LINAC98 Papers - Thursday
Session TH1: Thursday, August 27, 1998
Session TH2: Thursday, August 27, 1998
| | Page # |
TH2001 |
RF Pulse Compression for Linear Colliders
H. Mizuno (KEK) |
737 |
TH2002 |
The Design
of an Accelerator for Advanced Pulse Radiolysis Experiments
C.D. Jonah, R.A. Crowell (ANL) |
742 |
TH2003 |
Techniques for Emittance Tuning in the SLC
P. Raimondi, R.W. Assmann, T. Barklow, J.R. Bogart, F.J. Decker, C. Field, H. Hendrickson, D.J. McCormick,
M. Minty, N. Phinney, M.C. Ross, J.L. Turner, T. Usher, M.D. Woodley, F. Zimmermann (SLAC) |
745 |
TH2004 |
Towards the
Zero Beam Diagnostics
A. Rovelli (INFN) |
748 |
TH2005 |
Space Charge Effects and Emittance Growth in Linac
Y. Chen, Z. Huang (CIAE) |
753 |
TH2006 |
A High
Charge, High Duty Factor RF Photoinjector for the Next Generation Linear Collider
E. Colby (SLAC) |
758 |
Session TH3: Thursday, August 27, 1998
| | Page # |
TH3001 (TH4010) |
Status of
the ISAC Accelerator for Radioactive Beams
R. Laxdal, R. Baartman, P. Bricault, G. Dutto, R. Poirier, P. Schmor (TRIUMF) |
786 |
TH3003 (TH4034) |
Space Charge Routine --- Limitations and Solutions
P. Lapostolle, J.M. Lagniel, S. Nath, N. Pichoff (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SEA); E. Tanke (CERN); S. Valero
845 |
TH3004 (TH4042) |
Operation of
the APS RF Gun
J.W. Lewellen, S. Biedron, A. Lumpkin, S.V. Milton, A. Nassiri, S. Pasky, G. Travish, M. White
(ANL) |
863 |
TH3005 (TH4051) |
TPS Analysis
of Heavy-element Ions from Laser-produced Plasma
L. Laska, B. Kralikova, J. Krasa, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, K. Rohlena (IP ASCR); E. Woryna,
P. Parys, J. Wolowski (IPPLM); W. Mroz (IO Mut) |
881 |
TH3006 (TH4059) |
Non-Interceptive Emittance
Measurement of a High Intensity Beam at Low Energy
R. Ferdinand, P.-Y. Beauvais, D. Bogard, R. Gobin, B. Pottin (CEA/Saclay) |
902 |
TH3007 (TH4066) |
of an S-Band Klystron at an Output Power of 200MW
S. Choroba, J. Hameister, S. Jarylkapov (DESY) |
917 |
TH3008 (TH4069) |
of the X-Band Klystron Modulator at KEK
M. Akemoto, S. Anami, H. Mizuno, S. Tokumoto (KEK); T. Majima, Y. Kobayashi (IHI) |
926 |
TH3009 (TH4097) |
Progress of
APT Superconducting Linac Engineering Development
K.C.D. Chan, B.M. Campbell, R.C. Gentzlinger (LANL); P. Balleyguier (CEA Saclay); J.A. Waynert, F. Krawczyk,
W.B. Haynes, J.P. Kelley, B. Rusnak (LANL); H. Safa (CEA Saclay) |
986 |
TH3010 (TH4104) |
of a Fast Traveling-Wave Beam Chopper for the SNS Project
S.S. Kurennoy, J.F. Power (LANL) |
1004 |
TH3011 (TH4106) |
Characterization of a Variable
Energy Deuteron RFQ System for Neutron Production
R.W. Hamm (AccSys Technology Inc.); B.R. Kala, U.A.S. Tapper, J. Guzek (Schonland Research
Centre); C.B. Franklyn (Atomic Energy Corp. of South Africa) |
1010 |
TH3012 (TH4108) |
Status of
the INFN High Current SC Proton Linac for Nuclear Waste Transmutation
C. Pagani, G. Bellomo (INFN-Milano-LASA); R. Parodi (INFN-Genova); P. Pierini
(INFN-Milano-LASA) |
1013 |
Session TH4: Thursday, August 27, 1998
| | Page # |
TH4001 |
