Keyword: heavy-ion
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MOA02 Operation Status and Upgrading of Cyclotron in Lanzhou linac, experiment, operation, injection 5
  • W.Q. Yang, L.J. Mao, L.T. Sun, J.W. Xia, J.C. Yang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  IMP operates the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lan-zhou (HIRFL), which consists of the Sector Focusing Cyclotron, the Separated Sector Cyclotron, the Cooler Storage Ring, and a number of experimental terminals. The HIRFL is mainly used in fundamental research of nuclear physics, atomic physics, irradiation material and biology, and accelerator technology. This paper mainly introduces the operation status and upgrading of HIRFL. So far, HIRFL achieves all-ion acceleration from proton to uranium. In addition, in order to improve the efficiency of HIRFL, we will build two new Linac injectors for SSC and CSR, respectively.  
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About • paper received ※ 14 September 2019       paper accepted ※ 24 September 2019       issue date ※ 20 June 2020  
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FRA04 Cyclotrons Based Facilities for Single Event Effects Testing of Spacecraft Electronics radiation, electron, detector, proton 348
  • P.A. Chubunov, A.S. Bychkov
    ISDE, Moscow, Russia
  • V.S. Anashin, A.E. Koziukov
    United Rocket and Space Corporation, Institute of Space Device Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • I.V. Kalagin, S.V. Mitrofanov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  Space radiation is the main factor limiting the operation time of the onboard equipment of the spacecraft due to the radiation effects occurring in the electronic components. With a decrease in the size of semiconductor structures, the sensitivity to the effects of individual nuclear particles increases and hitting one such particle can cause an upset or even failure of a component or system as a whole. Since the phenomenon occurs due to the impact of a separate particle, these radiation effects are called Single Event Effects (SEE). To be sure that the electronic component is operational in space, ground tests are necessary. SEE tests are carried out on test facilities that allow accelerating heavy ions from C to Bi to energies from 3 to a few dozen MeV/A. Cyclotrons are best suited for this purpose. In this paper, the installations created by request of ISDE based on the cyclotrons of FLNR JINR are described.  
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About • paper received ※ 17 September 2019       paper accepted ※ 27 September 2019       issue date ※ 20 June 2020  
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FRB02 FLNR JINR Accelerator Complex for Applied Physics Researches: State-of-Art and Future radiation, cyclotron, electron, experiment 358
  • S.V. Mitrofanov, P.Yu. Apel, V. Bashevoy, V. Bekhterev, S.L. Bogomolov, J. Franko, B. Gikal, G.G. Gulbekyan, I.A. Ivanenko, I.V. Kalagin, N.Yu. Kazarinov, V. Mironov, V.A. Semin, V.A. Skuratov, A. Tikhomirov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The main activities of FLNR, following its name – are related to fundamental science, but, in parallel, plenty of efforts are paid for practical applications. Certain amount of beam time every year is spent for applied science experiments on FLNR accelerator complex. The main directions are the production of the heterogeneousμ- and nano-structured materials; testing of electronic components (avionics and space electronics) for radiation hardness; ion-implantation nanotechnology and radiation materials science. Status of all these activities, its modern trends and needs will be reported. Basing on FLNR long term experience in these fields and aiming to improve the instrumentation for users, FLNR accelerator department announce the design study for a new cyclotron, DC140, which will be dedicated machine for applied researches in FLNR. Following the users requirements DC140 should accelerate the heavy ions with mass-to-charge ratio A/Z of the range from 5 to 8 up to fixed energies 2 and 4.8 MeV per unit mass. The first outlook of DC140 parameters, its features, layout of its casemate and general overview of the new FLNR facility for applied science will be presented.  
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About • paper received ※ 15 September 2019       paper accepted ※ 25 September 2019       issue date ※ 20 June 2020  
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