LINAC98 Papers - Tuesday
Session TU1: Tuesday, August 25, 1998
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TU1001 |
Advanced Concepts for High-Gradient Acceleration
D.H. Whittum (SLAC) |
335 |
TU1002 |
High Intensity Injector Linacs for Spallation Sources
K. Bongardt, M. Pabst (FZJ); A. Letchford (RAL) |
339 |
TU1003 |
High Brightness Electron Sources
J.B. Rosenzweig (UCLA) |
344 |
TU1004 |
A High Intensity Proton Linac Development for the JAERI Neutron Science Project
M. Mizumoto, J. Kusano, K. Hasegawa, N. Ouchi, H. Oguri, M. Kinsho, E. Chishiro, T. Tomisawa, Y. Touchi, M. Ikegami, Y. Honda, K. Mukugi, H. Ino, F. Noda, N. Akaoka, H. Kaneko (JAERI) |
349 |
Session TU2: Tuesday, August 25, 1998
Session TU3: Tuesday, August 25, 1998
| | Page # |
TU3001 (TU4011) |
Design of the 200-MeV Proton Linac for the Japan Hadron Facility
T. Kato, Y. Yamazaki (KEK) |
409 |
TU3002 (TU4013) |
A Linac for the Spallation Neutron Source
A.J. Jason (LANL) |
415 |
TU3003 (TU4016) |
First Results of the Two-Beam Funneling Experiment
A. Firjahn-Andersch, H. Liebermann, A. Schempp, J. Thibus, H. Vormann, E. Winschuh, H. Zimmermann (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
424 |
TU3004 (TU4017) |
Present Performance of the CERN Proton Linac
C.E. Hill, A. Lombardi, E. Tanke, M. Vretenar (CERN) |
427 |
TU3005 (TU4025) |
Achieving 800 kW CW Beam Power and Continuing Energy Improvements in CEBAF
C.E. Reece (TJNAF) |
448 |
TU3006 (TU4034) |
Controlling Backstreaming Ions from X-ray Converter Targets with Time Varying Final Focusing Solenoidal Lens and Beam Energy Variation
Y.-J. Chen, G.J. Caporaso, A.C. Paul (LLNL) |
472 |
TU3007 (TU4043) |
Electron Gun Simulation Using MAGIC
S. Michizono, H. Tsutsui, S. Matsumoto, Y.H. Chin, S. Fukuda (KEK) |
493 |
TU3008 (TU4051) |
Doppler-Shift Proton Fraction Measurement on a CW Proton Injector
J.H. Kamperschroer (General Atomics); J.D. Sherman, T.J. Zaugg (LANL); A.H. Arvin, A.S. Bolt, M. C. Richards (WSRC) |
511 |
TU3009 (TU4071) |
Design, Construction and Operational Results of the IGBT Controlled Solid State Modulator High Voltage Power Supply Used in the High Power RF Systems of the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator of the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Project
J.T. Bradley III, D. Rees, R.S. Przeklasa (LANL); M.C. Scott (Continental Electronics Corp.) |
561 |
TU3010 (TU4077) |
The Cold Model of the CDS Structure
V.V. Paramonov, L.V. Kravchuk, V.A. Puntus (INR RAS) |
579 |
TU3011 (TU4079) |
324-MHz RF Deflector Design and Test
S. Fu, T. Kato, F. Naito, K. Yoshino (KEK) |
585 |
TU3012 (TU4092) |
Design of an Ogive-Shaped Beamstop
T.H. Van Hagan, D.W. Doll (General Atomics); J.D. Schneider, F.R. Spinos (LANL) |
618 |
Session TU4: Tuesday, August 25, 1998
| | Page # |
TU4001 |
Upgrading of Linear Induction Accelerator X-ray Facility (LIAXF)
