Author: Liao, C.Y.
Paper Title Page
MOPPR051 TLS Transportline BPM Upgrade 897
  • P.C. Chiu, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  There are seven stripline beam position monitor (BPM) installed in TLS booster to storage ring transport line. In order to provide the BPM system with better performance and functionalities, the latest generation BPM electronics Libera SinglePass had been adopted in TLS transport line for these stripline BPM. One unit had been tested in early 2011 and delivered the reliable and satisfactory results therefore extra six units had been purchased later. Currently, all of the new 7 units have replaced the past BPM electronics. The application had also been continuously developed. On the other hand, it is expected that the upgrade could enhance diagnostic functionalities for the related injection study. In this report, the injection stability and efficiency had been investigated.  
WEPPD046 Design of Machine Protection System for the Taiwan Photon Source 2618
  • C.Y. Liao, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is being constructed at the campus of the NSRRC (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center). In order to prevent damage to accelerator components induced by various events, design of the global machine protection system (MPS) is on-going. The MPS collect interlock and beam dump request from various system, perform decision, transmit dump beam request to RF system. The PLC based system will be used as a slow MPS which can delivery less than 8 msec reaction time. The fast MPS will dependent on event based timing system to deliver response time less than 5 μsec. Trigger signal for post-mortem will also be distributed by the fast MPS. To ensure alive of the system, several self-diagnostics mechanisms include heartbeat and transient capture will be implemented. The MPS architecture, plans and implementation were presented in this report.  
WEPPD047 Sequencer Design of Timing System for the Taiwan Photon Source 2621
  • C.Y. Wu, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Liao
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The timing system of the Taiwan Photon Source is used to distribute trigger signals and synchronously clocks to all the equipment of the machine which need them. The timing system basically works by sending event codes from one event generator (EVG) through tree structured, bidirectional optical fiber network to many event receivers. To accommodate various operation and injection scenarios of the TPS storage ring and booster synchrotron and LINAC, timing sequencer design and control is crucial. The sequencer (event code) is stored at sequence RAM of the EVG module. In order to manage sequence RAM of EVG, the timing sequence control is considered to use Matlab scripts embedded in the timing master EPICS IOC. The timing sequencer design will be summarized in this paper.  
THPPR010 Integrate EPICS System with the TLS Control System 3984
  • Y.-S. Cheng, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The TLS (Taiwan Light Source) is a third generation of synchrotron light source, and it has been operated since 1993. The TLS control system was developed and implemented by ourselves. The control system of our new project (TPS, Taiwan Photon Source) is developed and based upon the EPICS framework. To earn more experiences on the EPICS usage, some of the TLS newly installed subsystem run EPICS directly. For example, BPM system, bunch-by-bunch feedback system, remote oscilloscope waveform access and so on adapt the EPICS interface to control and monitor. The EDM and Matlab (with LabCA) toolkits are used as EPICS graphical user interface, and it is also operated at the TLS control consoles environment normally. The archive system transaction between the TLS control system format and EPICS PVs (Process Variables) has been implemented for user access with the existing archive viewer. The efforts will be described at this report.  
THPPR011 Insertion Device Controls Plan of the Taiwan Photon Source 3987
  • C.Y. Wu, J. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K.T. Hsu, S.Y. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  Insertion device (ID) is a crucial component in third-generation synchrotron light sources, which can produces highly-brilliant, forward-directed and quasi-monochromatic radiation over a broad energy range for various experiments. In the phase I of the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) project, ten insertion devices (IDs) will be planned, constructed, and installed for the first seven beamlines. The control system for all the IDs is based on the EPICS architecture. The main control components include the motor with encoder for gap adjustment, trim coil power supply for corrector magnets, temperature sensor for ID environmental monitoring and baking (only for In-Vacuum Undulator), and interlock system (limit switches, tilt sensor) for safety. The progress of the controls plan will be summarized in this report.