Author: Ha, K.
Paper Title Page
MOPKS004 NSLS-II Beam Diagnostics Control System 168
  • Y. Hu, L.R. Dalesio, K. Ha, O. Singh, H. Xu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  A correct measurement of NSLS-II beam parameters (beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc.) depends on the effective combinations of beam monitors, control and data acquisition system and high level physics applications. This paper will present EPICS-based control system for NSLS-II diagnostics and give detailed descriptions of diagnostics controls interfaces including classifications of diagnostics, proposed electronics and EPICS IOC platforms, and interfaces to other subsystems. Device counts in diagnostics subsystems will also be briefly described.  
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MOPKS015 Diagnostics Control Requirements and Applications at NSLS-II 192
  • Y. Hu, L.R. Dalesio, K. Ha, O. Singh
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  To measure various beam parameters such as beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc., a variety of diagnostic monitors will be deployed at NSLS-II. The Diagnostics Group and the Controls Group are working together on control requirements for the beam monitors. The requirements are originated from and determined by accelerator physics. An attempt of analyzing and translating physics needs into control requirements is made. The basic functionalities and applications of diagnostics controls are also presented.  
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WEPKN014 NSLS-II Filling Pattern Measurement 735
  • Y. Hu, L.R. Dalesio, K. Ha, I. Pinayev
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Multi-bunch injection will be deployed at NSLS-II. High bandwidth diagnostic monitors with high-speed digitizers are used to measure bunch-by-bunch charge variation. The requirements of filling pattern measurement and layout of beam monitors are described. The evaluation results of commercial fast digitizer Agilent Acqiris and high bandwidth detector Bergoz FCT are presented.  
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WEPMN024 NSLS-II Beam Position Monitor Embedded Processor and Control System 932
  • K. Ha, L.R. Dalesio, J.H. De Long, J. Mead, Y. Tian, K. Vetter
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by DOE contract No: DE-AC02-98CH10886
NSLS-II is a 3 Gev 3rd generation light source that is currently under construction. A sub-micron Digital Beam Position Monitor (DBPM) system which is hardware electronics and embedded software processor and EPICS IOC has been successfully developed and tested in the ALS storage ring and BNL Lab.