laverty (TRIUMF) |
207 |
MO4067 |
Development and Integration Analysis of Commercial and In-House Control Subsystems
D.M. Moore (WSRC); L.R. Dalesio (LANL) |
210 |
MO4068 |
of the Klystron Modulators at the S-Band Test Facility at DESY
S. Choroba, J. Hameister, M. Kuhn (DESY) |
213 |
MO4069 |
Buck Converter Power Supply "ABCPS" for APT
R. Street, T. Overett, E. Bowles (General Atomics) |
216 |
MO4070 |
Status of
the 36 MHz RF-System for the High-Current Injector at GSI
W. Vinzenz, W. Gutowski, G. Hutter (GSI Darmstadt); B. Rossa (Thomcast AG Turgi
Swiss) |
219 |
MO4072 |
Klystron RF
Stabilization Using Feedforward Circuit
H. Hayano, M. Akemoto, T. Naito, S. Takeda (KEK); D. Aizawa, M. Higuchi, T. Sakamoto
(Tohoku-Gakuin University) |
222 |
MO4073 |
in the Upgraded Modulator of the KEKB Injector Linac
H. Honma, T. Shidara, S. Anami, K. Nakahara (KEK) |
225 |
MO4074 |
New High
Power 200 MHz RF System for the LANSCE Drift Tube Linac
J. Lyles, C. Friedrichs, M. Lynch (LANL) |
228 |
MO4075 |
Production of Tritium 700 MHz and 350 MHz Klystron Test Results
D. Rees, M. Lynch, P. Tallerico (LANL) |
231 |
MO4076 |
Electromagnetic Cold-Test Characterization of the Quad-Driven Stripline
S.D. Nelson, J.E. Dunlap (LLNL) |
234 |
MO4077 |
Switch Modulator Deck for the MIT-Bates S Band Transmitter
C. Wolcott, R. Campbell, A. Hawkins, W. North, L. Solheim, R. Trepsas, D. Wang, A. Zolfaghari
(MIT-Bates); M. Gaudreau, M. Mulvaney (Diversified Technologies Inc.) |
237 |
MO4078 |
Analysis and Testing of a High Thermal Conductivity Waveguide Window for Use in a Free Electron
T. Schultheiss, V. Christina, M. Cole, J. Rathke, Q. Shu (Northrop Grumman Corp.); T. Elliot, V.
Nguyen, L. Phillips, J. Preble (TJNAF) |
240 |
MO4079 |
Considerations for Very High Power RF Windows at X-Band
W.R. Fowkes, R.S. Callin, E.N. Jongewaard, D.W. Sprehn, S.G. Tantawi, A.E. Vlieks
(SLAC) |
243 |
MO4080 |
for Waveguide Coupling for SRF Cavities
L.R. Doolittle (TJNAF) |
246 |
MO4081 |
Design of an S-Band Pillbox-Type RF Window
A. Joestingmeier, M. Dohlus, N. Holtkamp (DESY) |
249 |
MO4082 |
Design of a
HOM Broadband Absorber for TESLA
M. Dohlus, A. Joestingmeier, N. Holtkamp, H. Hartwig (DESY) |
252 |
MO4083 |
Disk-and-Washer Cavity for Electron Acceleration
H. Ao, Y. Iwashita, T. Shirai, A. Noda, M. Inoue (ICR-Kyoto Univ.); T. Kawakita, M. Matsuoka
(MHI) |
255 |
MO4084 |
Estimations for Mechanical Vibrations of Stems-Like Elements in RF Cavities
A.S. Levchenko, V.V. Paramonov, R.S. Ter-Antonyan (INR RAS) |
258 |
MO4085 |
of the C-Band (5712 MHz) Choke-ModeType Damped Accelerator Structure
H. Matsumoto, T. Shintake, N. Akasaka (KEK) |
261 |
MO4086 |
Electroplating Fabrication Method for Electron Accelerator Structures
H. Matsumoto, T. Shintake (KEK); Y. Iino, Z. Kabeya (MHI) |
264 |
MO4087 |
Status of
Engineering Development of CCDTL for Accelerator Production of Tritium
R.L. Wood, J.H. Billen, W. T. Hunter, P.O. Leslie, R.J. Roybal, F.E. Sigler (LANL) |
267 |
MO4088 |
Tuning the
LEDA RFQ 6.7 MeV Accelerator
L.M. Young, L.J. Rybarcyk (LANL) |
270 |
MO4089 |
Distribution Calculations on Beryllium Windows in RF Cavities for a Muon Collider