J.J. Deng, B.N. Ding, J.S. Shi, Y. He, J. Li, Q. Li, G.G. Cao, L. Wen, G.S. Dai (Institute of Fluid Physics) |
389 |
TU4002 |
Installation of the AIRIX Induction Accelerator
E. Merle, R. Boivinet, M. Mouillet, O. Pierret (CEA/PEM); Ph. Anthouard, J. Bardy, C. Bonnafond, A. Devin, P. Eyl, C. Vermare (CEA/CESTA) |
391 |
TU4003 |
Experimental Results of Electron Beam Neutralization Induced by a Limited Space-Charge Emission
C. Vermare, J. Labrouche, D. Villate, P. Le Taillandier (CEA/CESTA) |
394 |
TU4005 |
Picosecond and Sub-Picosecond, High Charge Electron Linacs
A.M.M. Todd, H.P. Bluem, C.C. Paulson, M.F. Reusch, I.S. Lehrman (Northrop Grumman Corp.) |
397 |
TU4006 |
Development of an Upgrade of the CEBAF Acceleration System
J.R. Delayen (TJNAF) |
400 |
TU4007 |
Latest Developments from the S-DALINAC and its Free-Electron-Laser
M. Brunken, S. Doebert, R. Eichhorn, H. Genz, H.-D. Graef, T. Hampel, S. Kostial, U. Laier, H. Loos, A. Richter, B. Schweizer, A. Stascheck, O. Titze, T. Wesp (Institut fuer Kernphysik TU-Darmstadt) |
403 |
TU4009 |
1-GeV Linac Upgrade Study at Fermilab
M. Popovic, A. Moretti, R. Noble, C.W. Schmidt (FNAL) |
406 |
TU4011 |
Design of the 200-MeV Proton Linac for the Japan Hadron Facility
T. Kato, Y. Yamazaki (KEK) |
409 |
TU4012 |
Development of a Commissioning Plan for the APT Linac
L.W. Funk (WSRC); K.R. Crandall (TECHSOURCE); J.D. Gilpatrick, E.R. Gray, A.H. Regan, A. Rohlev, L.J. Rybarcyk, T.P. Wangler (LANL) |
412 |
TU4013 |
A Linac for the Spallation Neutron Source
A.J. Jason (LANL) |
415 |
TU4014 |
Status Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)
H.V. Smith Jr., J.D. Schneider (LANL) |
418 |
TU4015 |
Beam Dynamics Design of the 211 MeV APT Normal Conducting LINAC
L.M. Young, J.H. Billen, H. Takeda, R.L. Wood (LANL) |
421 |
TU4016 |
First Results of the Two-Beam Funneling Experiment
A. Firjahn-Andersch, H. Liebermann, A. Schempp, J. Thibus, H. Vormann, E. Winschuh, H. Zimmermann (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
424 |
TU4017 |
Present Performance of the CERN Proton Linac
C.E. Hill, A.M. Lombardi, E. Tanke, M. Vretenar (CERN) |
427 |
TU4019 |
Fermilab Linac 1997-98 Operations, Studies and Improvements
L.J. Allen, C.W. Schmidt, M. Popovic (FNAL) |
430 |
TU4020 |
Moscow Meson Factory Linac - Operation and Improvements
L.V. Kravchuk, Y.V. Bylinsky, S.K. Esin, P.N. Ostroumov, V.L. Serov (INR RAS) |
433 |
TU4021 |
Status of a New Switchyard Design for LANSCE
R.W. Garnett, C. Rose, F. Shelley, J.D. Zumbro (LANL) |
436 |
TU4022 |
Understanding Accelerator Reliability
C.M. Piaszczyk (Northrop Grumman Corp.) |
439 |
TU4023 |
Status of 200 MeV Electron LINAC and Its Application
Y.J. Pei, Y.F. Wang, S. Dong, X.F. Luo, G.R. Huang, G.C. Wang, W. Wang, Y.X. Li (Univ. of Science & Technology of China) |
442 |
TU4024 |
Status of PLS 2-GeV Electron Linac Performance
M.H. Cho, K.R. Kim, J.S. Oh, S.H. Park, S.S. Park, I.S. Ko, W. Namkung (PAL-POSTECH) |
445 |
TU4025 |
