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TUP003 A Modular Control System Based on ACS for Present and Future ANKA Insertion Devices controls, undulator, insertion-device, power-supply 82
  • K. Cerff, M. Hagelstein, W. Mexner, T. Spangenberg
    FZK, Karlsruhe
  At the 2.5 GeV synchrotron facility ANKA, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, the Insertion Device group pioneered the development of superconductive undulators and was the first worldwide to test them with beam. The actual control system for this SCU14 prototype is based on industrial standard software and was up to now not embedded to the communication layer of ANKA Control System (ACS) and not to the ANKA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control system, PVSSII. The paper describes the implementation of a modular control system structure, based on object oriented (OO) technologies, including all the devices of existent and future ANKA-IDs. As a second topic the hardware solution, based on Cosylabs MIOC, to interface undulator motion control of gaps and scrapers, main power supply, corrector power supplies, temperature control and Interlocks is described. The integration of the housekeeping functions, cooling, vacuum control and Interlocks to PVSSII and their communication with ACS are discussed.  
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WEP004 Permanent Magnet Insertion Device Control Systems on Diamond controls, insertion-device, electron, undulator 174
  • A. J. Rose, A. I. Bell, M. T. Heron, S. C. Lay
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  Diamond Light Source has designed and constructed 12 permanent magnet insertion devices over the past 5 years. These are ten In-vacuum Undulators and two Ex-vacuum Apple II Undulators. For all of these a common control system has been used. This uses a VME based motor controller, and a separate PLC subsystem for protection. The VME system runs EPICS to integrate in with overall control system. Two new designs of insertion device and are currently in progress, which will require variants of this control system. The design for these control systems, issues experienced and operational performance will be presented.  
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WEP018 Evaluation and Improvement of PoE-based Temperature Measurement Module insertion-device, feedback 207
  • T. Masuda, T. Kudo, T. Ohata, R. T. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • T. Fukui
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  We developed the PoE-based small-size temperature measurement module*. It consists of a CPU card operated by Linux 2.6 kernel and an RTD card equipped with four-channel inputs of 3-wired Pt100 RTD sensors. We have installed the modules into the machine tunnel of the SCSS (SPring-8 Compact SASE Source) prototype accelerator to measure the air temperatures. The measurement seems to be affected by RF nose because the noise level becomes higher when the machine operations start. We have, therefore, redesigned an RTD card to improve noise immunity to realize precise measurement even under the RF noise. The modifications are as follows; using 4-wired Pt100 sensors with shielded twisted cables, and bringing out the analog ground of the RTD card onto an external connector. In addition, we have increased the number of input channels of the RTD card up to 24. The new module can be also driven with PoE. We have successfully improved the noise immunity and showed the good results of about 0.01°C accuracy during the accelerator operations. Because of its compactness and PoE capability, we will apply the new modules to measure temperatures of insertion device magnets at Japanese XFEL.


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