Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB026 | Study of a Smith-Purcell Radiation-Based Longitudinal Profile Monitor at the CLIO Free Electron Laser | radiation, electron, laser, detector | 132 |
Funding: CNRS and ANR (contract ANR-12-JS05-0003-01) We report on measurements of Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation at the CLIO Free Electron Laser. Smith-Purcell radiation is emitted when a grating is brought close from a bunch of relativistic particles. When the bunch is sufficiently short coherent radiation is emitted. This coherent radiation encodes the longitudinal form factor of the bunch and can therefore be used as a longitudinal profile monitor. With its short pulses and high charge the 45 MeV Linac of CLIO is a good location to test advanced longitudinal profile diag- nostics. The results will be compared with measurements using the RF dephasing. induced energy dispersion. |
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TUPAB124 | Development of the Manufacturing and QA Processes for the Magnetic Modules of the LCLS-II Soft X-Ray Undulators | undulator, simulation, status, laser | 1609 |
Funding: Work supported by the Director, Office of Science, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. A new free electron laser being built at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Linear Coherent Light Source II (LCLS-II), will use 21 soft x-ray undulators (SXR) and 32 hard x-ray undulators (HGVPU). Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is responsible for the design and manufacturing of all variable-gap, hybrid permanent-magnet undulators. The physics requirements for the undulators specify a longitudinal pole misalignment maximum rms error of 25 μm and a vertical pole misalignment maximum error of 50 μm. In addition, magnet positioning critically influences the gap-dependent field properties due to saturation effects at the smallest operational gaps. This paper discusses the manufacturing and QA methods developed to carefully control the longitudinal and vertical pole and magnet positions during undulator production. Inspection results are discussed based on data gathered during construction of a prototype as well as pre-production soft x-ray undulator. |
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TUPIK003 | Electron Transport on COXINEL Beam Line | electron, laser, undulator, FEL | 1688 |
COXINEL experiment aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) amplification with a laser plasma accelerator (LPA). For COXINEL, a dedicated 8 m transport line has been designed and prepared at SOLEIL. We present here LPA beam transport results around 180 MeV through this line. Different electron beam optics were applied. | |||
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WEPAB019 | Concept for a Seeded FEL at FLASH2 | FEL, electron, laser, undulator | 2607 |
The free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH is a user facility delivering photon pulses down to 4 nm wavelength. Recently, the second FEL undulator beamline 'FLASH2' was added to the facility. Operating in self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) mode, the exponential amplification process is initiated by shot noise of the electron bunch, resulting in photon pulses of limited temporal coherence. In seeded FELs, the FEL process is initiated by coherent seed radiation, improving the longitudinal coherence of the generated photon pulses. The conceptual design of a possible seeding option for the FLASH2 beamline foresees the installation of the hardware needed for high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) seeding upstream of the already existing undulator system. In this contribution, we present the beamline design and numerical simulations of the seeded FEL. | |||
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WEPAB066 | POP Experiment for the HB-HGHG Scheme at SXFEL | electron, laser, radiation, FEL | 2727 |
Abstract High brightness, fully coherent and ultra-short free electron lasers (FEL) operating in the soft x-ray region are opening up new frontiers in many scientific fields. In this paper, we perform the design studies for the proof-of-principle experiment of the recently proposed HB-HGHG scheme at SXFEL test facility with a two-stage setup. The first stage of SXFEL is used for the generation of the coherent signal at 30th harmonic of the seed through the coherent harmonic generation process. Then this coherent signal is shifted ahead by the 'fresh bunch' chicane of SXFEL and initiates the strong coherent radiation in the radiator of the second stage of SXFEL. The output properties have been compared with the conventional EEHG and the two-stage cascaded HGHG with the same harmonic up-conversion number. | |||
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WEPAB070 | Study of ESASE Scheme with Microbunching Instability for Generating Attosecond-Terawatt X-Ray Pulse in XFELs | laser, electron, simulation, FEL | 2741 |
Recent studies show that the attosecond-terawatt X-ray pulse in XFELs can be generated by using ESASE (enhanced self-amplified spontaneous emission) scheme to obtain a sub-femtosecond spike in the electron peak current. However, ESASE scheme is not working properly when the microbunching instability is taken into account. The instability can be suppressed when the laser heater system which increases the uncorrelated energy spread of the electron beam is used in the injector. The effect of the microbunching instability on the performance of ESASE scheme will be discussed. In addition, the optimized results with the laser heater system for generating attosecond-terawatt X-ray pulse in XFELs is also presented. | |||
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WEPAB108 | Angular Trajectory Kicks in a High-Gain Free-Electron Laser | electron, FEL, radiation, laser | 2830 |
In a free-electron laser (FEL), transverse momentum offsets (or kicks) are introduced either inadvertently (through wakefields or mis-steering of the electron beam) or as part of dedicated schemes that require off-axis radiation propagation. Studying the influence of this effect on the performance of machines such as LCLS-I/II is critical both from a tolerance point of view and for its practical applications. A theoretical analysis of a high-gain FEL driven by such a kicked beam will be presented, with a critical evaluation of previous studies. | |||
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THPAB108 | Femtosecond Optical Synchronization System for the European XFEL | laser, timing, FEL, electron | 3969 |
Accurate timing synchronization on the femtosecond timescale is an essential installation for time-resolved experiments at free-electron lasers (FELs) such as FLASH and the upcoming European XFEL. Conventional RF timing systems suffer from RF attenuation for such long distances and have reached to date a limit for synchronization precision of around 100 femtoseconds. An optical synchronization system is used at FLASH and is based on the distribution of femtosecond laser pulses over actively stabilized optical fibers. The upcoming European XFEL has raised the demands due to its large number of stabilized optical fibers and a length of 3400 m. The increased lengths for the stabilized optical fibers necessitated major advancement in precision to achieve the requirement of less than 10 femtosecond precision. This paper reports on the status of the laser-based synchronization system at the European XFEL. | |||
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