Design and
Construction of the BPL-RFQ
D.-M. Kong, Z.-H. Luo, J.-M. Qiao, S.-H. Wang, W.-W. Xu (IHEP-Beijing) |
765 |
TH4002 |
Testing of
New 2 MeV RFQ and Perspective of 433 MHz Linac for Applied Purposes
Y.A. Svistunov, Y.V. Afanasiev, Y.N. Gavrish, A.K. Liverovsky, V.G. Mudrolubov, A.P. Strokach,
M.F. Vorogushin (EIEA) |
768 |
TH4004 |
High Power
Conditioning of the 202 MHz IH Tank 2 at the CERN Linac3
J. Broere, H. Kugler, M. Vretenar (CERN); U. Ratzinger (GSI Darmstadt); B. Krietenstein
(TU-Darmstadt) |
771 |
TH4005 |
Design of
the KOMAC H+/H- RFQ Linac
J.M. Han, Y.S. Cho, B.J. Yoon, B.H. Choi (KAERI); Y.S. Bae, I.S. Ko (Pohang Univ); B.S. Han
(SHIC) |
774 |
TH4006 |
Design and
Status of the RFQ for REX-ISOLDE
T. Sieber, D. Habs, O. Kester, A. Kolbe (LMU Muenchen); A. Schempp (IAP-Univ. of
Frankfurt) |
777 |
TH4008 |
Developments of the Folded-Coaxial RFQ for the RIKEN Heavy Ion Linac
O. Kamigaito, A. Goto, Y. Miyazawa, T. Chiba, M. Hemmi, M. Kase, S. Kohara, E. Ikezawa, T.
Nakagawa, M. Kidera, Y. Yano (RIKEN) |
780 |
TH4009 |
First Beam
Test with the ISAC RFQ
R. Laxdal, R. Baartman, P. Bricault, G. Dutto, K. Fong, K. Jayamanna, M. MacDonald, G. Mackenzie,
R. Poirier, W. Rawnsley, L. Root, P. Schmor, B. Uzat, J. Welz (TRIUMF) |
783 |
TH4010 |
Status of
the ISAC Accelerator for Radioactive Beams
R. Laxdal, R. Baartman, P. Bricault, G. Dutto, R. Poirier, P. Schmor (TRIUMF) |
786 |
TH4011 |
Operation of
the VE-RFQ Injector for the ISL Cyclotron
O. Engels, F. Hoellering, A. Schempp (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt); A. Denker, H. Homeyer, W. Pelzer
(Hahn-Meitner-Institut); J. Haeuser (NTG Neue Technologien) |
789 |
TH4012 |
Design of a
High Current RFQ Injector with High Duty Factor
H. Vormann, A. Schempp, U. Bessler (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt); A. Letchford, C.W. Planner
(RAL) |
791 |
TH4014 |
Proposal to
Use PIVAIR as a 30 GHz High-Power Generator
J. Gardelle, T. Lefevre, J.L. Rullier (CEA/Cesta); J.T. Donohue (CENBG) |
794 |
TH4015 |
First Order
Design Study of an Accelerator Beamline for the PEARL FEL
M.C. Lampel (G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc.); J.M.J. Madey (U. of Hawaii); R.J. Burke (Arcata
Systems) |
797 |
TH4016 |
First Lasing
of the JAERI FEL Driven by the Superconducting RF Linac
E.J. Minehara, M. Sugimoto, M. Sawamura, R. Nagai, N. Kikuzawa, T. Yamanouchi, N. Nishimori
800 |
TH4017 |
Performance of the JAERI Superconducting Linac for FEL
M. Sawamura, R. Nagai, N. Kikuzawa, N. Nishimori, E.J. Minehara (JAERI) |
803 |
TH4018 |
Beam Charge State Amplifier (EBQA) -- A Conceptual Evaluation (corrected)
J.C. Dooling, J.A. Nolen (ANL) |
806 |
TH4020 |
Long Range
Plan Proposal for an Extension to ISAC
R. Baartman, R. Laxdal, L. Root (TRIUMF) |
809 |
TH4021 |
Status of
the REX-ISOLDE Linac
O. Kester, D. Habs, R. Rao, K. Rudolph, T. Sieber, H. Bongers, A. Kolbe, P. Thirolf (LMU
Muenchen); R. Von Hahn, H. Podlech, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm (MPI fuer Kernphysik); A. Schempp, K.U.