Achieving 800 kW CW Beam Power and Continuing Energy Improvements in CEBAF
C.E. Reece (TJNAF) |
448 |
TU4026 |
The Drive Beam Accelerator of CLIC
D. Schulte (CERN) |
451 |
TU4027 |
High Current Transport and Acceleration at the Upgraded UNILAC
W. Barth, J. Glatz, J. Klabunde (GSI Darmstadt) |
454 |
TU4029 |
Analysis and Modeling of a Stripline Beam Kicker and Septum
B.R. Poole, G.J. Caporaso, Y.J. Chen, L.-F. Wang (LLNL) |
457 |
TU4030 |
Higher-Order-Modes and Beam Breakup Simulations in the Jefferson Lab FEL Recirculating Linac
L. Merminga, I.E. Campisi (TJNAF) |
460 |
TU4031 |
TESLA Injector Simulations with MAFIA
P. Schuett, T. Weiland (TU-Darmstadt) |
463 |
TU4032 |
Halo Formation in 3-D Bunches with Different Phase Space Distributions
A.V. Fedotov, R.L. Gluckstern (Univ. of Maryland); S.S. Kurennoy, R.D. Ryne (LANL) |
466 |
TU4033 |
Study of the Transverse Beam Motion in the DARHT Phase II Accelerator
Y.-J. Chen, T.L. Houck (LLNL); W.M. Fawley (LBNL) |
469 |
TU4034 |
Controlling Backstreaming Ions from X-ray Converter Targets with Time Varying Final Focusing Solenoidal Lens and Beam Energy Variation
Y.-J. Chen, G.J. Caporaso, A.C. Paul (LLNL) |
472 |
TU4035 |
EM-PIC Simulations of e-Beam Interaction with Field Emitted Ions from Bremsstrahlung Targets
P.W. Rambo, S. Brandon (LLNL) |
475 |
TU4038 |
Transverse Wakefield Effect Measurement via Model-Independent Analysis
J. Irwin, C.-X. Wang, K. Bane, Y. Yan, M. Minty, F.J. Decker, G. Stupakov (SLAC) |
478 |
TU4039 |
Multiple Coupling and Beam Loading of a RF Cavity
H. Safa (LANL and CEA/Saclay) |
481 |
TU4040 |
Analytical Treatment of Single Bunch Stability in a Linac
G. Guignard, J. Hagel (CERN) |
484 |
TU4041 |
Application of the Mode Matching Technique to the Analysis of Waveguide Arrays
A. Joestingmeier, M. Dohlus, N. Holtkamp (DESY) |
487 |
TU4042 |
Simulation Study of the Bunching Section of X-Band Klystrons
S. Matsumoto, S. Michizono, H. Tsutsui, Y.H. Chin, S. Fukuda (KEK) |
490 |
TU4043 |
Electron Gun Simulation Using MAGIC
S. Michizono, H. Tsutsui, S. Matsumoto, Y.H. Chin, S. Fukuda (KEK) |
493 |
TU4044 |
High Energy Beam Transport Beamline for LEDA
W.P. Lysenko, J.D. Gilpatrick (LANL); M. Schulze (General Atomics) |
496 |
TU4045 |
Beam Dynamics Simulation of the Spallation Neutron Source Linear Accelerator
H. Takeda, J.H. Billen, T. Bhatia (LANL) |
499 |
TU4046 |
CW RFQ Designing Using the LIDOS.RFQ Codes
B. Bondarev, A. Durkin, S. Vinogradov (MRTI); J.-M. Lagniel, R. Ferdinand (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SEA) |
502 |
TU4047 |
Multi-fiducial Techniques for Tracking Large Phase Space Distributions in Non-linear Fields
S.M. Lidia (LBNL) |
505 |
TU4048 |
Production of Negative Hydrogen and Deuterium Ions in Microwave-Driven Ion Sources
D. Spence, K.R. Lykke (ANL) |
508 |
TU4051 |
Doppler-Shift Proton Fraction Measurement on a CW Proton Injector
