Author: Salom, A.
Paper Title Page
THOAA1 Development of a DLLRF Using Commercial uTCA Platform 3631
  • A. Salom, E. Morales, F. Pérez
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The Digital LLRF of ALBA has been implemented using commercial cPCI boards with Virtex-4 FPGA, fast ADCs and fast DACs. The firmware of the FPGA is based on IQ demodulation technique and the main feed-back loops adjust the phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage and also the resonance frequency of the cavity. But the evolution of the market is moving towards uTCA technology and due to the interest of this technology by several labs, we have developed at ALBA a DLLRF using a HW platform based on uTCA commercial boards and Virtex-6 FPGA. The paper will present the development done and will compare it with respect the cPCI one.  
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THPAB134 Latest Development of the ALBA DLLRF 4034
  • A. Salom, B. Bravo, M. Broseta, E. Morales, J.R. Ocampo, F. Pérez, P. Solans
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The Digital LLRF of ALBA has been implemented using commercial cPCI boards with Virtex-4 FPGA, fast ADCs and fast DACs. The firmware of the FPGA is based on IQ demodulation technique and the main feed-back loops adjust the phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage and also the resonance frequency of the cavity. This paper summarizes the latest LLRF developments done to improve performance of the RF systems and beam stability, including feed-forward loops based on phase modulation to compensate disturbances due to RF trip, beam loading compensation and Power Unbalance Compensation Loop for RF amplifiers Combination.  
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THPAB135 Digital LLRF for MAX IV 4037
  • A. Salom, F. Pérez
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  • Å. Andersson, R. Lindvall, L. Malmgren, A.M. Milan, A.M. Mitrovic
    MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  The MAX IV facility consists of a 3 GeV Storage Ring(SR), a 1.5 GeV SR, and a linear accelerator (fed by two guns) that serves as a full-energy injector to the rings, but also as a driver for the Short Pulse Facility. The RF systems of the two SRs work at 100MHz. There are 6 normal conducting capacity loaded accelerating cavities and three Landau passive cavities in the 3GeV SR. In the 1.5GeV SR there are two accelerating cavities and two Landau cavities with the same characteristics. Each of these cavities is fed by a modular 60kW SSA. In the 3 GeV SR the power will be doubled by adding a second SSA when required. A digital Low Level RF system has been developed using commercial uTCA boards, with a Virtex-6 FPGA mother board (Perseus 601X) and two double stack FMC boards with fast ADCs and DACs. The large capabilities of state-of-the-art FPGAs allowed including the control of two normal conducing cavities and two landau cavities in one single LLRF system, reducing the development costs. Other utilities like the handling of fast interlocks and post-mortem analysis were also added to this system. This paper summarizes the main capabilities and performance of this DLLRF.  
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THPAB152 Digital Low Level RF Systems for Diamond Light Source 4089
  • P. Gu, C. Christou, P. Hamadyk, D. Spink, I.S. Uzun
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • E. Morales, F. Pérez, A. Salom
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Analogue low level RF (LLRF) systems have been used to date for both Diamond storage ring and booster RF cavities. They have been in operation for nearly ten years without a major problem. However, digital LLRF can offer new desirable functionalities such as fast data logging, 'probe blip' blockage and automation of routine tasks. Better performance is also envisaged with up to date hardware. A digital LLRF system has been developed with Alba Synchrotron as a common platform for the storage ring and booster, including superconducting and normal conducting RF cavities. The new digital LLRF is based on Virtex6 FPGA and fast ADCs and DACs. One system has been built and verified in the Diamond booster with beam. The design will be implemented for all other Diamond RF cavities.  
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THPIK078 1.5 GHz Cavity Design for the CLIC Damping Ring and as Active Third Harmonic Cavity for ALBA 4263
  • B. Bravo, J.M. Alvarez, F. Pérez, A. Salom
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  In a collaboration framework between CERN and ALBA, we are designing a normal conducting active 1.5 GHz cavity which could serve as main RF system for the Damping Ring of CLIC and as an active third harmonic cavity for the ALBA Storage Ring. The third harmonic cavity at ALBA will be used to increase the bunch length in order to improve the beam lifetime and increase the beam stability thresholds. The main advantage of an active third harmonic cavity is that optimum conditions can be reached for any beam current. This paper presents the preliminary design of this cavity: an active, normal conducting cavity tuned at 1.5 GHz based on the 500 MHz European Higher Order Mode (HOM) damped normal conducting with nose cones using ridged circular waveguides for HOM damping. Electromagnetic simulations, mechanical and thermal stress analysis will be presented together with the calculations on beam stability improvement due to the third harmonic system.  
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THPVA062 Fabrication and Tests of a RF Cavity for a Novel Compact Superconducting Cyclotron for Radioisotope Production 4585
  • D. Gavela, J. Calero, L. García-Tabarés, P. Gómez, D. López, D. Obradors-Campos, C. Oliver, J.M. Pérez Morales, I. Podadera, F. Toral
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • B. Bravo, R. Fos, J.R. Ocampo, F. Pérez, A. Salom, P. Solans
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Funding: Work partially funded by CDTI and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under project AMIT, within the subprogram CEN-20101014
The AMIT cyclotron will be a 8.5 MeV, 10 microAmp, CW, H accelerator for radioisotope production, including a superconducting, weak focusing, 4 T magnet, allowing for a low extraction radius and a compact design. The cavity is a 60 MHz, quarter wave resonator powered by a modular 8 kW solid state amplifier. The design of the cavity dealed with challenging requirements: high electric fields required by a high voltage (60 kV) on a small gap, a small aperture of the magnet leading to high capacitances and thermal losses and a requirement for a low overall size of the cavity. The fabrication process included high precision machining, soft soldering, laser welding and careful metrologies, which are described together with other technical and practical aspects. The low power tests showed a good agreement with the simulations. The conditioning of the cavity was performed with a 1.1 T magnetic field applied on the central region. It was successfully finished regarding to maximum voltage reached, power losses and temperatures. The cavity was also tested at high power with a constant hydrogen flow injected in the central region (as expected in the cyclotron) with success.
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