Kuehnel, C. Welsch (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt); U. Ratzinger (GSI Darmstadt) and The Rex-ISOLDE
Collaboration |
812 |
TH4022 |
G.A. Westenskow, T.L. Houck (LLNL); D.E. Anderson, S. Eylon, E. Henestroza, S.M. Lidia, D.L.
Vanecek, S.S. Yu (LBNL) |
815 |
TH4023 |
with Linear Space Charge for Bunched Beams
D. Raparia, J.G. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee, W.T. Weng (BNL) |
818 |
TH4024 |
A Possible
Particle-Core Approach to Mismatched Beams in a Periodic Focusing Channel
M. Ikegami, M. Mizumoto (JAERI) |
821 |
TH4025 |
Formation by Mismatch for High Intensity Bunched Beams
K. Bongardt, M. Pabst (FZJ); A. Letchford (RAL) |
824 |
TH4026 |
Self-Consistent 3D Simulations of Longitudinal Halo in RF-Linacs
J.J. Barnard, S.M. Lund (LLNL); R.D. Ryne (LANL) |
827 |
TH4027 |
Model of Ion Emission from the Focus of an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam on a Target
G.J. Caporaso, Y.-J. Chen (LLNL) |
830 |
TH4028 |
Backstreaming Ions from an X-ray Converter Using an Inductive Cell
J. McCarrick, Y.-J. Chen, T.L. Houck, B.R. Poole (LLNL) |
833 |
TH4029 |
Analysis of
the Frequency Dependence of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Small Hole in a Coaxial
A.V. Fedotov, R.L. Gluckstern (Univ. of Maryland) |
836 |
TH4031 |
Dynamics Simulations of the LANSCE Linac
F. Merrill, L. Rybarcyk (LANL) |
839 |
TH4033 |
Nonlinear Transverse RF Field Effects on the Beam Dynamics
X. Sun, Y. Lin (Tsinghua Univ.) |
842 |
TH4034 |
Space Charge Routine --- Limitations and Solutions
P. Lapostolle, J.M. Lagniel, S. Nath, N. Pichoff (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SEA); E. Tanke (CERN); S. Valero
845 |
TH4035 |
Multi-Platform Graphic User Interface for the Particle Optics Code MARYLIE
G.H. Gillespie, B.W. Hill, M.C. Lampel, H. Martono, J.M. Moore, K.J. Ryan (G.H. Gillespie
Associates Inc.); A.J. Dragt (Univ. of Maryland) |
848 |
TH4036 |
Klystron Output Cavity Simulation
H. Tsutsui, S. Matsumoto, S. Michizono, Y.H. Chin, S. Fukuda (KEK) |
851 |
TH4038 |
Double-Gap Linear Accelerators for a Wide Mass Range
W.P. Lysenko, E.A. Wadlinger, B. Rusnak, F. Krawczyk (LANL); K. Saadatmand, Z. Wan (Eaton
Corp.) |
854 |
TH4040 |
Design of the DARHT 2nd Axis Accelerator Cell
T.L. Houck, Y.-J. Chen, C. Shang (LLNL); L.L. Reginato, S.S. Yu (LBNL) |
857 |
TH4041 |
The Perfect
Boundary Approximation Technique Facing the Big Challenge of High Precision Field
B. Krietenstein, R. Schuhmann (TU-Darmstadt); P. Thoma (CST GmbH); T. Weiland
(TU-Darmstadt) |
860 |
TH4042 |
Operation of
the APS RF Gun
J.W. Lewellen, S. Biedron, A. Lumpkin, S.V. Milton, A. Nassiri, S. Pasky, G. Travish, M. White
(ANL) |
863 |
TH4043 |
of Operating a Photocathode RF Gun Injector
X.J. Wang, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, J. Sheehan, J. Skaritka, T. Srinivasan-Rao, M.
