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MOPMN003 |
A Bottom-up Approach to Automatically Configured Tango Control Systems. |
239 |
- S. Rubio-Manrique, D.B. Beltrán, I. Costa, D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, J.V. Gigante, J. Klora, O. Matilla, R. Ranz, J. Ribas, O. Sanchez
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
Alba maintains a central repository, so called "Cabling and Controls database" (CCDB), which keeps the inventory of equipment, cables, connections and their configuration and technical specifications. The valuable information kept in this MySQL database enables some tools to automatically create and configure Tango devices and other software components of the control systems of Accelerators, beamlines and laboratories. This paper describes the process involved in this automatic setup.
Poster MOPMN003 [0.922 MB]
MOPMU023 |
The MRF Timing System. The Complete Control Software Integration in Tango. |
483 |
- J. Moldes, D.B. Beltrán, D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, J.J. Jamroz, J. Klora, O. Matilla, R. Suñé
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
The deployment of the Timing system based on the MRF hardware has been a important part of the control system. Hundreds of elements are integrated in the scheme, which provides synchronization signals and interlocks, transmitted in the microsecond range and distributed all around the installation. It has influenced several hardware choices and has been largely improved to support interlock events. The operation of the timing system requires a complex setup of all elements. A complete solution has been developed including libraries and stand alone Graphical User Interfaces. Therefore this set of tools is of a great added value, even increased if using Tango, since most high level applications and GUIs are based on Tango Servers. A complete software solution for managing the events, and interlocks of a large installation is presented.
Poster MOPMU023 [25.650 MB]
WEPMS023 |
ALBA Timing System - A Known Architecture with Fast Interlock System Upgrade |
1024 |
- O. Matilla, D.B. Beltrán, D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, J.J. Jamroz, J. Klora, J. Moldes, R. Suñé
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
Like most of the newest synchrotron facilities the ALBA Timing System works on event based architecture. Its main particularity is that integrated with the Timing system a Fast Interlock System has been implemented which allows for an automated and synchronous reaction time from any-to-any point of the machine faster than 5μs. The list of benefits of combining both systems is large: very high flexibility, reuse of the timing actuators, direct synchronous output in different points of the machine reacting to an interlock, implementation of the Fast Interlock with very low cost increase as the timing optic fiber network is reused or the possibility of combined diagnostic tools implementation for triggers and interlocks. To enhance this last point a global timestamp of 8ns accuracy that could be used both for triggers and interlocks has been implemented. The system has been designed, installed and extensively used during the Storage Ring commissioning with very good results.
Poster WEPMS023 [0.920 MB]
WEPMS024 |
ALBA High Voltage Splitter - Power Distribution to Ion Pumps |
1028 |
- J.J. Jamroz, E. Al-dmour, D.B. Beltrán, J. Klora, R. Martin, O. Matilla, S. Rubio-Manrique
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
High Voltage Splitter (HVS) is an equipment designed in Alba that allows a high voltage (HV) distribution (up to +7kV) from one ion pump controller up to eight ion pumps. Using it, the total number of high voltage power supplies needed in Alba's vacuum installation has decreased significantly. The current drawn by each splitter channel is measured independently inside a range from 10nA up to 10mA with 5% accuracy, those measurements are a base for vacuum pressure calculations. A relation, current-pressure depends mostly on the ion pump type, so different tools providing the full calibration flexibility have been implemented. Splitter settings, status and recorded data are accessible over a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet network, none the less a local (manual) control was implemented mostly for service purposes. The device supports also additional functions as a HV cable interlock, pressure interlock output cooperating with the facility's Equipment Protection System (EPS), programmable pressure warnings/alarms and automatic calibration process based on an external current source. This paper describes the project, functionality, implementation, installation and operation as a part of the vacuum system at Alba.
Poster WEPMS024 [3.734 MB]
WEPMU005 |
Personnel Protection, Equipment Protection and Fast Interlock Systems: Three Different Technologies to Provide Protection at Three Different Levels |
1055 |
- D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, D.B. Beltrán, J. Klora, O. Matilla, J. Moldes, R. Montaño, M. Niegowski, R. Ranz, A. Rubio, S. Rubio-Manrique
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
The Personnel Safety System is based on PILZ PLCs, SIL3 compatible following the norm IEC 61508. It is independent from other subsystems and relies on a dedicated certification by PILZ first and then by TÜV. The Equipment Protection System uses B&R hardware and comprises more than 50 PLCs and more than 100 distributed I/0 modules installed inside the tunnel. The CPUs of the PLCs are interconnected by a deterministic network, supervising more than 7000 signals. Each Beamline has an independent system. The fast interlocks use the bidirectional fibers of the MRF timing system for distributing the interlocks in the microsecond range. Events are distributed by fiber optics for synchronizing more than 280 elements.
Poster WEPMU005 [32.473 MB]
The Design of the Alba Control System: A Cost-Effective Distributed Hardware and Software Architecture. |
1318 |
- D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, D.B. Beltrán, T.M. Coutinho, G. Cuní, J. Klora, O. Matilla, R. Montaño, C. Pascual-Izarra, S. Pusó, R. Ranz, A. Rubio, S. Rubio-Manrique
CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
The control system of Alba is highly distributed from both hardware and software points of view. The hardware infrastructure for the control system includes in the order of 350 racks, 20000 cables and 6200 equipments. More than 150 diskless industrial computers, distributed in the service area and 30 multicore servers in the data center, manage several thousands of process variables. The software is, of course, as distributed as the hardware. It is also a success story of the Tango Collaboration where a complete software infrastructure is available "off the shelf". In addition Tango has been productively complemented with the powerful Sardana framework, a great effort in terms of development, which nowadays, several institutes benefit from. The whole installation has been coordinated from the beginning with a complete cabling and equipment database, where all the equipment, cables, connectors are described and inventoried. The so called "cabling database" is core of the installation. The equipments and cables are defined there. The basic configurations of the hardware like MAC and IP addresses, DNS names, etc. are also gathered in this database, allowing the network communication files and declaration of variables in the PLCs to be created automatically. This paper explains the design and the architecture of the control system, describes the tools and justifies the choices made. Furthermore, it presents and analyzes the figures regarding cost and performances.
Slides FRBHMUST01 [4.616 MB]