Paper | Title | Page |
WEAAULT02 | Model Oriented Application Generation for Industrial Control Systems | 610 |
The CERN Unified Industrial Control Systems framework (UNICOS) is a software generation methodology that standardizes the design of slow process control applications [1]. A Software Factory, named the UNICOS Application Builder (UAB) [2], was introduced to provide a stable metamodel, a set of platform-independent models and platform-specific configurations against which code and configuration generation plugins can be written. Such plugins currently target PLC programming environments (Schneider UNITY and SIEMENS Step7 PLCs) as well as SIEMENS WinCC Open Architecture SCADA (previously known as ETM PVSS) but are being expanded to cover more and more aspects of process control systems. We present what constitutes the UAB metamodel and the models in use, how these models can be used to capture knowledge about industrial control systems and how this knowledge can be leveraged to generate both code and configuration for a variety of target usages.
[1] H. Milcent et al, "UNICOS: AN OPEN FRAMEWORK", ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, (THD003) [2] M. Dutour, "Software factory techniques applied to Process Control at CERN", ICALEPCS 2007, Knoxville Tennessee, USA |
Slides WEAAULT02 [1.757 MB] | ||
WEBHAUST02 | Optimizing Infrastructure for Software Testing Using Virtualization | 622 |
Virtualization technology and cloud computing have a brought a paradigm shift in the way we utilize, deploy and manage computer resources. They allow fast deployment of multiple operating system as containers on physical machines which can be either discarded after use or snapshot for later re-deployment. At CERN, we have been using virtualization/cloud computing to quickly setup virtual machines for our developers with pre-configured software to enable them test/deploy a new version of a software patch for a given application. We also have been using the infrastructure to do security analysis of control systems as virtualization provides a degree of isolation where control systems such as SCADA systems could be evaluated for simulated network attacks. This paper reports both on the techniques that have been used for security analysis involving network configuration/isolation to prevent interference of other systems on the network. This paper also provides an overview of the technologies used to deploy such an infrastructure based on VMWare and OpenNebula cloud management platform. | ||
Slides WEBHAUST02 [2.899 MB] | ||
WEPKS001 | Agile Development and Dependency Management for Industrial Control Systems | 767 |
The production and exploitation of industrial control systems differ substantially from traditional information systems; this is in part due to constraints on the availability and change life-cycle of production systems, as well as their reliance on proprietary protocols and software packages with little support for open development standards [1]. The application of agile software development methods therefore represents a challenge which requires the adoption of existing change and build management tools and approaches that can help bridging the gap and reap the benefits of managed development when dealing with industrial control systems. This paper will consider how agile development tools such as Apache Maven for build management, Hudson for continuous integration or Sonatype Nexus for the operation of "definite media libraries" were leveraged to manage the development life-cyle of the CERN UAB framework [2], as well as other crucial building blocks of the CERN accelerator infrastructure, such as the CERN Common Middleware or the FESA project.
[1] H. Milcent et al, "UNICOS: AN OPEN FRAMEWORK", THD003, ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan [2] M. Dutour, "Software factory techniques applied to Process Control at CERN", ICALEPCS 2007, Knoxville Tennessee, USA |
Slides WEPKS001 [10.592 MB] | ||
Poster WEPKS001 [1.032 MB] | ||
WEPKS026 | A C/C++ Build System Based on Maven for the LHC Controls System | 848 |
The CERN accelerator controls system, mainly written in Java and C/C++, consists nowadays of 50 projects and 150 active developers. The controls group has decided to unify the development process and standards (e.g. project layout) using Apache Maven and Sonatype Nexus. Maven is the de-facto build tool for Java, it deals with versioning and dependency management, whereas Nexus is a repository manager. C/C++ developers were struggling to keep their dependencies on other CERN projects, as no versioning was applied, the libraries have to be compiled and available for several platforms and architectures, and finally there was no dependency management mechanism. This results in very complex Makefiles which were difficult to maintain. Even if Maven is primarily designed for Java, a plugin (Maven NAR [1]) adapts the build process for native programming languages for different operating systems and platforms. However C/C++ developers were not keen to abandon their current Makefiles. Hence our approach was to combine the best of the two worlds: NAR/Nexus and Makefiles. Maven NAR manages the dependencies, the versioning and creates a file with the linker and compiler options to include the dependencies. The Makefiles carry the build process to generate the binaries. Finally the resulting artifacts (binaries, header files, metadata) are versioned and stored in a central Nexus repository. Early experiments were conducted in the scope of the controls group's Testbed. Some existing projects have been successfully converted to this solution and some starting projects use this implementation.
[1] |
Poster WEPKS026 [0.518 MB] | ||
WEPMU029 | Assessment And Testing of Industrial Devices Robustness Against Cyber Security Attacks | 1130 |
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research),like any organization, needs to achieve the conflicting objectives of connecting its operational network to Internet while at the same time keeping its industrial control systems secure from external and internal cyber attacks. With this in mind, the ISA-99 [1] international cyber security standard has been adopted at CERN as a reference model to define a set of guidelines and security robustness criteria applicable to any network device. Devices robustness represents a key link in the defense-in-depth concept as some attacks will inevitably penetrate security boundaries and thus require further protection measures. When assessing the cyber security robustness of devices we have singled out control system-relevant attack patterns derived from the well-known CAPEC [2] classification. Once a vulnerability is identified, it needs to be documented, prioritized and reproduced at will in a dedicated test environment for debugging purposes. CERN - in collaboration with SIEMENS has designed and implemented a dedicated working environment, the Test-bench for Robustness of Industrial Equipments [3] (“TRoIE”). Such tests attempt to detect possible anomalies by exploiting corrupt communication channels and manipulating the normal behavior of the communication protocols, in the same way as a cyber attacker would proceed. This document provides an inventory of security guidelines [4] relevant to the CERN industrial environment and describes how we have automated the collection and classification of identified vulnerabilities into a test-bench.
[1] [2] [3] F. Tilaro, "Test-bench for Robustness…", CERN, 2009 [4] B. Copy, F. Tilaro, "Standards based measurable security for embedded devices", ICALEPCS 2009 |
Poster WEPMU029 [3.152 MB] | ||