Author: Vasquez, J.A.     [Vásquez, J.A.]
Paper Title Page
MOPKN012 Hyperarchiver: An Epics Archiver Prototype Based on Hypertable 114
  • M.G. Giacchini, A. Andrighetto, G. Bassato, L.G. Giovannini, M. Montis, G.P. Prete, J.A. Vásquez
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • J. Jugo
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • K.-U. Kasemir
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • R. Lange
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • R. Petkus
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • M. del Campo
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  This work started in the context of NSLS2 project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The NSLS2 control system foresees a very high number of PV variables and has strict requirements in terms of archiving/retrieving rate: our goal was to store 10K PV/sec and retrieve 4K PV/sec for a group of 4 signals. The HyperArchiver is an EPICS Archiver implementation engined by Hypertable, an open source database whose internal architecture is derived from Google's Big Table. We discuss the performance of HyperArchiver and present the results of some comparative tests.
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MOPMS035 A Beam Profiler and Emittance Meter for the SPES Project at INFN-LNL 412
  • G. Bassato, A. Andrighetto, N. Conforto, M.G. Giacchini, J.A. Montano, M. Poggi, J.A. Vásquez
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  The beam diagnostics system currently in use at LNL in the superconducting Linac has been upgraded for the SPES project. The control software has been rewritten using EPICS tools and a new emittance meter has been developed. The beam detector is based on wire grids, the IOC is implemented in a VME system running under Vxworks and the graphic interface is based on CSS. The system is now in operation in the SPES Target Laboratory for the characterization of beams produced by the new ion source.  
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WEPMU017 Safety Control System and its Interface to EPICS for the Off-Line Front-End of the SPES Project 1093
  • J.A. Vásquez, A. Andrighetto, G. Bassato, L. Costa, M.G. Giacchini
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • M. Bertocco
    UNIPD, Padova (PD), Italy
  The SPES off-line front-end apparatus involves a number of subsystems and procedures that are potentially dangerous both for human operators and for the equipments. The high voltage power supply, the ion source complex power supplies, the target chamber handling systems and the laser source are some example of these subsystems. For that reason, a safety control system has been developed. It is based on Schneider Electrics Preventa family safety modules that control the power supply of critical subsystems in combination with safety detectors that monitor critical variables. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), model BMXP342020 from the Schneider Electrics Modicon M340 family, is used for monitoring the status of the system as well as controlling the sequence of some operations in automatic way. A touch screen, model XBTGT5330 from the Schneider Electrics Magelis family, is used as Human Machine Interface (HMI) and communicates with the PLC using MODBUS-TCP. Additionally, an interface to the EPICS control network was developed using a home-made MODBUS-TCP EPICS driver in order to integrate it to the control system of the Front End as well as present the status of the system to the users on the main control panel.  
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