J.H. Kamperschroer (General Atomics); J.D. Sherman, T.J. Zaugg (LANL); A.H. Arvin, A.S. Bolt, M. C. Richards (WSRC) |
511 |
TU4053 |
Beam Simulations for the H-Injector Upgrade at LANSCE
R.R. Stevens Jr., W. Ingalls, O. Sander, B. Prichard Jr., J. Sherman (LANL) |
514 |
TU4054 |
Ion Source Development for LANSCE Upgrade
M. Williams, R. Gough, R. Keller, K. Leung, D. Meyer, A. Wengrow (LBNL); O. Sander, W. Ingalls, B. Prichard, R. Stevens (LANL) |
517 |
TU4055 |
High Power Test Results of the First SRRC/ANL High Current L-Band RF Gun
C.H. Ho, S.Y. Ho, G.Y. Hsiung, J.Y. Hwang, T.T. Yang (SRRC); M. Conde, W. Gai, R. Konecny, J. Power, P. Schoessow (ANL) |
520 |
TU4056 |
Extraction and Low Energy Transport of Negative Ions
A. Lakatos, J. Pozimski, A. Jakob, H. Klein (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
523 |
TU4057 |
Stable Ampere Level Emission of Energetic Electrons by Electrically Excited Ferroelectric Ceramics
I. Boscolo, A. Scurati (Univ. of Milano and INFN) |
526 |
TU4059 |
Time-Resolved Imaging for the APS Linac Beams
A.H. Lumpkin, W.J. Berg, B.X. Yang, M. White (ANL) |
529 |
TU4060 |
LEDA & APT Beam Position Measurement System: Design and Initial Tests
J.D. Gilpatrick, J.F. Power, R.B. Shurter, M. Stettler (LANL); J.F. O'Hara (AlliedSignal); D. Martinez (General Atomics) |
532 |
TU4062 |
Laser Diagnostic for High Current H- Beams
R.E. Shafer (LANL) |
535 |
TU4063 |
Horizontal Emittance Measurement in ATF Extraction Line
T. Okugi, T. Hirose (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.); H. Hayano, K. Kubo, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa (KEK); S. Kashiwagi (Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies) |
538 |
TU4064 |
Requirements for the RF Control of the Vector Sum for Superconducting Proton Linacs
M. Huening, S.N. Simrock (DESY); T. Schilcher (PSI) |
543 |
TU4065 |
Time Delay Compensation for the Digital RF Control at the TESLA Test Facility
H. Imsieke, A. Kholodnyi, S.N. Simrock (DESY) |
546 |
TU4066 |
RF Control Studies for Moderate Beamline Coupling Between SRF Cavities
L.R. Doolittle, D.X. Wang (TJNAF) |
549 |
TU4067 |
The RF System for the CEBAF Polarized Photoinjector
M. Crofford, C. Hovater, G. Lahti, C. Piller, M. Poelker (TJNAF) |
552 |
TU4069 |
Waveguide Harmonic Damper for Klystron Amplifier
Y. Kang, A. Nassiri (ANL) |
555 |
TU4070 |
Development of a 114.24 MHz Sub-Harmonic Buncher for the KEKB Injector Linac
S. Yamaguchi, S. Ohsawa, M. Ikeda, A. Enomoto (KEK); Y. Igarashi (MHI) |
558 |
TU4071 |
Design, Construction and Operational Results of the IGBT Controlled Solid State Modulator High Voltage Power Supply Used in the High Power RF Systems of the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator of the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Project
J.T. Bradley III, D. Rees, R.S. Przeklasa (LANL); M.C. Scott (Continental Electronics Corp.) |
561 |
TU4072 |
Design, Operation, and Test Results of 350 MHz LEDA RF System