D. Li, J. Corlett, W. Turner (LBNL) |
273 |
MO4090 |
Design of the SNS RFQ
A. Ratti, C. Fong, M. Fong, R. MacGill, R. Gough, J. Staples, M. Hoff, R. Keller, S. Virostek, R.
Yourd (LBNL) |
276 |
MO4091 |
Test Results
for a Cold Model of a CCDTL Two Gap to Three Gap Transition Region
M.D. Cole, H. Bluem (Northrop Grumman Corp.); J.H. Billen, P.O. Leslie (LANL) |
279 |
MO4092 |
The Dipole
Wakefield for a Rounded Damped Detuned Linear Accelerator with Optimised Cell-to-Manifold
R.M. Jones (SLAC); N.M. Kroll (SLAC & UCSD); R.H. Miller (SLAC); T. Higo (KEK); K. Ko, Z. Li, R.D. Ruth,
V. Srinivas, J. W. Wang (SLAC) |
282 |
MO4093 |
Effects of Alternating Cell Misalignments on the DDS
R.M. Jones (SLAC); N.M. Kroll (SLAC & UCSD); R.H. Miller (SLAC); T. Higo (KEK) |
285 |
MO4094 |
of a Mapping Function Technique to the Design of Damped Detuned Structures and to the Rapid Calculation of
Their Wakefields
R.M. Jones (SLAC); N.M. Kroll (SLAC & UCSD); R.H. Miller (SLAC) |
288 |
MO4095 |
Operating Temperature of Superconducting Cavities
H. Safa (LANL and CEA/Saclay) |
291 |
MO4096 |
Research on Horizontal Assembly Method of SC Cavities with High Q and High Gradient
K. Saito (KEK); P. Kneisel (TJNAF); E. Kako, T. Shishido, S. Noguchi, M. Ono, Y. Yamazaki
(KEK) |
294 |
MO4097 |
of High-Average Power Windows for Accelerator Production of Tritium
L.D. Daily, C.C. Shang, C.M. Gooch, D.J. Mayhall, S.D. Nelson (LLNL); K.A. Cummings (LANL); J.
Salem (NASA Lewis Research Center) |
297 |
MO4098 |
Accelerator-Assisted Nuclear Fuel Assembly for a Future Project at KURRI
Y. Kawase, S. Shiroya (RRI-Kyoto Univ.); M. Inoue (ICR-Kyoto Univ.) |
300 |
MO4099 |
Design of 1
GeV, 30 mA Proton Linac with Superconducting Cavities
A.P. Durkin, V.M. Belugin, B.I. Bondarev, A.P. Fedotov, Y.D. Ivanov, B.P. Murin, I.V. Shumakov,
N.I. Uksusov (MRTI) |
303 |
MO4100 |
Bremsstrahlung Pair-Production of
Positrons with Low Neutron Background
E. Lessner, M. White (ANL) |
306 |
MO4101 |
Slow-Positron Facility at a New Site
T. Shidara, T. Kurihara, A. Shirakawa, A. Enomoto, H. Kobayashi, K. Nakahara (KEK) |
309 |
MO4102 |
Faraday Cup
Measurements of the Plasma Plume Produced at an X-ray Converter
T. Houck, M. Garcia, S. Sampayan (LLNL) |
311 |
MO4103 |
Investigation of Beam Optics Issues at the Bremsstrahlung Converters for Radiographic
S. Sampayan, G. Caporaso, Y.-J. Chen, M. Garcia, T. Houck, (LLNL); M. Krogh (Allied Signal); R.
Richardson, J. Weir, G. Westenskow (LLNL); C. Crist (SNL) |
314 |
MO4104 |
RF Power
Distribution and Phasing at SSRL Injector Linac
S. Park (SLAC) |
317 |
MO4106 |
Induction Core Performance
A.W. Molvik, W.R. Meier (LLNL); A. Faltens, L. Reginato (LBNL); C. Smith (Nonvolatile
Electronics Inc.) |
320 |
MO4107 |
Resolution BPM for Future Colliders
C. Magne, M. Juillard, M. Lalot, A. Mosnier, B. Phung, Y. Lussignol (CEA/Saclay); R. Bossart
(CERN) |
323 |
MO4108 |
Transfer Coefficient in Serpentine Coolant Passage for CCDTL
P. Leslie, R. Wood, F. Sigler, A. Shapiro, A. Rendon (LANL) |
326 |
MO4109 |
Double Dynamic Focusing for Linear Colliders
J. Irwin (SLAC) |
329 |
MO4110 |
Injector Design
L. Zhang, N. Cheng, G. Dai, H. Wang, L. Chengjun, J. Deng, B. Ding (IFP) |
332 |