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TPPA06 EPICS-Based Control System for Beam Diagnostics of J-PARC LINAC controls, linac, diagnostics, beam-losses 96
  • Y. Kato, H. Sako, G. B. Shen
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
  • S. Sato
    JAEA/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  A commercial measurement instrumentation (WE7000) is used at J-PARC LINAC, to measure beam current from SCT (Slow Current Transformer), beam energy from FCT (Fast Current Transformer), beam position from BPM (Beam Position Monitor), beam size from WSM (Wire Scanner Monitor), or beam loss from BLM (Beam Loss Monitor). The WE7000 is a module-type measurement station, and supports network-based data transmission and communication. A control system has been developed under EPICS framework for the beam diagnostic system to control all WE stations. A waveform signal from a SCT, a FCT, a BPM, a WSM, or a BLM is digitized in a WE7000 station and sent to an EPICS IOC. All signal voltages are calculated inside IOC from a raw digital count. Some physical variables are calculated from the signal voltages including beam current, beam position, and beam phase and beam energy. An EPCIS device driver was reutilized for the data acquisition. The GUI applications for data displays have been developed by using EPICS extensions tools. The current status is reported in this paper about the beam diagnostic system control.  
TPPB07 First Steps Towards the New Spiral2 Project Control System controls, ion, linac, heavy-ion 175
  • S. A. Avner, P. G. Graehling, J. H. Hosselet, C. M. Maazouzi, C. O. Olivetto
    IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2
  • D. Bogard, F. Gougnaud, J.-F. Gournay, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei
    CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • S. C. Cuzon, D. T. Touchard, E. Lecorche
    GANIL, Caen
  The Spiral2 project at Ganil aims to produce rare ion beams using a uranium carbide target fission process. The accelerator consists of an RFQ followed by a superconducting cavity linac and is designed to provide high-intensity primary beams (deuterons, protons, or heavy ions). The accelerator should be commissioned by the end of 2011, and the first exotic beams are planned for one year later. The control system will be a result of collaboration between several institutes, among which is the Saclay Dapnia division, which has good experience and knowledge with EPICS. Because of its widely used functionalities, EPICS has been chosen as the basic framework for the accelerator control, and people from the other laboratories belonging to the collaboration are progressively acquiring their first experiences with it. The paper first explains the organization of the collaboration, then it describes the basic hardware and software choices for the project. Some preliminary implementations are therefore given. As the project is still in its beginning phase, the paper ends by listing some questions not yet resolved for the control system definition and remaining open to discussion.  
TPPB35 The Control System for the TITAN Experiment at ISAC controls, ion, extraction, emittance 238
  • T. Howland, H. Hui, R. Keitel, K. Langton, M. LeRoss, R. B. Nussbaumer, K. Pelzer, J. E. Richards, W. Roberts, E. Tikhomolov, D. Dale
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  The TITAN experiment at the ISAC radioactive beam facility consists of an RF cooler system, a Magnetic Penning Trap (MPET), and an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT). These three systems may run together or independently. This paper describes the EPICS-based TITAN control system, which was modeled after the ISAC control system to facilitate integration. Both software and hardware configurations will be described, with emphasis on pulsed diagnostics and the pulse distribution system for synchronizing the traps in different operation modes.  
WPPA17 Spectra Acquisition System for the LNL ECR Ion Source controls, dipole, ion, linac 350
  • A. Galatà, E. Sattin, S. Canella
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova
  Since beginning 2006 the LNL ECR ion source on a 350-kV high-voltage platform must to supply reliable and stable beams for the operation of a linear accelerators complex: the superconducting PIAVE injector and the superconducting linear accelerator ALPI. At the end of 2006 a new spectra acquisition system was put into operation for the ECRIS setup and beam periodic checks. The previously used spectra acquisition system was running only on a local scope on the high-voltage platform while the new system was required to work both on the local and on the remote control computer in the console room. To achieve this goal a set of new devices had to be integrated in the standard remote control system. New software modules had also to be developed and integrated in the existent and working control system. An important goal of this upgrade was to assembly a tool that may be easily installed, used and maintained on different computer platforms (Linux and Windows PCs) and that may cope with future changes in the hardware devices to be used for spectra acquisition. Here a survey of this new facility is given.  
WPPA25 Remote Monitoring System for Current Transformers and Beam Position Monitors of PEFP proton, diagnostics, controls, monitoring 368
  • Y.-S. Cho, H. S. Kim, H.-J. Kwon, Y.-G. Song, I.-S. Hong
    KAERI, Daejon
  • J. W. Lee
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk
  PEFP(Proton Engineering Frontier Project) in Korean proton linear accelerator program has a diagnostic system with current transformers and beam position monitors. Prototype of current transformer(CT) and beam position monitor(BPPM) were made and tested successfully in tools of the beam diagnostic systems. We are preparing to monitor remotely signals from the diagnostic system. Remote monitoring system is based on VME system with EPICS environments. For fast digitizing the analog signals VME ADC Input Output Board (VTR812/10) are used to meet the various needs of beam diagnosis device. EPICS channel access and drivers have been programmed in VME CPU to operate the Input output controller(IOC) and interface operators. Operator console and data storage have been implemented with EDM and channel archiver as well.  
WPPA35 The SNS Front End Control System Upgrade controls, SNS, vacuum, power-supply 389
  • X. Geng, T. A. Justice, J. Y. Tang, D. C. Williams, W. R. DeVan
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  The Spallation Neutron Source Front End (FE) is comprised of a 35-70 mA volume H-source, a multi-element electrostatic LEBT including chopping and steering, a 402.5MHz RFQ with low output emittance, and a 2.5MeV MEBT that also includes chopping. The original control system was designed and built by LBNL during 2000-2002 and commissioned at SNS in 2003. The FE control system design occurred early in the project and preceded finalization of SNS control system standards. The system was implemented based on Allen-Bradley VMEBus Remote I/O Scanners and PLC5s with Flex I/O interfaced via Remote I/O communication. The FE control system is now being upgraded to comply with the SNS standard PLC implementation and to improve reliability and maintainability. Details on the upgrade will be presented in this paper.