Author: Weissman, L.
Paper Title Page
HMI Redesign of SARAF MCS  
  • I.G. Gertz, I. Eliyahu, I. Mardor, A. Perry, E. Reinfeld, L. Weissman
    Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
  The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) is a 5-40 MeV, 0.04-2 mA proton/deuteron RF superconducting linear accelerator, which is under commissioning at Soreq NRC. SARAF will be a multi-user facility, whose main activities will be neutron physics and applications, radio-pharmaceuticals development and production, and basic nuclear physics research. The SARAF Control System is based mainly on National Instruments and hardware and software. Since the system has been recently commissioned and integrated, the applications are designed as stand-alone VI's with full system expert authorization, except for the LLRF application, which is designed in expert/operator architecture. This paper presents an overview of the SARAF HMI redesign concepts and future implementation.  
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MOPMS006 SARAF Beam Lines Control Systems Design 329
  • E. Reinfeld, I. Eliyahu, I.G. Gertz, A. Grin, A. Kreisler, A. Perry, L. Weissman
    Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
  The first beam lines addition to the SARAF facility was completed in phase I and introduced new hardware to be controlled. This article will describe the beam lines vacuum, magnets and diagnostics control systems and the design methodology used to achieve a reliable and reusable control system. The vacuum control systems of the accelerator and beam lines have been integrated into one vacuum control system which controls all the vacuum control hardware for both the accelerator and beam lines. The new system fixes legacy issues and is designed for modularity and simple configuration. Several types of magnetic lenses have been introduced to the new beam line to control the beam direction and optimally focus it on the target. The control system was designed to be modular so that magnets can be quickly and simply inserted or removed. The diagnostics systems control the diagnostics devices used in the beam lines including data acquisition and measurement. Some of the older control systems were improved and redesigned using modern control hardware and software. The above systems were successfully integrated in the accelerator and are used during beam activation.  
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MOPMS008 Control of the SARAF High Intensity CW Protron Beam Target Systems 336
  • I. Eliyahu, D. Berkovits, M. Bisyakoev, I.G. Gertz, S. Halfon, N. Hazenshprung, D. Kijel, E. Reinfeld, I. Silverman, L. Weissman
    Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
  The first beam line addition to the SARAF facility was completed in phase I. two experiments are planned in this new beam line, the Liquid Lithium target and the Foils target. For those we are currently building hardware and software for their control systems. The Liquid Lithium target is planned to be a powerful neutron source for the accelerator, based on the proton beam of the SARAF phase I. The concept of this target is based on a liquid lithium that spins and produces neutron by the reaction Li7(p,n)Be7. This target was successfully tested in the laboratory and is intended to be integrated into the accelerator beam line and the control system this year. The Foils Target is planned for a radiation experiment designed to examine the problem of radiation damage to metallic foils. To accomplish this we have built a radiation system that enables us to test the foils. The control system includes varied diagnostic elements, vacuum, motor control, temp etc, for the two targets mentioned above. These systems were built to be modular, so that in the future new targets can be quickly and simply inserted. This article will describe the different control systems for the two targets as well as the design methodology used to achieve a reliable and reusable control on those targets.  
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