D. Rees, J. Bradley III, K. Cummings, A. Regan, T. Rohlev, W. Roybal, Y.M. Wang (LANL) |
564 |
TU4073 |
The RF Power System for the SNS Linac
P.J. Tallerico, W.A. Reass (LANL) |
567 |
TU4074 |
High Power RF Component Testing for the NLC
A.E. Vlieks, W.R. Fowkes, R.J. Loewen, S.G. Tantawi (SLAC) |
570 |
TU4075 |
Linear Inductive Voltage Adders (IVA) for Advanced Hydrodynamic Radiography
M.G. Mazarakis, J.D. Boyes, D.L. Johnson, J.S. Lash, J.E. Maenchen, P.R. Menge, C.L. Olson, S.E. Rosenthal, D.C. Rovang (SNL); B.V. Oliver, D.R. Welch (Mission Research Corporation); V.L. Bailey, I.D. Smith (Pulse Sciences Inc.) |
573 |
TU4076 |
High Performance Pulse Modulater for 80 MW S-Band Klystron in SPring-8 Linac
T. Hori, H. Yoshikawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Asaka, H. Sakaki, S. Nagasawa, H. Yokomizo (SPring-8) |
576 |
TU4077 |
The Cold Model of the CDS Structure
V.V. Paramonov, L.V. Kravchuk, V.A. Puntus (INR RAS) |
579 |
TU4078 |
The Bridge Coupling Cavities in the Separated Drift Tube Linac Structure
V.V. Paramonov, L.V. Kravchuk, A.S. Levchenko (INR RAS); T. Kato, F. Naito, Y. Yamazaki (KEK) |
582 |
TU4079 |
324-MHz RF Deflector Design and Test
S. Fu, T. Kato, F. Naito, K. Yoshino (KEK) |
585 |
TU4080 |
Optimization on Wakefield Damping in C-Band Accelerating Structure
N. Akasaka, T. Shintake, H. Matsumoto (KEK) |
588 |
TU4081 |
Design Considerations for Multiple-Beam RFQ Structures
V. Kapin, M. Inoue, Y. Iwashita, A. Noda (ICR-Kyoto Univ.) |
591 |
TU4082 |
Proton Beam Studies with a 1.25 MeV, CW Radio Frequency Quadrupole LINAC
G.O. Bolme, T.W. Hardek, L.D. Hansborough, D.J. Hodgkins, D.R. Keffeler, J.D. Sherman, H.V. Smith, R.R. Stevens, L.M. Young, T.J. Zaugg (LANL); P.P. Balleyguier (CEA/Bruyeres Le Chatel); A.H. Arvin, A.S. Bolt, M.C. Richards (SRS); J.H. Kamperschroer (General Atomics) |
594 |
TU4083 |
The Mechanical Design and Fabrication of a Ridge-Loaded Waveguide for an RFQ
R. Valdiviez, P. Roybal, B. Clark, F. Martinez, D. Casillas, G. Gonzales, J. Tafoya (LANL) |
597 |
TU4084 |
Prototype Models for the SNS RFQ
A. Ratti, J. Ayers, R. Gough, J. Greer, M. Hoff, R. Keller, R. MacGill, J. Remais, J. Staples, R. Yourd (LBNL) |
600 |
TU4085 |
Design of a Charge-State Multiplier System for the RIKEN RI-Beam Factory
O. Kamigaito, A. Bandyopadhyay, M. Kase, Y. Miyazawa, T. Chiba, M. Hemmi, S. Kohara, E. Ikezawa, A. Goto, Y. Yano (RIKEN) |
603 |
TU4086 |
The Present Status of Development on Superconducting Cavities at SHI
Y. Matsubara, M. Hirose, T. Hori (SHI Tokyo); H. Saito (SHI Ehime-Ken); F. Yukawa (STC); H. Inoue, M. Ono, E. Kako, S. Noguchi, K. Saito, T. Shishido (KEK) |
606 |
TU4087 |
RF Tests on the Initial 2.8m Section of the 8m Long ISAC RFQ at TRIUMF
R.L. Poirier, P. Bricault, G. Dutto, K. Fong, R. Laxdal, A.K. Mitra, B. Uzat (TRIUMF) |
609 |
TU4089 |
Development of a Raster Electronics System for Expanding the APT Proton Beam