Woodle, V. Yakimenko, L.H. Yu (BNL) |
866 |
TH4045 |
of the 1 MHz Beam Current Modulation in the LEDA Proton Source
P. Balleyguier (CEA); J. Sherman, T. Zaugg (LANL) |
869 |
TH4046 |
Photo-Cathodes for the CERN CLIC
Test Facility
E. Chevallay, J. Durand, S. Hutchins, G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner (CERN) |
872 |
TH4048 |
Operation of
the Upgraded H--Injection System of the Linac III at DESY
C.-M. Kleffner, N. Holtkamp, M. Nagl, H. Poggensee, J. Peters (DESY); A. Schempp (IAP-Univ.
Frankfurt) |
875 |
TH4049 |
Transport, Acceleration and Compression Studies in the Fermilab High-Brightness
J.-P. Carneiro, R.A. Carrigan, M.S. Champion, A. Cianchi, E.R. Colby, P.L. Colestock, H.T. Edwards,
J.D. Fuerst, W.H. Hartung, K.P. Koepke, M. Kuchnir, L.K. Spentzouris (FNAL); M.J. Fitch, A.R. Fry,
A.C. Melissinos, B.D. Taylor (Univ. of Rochester); P. Michelato, D. Sertore, C. Pagani
(INFN-Milano-LASA); J.B. Rosenzweig (UCLA) |
878 |
TH4051 |
TPS Analysis
of Heavy-Element Ions from Laser-Produced Plasma
L. Laska, B. Kralikova, J. Krasa, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, K. Rohlena (IP ASCR); E. Woryna,
P. Parys, J. Wolowski (IPPLM); W. Mroz (IO Mut) |
881 |
TH4052 |
Ion Sources
for the New High Current Injector at GSI
P. Spaedtke, H. Emig, K.D. Leible, C. Muehle, H. Reich, B.H. Wolf (GSI Darmstadt) |
884 |
TH4053 |
Enhanced H-
Ion Source Testing Capabilities at LANSCE
W.B. Ingalls, M.W. Hardy, B.A. Prichard, O.R. Sander, J.E. Stelzer, R.R. Stevens (LANL); K.N.
Leung, M.D. Williams (LBNL) |
887 |
TH4054 |
and Test Results of the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) Proton Injector on a 1.25 MeV cw
Radio Frequency Quadrupole
J.D. Sherman, G. Bolme, L. Hansborough, T. Hardek, D. Hodgkins, D. Kerstiens, E. Meyer, J.D.
Schneider, H.V. Smith Jr., M. Stettler, R. Stevens Jr., M. Thuot, T. Zaugg (LANL); A. Arvin, A.S.
Bolt, M. Richards (SRS); P. Balleyguier (CEA/Bruyeres Le Chatel); J. Kamperschroer (General
Atomics) |
890 |
TH4055 |
Operation of
a Microwave Proton Source in Pulsed Mode
T. Zaugg, C. Rose, J.D. Schneider, J. Sherman, R. Stevens Jr. (LANL) |
893 |
TH4057 |
Frankfurt H- Source for the European Spallation Source
K. Volk, A. Maaser, H. Klein (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
896 |
TH4058 |
Implementation of Improved
Interactive Image Analysis at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linac
N. Arnold, W. Berg, S. Biedron, A. Lumpkin, S. Milton, M. White, B. Yang (ANL) |
899 |
TH4059 |
Non-interceptive Emittance
Measurement of a High Intensity Beam at Low Energy
R. Ferdinand, P.-Y. Beauvais, D. Bogard, R. Gobin, B. Pottin (CEA/Saclay) |
902 |
TH4061 |
Bunch Length
and Velocity Measurement of the JHP-RFQ Beam with INR BLVD
P.N. Ostroumov, A.V. Feschenko, V.A. Gaidach, S.A. Krioukov, A.A. Menshov (INR RAS); A. Ueno
(KEK) |
905 |
TH4063 |
Roll Bar
X-ray Spot Size Measurement Technique
R.A. Richardson, T.L. Houck (LLNL) |
908 |
TH4064 |
of Nanometer Resolution C-Band Radio Frequency Beam Position Monitors in the Final Focus Test
T. Slaton, G. Mazaheri (SLAC); T. Shintake (KEK) |
911 |
TH4065 |
A High Peak
Power S-Band Switching System for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator
A.E. Grelick, N. Arnold, S. Berg, R. Fuja, Y.W. Kang, R.L. Kustom, A. Nassiri, J. Noonan, M. White
(ANL) |
914 |
TH4066 |
of an S-Band Klystron at an Output Power of 200MW
S. Choroba, J. Hameister, S. Jarylkapov (DESY) |
917 |
TH4067 |
Overview of
the APT RF Power Distribution System
M. McCarthy, T. Overett, G. Spalek, J. Tooker (General Atomics); M. Lynch, D. Rees
(LANL) |
920 |
TH4068 |
A Conceptual
Design of RF System in the NSP Superconducting Linac at JAERI
E. Chishiro (JAERI); Y. Honda (MHI); N. Ouchi (JAERI); Y. Touchi (SHI); K. Hasegawa, J. Kusano, M.
Mizumoto (JAERI) |
923 |
TH4069 |
of the X-Band Klystron Modulator at KEK
M. Akemoto, S. Anami, H. Mizuno, S. Tokumoto (KEK); T. Majima, Y. Kobayashi (IHI) |
926 |
TH4070 |
A New RF
System for the Debuncher at the KEK 40-MeV Proton Linac
Z. Igarashi, E. Takasaki, T. Takenaka, K. Nanmo (KEK) |
929 |
TH4071 |
The C-Band
50 MW Klystron Using Traveling-Wave Output Structure
Y. Ohkubo, H. Yonezawa (Toshiba Co.); T. Shintake, H. Matsumoto, N. Akasaka (KEK) |
932 |
TH4072 |
and Gain Enhancement of RF-Pulse Compressor for C-Band RF-System
M. Yoshida (Univ. of Tokyo); T. Shintake (KEK) |
935 |
TH4073 |
Results and
Lessons Learned from Conditioning 1 MW CW 350 MHz Coaxial Vacuum Windows
K. Cummings, R. Cordova, D. Rees, W. Roybal (LANL); S. Risbud (UC-Davis); D. Wilcox
(EEV) |
938 |
TH4074 |
Solid State
Power Amplifier as 805 MHz Master Source for the LANSCE Coupled-Cavity Linac
J.T.M. Lyles, J.L. Davis (LANL) |
941 |
TH4075 |
Control System Characterization
A.H. Regan (LANL); P. Balleyguier (CEA); C.D. Ziomek (ZTEC) |
944 |
TH4076 |
Distribution System Design and Component Test Results
W.T. Roybal, D.E. Rees, H.L. Borchert (LANL); M. McCarthy (General Atomics); L. Toole
(SRS) |
947 |
TH4077 |
A Thermal
Analysis and Optimization of the APT 210 kW Power Coupler
J.A. Waynert, F.C. Prenger (LANL) |
950 |
TH4081 |
Deep X-Ray
Lithography Fabrication of mmWave Cavities at the Advanced Photon Source
J.J. Song, Y.W. Kang, R.L. Kustom, A. Nassiri (ANL); G. Caryotakis, E.N. Jongewaard (SLAC); V.