S. Chapelle, E.L. Hubbard, T.L. Smith, M.E. Schulze, R.E. Shafer (General Atomics) |
612 |
TU4090 |
Low to High Energy Beamstops for APT
D. Doll, T. Van Hagan, K. Redler, J. Tooker, A. Baxter, M. Fikani (General Atomics); D. Schneider, F. Spinos (LANL); W. Funk (Westinghouse SRS) |
615 |
TU4092 |
Design of an Ogive-Shaped Beamstop
T.H. Van Hagan, D.W. Doll (General Atomics); J.D. Schneider, F.R. Spinos (LANL) |
618 |
TU4094 |
Low-Stored-Energy 100-kV Regulator for Ion Sources at LANSCE
E.G. Jacobson, R.L. Haffner, W.B. Ingalls, B.J. Meyer, J.S. Stelzer (LANL) |
621 |
TU4095 |
Testing of Vacuum Pumps for the APT/LEDA RFQ
K. Kishiyama, S. Shen, D. Behne (LLNL); N.G. Wilson (AMPRO Inc.); D. Schrage, R. Valdiviez (LANL) |
624 |
TU4096 |
Medical Applications of C-Band Accelerator Technologies
E. Tanabe (AET Associates Inc.); Y. Fineberg (Stanford); H. Matsumoto, T. Shintake (KEK) |
627 |
TU4097 |
An Updated Assessment of a Medical Cyclotron as an Injector for an Energy Upgrade
J.A. Clarke, D.M. Dykes, C.W. Horrabin, P.A. McIntosh, H.L. Owen, M.W. Poole, S.L. Smith, V.P. Suller (Daresbury); A. Kacperek, B. Marsland (Clatterbridge) |
630 |
TU4098 |
LIBO - A 3 GHz Proton Linac Booster of 200 MeV for Cancer Treatment
U. Amaldi, B. Szeless, M. Vretenar, E. Wilson (CERN); K. Crandall (Consult Crandall); J. Stovall (RAL); M. Weiss (TERA) |
633 |
TU4099 |
Medical Isotope Production with the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Facility
M.R. Buckner (WSRC); M. Cappiello, E. Pitcher (LANL); H. O'Brien (O'Brien & Associates) |
636 |
TU4100 |
Operation of High-Power 8.6 and 17.1 GHz Coaxial Gyroklystrons
W. Lawson, B. Hogan, M. Castle, V.L. Granatstein, M. Reiser, X. Xu (Institute for Plasma Research) |
639 |
TU4101 |
Experience at Fermilab with High Quantum Efficiency Photo-Cathodes for RF Electron Guns
A. Fry, E. Hahn, W. Hartung, M. Kuchnir (FNAL); P. Michelato, D. Sertore (INFN-Milano) |
642 |
TU4102 |
A High Charge Photoinjector for the Pulsed Radiolysis Facility - ELYSE
J.C. Bourdon, T. Garvey, J. Le Duff (LAL); M. Gaillard (Universite de Paris-Sud) |
645 |
TU4103 |
First Performance of the RFD Linac Structure
D.A. Swenson, K.R. Crandall, F.W. Guy, J.W. Lenz, W.J. Starling (Linac Systems) |
648 |
TU4104 |
The Performance of the 1.3 GHz Superconducting RF Cavities in the First Module of the TESLA Test Facility Linac
W.-D. Moeller (DESY) |
651 |
TU4106 |
Simulation of Beam Dynamics Including Space Charge in Proton Linac with Errors
D.V. Gorelov, P.N. Ostroumov (INR RAS) |
654 |
TU4107 |
Basis for Low Beam Loss in the High-Current APT Linac
T.P. Wangler, E.R. Gray, F.L. Krawczyk, S.S. Kurennoy, G.P. Lawrence, R.D. Ryne (LANL); K.R. Crandall (TECHSOURCE) |
657 |
TU4108 |
Design Simulation for Spot Size Stabilization in ITS/DARHT
T.J.T. Kwan, D.C. Moir, B.G. DeVolder, C.M. Snell, M. Kang (LANL) |
660 |
TU4109 |
Modeling Beams with Elements in Phase Space
E.M. Nelson (LANL) |
663 |