White (U. of Wisconsin at Madison) |
953 |
TH4082 |
Development of
Niobium Spoke Cavities for a Superconducting Light-Ion Linac
K.W. Shepard, M. Kedzie (ANL); J.R. Delayen, C. Piller (TJNAF); A.M. Porcellato (INFN) |
956 |
TH4083 |
A Tapered
Damped Accelerating Structure for CLIC
M. Dehler, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch (CERN) |
959 |
TH4084 |
Interleaved Cavity Developments for the Muon Collider Cooling Experiment
A. Moretti (FNAL); J.N. Corlett, D. Li, W. C. Turner (LBNL); H.G. Kirk, R. B. Palmer, Y. Zhao
(BNL) |
962 |
TH4085 |
Scale Room
Temperature Model of the Superconducting RFQ1 for the PIAVE Linac
V. Andreev, G. Bisoffi, M. Comunian, A. Lombardi, A. Pisent, A.M. Porcellato (INFN-LNL); T. Shirai
(ICR-Kyoto Univ.) |
965 |
TH4086 |
Lumped Circuit Study for the Field Stabilization of a Long Four-Vanes RFQ
A. Pisent (INFN-LNL); R. Celentano (Univ. of Naples); R. Zennaro (Univ. of Ferrara) |
968 |
TH4088 |
Possibility of Multipactor Discharge in Coupling Cells of Coupled Cells Accelerating
V.V. Paramonov, S.G. Tarasov (INR RAS) |
971 |
TH4089 |
Progress on
a 27 MHz Heavy Ion RFQ
A.A. Kolomiets, V.A. Andreev, D.A. Kashinsky, S.A. Minaev, V.I. Pershin, R.M. Vengrov, V.L.
Zviagintsev, S.G. Yaramishev (ITEP); G. Parisi (IAP-Univ. of Frankfurt) |
974 |
TH4093 |
of External Coupling to a Single Cell RF Cavity
D. Li, R. Rimmer, S. Kosta (LBNL) |
977 |
TH4094 |
Design, Construction and Alignment of the ISAC RFQ Accelerator at TRIUMF
G. Stanford, P. Bricault, G. Dutto, R. Laxdal, D. Pearce, R.L. Poirier, R. Roper (TRIUMF); R.
Obidowski, W. Teskey (Univ. of Calgary) |
980 |
TH4096 |
Design of the APT Cryomodules
B.M. Campbell, M.J. Fagan, J.P. Kelley, A.D. Puckett, R. Valicenti, J.A. Waynert
(LANL) |
983 |
TH4097 |
Progress of
APT Superconducting Linac Engineering Development
K.C.D. Chan, B.M. Campbell, R.C. Gentzlinger (LANL); P. Balleyguier (CEA Saclay); J.A. Waynert, F. Krawczyk,
W.B. Haynes, J.P. Kelley, B. Rusnak (LANL); H. Safa (CEA Saclay) |
986 |
TH4098 |
Analysis of
Performance Limitations for Superconducting Cavities
J.R. Delayen, L.R. Doolittle, C.E. Reece (TJNAF) |
989 |
TH4099 |
Control Cooling System for the APT/LEDA RFQ
R. Floersch, G. Domer (AlliedSignal) |
992 |
TH4101 |
First Tests
of a Traveling-Wave Chopper for the ATLAS Positive Ion Linac
R.C. Pardo, J.M. Bogaty, B.E. Clifft (ANL) |
995 |
TH4102 |
and Measurement of the Electrostatic Beam Kicker in the Low-Energy Undulator Test Line
G.J. Waldschmidt, Y.W. Kang (ANL) |
998 |
TH4103 |
Temperature Regulation of APS Linac RF Components
R. Dortwegt, S. Pasky, M. White (ANL) |
1001 |
TH4104 |
of a Fast Traveling-Wave Beam Chopper for the SNS Project
S.S. Kurennoy, J.F. Power (LANL) |
1004 |
TH4105 |
Results of the Active Deflection of a Beam from a Kicker System
Y.J. Chen, G. Caporaso, J. Weir (LLNL) |
1007 |
TH4106 |
Characterization of a Variable
Energy Deuteron RFQ System for Neutron Production
R.W. Hamm (AccSys Technology Inc.); C.B. Franklyn (Atomic Energy Corp. of South Africa); J. Guzek,
B.R. Kala, U.A.S. Tapper, J.I.W. Watterson (Schonland Research Centre); |
1010 |
TH4108 |
Status of
the INFN High Current SC Proton Linac for Nuclear Waste Transmutation
C. Pagani, D. Barni, G. Bellomo (INFN-Milano-LASA); R. Parodi (INFN-Genova); P. Pierini
(INFN-Milano-LASA) |
1013 |
TH4109 |
Characterization of High Power CW
Klystrons and Its Application to Low Level RF Control
A.S. Rohlev, D.E. Reese (LANL) |
1016 |